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New Years wishes in Polish?

Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
2 Jan 2025   #31
@Przelotnyptak1, I didn't claim in any of my comments that I've never heard of "do siego"

Like any other certified psycho, you are not guilty, no matter how many witnesses are testifying against you. You don't, don't not, not, you never, never. Not you :::))))

Like proper ghoul you disturbed my daughter in her eternal rest, now you find it convenient to disturb my wife. Class is so foreign to you as the dark side of the moon
Yeah, yeah I know you did not do it, you pure innocent baby.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
2 Jan 2025   #32
So, don`t grumble that Do siego roku isn`t used in everyday communication except ads and commercials.

I used personally, and enjoyed in the written form many, many times.

but doesn`t reflect the Polish language of 21st century

So Pawian, czy używaliśmy pismo klinowe in 19th century czy też w chwili obecnej.Sh*t. cała nasza literatura jest do dupy gdyż według twojego rozumowania
olbrzymia część słów powszechnie używanych w codziennej mowie jest bezwartościowym anachronizmem..Oszczędź sobie wykrętów,głupie to i nieprzekonujące.
Paulina  19 | 4451
2 Jan 2025   #33
Like any other certified psycho, you are not guilty, no matter how many witnesses are testifying against you.

Are you retarded? My comments are here in this thread for everyone to see and everyone can see that you're talking out of your ass lol Get a life, old man.

Like proper ghoul you disturbed my daughter in her eternal rest

No, I didn't disturb your daughter in her eternal rest, but I disturbed you in your disturbing of the eternal rest of two daughters of other men as you mocked and offended those young women and I will remind you about this every time you're to going to lie about this. Get lost, lying psycho.

I used personally

The world doesn't revolve around you, the most "important" nobody. We were discussing what Poles are saying in Poland and not what one Polish American is saying in the US.

cała nasza literatura jest do dupy gdyż według twojego rozumowania
olbrzymia część słów powszechnie używanych w codziennej mowie jest bezwartościowym anachronizmem..

And here's another example of you twisting someone else's words. Pawian didn't write or suggest in any way anywhere that the whole of Polish literature "sucks" or that "do siego" is "useless". He simply stated that it isn't used in spoken language in Poland anymore. There's something seriously wrong with you. 🤨
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2025   #34
cała nasza literatura jest do dupy

Who said it and where?? :):):)

olbrzymia część słów jest bezwartościowym anachronizmem

Who said it and where???? :):):)


Who used them and where??? :):):)
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
2 Jan 2025   #35
Who used them and where??? :):):)

Pawian, almost every one of your posts is an invitation to a fight instead of a source of information. The most recent example is an innocent form of expressing wishes and greetings for upcoming New Year's days.(Do siego roku) There is nothing contrary or controversial about it, just because you or anybody is not using it or knowing does not
determines its place of importance in everyday vocabulary unless you are deluding yourself that you are Alfa and Omega.As far as I am concerned dosiego is cute
and original compared with Do nastepnego Roku,but that is just me.
pawian  226 | 27364
2 Jan 2025   #36
an invitation to a fight

What a surprise!!! I have always thought so about your contribution, too!!!!!! :):):)
It is so amasing we share the same opinion on each other. :):):):)
Are you sure you aren`t my twin brother who got lost when our family were escaping through swamps and primordial forests before the dogs of communist services????

As far as I am concerned dosiego is cute
and original

Of course. In contemporary Poland, still used in ads, commercials, memes and cards. Not in spoken language, though.

compared with Do nastepnego Roku,

????? That`s something new to me. :):):)
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
2 Jan 2025   #37
????? That`s something new to me. :):):)

When comprehending Polish, you are a baby lost in the forest.

What a surprise!!! I have always thought so about your contribution, too!!:

Not really; I deal in facts; you are counting on the Pinocchio nose.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 508
2 Jan 2025   #38
Not in spoken language, though.

The disagreement was not about spoken language but rather on the existence of the very word. You see, some are not aware of the word's existence, which leads to the conclusion that words/phrases do not exist. But that from Alfa and Omega
Paulina  19 | 4451
2 Jan 2025   #39
@Przelotnyptak1, no, there was no disagreement about the existence of this word. Noone claimed that it doesn't exist. Stop making stuff up. The whole discussion started with mafketis asking why noone is using the expression "Do siego roku!" anymore:

Why does it seem that no one uses the nice and simple expression "Do siego roku!" anymore?

I don't think I've heard it either (except for someone explaining it)

pawian  226 | 27364
3 Jan 2025   #40
As far as I am concerned dosiego is cute
and original compared with Do nastepnego Roku,but that is just me.

I already pointed to that mistake of yours before but it seems I was too mild and delicate so you ignored it.
Let`s be straightforward now - you are mistaken about the Polish language. Do siego roku doesn`t mean Do Następnego Roku. It means : Do TEGO roku aka To the end of this year! Ha!!!

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