what else did you think that I'd leave an imprint with?
Flip flop instead of a boot??? hahaha
to kick out,
Of course not. You didn`t learn Polish enough. Back to your books, darling. :):):)
You don't leave a footprint
BS. Like the one you tried to "teach" me about months ago. When I proved you wrong, you got so furious that the posts containing our exchange were deleted. Ha!!!.
Of course you can say that a boot leaves a footprint. Check your internets. :):):)
If court the prosecution
Darling, we are not in the court and Feniks isn`t a prosecutor. We are ordinary people and monkeys attending a free forum. . :):):)
This conversation with decent Feniks and two azholes brings up another idiom in my mind:
Fall onto the tree!!! hahahaha
What is the meaning??? Besides, why is it convoluted????