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Posts by GefreiterKania  

Joined: 26 Dec 2020 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 21 Feb 2024
Threads: 35
Posts: 1,396

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20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

what you think would happen

What I know would happen, and you know it too but won't admit it cause you're a woman, so biologically unable to admit that you were wrong. :)

From people like you too :)

Very well. Take a look at my post above again - you would still have nowhere near enough for what you hope to achieve, so that would be completely nonsensical. You would merely be taking money away from lovely people like me and giving it back to Sasins, Czarneks and other Suskis. Brilliant idea! :)
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

you ran out of arguments


I have already clearly showed in #226 why your idea of income treshold is unreasonable and explained to you (#234) that comparing social benefits for mostly unemployed people to 500+ doesn't make sense because those social transfers are not governed by the same mechanisms as a common benefit like 500+.

Also, even if you introduced your beloved income treshold and it magically worked, without anything that I described in #226 happening (fat chance!), and you succeeded in taking the child benefit from 5% of the highest earners that wouldn't even mean saving 5% of 40 billion pln (well-off people, as well as the rich, usually have fewer children than low income parents) but probably only about 2-3% adjusted for fewer children, so good luck reforming the children healthcare system or disable persons benefits with 220 million euro (rough equivalent of 1 billion pln that you would save). :)

OK, take it away from 10% of richest people - you still only have 440 million euro. That's peanuts money. To have any chance of succeeding, you would have to take the money away from practically everyone and make sure that the government doesn't steal or waste it (good luck with that lol).
20 May 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

antydemokratyczny despota

Po prostu lubię zdroworozsądkowe rozwiązania. Nie widzę powodu, dla którego ktoś kto od wielu lat nie mieszka w Polsce i nie wiąże swojej przyszłości z naszym krajem miał mi wybierać rząd.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

I send money through SMS to various causes

That's quite charming but I meant serious charity. I asked about the percentage of your net income but obviously I don't want a 100% precise number. Just give us your rough estimate.

In case of parents who earn as much as you do

The only reason why you think I earn a lot is because, apparently, you don't meet people who really do. I meet them, on a daily basis. And guess what - they take 500+ too. Not because they are "immoral", "unethical" or any other bullsh*t like that, but because it makes sense - they can spend the money in a much more sensible and efficient way than the government. And they give generously to charity as well, both in absolute amounts and percentage-wise.

If you really think that PiS (or any other government) would use the 40 billion to magically heal the children psychiatric care system or increase the świadczenia opiekuńcze for disabled people then you are deluding yourself. It would all just disappear in countless other spółki skarbu państwa, fundacje, fraud state-funded enterprises or - in the best case scenario - it would end in South Korea or USA, as payment for weapons (but those money would be found elsewhere anyway).

Also, you repeatedly ignore the fact that 500+, no matter if it goes to poor or rich people, goes right back into the economy: food (farmers, food industry), clothes, schools and kindergartens (tens of thousands of workplaces all over Poland), services of all kinds (millions of workplaces), so the entire country benefits because of that.

You really are becoming a bitter, nagging hag, more and more each year. Find a decent man, marry him, let him impregnate you, give birth to children and take all the benefits you can to your heart's content. Maybe it will help you. Maybe. But don't use "children psychiatric wards" or disabled children as a comfortable excuse for your bitterness and frustration. It's pathetic.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

more important and urgent stuff than a private school for Kania's daughter, ffs.


I promise that starting from the next month I won't even pay one single penny of it for my daughter's school. It will all go for my son's kindergarten (it won't be enough, but will cover most of it) and I'm sure you agree that in a situation when the state cannot provide enough places for all the children, they should at least partly reimburse the costs that parents have to face.

OK, Paulina - you like to poke your nose into other people's private lives, so now it's my turn: how much money do you give to charity each month? Domy dziecka, children's hospices, Unicef food aid for Africa or anything really. What is the percentage of your net income that you give to charity? Such a moral, upright and honest person like you surely has nothing to be ashamed of in this matter.

Let's hear it.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

What a selfish a-hole.

Hey, you can have two children as well - you will then receive exactly the same amount of money for them as I do. Simple as that. :)

That means she could stay with your kid at home

Yes, but she likes her job and I want to keep her happy. You know what they say - "happy wife, happy life". :D

all the taxpayers are sponsoring a private school and a private kindergarten for your kids

No, they are sponsoring 35% of it. Or - if it makes you feel better - they are sponsoring 90% of my son's kindergarten because the state is inept and cannot provide enough places in state-run kindergartens.

In any case, the income threshold for most of the benefits I mentioned (rodzinne, opiekuńcze, pielęgnacyjne etc.) very often doesn't really apply the way it would with 500+ because they go to unemployed people, so the level of offical-income fraud (that I mentioned in my first post) is not that high. With 500+ you can go back to my post #226 and read what exactly would happen.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

...another - incredibly important - reason for the existence of 500+ is to make all the lazy and selfish bezdzietne pasożyty społeczne (I mean not those who can't have children but those who don't want to) foam at the mouth while they spit at the benefit. Merely observing their helpless rage is well worth the 40 billion pln/year. :)
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

it didn't increase birth rate

Of course it did. It was 1.29 children per mother just before introducing 500+, now it's 1.47...

it just keeps falling.

Wrong again. Recently there has been an increase every year...


... not a huge one but still. Without the child benefit money and rising costs of living - thousands of people - especially those with very low and low wages, would never have decided to have children, and we would be back into 1.2 area (or even lower) again.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

You absolutely don't care about the issues I mentioned in my previous comments

Erm... I am simply not discussing other things but 500+ at the moment. Much more money - that could be spent of children healthcare for example - is wasted in other areas than child benefit funds (95% of which goes right back to the economy (goods and services purchased locally in Poland).

Kania... What about you? I remember that you earn a lot and you have kids. Do you take 500+?

Yes, I am quite comfortable financially and yes, I take 500+. I use the money to pay for my daughter's private school and my son's private kindergarten (we were refused the place in a state-run one, repeatedly). The 1000pln/month I receive covers about 35% of the cost. My daughter goes to highschool next year, so 500+ will almost cover my sons kindergarten cost (which, I suppose, is fair as the state is totally inept in this regard and cannot provide enough places in state kindergartens).
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

... and it would be exactly the same for every other treshold. If the threshold is 2000pln - would it be fair for people at 2000pln to receive 500/800+, and those who have 2001pln not receiving it? That's why basing child benefits on income is such a raging nonsense.

Poor (really poor) families get a lot of other help and benefits: unemployment benefits, świadczenia rodzinne, opiekuńcze, pielęgnacyjne, dopłaty do czynszu, ulgi w opłatach, lokale socjalne, a lot of lonely mothers receive alimenty for their children from Fundusz Alimentacyjny etc. etc and most of them are based on income.

500+ is not such benefit - it is for every single child of everybody who has children these days (a lot of people choose not too, most often than not out of pure laziness and selfishness) and it is needed, if only to show how important it is for the survival of any country to support parenthood.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

500+/800+ should be based on income?


OK... let's assume that the income treshold for 500+ is 3000pln per family member (just an example for the sake of argument). Do you really think that any Janusz, whose income would be 3100, 3200 or even 4000 p/fm would sit idly and watch his somsiad - whose income is 2999 p/fm - receive "free government money" for his children while his bombelki are deprived of such help? Ha ha ha ha... are you sure you're from Poland? :D

The next think that would happen is that all the Janusze earning even twice the treshold would be in their bosses' offices the next day negotiating the official pay cut big enough to drop below the treshold (of course they would receive the rest in cash "pod stołem"). Bosses would be more than happy, because it would mean lower ZUS, health insurance and pension payments - so while the employee would be getting the same wages (plus the child benefit), the employer would save a lot of money too. The result of that would be that magically 90% of workforce would land below the treshold and the tax income would drop drastically as well as health-care money and pension savings - a complete and utter disaster in the long run. Brilliant plan, Paulina. Really brilliant.

Some people really need that money for their daily expenses, some may go for a holiday or pay with it for a private kindergarten for example etc. but in every case the money is certainly not enough for all the cost of supporting a child - it is merely some help from the state to those who choose to have children in these difficult times and most civilised countries provide such benefits; native children are a rare and valuable little things in Europe these days, when low birth rates mean either dying out of European countries or the necessity of replacing native populations with third world immigrants.

As I said, Kindergeld, as our German friends and neighbours call it, is the best and most commonsensical social benefit ever invented.
20 May 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

W Australii około 70 procent Polaków głosowało za PO

Tak czy inaczej, to nie ma znaczenia. Zasada powinna być prosta: płacisz podatki w Australii, Stanach czy Zimbabwe, to tam sobie głosuj i wybieraj władze.
20 May 2023
News / How could PiS better spend billions instead of 500+ ? [275]

my beef with that "500+/800+"

Think of it this way - the more money in the hands of people, the less money in the hands of Suski, Sasin or Czarnek. :) Of course, we still have Polish złoty, so the retards can print it at will and that's the problem. Poland should switch to Euro (the currency that PiS geniuses can't print) and then be as generous with social transfers as possible.

As I said - always better to give money to people (who will spend it inside the economy anyway - on food, clothes and services) than leave it with the government geniuses to waste or steal.
20 May 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

skoro nie mieszkam w Polsce to nie sądzę, że mam wystarczające dane i ewentualną odpowiedzialność za efekty moich wyborów

Bardzo uczciwe podejście. Moim zdaniem należałoby wprowadzić proste rozwiązanie - jeżeli ktoś przez ostatnie 24 miesiące nie płacił podatków w Polsce, traci prawo wyborcze. Oczywiście, jeżeli ma obywatelstwo, to po powrocie do kraju i analogicznym okresie podatkowym w Polsce, prawa wyborcze byłyby przywracane.

Wyeliminowałoby to wszystkich "patriotów" zza oceanu, którym wydaje się, że mogą urządzać życie Polakom mieszkającym we własnym kraju.

zlituj się nad nami i weź tym razem udział w wyborach

Na jedną taką Lenkę przypada dziesięciu "Ironów" i "Amigów Pięćsetów", więc jednak moje rozwiązanie docelowo powinno zostać wprowadzone.
20 May 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

Ja niestety nie będę głosował.

Też rozważałem pozostanie w domu w dzień wyborów (nie ma żadnej partii, która zupełnie by mnie do siebie przekonywała), ale jednak to nie jest czas na takie demonstracje - trzeba odsunąć tych ludzi od władzy zanim narobią jeszcze większej szkody.
20 May 2023
Po polsku / Wybory Parlamentarne 2023 [52]

Co prawda do wyborów mamy jeszcze trochę czasu, ale myślę, że wypadałoby już rozpocząć odpowiedni wątek (tym bardziej, że kampania w toku).

Donald Tusk przemawiał wczoraj podczas posiedzenia Klubu Parlamentarnego Koalicji Obywatelskiej w Gdańsku...

... przywołał czas wyborów w 2007 roku, które, jak zaznaczył, zmieniły historię Polski, ale i miały znaczenie dla Europy. Na Pomorzu, regionie po części rolniczym, popegeerowskim, Platforma uzyskała wówczas 54 proc. głosów, a "główny konkurent" 27 procent. - My nigdy nie przegraliśmy tu żadnych wyborów - podkreślal lider Platformy.

W Gdańsku i na Pomorzu PiS nigdy nie wygrał. Duma :)


Co do samych wyborów, to przewiduję:

1. Zwycięstwo opozycji.
2. Sformowanie koalicji KO-PSL-P2050
3. Potężny ból dupy "głównego konkurenta".
19 May 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [555]

Man, are you fu*cked!

Luckily, this Autumn we have parliamentary elections and we will "thank" the idiots responsible for that.

a country bumpkin like yourself

Gdańsk can hardly be considered the countryside. That sums up your knowledge of Poland and Poland related things pretty well. :) As for Big Mac index, it is used by over 100 countries as one of the main indicators of how well a country is doing economy-wise.
19 May 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [555]

Big Mac index is one of the best indicators of how well/bad a country is doing in economic terms for the general population...

BMInd Poland

... 2016 Big Mac price - 9.70pln; 2023 Big Mac price - 19.70pln.

That's how well PiS is handling the economy.
18 May 2023
History / Life in communist Poland - personal relations [397]

This was my experience even in the 1990s.

80s/90s - a lot of dairy products: pierogi ruskie (lol), leniwe, milk soup, pancakes with cottage cheese, cream or vanilla budyń for dessert; apart from that a lot of gulash and chicken, rather decent soups (nothing like what we had at home but edible) and always some sort of fruit kompot. Now that I think of it, it was quite decent but back then I never really enjoyed the meals at our school canteen because my mom was a great cook and I was spoiled at home.
18 May 2023
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

It is merely attention getting nonsense.

Yes. Bobi is resurrecting all the Polonophobic threads in vain hope of hurting our feelings. We, however, remain as unflappable as Buddha himself. :)
18 May 2023
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]


Because such threads are allowed sometimes (or even posted on purpose) to enliven the forum a bit. A kind of officially supported trolling.

There wasn't always war in Ukraine to ensure traffic for the board. Enough said :)
18 May 2023
News / Unfulfilled promises by PiS [555]

comfortable life in Australia

That explains why Amiga thinks economy is so much better now than it used to be - he doesn't live here and doesn't have to deal with the exorbitant inflation.

And, judging by Kaczyński's 'electoral sausage' promises, we can expect even higher inflation if they win the election. The only upside of them winning the election will be the strengthening of the army; if PO wins they will most likely abandon most defensive projects.
18 May 2023
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

Not only possible but certain. We also acquired the reputation of heavy drinkers for the same reason.
18 May 2023
Life / Poor hygiene of people in public places in Poland [46]

Poles are champion drinkers?

67th place in the world in alcohol consumption, and 102nd in alcohol dependence...

... some champions! :)

multiple bathrooms with bidets.

Two is hardly multiple but it's nice to be considered an oligarch once in my life. :D
17 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

Poles invested a lot of effort into ensuring that Russia could not reach an understanding with the West

You overestimate Polish influence on the West.

We were a relatively "new" country back then: patched together from pieces of the lands of three partitions, quite poor with a large part of population living in abject poverty (in the part of Poland where my paternal grandfather's family comes from, people were emigrating to Romania (!) in search for better life), and torn by internal conflicts. Also, we were at odds with all of our neighbours, with the exception of Hungary and Romania, and had numerous but largely outdated army.

I'm afraid our diplomatic influence over anybody back then was almost nonexistent.
17 May 2023
News / Russian criticism of Poland - Soviet war memorial removal [325]

because the Nazis liberated you from the clutches of the cannibalistic cult of Bolshevism

Pawian thinks that the Americans would have won the war and liberated Poland anyway, without the Soviet help. I wouldn't be so sure about that.

And if they stopped and made separate peace with Germany after liberating Italy and France? And what if the Western front alone hadn't been enough and German armies, not tied in the East, had repelled the American invasion? Would western allies really care about the Endlosung of the Polish Question (that would definitely start right after the Jewish holocaust)? I wouldn't have held my breath, considering that they didn't even care enough about the Holocaust to bomb the rail tracks leading to Auschwitz and other concentration camps (even though they were begged for it by Jewish organisations), and they had means to easily do it (they bombed a lot of industrial facilities and military targets right next to those camps).