The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by InPolska  

Joined: 19 Jun 2015 / Female ♀
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Last Post: 9 May 2016
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From: Warszawa

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9 May 2016
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Also first of all, need to distinguish those arrived in W. Europe 2 or 3 generations ago and the currently refugees/migrants or what have you! When we are from W. Europe, it is not hard to realize that people in PF who have NO experience with W. Europe mix up everything and the contrary and if we dare telling them they are wrong (because we just happen to personally know), we are simply lynched....

These are 2 different things! Those arrived in W. Europe 2 or 3 generations ago and for their greatest part completely intergrated although they do face a lot of racism and xenophobia mainly in the job market (= hence higher unemployment among them) but said racism and xenophobia are fought by officials in all W. European countries. Of course, this is not perfect but NOWHERE it is perfect. What country is .. perfect? Give me a name! ;) When something is not perfect, we need to look at it and try to resolve problem and that what we try to do in the West.

The current migrant/refugee situation is completely different and (in my opinion) now in such a stage that there is no solution in sight. On top of that, EU got ripped off by Turkey (from the very beginning I knew it would happen) and I personally believe that Merkel, Junker, Tustk and all those socalled commissioners appointed by their friends should be removed from office and sent to court for high treason.

To summarize, on PF, people who don't know anything about anything, who have no personal experience with topic , don't understand anything and of course mix everything and as a result there is no way we can even try to discuss. I have personally interacted with Arabs/Muslims (all Arabs are not muslim ;)) on a daily life for some 40 years. Who on PF has a better or similar experience???? "lol"

I wish people could distinguish the 2 "groups" since situations are different!
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

if Poles don't keep themselves to themselves, why are there 'Polish neighbordhoods" in British towns where some Poles don't even speak English? Why are there in North France (to talk about what I know) some villages where most people are Polish (even the mayor)? Maybe they mix at the 2nd, 3rd generations on but not at the 1st generation. I used to have a friend from Australia (now back there) of Polish origin and she said in Australia, she had kown some Poles who did not speak English after some 30 years there. Well, it the same situation with a lot of immigrants, not only Poles, but since we are talking about Poles, I am saying that Poles are just like any other immigrant groups. However, my family got integrated from 1st generation and for 3rd generation, the home country was a foreign country but such situation is rather rare ;). Most people including Poles are not that quick ;)

As to "bigot", look up in the dictionnary! It certainly does not fit people who are atheist and liberal ;). But never mind, as a non fascist and as a non Pole, you have to "hate" me but it would bother me to be liked by fascists ;);)
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Yes, The Other, to be called "xenophobic ' or "bigot" by them is really amazing! You know that fascists don't spend much time at school so don't expect them to open dctionaries!
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@TheOther: my response was deleted (...)! I agree with you but hard not to respond to their bs. I know that they are paid (fascists recruiit among the scum). Well, they give a terrible image of Poland to whomever could think about coming here. I
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@Although I love SOME of their accents (because not only one),I'm lost with the rather exotic voc and even grammar. 17th century rural (from western France) language with some American English translated in French.... In places like Montréal, Québec ville, it's sort of understandable but in the backwoods ;). When I was there (for short visit so no time to adjust), I preferred to speak to them in English as I could not understand "French'.

Since a lot of (great) series from Québec on French tv (with subtitles), we love their "baiser" (something of the "szukać" style ;))

Personally I love the way most of them sound and they are very easy to get along with!

Most people anyway are good people everywhere and instead of having prejudices, it would make sense to get to know each other but so many (you can read them here ;) prefer "I hate X" "I hate Y"
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

gregy: only those (Poles and others) who are like you, narrow minded, intolerant, racist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigotted. I feel the same re ALL nationities (including Fench so I'm ... Francophobe???? :)) but let's face it, in Poland unfortunately most people are like I say. Maybe maximum 10% of Poles are open minded, tolerant and these are the Poles I only want to deal with and among whom I got married.

I personally put all the bigots (all religions), all the racists and the xenophobics in the same bag and I do not care what nationality they have.

Buy yourself a dictionary and open it! To be "polonophobe" (or whatever you want) would be to HATE 100% of the persons from the group. When we marry, have kids, socialize and do whatever else with some of them, it shows that we don't hate everybody ;).

Well, I know that for a someone of your kind, this sounds abstract and is hard to grasp! ;)
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Well, stay with your KKK pals and keep hating people! My point re Québec and Louisiana, since they have Canadian and American passports and have left France in the 17th-18th centuries, it is obviously normal that they don't feel French citizens but nevertheless they have kept a lot of the culture (although their language is rather "weird") and are very proud of their French origins. It contradicts your "opinion" that they want to forget about France. In states like Vermont (= green mountain in French) there are also quite a few people of French descent and they are all proud of their origins. A lot of towns and cities in the US have French names (not only in Louisiana).

And as to the French of Polish origin, a lot of them don't even speak Polish and feel completely French. Here again, it contradicts your "opinion" according to you everything French is sh]]] and nobody feels comfortable with the French. For your info, there are some 1,000,000 people of Polish origin in France and barely 3,000 French (most of them being businesspeople, and the rest are mixed couples (and yes, the French are so ****** that some of them have even married to Poles ;)) in Poland. Like Henri IV once said 'la messe est dite" ;)

You should stop reading your tabloïds and watch Fox News so you would not be so ignorant ;) (well, I lived in America so I know that over there, you are very ignorant about the world)

And yes, if Poles have chosen to praise a foreigner it is only because they have a great opinion of him.

Grow up and meet people, including French (and not only) and you would understand that they are normal people and not hard to get along with and enjoy life ;). But with your (stupid) préjudices hard to meet people!
8 May 2016
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Merged: Government in Poland closes Council against racial discrimination - effective on June 1, 2016

sorry, I have it only in French but basically: Council set up in 2011 by previous government in order to deal with (reported) cases of discrimation based upon national and racial origins will cease all activities as of June 1, 2016.

All democratic countries have a lot of bodies to deal and to fight discriminations of ALL sorts but apparently Poland is once more "different".

Thank you, Moderators, to remind us of EU's report ;)
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@Iron: once more you show your ignorance (+ hatred, but normal for a bigot ;). In Louisiana and Québec, they are US and Canadian citizens respectively and that is the reason why they don't claim to be French but they of course don't hide being of French origin. Even in some parts of the US, French culture is still well alive. Do you know also that Jackie Kennedy's father (named Bouvier) was French from Nîmes? Do you know that John Kerry is related to France through his mother.... Well, propaby you don't because in your circles, you only know bigotted rednecks.... When Americans or Poles or Greeks or Tanzanians are proud of their countries, it is "normal" but when the French are proud of their country (check the number of tourists and you'll be amazed! ;)), their language (which has influenced English a lot since there are tens of thousands of French words in English and I'm sure you do use a lot of them all the time, there are also thousands of French words in Polish language, Polish national anthem praises a French guy (probably you don't even know ;)), their food, their "laïcité", it is wrong! Stop with your double standard if you want to ve credible.

As to Poles, there are a bit over 1,000,000 of them in France (some since the 19th century) who feel completely comfortable in France and are good French citizens (most of them don't even speak Polish but speak French 100%)

So once more, besides your (stupid') French bashing, what do you have for "arguement"??? ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, NICHTS, NIĆ, QUE DALLE!

As to Poles, yes, they are closed as most of them are prejudiced and intolerant, as you are. Like Doug, if I had a Polish spouse, he was of course most educated, open minded (and also coming from a "historic" family) because obviously I would not have put up with a racist bigot like you and your mob are. Few Poles are open and tolerant but there are and these are the only Poles I interract with.
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

@nothanks (just before logging out!: "lol"! Poland being the most homogenous country in all Europe, how the hell can you have a lot of mixed couples? How many Poles do your know marrying or having black, or muslim, or jewish ... spouses/partners? check the % among Poles and for instance in countries like Britain or France where mixed couples are completely normal. In Poland it is close to 0%. As to Poles, when they are abroad, they keep themselves to themselves (whole neighborhoods in UK, in Northern France, a lot of villages are most entirely Polish).

Now, you mean to tell us that Poles are so open so tolerant! Gigantic "lol"! Poland is among the most racist and intolerant countres in all Europe. In May 2015 the EU commission issued a report (I posted it in PF at the time) according to which Poland is an oasis of xenophobia, racism, antisemitism, and homophobia. Just by reading 98% of messages here in PF, no big deal to understand that Poland is yes a most intolerant country. You hate yourselves and it is normal that you hate everyvody!

Now, I go! I have better things to do now that to feed racists and xénophobes
8 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

No, I mean what you call "Polonia" and who claim to be "Polish". I guess it's minimum 20 million (already over 1 million in France, the first ones where the "elite" in the 19th century, about same or a bit more in Germany and in GB, + a few hundreds of thousands in each European country + other continents), yes minimum 20 millions people. When people are immigrants themselves it would be expected to be somewhat tolerant towards others but it is not the case with MOST Poles, who seem to be genetically full of hatred. Not very ... "christian" to be full of hatred!

(well, going outside now so continue without me)
7 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Yes, Pol! And I believe that Poles are only responsible for all this. Instead of running away (how many millions of Poles outside of Poland? I don't know, 20, 30, 40 millions?) why don't they stay home and roll up their sleeves. Poland is still by very far the no.1 country in Europe for emigration.

I often hear Poles saying that they don't have the means to start big companies. I am sure that some Poles could do a lot but in order to do so, they would need to be in Poland and work for Poland.

Pol; 240,000 is a lot for a country like Poland with no tradition to demonstrate. It is just like the 12 to 14,000 who particupate to the Equality March every year, which is a lot in a country like Poland. Numbers can be intepreted in many ways ;)
7 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

According to tv stations from several European countries that I can watch, some 240,000 (= big for a country like Poland) against government. One Polish retiree taking part to the demo said to a Euronews journalist that she was demonstrating because she refuses to have fundamentalism in Poland, what is to be expected with PiS.
7 May 2016
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

What supermarkets are ... Chinese or Turkish in Poland? ;). No. 1 is Biedronka, which is Portuguese and then you have all the French supermarkets (Carrefour, Auchan, Simply (owned by Auchan but much better), Leclerc, Intermarché.... ) and then Tesco which is from UK but which could be on their way out of Poland as I have read here....
7 May 2016
UK, Ireland / What is the best way to meet a Polish girl in London for a serious relationship? [28]

@Szalawa: here, I'm 100% with you! ;). We cannot talk about the whole forest by looking at only one tree ;). Basing one's "opinion" on 1 or 2 cases is needless to say not very ... "scientific" ;). I know I should not pay attention to such crap but as it is public, they need to be told that such "thinking" is completely stupid and useless.
7 May 2016
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

Usually, they are not loud but what bugs me is 1. disappearing like thieves to avoid saying "no" 2. 'irresponsability or rather not being reliable (when I say I'll do something, I do or if not possible, I try my very best to do it) 3. pushing around with their bags 4. staring 5 gluing themselves to me when in lines...

and also those shouting "kurw..." every 2 or 3 words
7 May 2016
Life / Do you think that Polish people are rude? [951]

That is "funny", I was talking about it recently with a Swedish client and he told me that as per Swedish standards, Poles are very agressive and their way of staring at and getting glued to people while staying in lines was most unacceptable for Swedes....
5 May 2016
UK, Ireland / What is the best way to meet a Polish girl in London for a serious relationship? [28]

@Szalawa: just to base one's "opinion" upon max 1 or at the very most 2 cases is purely childish and stupid. If message written by a teenager, we "may" understand but if from an adult, it is very sad. How many women from Poland and from elsewhere has he personally known? ;).....
3 May 2016
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

However, it does not change facts that Arabs were in Spain/Portugal for quite a while (a lot of influence over culture, cooking, language...)and a lot of Spaniards and Portguese (including most probably Levy ;)) have Arabic blood. Arabs went even further north into France until they were stopped by Charles Martel in Poitiers Battle in year 732....

Even today, the Arabic influence can be easily seen in Southern Spain (although my family came from (Spanish) Basque Country, I know whole Spain very well ;))
3 May 2016
Genealogy / Do I look Polish? (my picture) [375]

Since Arabs were in Spain and Portugal for centuries, for sure a lot of people in both Spain and Portugal have ... Arabic blood ;)
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Pol: in such cases, kids who are threatened and made feel guilty do not talk. Often mothers and other members of the family know but they shut up (scared of retaliations, scared of shame...). Unfortunately it happens more often than we think.

As to western women in liberal (goodless) societies to abort more, it is absolutely false! Yesterday I read that %wise, Polish women illegally abort as much as German women legally do. I have also checked with France (official figures) and it is the same too %wise, some 220,000 per year in France against 80 to 100,000 in Poland. The BIG difference is that German and French (among other nationalities) abort in the safety of a hospital (free of charge) whereas Polish women who don't have money have to do it themselves with coat hangers, Domestos, etc ....

Sad that Polish women are treated like garbage!
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Jon: could be but in the meantime they behave like barbarians. A woman who wants/needs to abort will abort anyway (illegal abortions are estimated at 80,000-100,000 per year in Poland). How can we keep the current situation when so many women have to introduce coat hangers, Domestos, knitting needles or whatever they have within their reach into their bodies? How can a civilized society accept this? This beats me! I think that although only a small minority of women are now fighting, the momentum will grow and they won't give up.

and yes, only idiots believe that it is easy to report rape or incest ...

It is also high time that sex education becomes a subject in Polish schools. Sex education and also the use of contraception (taking temperature is the no.1 "contraception" means in Poland (like in the West till the 1950's). Sex education + use of contraception should limit unwanted pregnancies to begin with. In western (goodless ;)) societies with sex education and easily (often free of charge or for a couple of coins) contraception, most women do NOT abort, contrary to what some bigots want us to believe ;)...
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Absolutely! Only most naive people think it is easy to report rape or incest and have them acknowledged by justice and that's why most rapes and cases of incest are NOT reported.

Yes, Jon, to imagine that a 14-year-old girl is going to report her father, uncle or grand-father because they sleep with her is pure stupidity! The poor kid will shut up and suffer in silence. Those guys also manipulate their victims and convince them that if they tall, nobody will believe them etc ... If she has the misfortune to get pregnant, trudno if she lives in a country like Poland ...

To pretend the current law in Poland is "good" for women is pure irresponsability and almost a crime towards women.

Hard to accept the idea that in EU in the 21st century, women have to use coat hangers or Domestos to abort...

No need to go to Aghanistan to find primitive people!
11 Apr 2016
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

@Pol!: you are most naive if you believe that a woman can report and have a rape or incest acknoledged or even to get an abortion when her life is threatened. You are intelligent to understand that these are not OBJECTVE criteria...

I used to have a client from near Kutno and she told me that in her small town, there is a woman with 5 kids among whom at least 2 are from her father. Do you think that said woman could have entered a police station and accused her very father???? Do you think first of all that the cops would have believed her? What do you think could have happened to such child, in her family, in the neighborhoold? Do you think a underage teenage girl can simply accuse her father, grandfather, uncle etc etc ... of incest????

Most rapes and cases of incest are NOT reported and even when they are, there is no scientific proof that justice will acknowledge them. A lot of women are even ashamed so they do NOT report rapes and incest. And if the girl is pregnant, it's tough if she lives in a country like Poland and has no money to see a private doctor or to go abroad.

As to life threatening, there are a lot of women whose doctors refuse abortion because they are against abortion. Do you know the famous case in Poland of Alicja Tysiąc, who had Poland condemned by Strasbourg's court of justice.

I know on the paper, all looks great but the reality is otherwise.

As to the West, women do not abort on "whim"! Yesterday I was reading a report comparing Germany and Poland and percentagewise, German women do not abort more than Polish women. As to myself, I have never aborted and I only know a handful of women who did.

Obviously you prefer women to keep aborting while using coat hangers or Domestos....

Pathetic and even criminal to let women risk their lives!