As it is used in England, its home, and worldwide apart from a couple of places.
What couple of places? English is a pluricentric (or polycentric) language (like French, Spanish, German,Chinese... sort of Arabic) with more than one standard version and speakers of one standard do not necessarily accept others.
There's an emerging 'international English' but it's kind of impoverished (and dreadfully boring to listen to for native speakers) but it's a better single option than something mostly centered in one country.
Poles aren't always that good at distinguishing specific accents in Polish.
I've noticed that.... I remember a friend being convinced that a person on tv was from a particular place just because he ended almost every sentence with ...nie? which is not regional at all...
I remember a meeting years ago and the question of why Czechs understand Polish (in general terms) better than Poles understand Czech...
One Czech person said "Because we're used to hearing Slovak" which was I think only part of the answer. Czechs have big differences between formal and informal forms and regional dialects are still a thing there. So Czechs grow up being more attuned to differences than do Poles who grow up hearing Standard Polish almost exclusively.