The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Strzelec35  

Joined: 24 Nov 2020 / Male ♂
Last Post: 23 May 2022
Threads: 19
Posts: 830
From: warsaw
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: sksk

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27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]

How would you feel if you lived in such a weird fuking country where its full of male apes on testostorone and sterids and unapproachable or gold digger women and chicks everywhere and females who refuse to even make eye contact and no bathrooms anywhere or even coffee shops and a bunch of either restaurants or zabkas tores at every corner and just nothing outside maybe sports which how much of that can you do in a day or working out before getting tired to do? and no where to even get laid ever? Can you imagine having to live in an ex communist country with weird people like this and either patologia everywhere or unfriendly chicks and no one to fuk?
27 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]

In life, you need to grab onto something and claim it as your own and fight and claw to keep it, or else you're just floating in the darkness of space, where no one hears you scream.
25 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Random movies (not Polish) proposed by forum users [91]


Terminator: Future War

They need to make an entire movie based on this concept or short film created by some indy studio or some dude on youtube (who knows). Damm this is the **** guys. Terminator is one of my favorite movie franchise series and is all about toxic masculinity which I love. There is no way in todays movie climate in holywood a true sequel to terminator and terminator 2 could be made. they came from a diff era that cant be replicated in todays climate of holywood. But man check out this fan trailer teaser and short film:

Like imagine if they made this movie like this all dark and with techno sound and 80s music etc. and vibe but modern visual flair or motion graphics like this and all set in future not the desert and **** from terminator salvation (which had a few ideas but it definitely did not hit the mark and was made for mass consumption not actual fans like this trailer/short film).
25 Sep 2021
News / Good news: Poland's PiS to rule at least 12 years -- Morawiecki [86]

"i don't think young people care about the age of consent laws, more their parents. in fact the young generation would see that as successful trolling."

I could be their huckleberry or way for them to rebel against their parents with an older bad boy.
24 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]

Different situation and time. Not same at all. And any martial art will teach you if someone is a threat or engages you or gets within striking range its better to hit first than ask questions.

Mr Grumwald, Well my life is pretty frustrating being in such a ****** neighbourhood and having no women or sex or prospects wouldnt you be frustrated?

And regarding the situation in Bulgaria, Amiga how would you feel if some guy in a club some German threw and broke a bootle on floor to get attention of abrtender staff than started pointing finger at you that you did it? You wouldnt react to this?

Like I said all these situations that happen at such places are due to garbage people being there and gold diggers not my fault.

"If you hit first with your shoulder, it can easily be seen as a form of challange or mockery of somebody you consider weaker then yourself. That IS asking for trouble"

That was a separate incident from the other two I mentioned. But this guy was doing something similar (it was also 4 am and he was drunk) to that German in Bulgaria trying to shove me out of the way so I extended my forearm and told him to just quit it or move over or signalled this to him and he didnt like it. Mind you again this was 4 am there and the whole dance floor was empty so there was no reason for him to be bumping into me unless he was looking for toruble to begin with. then instead of going his way or to the other parts of the dance floor he ket trying to get me to go somewhere to fight with him and thats when i had enough and shoulde rbumped him once or twice and still tried to walk away but he tried to follow me so i went back where there is room and squared off with him and we started fighting. How was that my fault some guy looking for trouble in the same place they tried to rob my bag at (remember that story) and same place and ghetto city in Poland where those guys ran into to attack me my fault?
24 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]

Because it healed. I didnt go right away because I was tired and sort of drunk and didnt realize how deep the wound was till i got home and took that picture. I also assumed and wasnt thinking straight id have to wait 6 hours at sor like the usual case as they may not look at it as a life emergency. I called the cops and they didnt even come lol like in America that night by the way when I got home and realzied what happened and said just to go to some station the next day. Anyway, I am fine. and no I didnt pick on anyone he did he picked on immigrant people and was bullying shoving one of them before i stepped in and that place from some kebab shop next door the indian manager next to it is known for this and I was warned ahead of time before walking by. He simply didnt like that I interrupted his racism nationalism and possible drug business there with a police presence that night so three weeks later he decided to jump me and have his buddies to the heavy work.

And I dont pick on people or step up to people for no reason. I respond to events around me or those coming at me in some way. Which most people do. The difference is I dont rely on others I am always alone. And take care of my issues alone or business. I dont rely on cops either like Americans especially here where theyre worthless to lie to and take care of my business for me. But I dont go out of my way and actually took a vow against violence in prison. So all the situations I get to I had or have little recourse. When I fought that guy at that club a few weeks back when I started winning and got attacked form behind I tried walking away multile times and he felt disrespected as I lightly shoulder hit him and he lande don his ass since he kept aggressively coming toward me.

Basically there is no reason for me to go to certain places like clubs especially in slavic countries or eastern europe as it will end bad or Ill start coming in with mace and weapons after a while and I dont want to go back to doing this. but I will if I have to. I can live the chopper reed lifestyle if I only have to. but there are also parts of Poland where its ****** and full of patologia people or thugs so its not like you can avoid it unless you just sit home all day.

24 Sep 2021
Off-Topic / Using Super Glue on a open wound/cut on the head [49]

It hardened into a strupek so it worked. Actually some ooze was coming out the next morning so the glu didnt even stop the cut from being open just less bleeding after washing it.
23 Sep 2021
Po polsku / Polska miedzy Niemcami i Rosja. Zalety i wady. [504]

Nie rozumie co jest złego z tymi sàsiadami? Rosja to potęga militarna i potencjał z surowców na gospodarczà a Niemcy to Gospodarcza potęga dziś.
6 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [139]

You have no idea just how different Polish people including Polonia like dirk are from western white people. Which btw is another reason they are eastern not central europeans.

interesting... very interesting... turn of events guys:
6 Sep 2021
Life / Life in Poland for American who likes women, beer, hates Tories and is concerned about the weather [19]


Clamato Sauce Budweiser

You guys know what I hella miss from the US or California it is clamato sauce mixed in with beer specifically Budweiser has a can that is already mixed in the US. I think this would be a badass invention to bring to Poland and a good business opportuity. In fact I regularly buy regular tomato sauce at zabka and mix it with tyskie beers to get a similar effect.
5 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [139]

"They think people in Europe are suckers and they want to take advantage of it.
do you really want to let in a person who would put in a harm way his own kid and his woman? What more is not a big deal for him. How much less would such person care about women or children of some strangers?"

no one thinks Polish people are suckers. They think they are uncivilized second or third world brutes and savages as well as retards. Who btw live in a depressing country where it rains or snows all the time. but then again Poland is not europe its eastern europe not central.

"Well, they were kicked out for the most part either directly or indirectly by the Soviet Regime. If they were in Poland in 1989 that con at the round table wouldn't be that successful. They were not illegal they were political refugees."

now they werent. prove it. go ahead prove it anyone kicked them out lol moron? or do u mean like the jews who you dont consider polish moron were seeking asylum in us from soviet and soviet occupied lands like my friends at the ice center? is that what u mean polish jews? but i thought u dont consider them as polaks or righteous polaks right? because they have a diff religion?
5 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [139]

does the polish government or pis pay these ukrainian chicks to talk good shet on poland or is it just me guys?

it seems fake. can anyone see it beside me the fakeness? i mean like literally nothing they say is true literwlly like zeromperfent of it. its like they are co paring america to poland. for instabce, they clsimbuses show up in time on poland and you know the minute they come... nuff said.
4 Sep 2021
News / Poland hopes to attract hard-working, trouble-free immigarnts - Ukrainian, Belarusians and Vietnamese [139]

You Polish people were doing that to Russians in the 90s I know this first hand from a friend in the ice center at adelanto California who lived in Poland in the 90s and is Russian (maybe a Russian jew since he had clemency, or whatever its called, based on religious persecution has a stay in the US) and claims the Poloki (as he was describing it to the Lithuanian who spoke perfect Russian I mentioned the hacker and his dad was born in a gulag) were shooting their rifles at us anytime anyone got close to the border. He also said they would pay him less just because he was Russian for the same work as Polish counterparts. He did various odd jobs like work at a targ and crush grapes to make wine.
4 Sep 2021
Real Estate / How to kick out tenant who is living for free in my unit [6]

have someone give him hints or threats like some ultras or hooligans hire them to leave a note on his door "get out by or else". The threat doesnt have to even be legitimate or announced who made it thus it wont lead back to you. It can be just a warning to scare them off.
2 Sep 2021
Life / Lodz vs Wroclaw - difference in mentality of people? [53]

moved from

Maybe part of it is I hate this city Lodz in a way. From these dirtbags brudasy Polak patologia who walk around and others who have their dogs shet in middle of sidewalks or constant dog shet everywhere and trash and little kids just throwing it on the street to just how boring and mindless it is with almost no attractive women and a bunch of people missing their front teeth. To the racism against Ukrainians I see or just how these low lives act. It is literally like an abyss. This town. I miss small towns or country side even in Poland I am sure Id be much happier there. It is hard to even get myself to want to go outside here even if the weather is good. most likely I know Ill see someone with their dog taking a **** in the middle of the street and not clean it.

i can see when being in such cities or places why the west used to talk about Poland or look at Poland as such a depressing downward spiral country and place. such a grey sullen place with no life in it. these people you cant even interact with them even if you wanted to and there would be an interesting conversarion to be had which there never is, they just go to these bars or restaurants or public places in their own little groups. only in smaller towns or urban places people are friendly or would even talk to you.
1 Sep 2021
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I think Turks are a problem everywhere because they always carry and take out knives at the slightest sign of conflict.

lol at ukrainian politics: