Like any other certified psycho, you are not guilty, no matter how many witnesses are testifying against you.
Are you retarded? My comments are here in this thread for everyone to see and everyone can see that you're talking out of your ass lol Get a life, old man.
Like proper ghoul you disturbed my daughter in her eternal rest
No, I didn't disturb your daughter in her eternal rest, but I disturbed
you in your disturbing of the eternal rest of two daughters of other men as you mocked and offended those young women and I will remind you about this every time you're to going to lie about this. Get lost, lying psycho.
I used personally
The world doesn't revolve around you, the most "important" nobody. We were discussing what Poles are saying in Poland and not what one Polish American is saying in the US.
cała nasza literatura jest do dupy gdyż według twojego rozumowania
olbrzymia część słów powszechnie używanych w codziennej mowie jest bezwartościowym anachronizmem..
And here's another example of you twisting someone else's words. Pawian didn't write or suggest in any way anywhere that the whole of Polish literature "sucks" or that "do siego" is "useless". He simply stated that it isn't used in spoken language in Poland anymore. There's something seriously wrong with you. 🤨