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Posts by bolek_tusk  

Joined: 31 Dec 2018 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 27 Jan 2019
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27 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Mind you, it does show what party crazed knife-wielding maniacs support...

Would you draw the same conclusion from:-

Krwawy atak na biuro poselskie PiS w Łodzi. (,311
24 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

noticed the over the top bias in TVP.

I have to agree. I always watch Wiadomości but it's getting to the point where the same stories are getting repeated over and over again and there is now as much commentary as news and a considerable amount of time is spent advertising upcoming TVP programmes.

At least everyone knows TVP's bias whereas in the UK the BBC claims to be independent and you have to pay the BBC tax whether you watch the BBC or not.
23 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

They weren't a victory.

Nice example of doublespeak :)

In my simplistic/ old-fashioned version of maths, PiS's 34.13% beats POKO's 29.97%
23 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

The corruption in PO times was at a similar level to todays corruption.

Any evidence?

but we have recently had elections during which PIS lost seats compare to the last local elections.

I think that is just wishful thinking....The reality doesn't quite bear that out.

The 2018 Polish local elections were held in October. The local elections were a victory of the ruling Law and Justice (PiS)
23 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

The only thing I'm hoping for is that PIS is soon gone for the good of my second home.

So you want to get back to the extremely high levels of corruption under PO-PSL...

I don't think the majority of Poles do, as can be seen by the unprecedentedly high level of support PiS have in the opinion polls.

I take it you've been out of the country for some time...
22 Jan 2019
News / PO to boycott TVP in Poland [37]

what is this language? isnt that "hate language"?

Bolsheviks can be accused of 'hate language'. It's in the rules....
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Drug dealing brings in less cash than you'd expect and is far from specific to any one group in society.

You don't live in the real world!
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Some do, but.... if you run a cash business - taxi, fast food, drug dealer then no one knows how much you earn... and if you are on benefits and/or work cash in hand you don't pay tax.
22 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Well Gazeta Wyborcza is adamant that the majority of Poles are all for flooding the country with Muslims and giving equal status to same sex marriages, and providing free abortion on demand....

... so it must be true! :)
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

You simply don't have a clue.

These Pakistani ghettoes simply grow and grow taking over neighbourhood after neighbourhood.

I've watched it happen first hand for decades.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Only in sport; and why not.BTW, they (except for the oldest housewives) speak English.

That is simply not true. Many Pakistani kids start school unable to speak English. They have no need to speak English. They live in Pakistanis ghettoes. Their parents, grandparents and siblings speak Urdu, Everyone in the street speaks Urdu. They watch Pakistani TV. English is a foreign language to them, and British is a foreign culture.
22 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

There isn't any doubt about that, though it's at best marginally relevant to the tragic loss of Mayor Adamowicz.

Why is one man more important than the millions of Poles who were murdered by the Germans and Russians in WWII.

Get some perspective!
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

So is Trump American

The clue is in MAGA.

British Pakistanis prefer to fly Pakistani flags rather than Union Jacks and have no interest in traditional British traditions and customs. Many of the can't even speak English.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

So all that makes someone Polish is having Polish citizenship?

All that makes someone British is having a British passport.... I find it strange that when I meet Poles in my home town and they as me why there are no British people around, I have to explain to them that all these Pakistanis are actually British.

I prefer to call myself English, since I don't recognise such a thing as a British nation.
22 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

whatever period of time you lick there has been o,entry of other genes in the mix - Swedish, Lithuanian, Jewish, German.

Not forgetting the Mongols who invaded Poland three times!
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

If Poles would really prefer to stay poor but polish they wouldn't walk all over Europe in search for work and better shores

Some people go abroad to save money for their future in Poland. It does make a lot of sense.
21 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

It's actually a fascinating insight into how PiS supporters think.

I don't see what PiS has to do with this Akt Zgonu Politycznego... It wasn't PiS which issued it, it was Młodzież Wszechpolski.
21 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

Im more bothered about corruption today than things that happened 25 years ago.

So you are quite happy about plenty of people getting away with it because it was a long time ago...
21 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]


I thought that this was some old PiS scandal that has just come to light, but it seems to have nothing at all to do with the government.

There is no indication as to when this 'asking for a bribe' took place or in fact if any corruption actually took place.
21 Jan 2019
Life / Feeling ashamed of my Polish heritage. [237]

Badly needed foreign workers to build the polish "Wirtschaftswunder"...

There are millions of Ukrainians on the doorstep who are more than ready to join the millions already in Poland.

What can Indians and Pakistanis provide which Ukrainians can't?
20 Jan 2019
Off-Topic / American Jew Voice in Poland [93]

Is being Black a nationality ?

Are Muslims a race?

If not how can anyone be racist for not liking them
20 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]

Some guys did serious time for FOZZ (and have now been released) but plenty got away with it.

And would one of them have been Walęsa? It happened on his watch - can't believe he didn't know anything about it....

As President at the time he must bear some responsibility.
20 Jan 2019
Life / Bribery and corruption 'fact of life' in Poland? [152]


Polish Corruption

I'm only just getting a feel for how much corruption there has been in Poland since the Communists left power... Corruption goes hand in hand with Communism so it isn't even worth discussing, but it seems that FOZZ was the 'mother of all scandals' according to

It seems that some light is only just being shed on this scandal, but is anyone being held to account for the missing millions?
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

And do please try to enjoy your weekend with your muslim neighbours

I guess you have never lived in a Muslim ghetto.....

Thankfully I'm in Poland at the mo.... Not looking forward to going back home at all..
19 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

Plus, all 'liberal', red, PC commissars across the borders will join in, it their golden opportunity to shine.

Once the Kaczyński-Salvini alliance comes into effect a great right wing wave will sweep across Europe and destroy the Bolsheviks running the EU.
18 Jan 2019
News / Pawel Adamowicz, Gdansk mayor, dies after stabbing [354]

I suggest you go to the public prosecutors with your evidence.

The public prosecutors have to put their case before a judge, and we all know about the level of corruption in the judiciary... The are still largely indoctrinated in the old ways of the Soviet Union. It will take a long time for the corruption to flow out of the system since it became so deeply embedded.