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Why is the Polish language so difficult?

Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Jun 2015   #241
Polish isn't an "American language"... (unless you forgot the period after "hard", he-he!):-)
Do you mean perhaps, "American English has letters whose phonetic quality changes with use, where Polish pronunciation is more consistent.".??
DominicB  - | 2706
15 Jun 2015   #242
Put periods after "hard", "hard" and "sound".
Lyzko  44 | 9713
15 Jun 2015   #243
:-) Thank you
31 Jul 2015   #244
Oni jestą -> They are

This is a big mistake, should be: Oni są
Polonius3  980 | 12275
2 Aug 2015   #245

If it's any help, Polish są is pronounced the same way as French sont and they both mean exactly the same thing: (they) are.
InPolska  9 | 1796
2 Aug 2015   #246
@Pol: "są" = "sont": pure coincidence since no explanation. But I would say, yes roughly same sound only in southern France. In standard French (which I speak) "on" is more palatal than "ą"
pawian  226 | 27453
8 Jun 2024   #247
Why is the Polish language so difficult?

A new theory has emerged - Poles and Polesses made their language difficult on purpose to prevent potential aggressors from learning it too quickly and thus integrating into the Polish society too easily. It is a good approach coz only those really apt invaders are able to master Polish and we certainly need more brilliant people here, to counterbalance the homo sovieticuses who vote for rightist parties like PiS or nationalist Konfederacja.

Coma is coma/koma everywhere except Poland - śpiączka.

  • 5f0ee0556106a_o_xlar.jpg
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Jun 2024   #248
A new theory has emerged

That theory is not new. It's been around for years - how come you've only heard about it now??
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Jun 2024   #249
Polish is difficult because Poles are difficult, illogical, emotional, and not capable of forming a coherent policy to ensure survival. That's why Poland was always surrounded by enemies and had no allies - from Potop till WW2.
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Jun 2024   #250
difficult, illogical, emotional, and not capablel.

That you to the T and you are also a dementia patient. Take a hike!
wslipach  8 | 96
8 Jun 2024   #251
Anyway, I am driving myself crazy with this Polish language. It is going to be the death of me.

Someone should show you an easier way of learning Polish, but it has to be someone patient and inventive so they will adjust learning to your capacity and needs.
Alien  25 | 6392
8 Jun 2024   #252
That's why Poland was always surrounded by enemies and had no allies - from Potop till WW2.

Despite this, Poland always falls like a cat on all fours... and has 7 lives.
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Jun 2024   #253
That you to the T and you are also a dementia patient. Take a hike!

Let me guess...You are Polish and a moron that relies on personal insults the target cannot disprove.

Your type is the reason why Germans, Russians, and Americans feel nothing but a combination of contempt and pity. In the sixties, "dumb Polack" jokes were all the rage in "America".

Now, after a couple of years on PF, I understand why.

BTW, since you like playing a doctor, please indicate the text that supports your diagnosis that I have dementia.

I retrurn, I will let you know which posts of yours prove that you are a moron.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
8 Jun 2024   #254
"Dumb Yank" jokes were also the rage in Germany when I was there
as a young student during the mid-'80's as well!

Teasing cuts both ways, you know.
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Jun 2024   #255
Let me guess...Those German jokers never asked "dumb Yanks" to go home. You are dumb but please stay, said German parasites...
Lyzko  44 | 9713
8 Jun 2024   #256
No, it was more like this; "You Americans are all like Homer Simpson. GET YOUR MISSILES OFF OUR SOIL!!!"
Ironside  50 | 12941
8 Jun 2024   #257
Let me guess

guess all you want you won't remember it anyway. You being a moron is a given but then dementia set in and we have Novichok spamming this forum like there is no tomorrow. I am just letting you know you are not welcome here but you seem to be too thick to comprehend that message or that is the way your dementia is working.

I took pity on you for some time but everything has its limits including my generosity.
You had been roaming free long enough. You seem to like it here leaving your crap everywhere, feeling right at home ain't you. PF is not your pigsty you escaped from - get lost.

Everyone had been fairly nice to you or ignored you so you think you are a genius and you dazzle us with your 'brilliance'. You are a clueless plank with no manners,
pawian  226 | 27453
8 Jun 2024   #258
It's been around for years

Simply impossible! :)::):) Probably you are thinking of Ireland right now. :):):

y heard about it now??

I haven`t! I have just invented it! Ha!!!! hahahaha

coherent policy to ensure survival.

Hmmm.... it means I don`t exist coz I haven`t survived due to our faulty policy. Amasing!! hahahaha
Novichok  4 | 8478
8 Jun 2024   #259

...but, please, we beg you...don't leave...

We want Western Europe to be the happiest place on earth so we need lots of money to make every broad and migrant happy and can't afford to have armies and shlt like this.

So, dumb Yanks, you do it!

If you need a base here, we promise to give you a discount to rent the land...
Atch  22 | 4299
9 Jun 2024   #260
have just invented it! Ha!!!! hahahaha

No, you didn't. I've heard it from other people - my own husband for one. I must ask him where he first heard it. I think it was at school from one of his teachers. It was a bit different, more along the lines of the grammatical complexities being a way of preventing spies infiltrating because it would be impossible for an outsider to every sound truly native.
mafketis  38 | 11137
9 Jun 2024   #261
An idea I once heard years ago were that the high incidence of sibilant (s, z etc) and affricate (c, dz etc) sounds in palatal (sz, cz etc) and palatalized (ś,ć etc) variations were adaptations for a forest environment (something about how sound carried).

It's a nice idea (like the prevent spies idea) but ultimately... that's not how languages work. There can be overriding influences that shape elements of a language (Australian aborigene languages tend to lack fricatives (s, h, f, th etc) and some link that to hearing loss patterns.
pawian  226 | 27453
9 Jun 2024   #262
No, you didn't.

Yes, I did. :):):) I was bored and thought members were too so I decided to make up that silly theory to stir the pond a little.

But now I see it has started living its own life. Amasing!!!

I've heard it from other people - my own husband for one

Please, respect your husband and don`t make him sillier than he really is. He doesn`t deserve it. :):):)
Novichok  4 | 8478
9 Jun 2024   #263
Polish is not just difficult.

It's so hideous that after 24 years of suffering, I couldn't take it anymore and left the country.

English is like riding a bicycle - one hour and you are good to go...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #264
Maybe it's similar to Welsh which is very " pure" and complicated.

As you might know, the English government did their best to get rid of the Welsh language . This pushed it underground and made people more precious about it.

Even today you have roomfuls of academics discussing what a mobile phone should be called. ..
There's little room for slang or flexibility in grammar rules.

They even have to use English swear words as Welsh is so pure and clean...." cont" lol.
pawian  226 | 27453
9 Jun 2024   #265
I couldn't take it anymore and left the country.

Dementia visibly messes with your memory. A few months ago you claimed you had left for better money coz in communist Poland you could buy only one pair of shoes with your monthly salary.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
9 Jun 2024   #266
I think he was joking Pawian....

You know..." joke"....
pawian  226 | 27453
9 Jun 2024   #267
Me, too. We always do same things together. We are soulmates with Novi.
Novichok  4 | 8478
9 Jun 2024   #268
I think he was joking Pawian....

Only a little...

English rolls off so easily...No so with Polish. I have yet to meet a Pole who can converse in Polish fluently. Or is this how they pretend to be deep thinkers - just as those overpaid fakes at the Oscars - always surprised that they won and so totally unprepared? I guess stumbling is being humble and honest...Snake oil peddlers and politicians are naturally fluent...

Reading and comprehension is so simple, too...Without taking any English, I translated a 400-page book from E to P before I left. Being a tech book, not a romance, made it infinitely easier.

Bottom line: English is fun. That's why the world has accepted English as the default language when a common language is essential.

Polish is painful. That's why nobody wants it. My kids included.
Alien  25 | 6392
9 Jun 2024   #269
That's why nobody wants it. My kids included.

Are 60 million people nobody?
Lyzko  44 | 9713
9 Jun 2024   #270
Hey, Rich! Post-War Germans ain't stupid. They know on which side their bread is buttered.
They reject US-cultural imperialism while cleverly realizing that if this crazy world of ours
isn't to become even further unglued, we've all got to work together as one and somehow
learn to trust one another...OR ELSE.

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