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Meaning of "B.P." and "b." in a Polish death notice

mhurwicz  10 | 20
9 Aug 2020   #1
Two questions about the death notice linked at the end of this post:

1) Above the name "MAKS HURWICZ" it says "B.P." What does that mean?

2) Below the name, it says "b. długoletni prokurent b. firmy ENDELMAN I PAPIERNY"

Which means he was a longtime commercial representative (proxy) for the Endelman and Papierny company. But what is the "b." at the beginning and the one in the middle?


For those interested, the rest of the notice as I (attempt to) interpret it with the help of Google Translate:

przeżywszy lat 63
lived 63 years

po długich i cieżik cierpeniach zmarł i został pochowany w Moskwie
after long and severe suffering, he died and was buried in Moscow

O czem zawiadamiają
What they are reporting

pozostali w Moskwie
they stayed in Moscow (survivors in Moscow)

żona, córki i zieć
wife, daughters and son-in-law

oraz w warszawie
and in warsaw

synowie, synowe, wnuczka, wnuki i rodzina
sons, daughters-in-law, granddaughter, grandchildren and family - Max Hurwicz death notice

Also, I must be doing something wrong when I try to insert the image?
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Aug 2020   #2
B.p. means Błogosławionej pamięci- Let him be blessed.
Single b means były - ex, former
9 Aug 2020   #3
I must be doing something wrong when I try to insert the image?

It needs to be less than 100 kb to upload it on here, you might need to resize it.
OP mhurwicz  10 | 20
9 Aug 2020   #4
Thank you, @pawian and @Chemikiem !
pawian  226 | 27817
9 Jan 2021   #5
You are welcome.

Home / Language / Meaning of "B.P." and "b." in a Polish death notice

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