The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wslipach  

Joined: 27 May 2024 / Male ♂
Warnings: 8 - TTATTTBT
Last Post: 17 Jul 2024
Threads: 8
Posts: 97
From: Dupa
Speaks Polish?: Aha
Interests: To the fucking idiot who set up this form: I don't have gender you moron, I have sex , my sex is male you stupid lefty cunt

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17 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

Moderators have as a responsibility provision of proper means of contact and so do owners of this facking forum. Oh and one more thing , the most important: fak you moderrators, I bet when you eat you make noises worse than a hungry dog would make , why? Coz you can, but can't do everything, behind the computer screen I bet you make the worst farts ever, but you still have a responsibility to forum members, which you seem to have forgotten about dickheads
12 Jul 2024
Life / Clothes and Fashion Polish style - then, now whenever! [25]

In Russian, "Urod" (урод), means an ugly person, or a type of moral degenerate.

Sooo ugly in a physical sense or spiritual, moral sense? Or did it mean someone immoral as in someone who exposes their body and in that sense is immoral? Or you have no idea because you are American and Americans are clueless about the world? Your granma ever called you "urod"
12 Jul 2024
USA, Canada / Why Americans don't allow men to be in briefs at the beach/swiming pools? [90]

New in the world of entertainment... Kim Kardassshian gets her first major acting role in the forthcoming Star Wars movie!

That reminds more about your looks , you are a very sexy american , you must look hot in briefs at the beach, don't be shy and chuck on some old undies and ran onto the beach in all the briefs glory. How horrible you'd feel , omg

This begs the question... Who told women that big fake butts and tits are attractive?

Not very nice, true, I do not go to the beach to perv for nothing , so when I get there I want to see results , however, if nothing better comes along I will settle for those fake fat butts. However, women like that can roam the beach in undies and two piece swim suits , boobs sticking out in a bikini , fat boobs, fat butts and it is ok, but super hot men like me and Joker can not show the package in sexy briefs? Come on Americans , take a look at Polish beaches and learn!
12 Jul 2024
History / Did Poles living in Germany support Hitler's rise to power before World War II? [123]

Did Poles in pre-war Germany support Hitler's coming to power, and if so, for how long?
@ Alien

No, but Jews all over Europe did. Jews the motherfaking foreskinless weirdos, hoped that Hitler will subdue Polish folk and that they, the Jews, will share power with Germans in Poland once Hitler takes charge there. I think Jews secretly hoped that they will rule over Germans as well. In Germany the banking sector was dominated by Jews, same in Poland, that is not to say they had 100% monopoly of the banking sphere, but close to it. In Poland Jews smelled their chance, but even their loooong noses got it wrong, and the initial cheers and enthusiasm with which Jews welcomed German invading army in Poland soon after turned to bitchh cry when Hitler turned on them as well. Hahhahahaha nasty suckers!
10 Jul 2024
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [338]

I'm watching you, Donald.

What are you on abt? Dont be funny, Mc donald already dismantled public media, the process already started, three public media outlets are to go into liquidation. He doesn't want anything public and doesnt want anything Polish . But then I cried so much when he put thumbs up for Poland befor the game against Holland, he was so cool that day. I promise not to be too harsh on him , he is so Polished deep down at heart. Jak on je te polskie pierogi...
10 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

You have a great sense of humour!
"the majority of users would seem to be decent right-wing gentlemen" (Torq) hahahha

Yes, he has and so do you with this one
I think the OP is just another of PF's fruit n' nutcases
Obviously nobody knows shitt, mods dont have to do be accountable to forum members since they are not from planet earth and in any case they waste their time and enormous effort managing PF for free. Soooo the owner can do anything on PF right? Wrong, policies do apply , if mods will continue to run the rules anyway they like this forum will go to ****.
9 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Things we hate [405]

I have no problem with lesbians. They are simply unhappy women looking for affection. I just don't like those that make an effort to look like men.

Why be so soft on lesbians??? I am dissapointed, and I will not be happy until you throw some hate points on your hate scale towards lesbians as well, why should they get away with 0?

If lesbians are simply unhappy women looking for affection then so are all the others and so others would have to score 0 on your hate scale.

I know what I hate now I hate it when someone does not hate lesbians, at least a little bit. But I can also unhate. My expectations are not high, basically, if you register your hatred towards lesbians on the Novichok Hate Scale above 0 then you are fine with me and I will unhate you and give you 0 on Novichok Scale. Other scales don't count because Novichok as the most hateful person has designed the most credible scale.

What this thread has to do with Poland? Should be "things we hate on pf" or "which one of pf mods we hate the most?" or "which german we hate the most on pf or in poland or close to poland?" or "what we hate about poland" - that last one a happy treat for germans and jews
9 Jul 2024
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

I had no idea that Mr Honourable Prime Minister Reverend Donald Holy Tusk is so tall! Amasing! @ pawian

I had no idea that noone threw a bag of shitt at Tusk and that other short German turd next to him. Maybe they were scared of getting arrested just like new victim of Tusk Ms Urszula D.
9 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

EU laws don't apply to chat forums based in the USA.
@ Atch

You mean member and customer rights don't apply to chat forums based in USA? How do you know this forum was set up there? They told you so? I suspected from the start that this forum chat was set up by some American or American Jew with some Polish background, but that does not change a fact that rules ought to be followed by owners and moderators in relation to members of this forum.

Need I remind you mods that without members you have no job? And without a job you can't buy new computer gadgets to play with - tragedy. Moderating and admin jobs are voluntary and pay nothing.
9 Jul 2024
Life / Clothes and Fashion Polish style - then, now whenever! [25]

@wslipach, you must be a real hit with the ladies - you're just such a "charmer"... lol 🥴

I wonder myself, since I am quite popular with women. Anyway, whats not charming abt saying fak and talking about boobs? Women love it when men talk about their boobs. And women dont swear? Women look bad when they swear, so don't swear Paulincia and dont talk about dicks and men's butts so much either. You may not do that here, but elsewhere you do. By the way, I am romantic, but to you I will be as least charming as possible.

But this a thread about clothes , Atch show some more, but more sexy ones. throw in what you wear and we will give you a score, honest score. By the way, what collection you wear ? Irish are boring with clothing so I wonder what this Irish chic puts on.
9 Jul 2024
Life / Why do Silesians hate Poland? [41]

I noticed that while Poland considers itself as victims against Germany and Russia, the Silesians and Lithuanians consider Poland a brutal bully.

And I think you set up this thread to troll, you grouped Silesians with Lithuanians - two totally different ethnic and cultural grpups from two different countries, you
separated Polish from Silesians - where Silesians are Polish and Polish are Silesians , before you make such gross generalisations and mix it all up on the alleged account of some few persons from the city of Katowice, I suggest you do better than that if you want to provoke some convo.
9 Jul 2024
Life / Clothes and Fashion Polish style - then, now whenever! [25]

Right, I'm going to kick things off with Barbara Hulanicki and Biba. The iconic Biba store in 1960s London lead the way in ultra cool fashions for the beautiful young people :)

How the fak did you dig that one out? I like the chic on left and the one on the right , I like long dresses on women, and, oddly, both don't look old like most PF members
look. The dresses on the far left and far right bring out the boobs , although those models have small boobs, so not that much to see, however, very suitable for Polish women as Polish women have usually big bombs and their boobs would stick out like super baloons.
9 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

Not sure I understand what you're trying to say.
@ Lyzko

My long lost grandpa telling me about my dementia, its like Biden telling Trump to watch the step. When I read your English poetry here I often get erection. If I was a woman I would find you irresistable , I actually do find you super hot , please more word like "egregious" and my balls start to itch with excitement.

Moderators! Because you are not asssholes and I like you a lot I will tell you this: your employment may be in danger if you continue to suspend forum members without even pointing out where alledged forum violation took place. You can not demand, as you do, that anyone corrects their behaviour if you don't point out what behaviour you are referring to.
8 Jul 2024
History / Warsaw Rising 1944 - National Disaster or Triumph of Spirit ? [515]

Sikorski was right that the Warsaw Rising was a national catastrophe.
@ TheOther

We need less beautiful people like you in Poland or anywhere near Poland , without courageous folk like the pisswit Sikorski we will do fine, we will avoid catastrophe. Poland is one of the bravest nations on the planet showing the rest of the world what the Slavic meaning of freedom really is. At the same time Poland can be one of the most cowardly slave-like nations in the world, another side of the Slavic nature - the troubled side - just depends which Sikorski is in charge, the current Pisswit or the legend Władysław.
7 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

And I've no idea what this means: "structural laws of forum management that apply on internet".
@ jon357

I would stop at "I've no idea" if I were you. Lefties are you , you are the leftie the opposite of rightie , whats not to get abt it? You don't know what it means? Then read about it here :
7 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Serbia etc. thread 3 [258]

[login to read]
7 Jul 2024
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]

AsfarasIknow - Iamonlyliving six yearsinPoland - DonaldTuskisprimeministerbecausehisparty - of whichheisthepartyleader - wonthebiggestshareofthevotes in a democratic parlimentary election. His party is part of democratic coalition between two normal parties.

As far as you know it is wrong, the elections were won by a right wing party PiS , but then the weaklies as they are the lefties used the stupid election system and got together with 10 other leftist parties and created a coalition of parties and that way they could take the parliament by achieving the majority within it and thus a constitutional mandate to create a govenment.

And Tusk is a **** who should be in jail but jail of a different kind. He will be in jail once the right wing stops being so nice and nicely spoken and gentle with the hord of **** that brought this new harsh regime as we have never seen before to Poland
7 Jul 2024
News / Polish coal will be back [129]

Gone are the days when it was just coal, gas or another dirty fuel.

Gone are the days of green bullshit , soon Europe will turn right and drop this bag of **** to the bin. And electricity is clean?
7 Jul 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

Foryouitis: to be a patheticnationalistornotto be! Thechoiceisyours! Ha! WhenwillyoudropthatcrazynationalismandjoinourcircleofdecentPolesandPolesses??? Currently we consideryousth I prefer not to express directly coz I am too decent.

We? Who is we? You write as if you are someone special and you have monopoly here on free speech. You think that because dumb fak Donald Tusk managed to fool other fools, ever beyond their congenital defect, to the point that they think that being a leftie is a superior state of being, that it is reality? Hitler said that Slavs are subhumans , that they always need a foreign leader , otherwise they can not function, Jacek Jaśkowiak said the same thing metaphorically and similar thing outright saying that partitions were good for Poles since it showed a way of how to do things in Poland. So Poles need German invasion to show them how to do things, economic invasion is already happening in a form of EU, but people like you are happy with it , because like Hitler said , only Hitler generalised, not all of us want a leader from outside, not all of us are like you , insecure and lost. So if you are lost in Poland go somewhere else, get lost somewhere else, we don't need weak people here .
7 Jul 2024
History / Pol-Shorpy Photo Thread [954]

I see him, he is clueless like this guy Torq I once met, and he looks old. Why so many old people come on PF forum? Why old and obviously still smart folk come here?
7 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

Torq is a troll, he did not refer to the thread's topic. Torq is a leftist supporter and hates to be told the truth, go Kaczynski Torq hates when I write that, go Kaczynski, Torq hates the fact that PiS is still the number one party in Poland , go right wing, Torq hates that Konfederacja and other PiS and other right wing parties are growing , so it pisses him off , Torq also knows that right wing supporters would kick his skinny leftist buttt - figure of speech , God forbid for real, come on, I would never
7 Jul 2024
Off-Topic / Moderators on PF are breaking the law: not only they can reported for it, but fines apply [95]

Moderators on Polish Forum are breaking the rules of communication and structural laws of forum management that apply on internet. If the owner or administrator turns blind eye to it or even encourages it the they are also responsible and will be held liable in the eys of the law. In Poland we have bad, disorganised legal structure, especially under current December 13, 2023 government, but despite such a lousy government and its law breaking activities we still have tools to bring law breakers to justice, even if they are lefty moderators and lefty administrators. Lefties will face justice sooner than they think, so I suggest to moderators to stop this.
5 Jul 2024
News / Ups and downs of the democratic government 2023-2027 in Poland [338]

You should get it right the first time, you can't stand being wrong can you lol!

Lenka Syrenka. She cant live without being proved wrong, she used to be a mod here, what the fak happened , she was such a stuck up ***** and now when shes 60 shes still a stuck *****

How about you? Do you care about Polish media? PiS and their supporters claimed that they care about pluralism in media in Poland and the right to getting information. Where are they now?

I always cared about Polish media, Polish owned media and I am 100% behind kicking out foreign media and reducing foreign media credit rights to zero, media should never be up for sale to outside bodies from foreign countries. PiS is the party that tried to reduce foreign presence in Polish media. One of many things that can be done is to discredit foreign media for the lies that they spread , but hard to do when social media market is 99% left side

Sorry Lenka it was supposed to be Srenka not Syrenka
5 Jul 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

You understand what you're saying here, right? Some truth to it, though.
Oops, dude is suspended, never mind... :)
@ TheOther

You dumb ***** , sarcasm calling.

And pawian you faking cant I will tell your german mum what you write here, even she knows better. You and ur faking german nest will not get a rest for as long as we are here to kick your german as dear - Iggy Pop Junior
5 Jul 2024
News / Because of Tusk and PO lefty politics our soldier died [7]

You forgot to add - current Polish speaking government - and spot on , it is only Polish speaking gov, nothing else Polish abt it. However, Polish president has nothing to do with it. In Poland the president has **** to say abt most things, he is the head of the army, but more symbolically, it is not Serbia crow. Studpid system , bulshit democracy , presidential powers reduced to occupying the presidential palace and doing more or less what British monarchy does.
5 Jul 2024
News / Because of Tusk and PO lefty politics our soldier died [7]

I see how much you asholes are really interrested in Poland , polish soldier dies , the nation mourns and on PF no fatherfaker comments haha dont forget abt jewish festivals lyzko and other faking jews . What are you all doing on PF you faking misfits?? Only Ironside commented , but he doesnt count , he follows me everywhere , he adores a little bit too much. Anyway, where are the rest of you losers . Hey Lenka are you Polish? Really Polish? Go do your ugly hair and bich abt how Kaczynski faked up Poland building a fence on Polish Belarussian border while your lefty activists from Poland and overseas tried to destroy it and for this day they hover around the border helping illegal immigrants who kill Polish soldiers cross over to Poland. Where were you all when Polish soldier died? Not one comment here you fakers
25 Jun 2024
History / What do Poles owe to Germans? [448]

We owe germans a lot of blooshed , our stolen goods, our destroyed towns , our castles , our culture , their interferrance , and that is the tip of the iceberg of what we owe
them, and we owe you , you fatherfaking slutt, lets send you off to the german land.