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Dziadzia / Babcia - help me with spelling/pronunciation

13 Nov 2018   #61
Both my grandmothers were Polish. We called one Babci and the other "other bobci" or ?ginka? bobci. Is that the correct term?
AnielaMaria  1 | 8
1 Mar 2019   #62
I was always taught to call mine Babcia (Bahb Cha) and Dziadzio (Dgeh Ah Zee Oh).

My mom was born in Poland but my dad is British and did not want my mom to teach my brothers and I Polish saying "You are in Canada now. Speak English only"... (Ya odd we also don't know French so we are not Bilingual thanks to my dad...)
21 Sep 2019   #63
My polish mother used to say something when we were babies. I kind of know what it means but not totally. Worse, i have no idea how to spell it but I can try, if anyone can tell me what it means.

"Moj Josef. Moj Josef. Dziecko (baby) moja (my?) mowie (how it sounds to me. This is the word I don't know). Moj Josef. Moj Josef".

I have always said it but now my son asked me what it means.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 Sep 2019   #64
Give it up. Women create their own private baby talk that is very loosely connected to the adult version. Most likely, they wouldn't know how to spell what they say.
pawian  226 | 27585
21 Sep 2019   #65
moja (my?)

Yes, my.
My child is often said by people of authority, not only parents, but educators too, usually when they want to instruct, rebuke etc.
But saying Mój Józefie/Józefie mój sounds strange.
kaprys  3 | 2076
21 Sep 2019   #66
Dziecko moje, mówię.

My child, I'm speaking. (I'm saying -depending on the context )
22 Sep 2019   #67
Joseph is my name, so it was My Joseph, My Joseph....i always thought

That is kinda disappointing? I always was of the impression it was like maybe "what am I going to do with you?" Thanks to both of you.

She would walk away shaking her head.

Thank you!

@Rich Mazur
My mother was first generation. Her parents were off the boat. They didn't speak English so she was fluent.
kaprys  3 | 2076
22 Sep 2019   #68
It's something you may hear from a mum when her child is (a bit) naughty or when she wants to explain something.
Don't pay attention to Rich, he doesn't really know Polish.
pawian  226 | 27585
22 Sep 2019   #69
Joseph is my name, so it was My Joseph, My Joseph....i always thought

I believe she said so yet it isn`t natural Polish today.
22 Sep 2019   #70
There's quite a bit of disagreement so I've come to the conclusion that we are all right. The bottom line is regardless of how she says it, do I answer when my granddaughter calls me? Absolutely. If I live in Poland, how it's said and spelled may depend on which part in which I live.
22 Jan 2020   #71
28 Jan 2020   #72
I always called my Polish Grandparents Baci & Dziadzi
30 Jan 2020   #73
In America we call the father of my grandfather a great grandfather. I wanted to know how to say that in Polish and typed "great grandfather" into Google translate. I know just enough Polish to realize it responded "really good grandfather". Funny, but I still don't know what to call the father of my grandfather. I doubt he is bardzo dziadek. What is it really?
DominicB  - | 2706
30 Jan 2020   #74

"Great" is expressed by "pra-". So great grandfather is pradziadek, great grandmother is prababcia, and great great grandfather by prapradziadek.
Paulwiz  1 | 55
30 Jan 2020   #75
Thank you Dominic. I didn't have that in my Polish dictionary either. But I tried it in translate again and it worked this time. It's not even 10 AM here and I'm smarter than when I woke up.

Thanks again.

One more question: is wspaniała ciocia my Grandfather's sister? (Google translate)
kaprys  3 | 2076
30 Jan 2020   #76
Cioteczna babka
Paulwiz  1 | 55
30 Jan 2020   #77
Thank you kaprys. I just found some genealogical evidence for my cioteczna babka so your timing is great.
1 Sep 2020   #78
We called my Aunts Coici, and my Uncles because we did not know the Polish word for Uncle.
pawian  226 | 27585
1 Sep 2020   #79
Not coici, but Ciocia. As for uncle, it is wuj. Be careful not to mistake it with another similar word.
17 Dec 2023   #80

I just ran across this posting today--December 17, 2023, and judging by my last name is spelled Dziadzio, a 3rd generation Polak. I visited Poland several years ago and was told by several "natives" the pronounciation was pronounced phonetically as "Ja-Jo." This is the way I was taught to addrdess my grandfather.

I was also taught, both here, in the states and in Poland that Babci was pronounced "Bap-Chi" for grandmother.

There could be a regional variation in Poland, but my grandparents came from an area of Poland called "Galacia", which might have something to do with the variations used in the U.S. According to my research Galacia was over run by just about every nation--Russiam Germany and probably even by the Puero Ricans!

I do know that "Aunt" is pronounced "Chuch-chi", but do not have a spelling for it.

My parents, both 2nd genners, really never taught me how to speak or write Polish because, according to my mother, they needed to keep secrets from me so I wouldn't pass them on to the rest of our family at gatherings--That was a shame because at my advanced age, (77), it is very hard to learn another language. I wonder how many other families of Polish descent did the same?

Fortunately, I learned most of the Polish "cuss words" and found out they are still current in Poland!

By doing a Google Search on my name I discovered several others throughout the U.S. with my full name.

Now, if only I can find out which Dziadzio has died and left an inheritance that no one has claimed...!
17 Dec 2023   #81
For a previous message by Dee C

According to a records search a couple of years ago when we visited Ellis Island, It appears my Grandfather arrived at Ellis Is. around 1912, and his wife a year or two later. They ended up in Chicopee, Massachusetts where there was a thriving Polish community and eventually, my hometown where he set up a Polish bakery..

A docent at Ellis Is. offered the explaination as my grandfather didn't understand English at all, but remembered Chicago also had the 1st two letters--and knowing how U.S. civil servants, are generally lazy, ( I know since I was one years ago), and knowing too many immigrant had already been sent to Chicago,) probably stamped his travel papers as Chicopee instead--and guess where he ended up? It sounds improbable, but stranger events have happened. You have to remember he probably didn't have a formal education and couldn't read nor write Polish, so how was he to know?

I have no clue how my grandfather, (on my paternal side--Dziadzio) also arrived in Chicopee, MA.

As far as I know, the closest city with an immigration facilty was Boston. I don't know if one still exists there so you might check there. A closer immigration facility might have been in Springfield, MA, but Boston sounds more probable.

Home / Language / Dziadzia / Babcia - help me with spelling/pronunciation

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