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Posts by Curly1  

Joined: 28 Aug 2022 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Sep 2022
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2 Sep 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [374]

I don't disagree with that. Once approached though pay attention how he treats cat is what I am saying.
Do you disagree with me? Joker does.
2 Sep 2022
Life / What do Poles really think about cats? [374]

Watch how boyfriend treat your cat.
If he like your cat and pamper then he will pamper you.
If he ignore or treat cat bad then he treat you the same way.
1 Sep 2022
Love / Are Polish mothers-in-law monsters? [91]

some mothers in law never read the Bible

Polish is mostly Catholic so what do you expect about them reading the bible?
It's not easy to be excepted into Polish families by nasty mothers because they don't like any kind of change to their traditions.
31 Aug 2022
History / Gorbachev and Poland [64]

Putler? Thats funny jon.
Do you mean Putin?
28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

If Polish man horny it don't matter if she washed or arrogent or ugly.
He only thinking one thing.
28 Aug 2022
Life / Poland's birthrate on the decline [480]

exotic immigrant females will arouse Polish males.

Any females will arose Polish males.
Tall short fat skinny black white blind crippled or crazy.