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What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned?

Tlum  12 | 303
1 Oct 2011   #1
Probably some swear words or funny phrases... ; )
beckski  12 | 1609
1 Oct 2011   #2
phrases you have learned?

Being the sweet the person I am (cough), my first Polish phrase was kocham cię :)
ShawnH  8 | 1488
1 Oct 2011   #3
My very non-Polish mother worked in a very multicultural environment when I was a lad. She worked with all sorts of european types on the line making Televisions and Microwave ovens. There was a Polish woman there that taught her a few words, Kur#a among them. Well I guess my dear mother never really appreciated the true spirit of the foreign word, and was prone to drop it around the house on occasion. Guess what wonderful word I learned, but had zero comprehension of it's meaning? Guess what Polish word I first uttered in the presence of my future bride? Went over exceptionally poor, I might add.
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
1 Oct 2011   #4
"What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned?"

1st goodbye
2nd goodnight

1st phrase: how are u today. i then learnt that noone in Poland actually uses it.

note: when one asks for a translation it is also worth asking if Poles would actually use it.
1 Oct 2011   #5
Ratunku! = Help!

Pali się! = Fire!

(My Polish teacher was very practical, straight to the point, no pleasantries or warming up in the bull-pen whatsoever!)

Natasa  1 | 572
1 Oct 2011   #7
Sadly, it's this word: kurwa

It was a word, as usual used and used and used here on PF ;)
Crow  155 | 9699
1 Oct 2011   #8
Natasa  1 | 572
1 Oct 2011   #9
Proves that you are the better part of Serbia on PF :)

Crow je fin.
Crow  155 | 9699
1 Oct 2011   #10
Proves that you are the better part of Serbia on PF :)

Serbians from all parts of Serbia likes Poland :)
catsoldier  54 | 574
1 Oct 2011   #11
"What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned?"

I can't really remember, a bit of everything. Swear words definitely, sto, beton, betoniarka, chodź, czekaj, dzień dobry, dobry wieczór and na razie would have been some of the first also.
Jimmu  2 | 156
1 Oct 2011   #12
Hella! Kai jest pilot?
1 Oct 2011   #13

That one is certainly very basic and essential ;)
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Oct 2011   #14
Jesce Polska nie zgineła!
rybnik  18 | 1444
2 Oct 2011   #15
po ile dolar?
pawian  226 | 27817
2 Oct 2011   #16
Czange moneys, czange moneys.
catsoldier  54 | 574
2 Oct 2011   #17
That one is certainly very basic and essential ;)

That's true! :-)
Leah  - | 2
5 Oct 2011   #18
I may not spell these correct but my grandma taught me(oh i guess ill just use google translate then!):
girl (used google translate and it came up as one crazy word - i learned it as pronounced - leo-cay-dee-uh)
pierogi = more with the polish 'tongue' i was taught to pronounce haha

and maybe a few others is all i know from both sides of my family (polish from my dads, polish and english from my moms)
18 Oct 2011   #19
na zdrowie...and not because i was sneezing! second was piwo. didnt actually learn to swear for quite a while, but am actually quite good at it now!
18 Oct 2011   #20
Jesce Polska nie zgineła!

a true narodak. :)

Sadly, it's this word: kurwa

sadly? that's a great word, very utilitarian.. it can be used in so many settings... and it is pretty much the same word in other slavic languages.. there are really no downsides except for it being a curse word. haha

What were the first Polish words and phrases you have learned?

ah the usual, mama. tata, babcia, itd. ;)


what in the hell is that?
18 Oct 2011   #21
I am a pole, so i cannot tell the first word i learnt.
Vincent  8 | 800
18 Oct 2011   #22
Just a guess, but I'd say it probably was mama or tata ;)
enemy89pl  - | 4
18 Oct 2011   #23
I'm Pole but my friend not and his first polish word was "Cześć". This had a strange sound and was very funny :)
billpawl  - | 32
18 Oct 2011   #24
dzika świnia

I don't know why, but my great-grandfather found me saying that extremely amusing.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
19 Oct 2011   #25
" Ja nie jestem communistum, ja jestem Polski zolnierze"

yeah, er, dont ask lol :)
woody43526  - | 1
20 Nov 2011   #26
i thought it was cześć but when i studied more i found i already knew kurwa without knowing it was polish
TanyaCole  1 | 15
11 Feb 2012   #27
mine was 'lubię pić'

ahhhh..If only I would have known then that that was the beginning of my future Polish life! =)
donlou31  1 | 30
11 Feb 2012   #28
Dzięn dobry
Do Widzenia
Nie rozumiem

Closely followed by..
Kurwa, kurwa mać, Kurwa jebana mać, Dupek, Chuj, Kutas and lots of filth to say, which I'm too much of a lady to write lol
southern  73 | 7059
12 Feb 2012   #29
Kochanie as most foreign men.
EM_Wave  9 | 310
12 Feb 2012   #30
Your first phrase was probably nadmuchiwana lalka.

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