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Posts by Foreigner4  

Joined: 18 Nov 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 5 Sep 2013
Threads: Total: 12 / Live: 1 / Archived: 11
Posts: Total: 1768 / Live: 384 / Archived: 1384
From: tychy
Speaks Polish?: yes and no
Interests: sports, politics, the economy, history, writing, yadayadayada

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5 Sep 2013
Genealogy / I am looking for an African guy in Krakow, I dated [73]

Kasia, you would know how to find him before we would. But ask yourself some of these questions and they may lead to better questions:

Where did you first meet him?
Do you know areas where he spent time?
Does/did he belong to any clubs?
What hobbies did he have?
Does he read a lot?
Which places have the best selection of French literature?
Who did you meet through him?
Do you remember anyone that he also knows?

And sadly, you may want to take Wulkan up on his advice.
11 Aug 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I was away for a while, and I'll be away again but it's always amusing to see what the feminists come up with to justify their warped perspective on society: )

And what "baseless personal accusations" did I make?

Ask and you shall receive:

Ah, right, OK, sorry, I misunderstood... I actually thought you've decided to be honest about your attitude towards women.

You honestly don't see it as such when you do it because well, you're a modern feminist and therefore lack objectivity. You think you can accuse a man of hating women based on nothing whatsoever and you're simply not able to figure out that is a baseless accusation (and in such chronological proximity to your question too).

@ Foreigner4, you come across as very bitter. What have feminists, or women, ever done to you?

I come across as bitter? Take a look at the following and then let another modern feminist illogical leap explain your take on that.

I'm not bitter, she is. I'm just frustrated with your inability to actually look at the issue objectively. I grow weary of your obtuse nature: )

But anyway, Paulina here's how you "care" Paulina:

So don't tell me whether I care about those women. I do. I'm that sort of person that cares, about people in general, really. Sometimes too much even, I'd say

Okay, fine, you care about them. So how much do you care about them; i.e. what are you doing about "them?"

Nothing, obviously. What is there to be done about this? I don't live in those countries, I have no influence over what's going on in there.

How does one go from "I care about 'x'" to "I do nothing 'x'" -honestly?
It appears you have confused "I care" with "it pi$$es me off enough to do nothing about it."
A good many "feminists" are manipulative in that you cry and whine about women being raped and abused but are actually only willing to do anything about it insofar as you stand to gain something yourselves where you are. You only seek to use the issue of others' suffering to your own advantage. I find that part and parcel of the Western Feminist Mantra -"What's in it for me?"

Women in the west not only have equality, they have tipped the scales of social balance in women's favour. You'll pardon me if I don't get on board the program to further put males at a disadvantage in society just to placate feminists.

Men are expected to put women before us in nearly every aspect of living and then, should we expect a woman to, at some point, know her place in a matter, we're brow beaten about some disgusting man who raped a woman somewhere or that women bear children and somehow this is makes us worse human beings. I've even heard women who've never given birth to a child try to use that as some trump card in arguments.

From what I've seen, Western Feminists want consequence free living for themselves and if a woman in China should benefit as well, then so be it but as long as there are women truly suffering, this suits them and their agenda best.

Englishman: There is also indirect discrimination, that is to say situations in which women have equality before the law, but not in practice.

Nile CLEARLY understands and articulates his understanding of the issue better than anyone on this thread. I'm impressed Nile, I wish I had your way with words.
5 Aug 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

But as I've explained, also several times, there is no official 'membership list' for feminism and no criteria for inclusion or exclusion, and most feminists would not agree with the examples that have been cited.

And I've stated that it is just not right to support a group of people who aren't willing to take accountability for their own ilk. There is a way towards equality and feminism ain't it.

With respect, you live in a different world than most of us if you think women have the best deal currently, overall, compared with men.

The average woman in the west most definitely enjoys a better deal in Western society than men. Jesus, there are even women admitting to this. Are you really that uninformed?

Calm down o_O

No one's excited about you over here sister; I just thought it might be entertaining to see how the other side of the aisle in this debate deals with baseless personal accusations for a change.

Perhaps don't judge others by yourself?


So don't tell me whether I care about those women.

Okay, fine, you care about them. So how much do you care about them; i.e. what are you doing about "them?"

I have a brother, you know? And a father. And male cousins. Anyone who would try to hurt them would have to step over my dead body first. You're delusional.

On the contrary, it's you who is delusional. You don't care about males as a group, you only care about the men related to you, the others are disposable and you wouldn't dream of investing even a tenth of the emotional investment you have for "women's rights" for anything exclusively male related. You're not alone in that.

That's what sickens me about more than a few feminists: they will go on charity runs for breast cancer and there will be some in those ranks who actually blocked a similar run for prostate cancer. They will spread awareness about rape and then dismiss the notion, let alone the prevalence of fake claims made. They want equality in the family but if there's a divorce they hope that "she bleeds him dry." They are despicable, conniving and arrogant.
5 Aug 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Foreigner4, Zimmy, Kondzior and others, you surely can't disagree with these principles, can you?

It's like you haven't read a single criticism that any of us have provided about the actual consequences of the feminist agenda.
Go ahead and tell us what any of our criticisms of feminism have been that YOU feel/think are legitimate?

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Any guy (straight or otherwise) who loves and respects the fairer sex could never begrudge them their basic human rights of equality.

If that was the only thing that feminists have striven for then there shouldn't be any debate on the matter. Feminists seem to ignore that their agenda isn't about basic human rights. It's about pursuing advantages for women over men in society after that original mandate has been achieved.

The funniest thing about tis thread is that there's 2 sides; those that are arguing for equality and those who reject it.

That is incorrect but don't let facts or reason get in the way of hyperbole and straw man arguments.

And of course I want women around the world, in Muslim countries, in Africa, in India, in China to enjoy the rights I have

You don't give a flying fcuk about the women in those countries anymore than you understand their cultures for all their good and bad points. You just want to trumpet the case of anyone living in what you consider lesser circumstances so you can pretend that somehow affects you where you live. You don't care about the people in those places anymore than they care about you.

"We just want equality."
Firstly, no you really don't and there are plenty of examples in Western countries that show the feminist claim of only wanting equality is patently false. Fact!

But equality is a fabulous thing. The only problem is a lot of you can't seem to digest "different" doesn't automatically mean "inequality." There are differences in males and females but feminists, by and large, don't seem to acknowledge the male perspective in this AT ALL.

Feminists are mostly a bunch of slimy hypocrites with an agenda that is largely about your ego. Feminists have no problem with boys being abused but scream like a banshee if a girl is called a name. You people pick and choose what is or isn't an "issue" and don't care about proportionality, only gender. Female feminists are in it for themselves first and foremost and male feminists are really just suckers.
5 Aug 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I can tell that you did. It shows... But why did you hate women? (All of them? lol) And why did you stop hating them?

You misunderstood, I used to think Zimmy was a misogynist, I've come to realize I was wrong -an experience I'm sure you've never had as a feminist.

No, of course he doesn't hate women. He just thinks they're inferior to men :)

Why don't you ask him?

It's obvious Paulina that as a feminist, you either hate men or simply consider us disposable to your needs as a woman. You don't understand us and think you're better than us. You disgust me.
2 Aug 2013
Love / Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women [41]

I don't like the attitude that it's all their fault, "their" meaning Polish men's or Polish women's. That kind of thinking is a bit divisive and imo isn't accurate anyhow.

Some women take it too far and some men don't know when to apply the brakes. Either way the whole thing goes out of control and off the road.
31 Jul 2013
Love / Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women [41]

^ No kidding, it seems like every woman I've ever met in Krakow wanted to get down pronto. Maybe it's something in the water over there.
30 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

She sees herself not as an individual, but as a member of a valued group. In her Fascist mind, people are divided into two groups: Men (evil) and women (virtuous):

true, it would appear that way.

Men by contrast don't think of themselves as primarily "men". They think of themselves in much less broad categories. My most common self-description, for instance, is "a born academic". It never occurs to me to mention that I am a male.

Very true. Feminists act as though being born with a vagina is some accomplishment in and of itself.

And this refusal to treat people as just people, but instead obsessing over what lies between their legs, is irritating.

Preach on brother!...preach on.
30 Jul 2013
Love / Adultery- Is it ok for Polish women [41]

I have experienced the following a few times now.
Although it was clear to them I am married, a number of Polish women have decided to put me in their sites and given me notice of it as well. I have managed to escape these situations with a clear conscience but I have been tripped up by their forwardness, it would be like a man tempting a woman on a diet with a gourmet dessert.

Basically I have noticed that, with Polish women anyhow, whether or not a man is married makes little difference to them, if they want his sting then they make it abundantly clear.
24 Jul 2013
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

For me it depends almost entirely on who's speaking and the context in which they're speaking.
As others have mentioned, French and Italian sound wonderful and yeah, oddly enough German sounds good to my ear too but the best for me is Hungarian; it's such a mystery to me - I love the way it sounds!
24 Jul 2013
Food / Hopless beer in Poland? [30]

Pretty much anything by Ale Browar or Pinta.

I will be putting recommendations to test in the immediate future. What can you liken their beers to? Can I find this stuff at Tesco's or do I have to go to a specialty shop?
24 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Sounds like a good idea.
Weapons are equalizers but because they're so lethal, you better be sure what you're responding to is what you think it is. For that reason, I still think escape and evasion are better first options.
24 Jul 2013
Food / Hopless beer in Poland? [30]

Small market Polish breweries aren't much worse than Czech ones

Make some recommendations please!
24 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Firstly that's actually originally from f stop,
Secondly and this is to answer your question.
Because women are going to get hurt in most cases if they don't try to escape first and foremost.

Too many people take some kind of training but never put it into practice where the other person is 100% (often within a set of "rules") trying to put the other person on queer street. If you're really confident and experienced then maybe you want some "alone time" with the fool that tried to get too close but if not then the best defense is to escape and evade whenever possible and that goes for men too.

A woman who's not only trained but also experienced in terms of matches and full-contact sparring should be able to fend herself and her loved ones off from a single male, or even two if there isn't too much of a size and strength difference. The greater the size or strength difference, the better her chances are to escape. I'm not saying it's a bad idea to trust her skills and experience in a fight with a male attacker but she'll have to invest A LOT more time and energy into training to come out of it well compared to a man of even similar stature. That's just how it is.

Judo is much better than Karate as a tool for self defense btw.
Knowing how to strike is important but most people's limbs are much better suited to clutching, grabbing and choking...chucking someone on their skull is a great way to send someone the message that they're in for a fight. That being said, boxing is sorely undervalued as self-defense tool. Someone with good fast hands who knows how to control distance is a nightmare for most.

I'm not dissing Karate but in terms of full-on competition or 100% sparring, you can do that more consistently and earlier on with most grappling based arts than with striking based arts...but to whoever is being attacked, it's usually best to be loud (like crazy loud), be aggressive, think and act "kill" but always keep your eyes open for ways to escape because anything can happen during a fight.
24 Jul 2013
Food / Hopless beer in Poland? [30]

Has anyone sampled both and can comment on the difference?

From what I have heard (from an acquaintance who met a brewer), neither Tyskie, Lech nor -ywiec are actually brewed long enough to technically be considered "beer."

I remember that in 2001 and 2002 it was good but by 2005 something was amiss with Tyskie (-ywiec has been horrible from day 1 imo).
I've had a few of the Klasyczne but ever since they mucked around with their recipe I've been turned off from buying anything from them. It seems the ownership has forgone quality for profit.

Until they've proven otherwise, I'm steering clear of their products.

On a side note
What do the Czechs do so well with brewing that the Poles can't/won't do?
I ask this because Czech beer (small market breweries) is as superior to Polish beer as Polish food is superior to Czech food. Polish food + Czech beer = if only there was a city on the border of the two countries...;)
24 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

So you're saying this:

He should spend more time watching videos of abused and exploited women to try and achieve some balance

is supposed to be a remedy for this:

I think Zimmy is one of those people that are unduly influenced by media. Like someone that sees the report of the crime and believes he's going to be a victim next.

f stop, you're just not making any sense; you want Zimmy to watch media that will influence him to think differently because you don't like the way he currently thinks on the topic at hand which you believe has been influenced by the media. How is that anything but a double standard (coming from a feminist)?
22 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

How could you possibly attempt to quantify "emotional strength" or being more or less inclined "toward self-destructive" activities?
The ability to withstand pain? What types of pain and what combinations of it?

And withstand? You either give up or keep going so how would you quantify one's ability to "withstand" pain in circumstances outside a laboratory?

How does one measure another person's sensitivity to pain and what baseline does it compare it with?

Honest questions and yes I'll poke holes in any "research" or "studies" you throw at me if there are holes to be poked in it but that is all besides the point.
21 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I stated it before (x2) and I'll do it again, the following thought process is no better than the chauvinistic, pseudo science kondzior posted about the superiority of men:

There is no doubt in my mind that women are stronger than men.

When either a man or a woman starts arguing one gender is inherently better than the other it's a red flag that individual is not firing on all cylinders on the topic.

A moderator (Lenka is the most likely candidate) keeps deleting my posts when I quote fstop on this!
She also keeps deleting any of my posts critical of feminist group think, yet this kind of censoring is exactly why so many feminists suck. They are just like politicians in that they literally CANNOT handle criticism. Instead of addressing it, they try to play it off or ignore it. Failing that, they censor it.
16 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Yeah I remember a story on 60 minutes which aired over a decade ago about a naval pilot (iirc) who had a bit of sketchy record. A few people in the know were saying her gender was the only reason she had been passed/promoted to her there's also that.
15 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

They compared university women who are now 60 percent of all students with the general population of men. That's how far our "PC" culture has come to raise women whiie downgrading men.

I agree with you on some things but let's be fair here. I can't honestly look at the figure and come to the conclusion that is evidence of downgrading men. It's evidence that a lot of programs in University appeal to women more than men and it's also evidence men are more likely to take up trades (because we like that sh*t man) than study in school. But is that "downgrading" men or placing too much importance on........f*ck, I dunno.....dumb sh*t? Yah feel what I'm askin?

As far as intelligence tests? Pfft!!! Intelligence tests are made to test some types of intelligence areas and often at the expense of testing other areas of intellect. As long as the questions are purely objective then I have no qualms with a test but let's remember they go in and out of fashion.
15 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I am objective because my arguments are objective.

What objective argument have you put forward for the following assertion:Since the beginning of civilization, all important contributions to the advancement of society have been brought fourth my men?

How could you or anyone possibly validate that?
15 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

It's true that in the past, some tests showed men as having higher IQs. Butthere are social factors at work, such as differences in education and expectations. As these have reduced over time, so the performance of girls and women has overtaken us.

Think about what you've written and then think a bit more.

A cat with glassess

Given that the pressures still exist, I would suggest that the inherent mental superiority of women over men is probably greater than tests currently show, and that the trend of female IQ results improving faster than male will continue.

It's an interesting idea but ultimately very improbable that the intelligence level of the planet's apex species could ever be dichotomized along the lines of gender. From what I've read, and seen this much does seem to ring true among most species on the planet; in terms of behaviour and potential:

- males = nature's gamble
- females = nature's insurance policy

Men generally reach higher highs and lower lows, women tend to hug the line and there's likely a very good biological reason for that.
15 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Then I'll bring out evidence when relevant. I always do. But adding to every statement "it is just my opinion" I consider an intelectual cowardice.

It is evident from the language you're using that you're not distinguishing your opinion from fact.
There are ways to communicate you've read, heard or witnessed an event, phenomenon or information which you believe to be true but still mentally allow that there could be factors you haven't taken into consideration. That's just good objective thinking, there's nothing wrong with that at all. I agree some things are not going to be disputed but statements like the quote following this paragraph are not something you've quantified (nor do you have the ability to) so on those things, it's simply honest to state them as opinion and not fact. I'm sorry if this sounds like I'm being condescending but I can't think of any other way to explain it to you right now.

Since the beginning of civilization, all important contributions to the advancement of society have been brought fourth my men

......come on man, you know that can't be true. I don't know why you'd even make that claim. Can you even quantify what is or isn't an "important contribution to the advancement of society?" It's not objective and it's not true.
14 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

I do not subscribe to the liberal herd-like view of humanity: "Who am I to state such a truth, when there are others out there who may disagree with me? Its all relative!" Ugh!

That is your prerogative however when you state your opinion as fact then people will eventually say "prove it" like on this thread and at that point you are forced to either put up prove or admit whatever you wrote as fact is not. Overall though your thought process on this matter is lacking as it allows anyone to state anything is a truth as long as they have enough conviction. Sorry but you're dead wrong on this one.
13 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Interesting that on the rare occasions that you have proof, it's a salient point.

Are you suggesting he's offered you proof of whatever it is he said (I haven't followed this recent exchange and don't know where the conversation is at but yours was the first thing I read and this question popped into my head so...whatever)?
13 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

@ Foreigner4, the reason why I, and I suspect others such as f stop, have not responded to the specific examples raised in criticism of feminism is simply because that's all they are: a few specific examples.

That's your reason? Your reason for not responding to the serious detrimental effects of SOME aspects of feminism is that those criticisms are a few specific examples? I think fstop can do better than that, seeing as you've set the bar rather low she could trip over it and still have you beat.

quite, Englishman, also there is no point in arguing with some people, it is like banging your head on a brick wall (nice when you stop).

You wrote some posts about how you would protest some wider parking bays if you lived in Germany and are pretending as though you've put in some kind of effort to make the greater issue understood? You and Englishman are simply avoiding the debate and it's becoming more and more evident you both know where you're wrong and just won't admit it.

.....So can someone else confirm that these two think there's no point in discussing anything which they deem as being too specific?
If there are other interpretations then I'd like to at least read them.

Yes, there are some people who claim to be feminists that hate all men

I have noticed your inclusion of the phrase "people who claim" in this criticism of feminists. And I think many of us can agree some people claim that all feminists hate all men but keep in mind some people claim that some feminists hate all men and still there are some who claim some feminists hate some men. But, of course, in constructing your straw-man argument, you had to make it out of something flimsy and outlandish before tearing it down. Weak sauce kid.

there are some feminists for whom the ideology is part of a bigger battle against capitalism or society.

Anyone else notice his exclusion of the phrase "people who claim" in this statement? He can't even make it through one paragraph before shedding objectivity like a snake sheds its skin.

Most feminists just want to imrprove women's lot, not at men's expense, by making sensible changes to society that most people, male or female, would be comfortable with.

That isn't the only thing happening and you're not paying attention if you haven't taken stock of that.
I am for equal opportunity and equal pay, equal treatment and fair responsibility, no one is debating you on these not being worthy causes, are they?

If the effect of feminism was only towards those things then I'd be on that train but those aren't the only effects and it's turning into a runaway train.
13 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

This sums up half of it but it doesn't really explain the liberals rank and file. What is also important to add is that lieralism is a victimhood cult. They attract and retain members who are pretty much outcasts and losers (or who at least believe they are) in some way.

To be fair and objective, this is your opinion and should be stated as such for objectivity. While I agree there is some truth to what you've written here, it isn't entirely true. I've got some very liberal beliefs in some matters myself and they're born out of empathy not sympathy.

It seems that in his mind, it's an ace card when trying to discredit feminism.

Well, even you should be able to admit that it's not exactly a legitimate selling point. It does discredit some aspects of feminism and liberalism in general. That being said, if it's an inadequate criticism then let me remind you lady that you have had plenty of opportunity to read other criticisms of feminism's dark side and you've been silent in your response in this thread while downright disgusting in living up to those charges in another.

For all the little outdated references I used, you actually seemed to relish in a person being killed seemingly because he was a man, I doubt you'd have celebrated the death of a woman under those same circumstances.
12 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

We are all aware that being against feminism ≠ hating women.
Calling someone a racist should come with the burden of proof (of racist behavior) to back your accusations so if you're going to accuse someone of misogyny then back up your accusations with some evidence of misogynist behavior.

It rather telling that these accusations go unchecked compared to when I used words and terms that the mods (Lenka) wasn't "comfortable with." Where are the vigilant mods now? Lying and hyperbole is a-okay if you're on one side of the gallery here on PF -kind of a microcosm of the greater debate.

I don't think Zimmy hates women, I used to but now I don't. I think he's just really frustrated and angry at the double standards pushed in Western society by women's groups and people stupid enough to support everything they do. It's hypocritical madness and he's right to be angered by it. It's like you guys are afraid to have a nuanced opinion and restrict yourselves to thinking about this issue. If, in Western society, women are encouraged to look at their sexuality in 50 shades of gray then you people should give this issue just a bit more analysis than that.

We've yet to hear of ONE feminist supporter who has admitted to any negative effects/consequences or policies of feminism. Why is that?
11 Jul 2013
Life / Professional feminists' of Poland meet-up [631]

Edit for clarity:

Of course the question is, does that policy discriminate against men? Is that legal? Would it be legal to create men-only hours? Is that legal?