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Posts by bolek_tusk  

Joined: 31 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 27 Jan 2019
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18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

It's been 3+ years now and still no evidence of an assassination.

Where do you get 3+ years?

It's less than one year!

I dont think Poland started one in the last 100 years, am I wrong?

Poland went to war with EU in defiance of its dictat regarding reforms to Poland's corrupt judicial system...

Not sure how long it will take Fuhrer Merkel to assemble an EU army to invade Poland, but it was Poland's fault for starting things...
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Adamowicz was a traitor to the polish people and had to be killed for the good cause.

Stop putting words in my mouth!

Adamowicz was a popular and successful politician. His murder was heinous and totally undeserved. I would not condone any murder of a politician, not even Hillary Clinton who was the epitome of evil. But, like with probably 90% of politicians, they have a tendency to 'bend' the rules and get away with it and to a large extent it goes with the territory. I am not going to pretend that Adamowicz was squeaky clean, just a 'normal' politician.


I do apologise for the error of my ways. I have now seen the light and will in future bow down and praise Fuhrer Merkel and her right hand man Herr Tusk, and will support the the EU - erm ... Fourth Reich and hope that it does everything possible to take away the national identity from those horrible Polish supporters of PiS and establishes our common European erm German values on each member country and its citizens.

18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Why is promoting the Constitution of the Republic of Poland a political thing?

It is no such thing - it's just a KOD political slogan. Most KODders have no idea about what it says in the Constitution , they are just repeating buzzwords they have learnt from some Soros funded institute.
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

The right side of Poland (both politically, and geographically) would prefer to be still in the Soviet Union.


"Bliżej nam do Moskwy niż do Nowego Jorku". Wałęsa w wywiadzie dla Sputnika chwali Putina

Of course Bolshevik collaborator Bolek always had a soft spot for the Soviet Union.

I'm sure that Kaczyński is not all that fond of closer links to the people who assassinated his brother, the one who warned about the likelihood of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine in the speech which angered Putin so much that he planned to get rid of him:-

Polish President Lech Kaczynski delivered a confrontational speech in support of Georgia at a rally in Tbilisi, Tuesday.

"We are here to take up the fight. For the first time in years our eastern neighbours show their true face that we have known for hundreds of years", Kaczynski addressed the crowds gathered at a rally in Tbilisi on Tuesday evening.

"They think other nations should be subordinated to them. We say no! That country is Russia," Kaczynski shouted to the applauding crowd.

The Polish President accused Russia of still believing "the era of the empire was coming back," and that "domination was a characteristic of the region". He explained that many nations had been familiar with "that domination which had brought disaster upon all of Europe".

In Kaczynski's assessment, the current situation demanded a sharp reaction.

"We are here today so that the world reacts even stronger, in particular the European Union and NATO. Some had thought the Presidents were afraid of coming here. No one was afraid! Everyone came!", Kaczynski continued.

The crowds gathered outside the Georgian Parliament in Tbilisi responded enthusiastically to Kaczynski's accusations towards Moscow's actions. They shouted, "Poland, Poland, Friendship, Friendship, Georgia, Georgia".

President Lech Kaczynski arrived in Tbilisi late last night and was accompanied by the Presidents and PMs of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Ukraine.

The same happened in Britain, in the US, in France...but it aren't the illegals, so it must be something else.

There is a deep resentment among ordinary people towards the Bolshevik elite who are forcing globalism/multiculturalism on them.
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

If not, then I don't see how the possesion of a similar t-shirt cancels the independence of a judge.

I read somewhere that judges in Poland are supposed to be independent, not political and not engage in political manifestations. That fact that this judge wears this t-shirt and engages in political manifestations most certainly shows her lack of independence.

But somehow breaking the rules does not seem to apply to the likes of Małgorzata Gersdorf, chief of Poland's Supreme Court, or to Andrzej Rzepliński, the former head of the Constitutional Court... or to Igor Turlej, Waldemar żurek and many many more..

It just show how much of a control the Bolsheviks have over the judiciary in Poland and why they were so desperate to stop P Duda's reforms last year.
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Yes we know how independent the judiciary is in Poland....

Do you remember the judge (Weronika Klawonn) in the recent Kaczyński Vs Wałęsa case?

That's right she has the same tee shirt that Walęsa wears

How independent is that?!!
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

They didn't "disown" him--he quit his membership in PO in 2015.

I didn't realise that, but in the process of trying to confirm this I came across the interesting article:-,prezydent-gdanska-zaatakowany-do-jakiej-partii-nalezal-pawel-adamowicz

which states:-

Pożegnanie z PO

W marcu 2015 roku na trzy miesiące został zawieszony w prawach członka Platformy Obywatelskiej.

Chodziło o zarzuty korupcyjne związane z nieprawidłowym złożeniem oświadczeń majątkowych, w których dopatrywano się zawarcia nieprawdziwych danych co do posiadanych przez Adamowicza środków pieniężnych, jak również nieruchomości.

18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Happens quite a lot in Poland with local mayors. Jarosław Wałęsa is a rising star in Polish politics,

Can you give me another example of PO failing to back such a popular and successful President?
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Yes, an enormous achievement. He must have been a great mayor!

So can someone explain to me why his own party, PO, disowned him and put up their preferred candidate?
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

And not a single photograph exists of said effigy. How remarkable.

How do you reach that conclusion?

There are no pictures of my birth. Does that mean I was not born?
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

That simply didn't happen.

It certainly did. I was only a couple of meters away from this mob. There were only about 30 of them but they were surrounded by over 100 police for their own protection.

In days gone by, under PO-PSL the police would have opened fire against any group opposing the government.
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Hate-speech is a Bolshevik concept and it originated in the US and they use it as a tactic to oppose any view which is different to theirs. Reading US forums and posts, the left are able to post pictures of Trump being beheaded or make calls on him getting assassinated, but that's OK but it's freedom of speech. The left simply call it hate speech when they don't like what is being said.

I was in Warsaw on 10th November when Lech Kaczyński's statue was being unveiled. The was a small but noisy group of KODders spouting their hateful rhetoric non stop. They even had an effigy of Jaroslaw Kaszynski in a noose.

Don't tell me that the left in Poland are not full of hate - it comes with the ideology.
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

- Adamowicz was killed by a mentally unstable ex-convict- It's time to reinstate death penalty for murderers in Poland.

If he was killed by a psycopath, then was it murder? And if not why reinstate the death penalty for murder?
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Fortunately, the police are going after idiots making death threats and suggestions that other people should die.

And quite right too. This hatred is not a right-left thing. A PiS official - Marek Rosiak, was murdered a few years ago.,311

What bugs me most is the idea of the left being 'Anti-hate speech' whereas they are the biggest perpetrators of hate speech.
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Too much to read was it?

An article in is hardly an internet post. I guess well informed people only get their information from then it wouldn't count as an internet post...
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Here's a clue: if he wasn't clean, why was he allowed to remain the President of one of the largest Polish foundations?

Because he has friends in high places. Corruption is rife among the Polish elite. Is it any wonder that the Judicial System is so hostile to any outside oversight?
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Both of them squeaky clean and te best of Poland.

Not much of an investigative reporter are you.

Both had skeletons in their cupboards. Whilst Adamowicz may have done a great deal for the people of Gdansk, he was wrapped up in the Amber Gold/OLT Express affair, was involved in some dodgy property deals and made false statements to tax authorities about his wealth, so 'squeaky clean' is a bit of a hyperbolic description.

As for Owsiak, you really need to delve into the history of Złoty Melon to find out how 'squeaky clean' he was.
17 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

No, we in Poland are not having that. They both are excellent public servants and selfless individuals.

It seems strange that you as an individual can speak for the whole of Poland and yet dismiss someone you disagree with as a Kaczynski man....

If I remember correctly Kaczynski is the leader of PiS who were voted into power by the majority and are still way ahead in the polls.
16 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Maybe he was independent and not official PO - hatdly justifies stabbing him to death does it ?

No, I'm not trying to justify his murder. There can be no justification for that. I would have gone to Gdansk myself to mourn his death, but that doesn't mean I'm oblivious to his wrongdoings. And I certainly don't offer the opinion of 'serves him right' and am appalled by the people who hold that view.
16 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

No. Mayor of Katowice - always independent as long as I can remember. Mayor of Gdynia - always independent.

But Adamowicz had not stood as an independent previously. He was abandoned by his party. I guess they thought he carried too much 'baggage'....
16 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Hence his huge popularity and being re-elected several times.

Don't you find it strange that he wasn't even endorsed by his own party at the last election and chose to stand as an indepedent?
15 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

It's just sad to see how someone would believe in a random Wordpress page over the actual audited accounts that have been accepted.


My Polish is not brilliant, but I'm sure it says something about Owsiak being found guilty eight times of breaking the law and hiding invoices...
15 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

The charity event he was appearing at has.... not been popular with the government

Maybe because Jerzy Owsiak had been pocketing quite a bit of the proceeds from WOŚP...
15 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Comments after the stabbing from certain "patriots". Disgusting..

I agree.

I know Adamowicz had some skeletons in his cupboard, but there is no place for violence on the political scene, and no party should be making capital out of this brutal murder.

Whilst the sort of people making these comments are people I might ally with politically (ie right wing) , I would very much distance myself from the sentiments expressed.
3 Jan 2019
Genealogy / WWII Polish Military information / WWII artillery units [25]

Much of Ander's Army ( Polish II Corps ) was under command of the Eighth Army, and it is the British MOD which hold records.

Thanks for the info, however I'm more interested in his position in the Polish Army in 1939.

Should I contact IPN -
3 Jan 2019
Language / Short Polish<->English translations [1049]


Skargi nadzwyczajne

Can anyone explain what are 'skargi nadzwyczajne'?

There was something in the news today which I didn't understand at all.

Here's something from a few months back involving the same case:-,75398,23919953,zbigniew-ziobro-zlozyl-pierwsza-skarge-nadzwyczajna-do-sadu.html
3 Jan 2019
Genealogy / WWII Polish Military information / WWII artillery units [25]

Who do I contact to try and get details of my fathers army record?

He was taken as a POW by the Red Army in September 1939 and was sent to Siberia where he later joined Anders' Army.