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Posts by idem  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Female ♀
Last Post: 2 Feb 2018
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Posts: Total: 131 / Live: 70 / Archived: 61
From: uk
Speaks Polish?: yes

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31 Mar 2017
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

but even little thing like ,when giving change in shop brits put it in customer hand not on counter as its custom in Poland.this polish way feel kinda rude to me now.

I have been living abroad for a few years but I have noticed it is changing - shop assistants in Poland started putting change in customer's hands. Not sure if it is effect of people who lived, travelled to UK who are slowly bringing this custom to Poland.

As I remember from old times polish shops had usually some small bowls when change was put in so it was not dropped on counter. I don't think it was rude just different- maybe showing reluctance to touch every customer?
1 Apr 2017
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

I think English people hate confrontation that is why when something needs to be told or resolved in a more direct way they struggle , get frustrated and that is when back stabbing starts. It is seems to be quite justified psychologically as human behaviour.

Of course it is generalisation-I also met quite a few direct , blunt people in UK.
1 Apr 2017
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

It looks that you have quite good opinion about Poles :-).

I am not sure about this self assurance. Maybe in Poland but on emigration lots of them lose lots of confidence and self assurance -unfortunately....
1 Apr 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Amusing that there are still people who read propaganda rags like GW.

From my observation the most balanced paper in UK is The Times. ( from right wing extremes like Daily Express or Daily Mail to rather left wing deluded Trotsky's Guardian).Does it exist equivalent to British Times it in Poland now?

To be honest I usually read Dziennik Polski when I am in Poland but it is rather local Krakow paper.
30 May 2017
News / Polish LGBT activists perform tribute to George Michael [38]

Of course he was popular and he sold thousand of records. When mentioned his name everyone thinks about singer not gay.

according to Delph insinuation- firstly homosexuality was legal in Poland since 1930- much earlier than in some 'highly progressive' west Europe countries who try to patronise Poland now. Secondly where are these attacks on gays in Poland? Ok some 'smirks' maybe from less tolerant person.....
30 May 2017
News / Polish LGBT activists perform tribute to George Michael [38]

idem you cannot compare our George with Shakin Stevens....purleeze...

To certain extend I liked both of them :-) And they are both from 80 'cheesy' music range...ha ,ha we can add Boy George too.

I believe he was just generous person. Left good memory about himself to many people whom he helped.
30 May 2017
Love / Do Polish date Spanish people [50]

I would say it is your personal opinion- I don think I saw many handsome Pakistani men.... and Australian?- It is mixture of emigrants from all over the world......historically mainly English I think.
5 Oct 2017
Language / How well do Polish people understand Slovak? [88]

Slovak is easier to pronounce and to learn than Polish, so I'd go for it. It also sounds very cute.

Exactly- Cute. I really like Slovakian language. For us Polish it sounds a little like children talk and it usually makes us smile :-)
25 Oct 2017
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

I thought that historically every country was created to have borders-army to support it and independence. Don't you see danger with uncontrolled influx of people without any ID, lying about their nationality.....just influx, influx with no end ???????
1 Nov 2017
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]


How this analogy works with Europe?

Not so many guns in circulation in Europe but still few nasty terrorist attacks.....

We have polish saying 'odwracanie kota ogonem' which matches very well your analogy.
4 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Yet there are still people I see abroad that look 'Polish' to me. Judging from my own experience, I look Polish, too. And I'm not blonde (even though I was as a kid).

I usually distinguish Slavic look like Polish, Chech, Slovakian. I always thought that I look Polish but my first job in UK was customer orientated and some people asked me if I was Italian...Spanish (I have brown eyes and slightly dark complexion) one asked me if I was Polish. I remember one man asked me if I'm Scottish - I guess it was my accent :-)
4 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

I don't think it's about hair/eye colour or height/body built, it's more about some looks you kind of have seen and associate with Poles.

That is true but it depends how long you live abroad some emigrants ( with time) get more and more similar to locals.

I have friend - English- her family comes from Liverpool.

She is very pretty - Quite a few people asked her/thought that she was Polish. Not sure why...general her look ,clothes she wears...mannerism....she has zero polish roots.
5 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

countries only exist for a while, then change shape or name or disappear. wherever the border is redrawn becomes the new nationality ...

What does it mean for a while?.... 1 hundred....2 hundred years. I think in each country there is some kind of mode- people with certain feature.....north Europe....south Europe....South America....

Anthropologist, historian have studied these subjects for years so I wouldn't treat this subject in such a superficial matter.
5 Nov 2017
Genealogy / Why are some Polish people dark complected, and others very light [511]

Us siblings always wrote it off as milkman, mailman and her husband. :-)


I remember from school times ( ages ago) that about 80% children had blue or green eyes....I was odd one with brown ones. So as per saying 'exception confirms the rule'.....I would say I has been like this in Poland for a while.
6 Nov 2017
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

. They are questioning how committed some countries really are to the EU, and rightfully so.

So opening borders to unlimited emigration without any ID shows commitment to UE?

As large part of German population is still willing to take more co -called 'refuges' it is part of TV/press brainwashing and propaganda in Germany and part of their eternal feeling of guiltiness.

6 Nov 2017
News / Austria's swing to the far right on Poland? [229]

However, they eventually lightened up to Poles as they see Poles assimilate,

Yes and no- PC causes frustration so the only people that British can lash out without being accused of racism are Polish...
1 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]

Now I'm not saying that the other lot, that is PO, are much better than PIS.

I am surprised you wrote it....Ok, Kaczynski is deluded little man who is power hungry....PIS is overly orientated towards Catholic church but!!!! There is one thing which PO did which is unforgivable- running like little nasty backstabber to Brussel and report against your own country, government? Which other country does things like this?

I live in UK and people like Farage or Corbyn or Theresa May -they come from different political parties. They can be nasty to each other in parliament, press conferences but outside UK they always stick for their own country.. So sorry but PO or KOD....they are just nasty, selfish traitors for me ( and I guess more people in Poland).
1 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]

a quote from Kaczyński you probably heard misinterpreted: - W Polsce jest taka fatalna tradycja zdrady narodowej. (...)- In Poland there is this nasty tradition of national treason (...)

And I don't understand it? Once we can be brave, patriotic, fighting for your country and then.....people like this. It is like chicken fall out with his chicken mates and runs to fox for help. Idiocy- but apparently they are well educated and progressive and PIS is uneducated and backward.
1 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]


Because I don't live in Poland I Iook at it from more objective perspective. Ha,ha and I don't have polish tv so no media brainwashing.... I don't always agree with things that some of PIS people say and let's be honest they don't have the best diplomatic skills but in the bigger scale they try to be loyal to their country and people.
1 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]

I think that our opinions are influenced by our upbringing but also by our education, environment so they can change with time.I don't think that many people are 100% conservative or liberal it is usually mixture.

I am weird cross between conservative and green :-)

I agree with you on judges stance.

Yes- all this ban on Sunday trade is very bad decision and will affect our economy- especially in the big touristic towns ( like Krakow I come from)

Propose on ban on ritual slaughter and fur animal farm I am 100 for it !!!. I am against cruelty towards animals.

But all this unpleasant attitude of PIS towards In vitro- ??? What is wrong with it? It is the best way to get pregnant for woman who can't get in natural way.

Again - all these black marches for abortion....I am for abortion if pregnancy was a result of rape of there is risk that mother dies or child will be highly disabled.....but in UK there are some reckless women who just sleep around without contraception and they treat abortion as contraception- I find it just disgusting.So I think lots of these issues depends on context.

But I suppose what is positive about PIS they try to be 'socialist' and improve life of 'average Kowalski'. Unfortunately some of these changes will probably backfire- like reducing retirement age.....People live longer now....there is no enough money in the ZUS pot so I am afraid it will go up soon.
1 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]


I think that there are few aspects in it:

- one is that ' over the top dramatic news' sell well so most papers had to exaggerate on news.
- political correctness brainwashed people and killed logical thinking


lets be honest. There was small group of people with racist/nasty signs...there was no need for it. Without them it would be just pleasant, patriotic march. With them everything was twisted by 'liberals'.

I thought that I read somewhere that we were to sue this idiot from Brussel who said about '60 000 Nazis marching'- and I think we should as it was just twisted news.
2 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]


Yes and No- it was small group and they could be racist idiots or they could be provocateurs but I don't think that we want to be seen abroad as Nazi-racist country. The problem is that papers and liberal 'progressives' look for sensation and blow it our of proportion.

Propaganda is spread by lefties but unfortunately average person who knows very little about Poland would believe in it and it is wrong.
2 Dec 2017
News / Goodbye Sunday Shopping in Poland - Hello Electoral Reform [246]


I guess you would prefer these marches :-),35063,20003738.html?i=0
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]

Yes I have been to Wembley - a lot of people live there from the old colonies - so what?

Theoretically nothing- except the fact that some areas on London are replaced with people from previous colonies....hardly to find ingenious folks...but your country your decision.
2 Dec 2017
UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again. [293]


do you really think that? are you broken?

It is your decision - you give them passport/ permission to stay not some magical tooth-fairy. Yes we have completely different history and I don't judge you. UK with colonial past will always have strong ties with commonwealth countries.In my personal view people from India bring many positives to UK. Lots of them are specialists in IT, businessmen, doctors... plus ( in spite of colonial past) they are loyal to your for 's different story I am afraid.