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Niewiara - meaning

GoldenSummer  2 | 2
6 Oct 2022   #1
When using "niewiara" in a non-religious sense, i. e. as "infidelity", does it necessarily mean "sexual unfaithfulness" or can it also mean the breach of some moral obligation in a friendship?

Thank you very much in advance for your answers!
Drugie kino
6 Oct 2022   #2
For "sexual unfaithfulness" the word is 'niewierność' od 'zdrada'.
Paulina  19 | 4458
6 Oct 2022   #3
does it necessarily mean "sexual unfaithfulness" or can it also mean the breach of some moral obligation in a friendship?

It means neither. This is the meaning of "niewiara":

1. not believing in religious dogmas
2. lack of faith in something, lack of trust towards someone, something

Home / Language / Niewiara - meaning

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