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Game - guess Polish idioms/sayings in direct English translation

Lyzko 42 | 9480
27 Oct 2023 #1441
"Caluj mi dupe" Really?
Alien 22 | 5229
27 Oct 2023 #1442
More precisely - Pocałuj mnie w dupę - a very popular saying in Poland.
Lyzko 42 | 9480
27 Oct 2023 #1443
Thanks for the correction, Alien. Almost a calque translation of "Leck mir mal am Arsch".
Alien 22 | 5229
27 Oct 2023 #1444
Actually - Leck mich am Arsch.
Lyzko 42 | 9480
27 Oct 2023 #1445
In Berlin slang, often Dat. and Acc. are confused. As it's a classic idiom, trust me, even those of us who know which is the correct version such as I, can get away with a slight correction:-)
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Oct 2023 #1446
I did wonder as 'smackingly' is rarely used in the UK

Rarely still gives some hope. If you said it is never used, in Atch`s style, I would be worried. But rarely is enough to accept it. :):):)

Was the intention to make the phrase unanswerable I wonder.....

:):):) Relax, you wonder unnecessarily. Drop those suspicions - nobody wants to hurt you here. hahahahaha

this is not in the original phrase.

Yes, it is. :):):) You don`t mean what I know., :):):)

I repeat the idiom: kiss sb`s ass smackingly.

After checking the word, I can change it into: kiss sb`s bum/bottom smackingly.

Or to smack kiss sb`s bum.
mafketis 37 | 10789
27 Oct 2023 #1447
as 'smackingly' is rarely used in the UK

Maybe in larger constructions like 'gobsmackingly'?

For me (US) I would only use it in 'lip smackingly'....
27 Oct 2023 #1448
kiss sb`s ass smackingly.

What is the Polish for smackingly? :) :)


I know it exists but I've never used it. Gobsmacked definitely.

For me (US) I would only use it in 'lip smackingly'....

Me too but it's not something I've heard in a long time.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Oct 2023 #1449
What is the Polish for smackingly? :) :)

Kiss sb fondly, uttering loud wet sounds during the process. :):):)

This fondly is important to understand the idiom which has always existed in Polish but has been used rarely. Like smackingly. hahahaha

Recently it has reappeared in the media. And my neighbour used it in our conversation about 15 years ago.
27 Oct 2023 #1450
Kiss sb fondly, uttering loud wet sounds during the process. :):):)

I suspect there is no Polish equivalent which is why Alien said it's not in the original phrase. I'm not going to get this.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
27 Oct 2023 #1451
Alien said it's not in the original phrase.

He meant the most popular phrase about kissing sb`s ass while I am offering a less known one.

I'm not going to get this.

Don`t despair. I will help you as usual but later on coz now I must hit my Jap sumo wrestler mattress. :):):)
Miloslaw 19 | 4949
27 Oct 2023 #1452
now I must hit my Jap sumo wrestler mattress.

Good riddance!!!!
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Oct 2023 #1453

But I am back again!!! Ha!!!!

I'm not going to get this.

First, is smack kissing sb`s ass fondly a voluntary or forced activity???
28 Oct 2023 #1454
is smack kissing sb`s ass fondly a voluntary or forced activity???

I hope it would be voluntary .......
OP pawian 221 | 24284
28 Oct 2023 #1455

Now, think - why do certain people feel they should voluntarily smack kiss sb`s ass???
OP pawian 221 | 24284
29 Oct 2023 #1456
I have commented on Joker`s bragging about his attendance of Polish weddings:

You came to a wedding as przychodniok - observing it from behind the fence.

It is an old local word which isn`t very widespread. I heard in the first and last time at the countryside wedding in 1985.
mafketis 37 | 10789
29 Oct 2023 #1457
smack kiss sb`s ass???

Is it 'cmoknij mnie w dupę'?

I was sidetracked by 'smackingly' and kept thinking 'smacznie'... somehow.... then I remembered the word cmok / cmoknąć
OP pawian 221 | 24284
29 Oct 2023 #1458
The word you provided is correctly used in the idiom indeed.
But you shouldn`t use it in imperative coz we have already established the action is voluntary.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #1459
Excuse me for not posting for so long but I have been busy dealing with bad people.

I will try to make up. I promise!

What does "bull" mean when spoken by a guy like me???
johnny reb 47 | 7291
13 Jan 2024 #1460
What is the Polish for smackingly?

Also to talk 'smack' which would be using snarky vocabulary like Harry use to do.

Excuse me for not posting for so long but I have been busy dealing with bad people.

Did they teach you a thing or two with a long overdue needed reality check for you ?

What does "bull" mean when spoken by a guy like me?

That would mean that you are full of bullsh!t or lies.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #1461
That would mean that you are full of bull

hahahaha Very funny. :):):):

I was right when I missed you during your latest long break.

Sorry, no. :):):)
johnny reb 47 | 7291
13 Jan 2024 #1462
hahahaha Very funny.

It wasn't meant to be funny.
I just didn't want to go into detail for your sake.
Let me try again, "you are like a red rag to a bull."
OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #1463
It wasn't meant to be funny.

I know but I couldn`t withold laughing. :)_:):)

"you are like a red rag to a bull.

Sorry, no.

A forerunner of a hint:
I said: What does "bull" mean when spoken by a guy like me???

A guy like me means who exactly???
Paulina 16 | 4324
13 Jan 2024 #1464
What does "bull" mean when spoken by a guy like me???

OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #1465
Yes, bull means a mistake, mostly in written form.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
13 Jan 2024 #1466
Let me remind you there is still one old riddle pending, presented in 1439.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
9 Feb 2024 #1467
to enter/go into sb`s ass! what does it mean?
Alien 22 | 5229
9 Feb 2024 #1468
what does it mean?

This has nothing to do with homosexuality.
OP pawian 221 | 24284
9 Feb 2024 #1469
Exactly!!! Today certain politician repeated that idiom after hearing it from angry protesters.
Poloniusz 4 | 793
9 Feb 2024 #1470
Today certain politician repeated that idiom after hearing it from the angry mob.

Are you referring to the Eurocrat Tusk and Polish farmers already protesting in the streets barely two months into his regime? :)

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