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Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]
The right side of Poland (both politically, and geographically) would prefer to be still in the Soviet Union.
"Bliżej nam do Moskwy niż do Nowego Jorku". Wałęsa w wywiadzie dla Sputnika chwali Putina
Of course Bolshevik collaborator Bolek always had a soft spot for the Soviet Union.
I'm sure that Kaczyński is not all that fond of closer links to the people who assassinated his brother, the one who warned about the likelihood of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine in the speech which angered Putin so much that he planned to get rid of him:-
Polish President Lech Kaczynski delivered a confrontational speech in support of Georgia at a rally in Tbilisi, Tuesday.
"We are here to take up the fight. For the first time in years our eastern neighbours show their true face that we have known for hundreds of years", Kaczynski addressed the crowds gathered at a rally in Tbilisi on Tuesday evening.
"They think other nations should be subordinated to them. We say no! That country is Russia," Kaczynski shouted to the applauding crowd.
The Polish President accused Russia of still believing "the era of the empire was coming back," and that "domination was a characteristic of the region". He explained that many nations had been familiar with "that domination which had brought disaster upon all of Europe".
In Kaczynski's assessment, the current situation demanded a sharp reaction.
"We are here today so that the world reacts even stronger, in particular the European Union and NATO. Some had thought the Presidents were afraid of coming here. No one was afraid! Everyone came!", Kaczynski continued.
The crowds gathered outside the Georgian Parliament in Tbilisi responded enthusiastically to Kaczynski's accusations towards Moscow's actions. They shouted, "Poland, Poland, Friendship, Friendship, Georgia, Georgia".
President Lech Kaczynski arrived in Tbilisi late last night and was accompanied by the Presidents and PMs of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine.
The same happened in Britain, in the US, in France...but it aren't the illegals, so it must be something else.
There is a deep resentment among ordinary people towards the Bolshevik elite who are forcing globalism/multiculturalism on them.