The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Marsupial  

Joined: 19 Oct 2014 / Male ♂
Warnings: 3 - TAA
Last Post: 30 Aug 2017
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Posts: Total: 871 / Live: 202 / Archived: 669
From: Australia, Sydney
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: many

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30 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

That's because they are dumb and poland will be screwed over like it always was. Screwed themselves for all those years after ww2 and got forgotten and left to rot. I have no doubt that will happen again. It's a whole country of self destructive idiots. I am going to renounce my citizenship after i sell my assets and change my polish name to something else.
30 Aug 2017
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Utter trash government of the worse kind backed by losers of the highest order. You aren't polish ironside time to adopt a new nationality gypsy boy.i suggest the Albanian goat herding forum for someone like you.
28 Aug 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish lorry driver arrested for smuggling 9 million cigarettes [64]

People buy them here too. The stupid government has done two things: one they created a black market, two is that pot is now cheaper. So why buy smokes when you get weed for a better price? The revenue stream they predict from this is a con job and budget fail of epic proportions. You can buy under counter cigs just about anywhere. So the government has made smoking cheaper. Lol. How dumb are they.
25 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Another thing to consider is france and uk have now set dates for total ban of petrol and diesel cars. All this does is inceease the pace of the race to sell heaps of the new tech. The dates are almost irrelevant, no one is waiting on the business side. There is a flood of new tech and they are racing each other for their market share already. Those who haven't started are already behind. Tesla has a good start and they have done this before most if not all. Now as the pace and uptake increases they should have a head start. Their shares and market share that we buy is not like buying mining stock and instead we are first. My question for tesla is how will they use their time advantage to win a bigger slice as dozens of hybrid and electric cars hit the market in the next 24 months?
25 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

True Johnny. That's why mother nature provided a million different way to move electrons including shimmying sheep across floors. thing at a time. I will tell you about generating propulsion using a leg of lamb after work.
25 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Eh i wasnt mocking you. It hardly makes a diff if you but whatever car. Its things like biggest energy company here offering to charge your car for $1 a day that make a difference in mass terms. In australia thats not even one litre of petrol. The petrol fad is nearing an end. If you cut it's price by 66% you would still become unviable. Killed by progress innovation and finally here comes the last part, economics. Oh and they are advertising this hard in prime time and swaying many people a day. The writing is on the wall my friend, renouce the dark side and join us.
24 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Gee johnny that is really really short term! See you can make America great again without buying obsolete rubbish. In fact let me give you a hand with that!
16 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

We have lithium, uranium, gas , coal, iron and everything here. So what, its fake cause large mining companies mostly get the money and now with automated driverless trucks and machines those jobs are being eroded not because of the mineral itself but extraction method. So many more people are involved in the new stuff even as basic as installing solar panels on roofs all day every day. Large infrastructure is needed to build large power plants but if 5000 people install something they reduce this and their reliance on central power. If you have a even just a basic solar panel and basic battery i guarantee i can wire your flat so you bypass the grid and still run essentials. You want to mention reliance on russian power above, give every Pole a rebate based on watts for installing sonething, applicable to business and homes. Watch 10% of all reliance on russian power vaporize in the short term, build no.plants and no infrastructure and have no.ongoing cost for government only initial push cost. Let private industry make the money from the change and collect their tax to pay for the push. Just a part of an entire strategy including gas from usa.
16 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Please note that all major ausrtralian banks have declared they will not support any new coal projects, period. Publicly on telly in paper. No longer viable as renewables are now cheaper and employ more people and have investers falling over themselves to join in. As the miners jump up and down another solar farm for 80,000 homes is approved. I would not worry about batteries that's not reality. Batteries have not had the intense research for 110 years oil had it but now they do. A battery you are looking at now has nothing to do with one you will be looking at in 3 years. A solar panel you got 5 years ago at 12% efficiency hardly compares to 20% you can buy now for same surface area and has nothing to do with one 4 years from now. Making projections on todays equipment is pointless if looking more than 2 years ahead don't waste your time doing it.
12 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Yes i realise and agree with Jon 357. We have to work on it. Trust me we are, even in my small 10 man company. Slowly but surely. Today i went to bank to see if i can borrow money for another house. After they looked at my books they asked how much comes from mining and more to the point coal mining. It turns out less than 1%. They told me good because they dont lend for business invested in that stuff. Lol. I didn't comment but i think my eyebrows gave it away.
12 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

None of that matrers when they start making 60 models and so on or when the chinese start choking to death in their streets like they are. Done and dusted and in the bin with coal. The fake anti green argument dies pretty quick when you cant breathe. Anyway, we have reached transition stage.
11 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Subsidies are a temporary phenomenon. We live in an age of energy transition. We are swapping to the automobile but some people still think that horse and carriage will survive. I know, its 50 miles to a gas station and the machine has stopped and we have to use a horse to tow it there. But one day there will be a gas station every 5 miles even though no one believes us.
10 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Ok fair enough. I bought shares in tesla when.people never even heard of it. I am cashing soon also to help fund another house. Tesla looks like building the worlds biggest battery in south Australia worth a few hundred million. You may want to keep shares longer, once others see what can be done he may get more orders of that size!
5 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Volvo just announced the end of combustion engine this morning. Stop your fraudulent spread of fake science and fake news and stop posting fake rubbish.
5 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Thats why upgrading ypur power is crucial. Copenhagen is 70% renewable power. Here in oz another massive solar farm is going up there seems to be one made every few months. The two combinations are crucial. We have more coal than most yet south australia has not a single coal fired station. The new buses are hydrogen! The combination is the key. One is not viable without the other. Our cars at home charge off solar. Countries who use coal still are backward unless they are making other arrangements. Most vidoes are false since they dont show the destruction caused by coal in the mining process. In any case petrol and coal are done and on massive downward spiral, every day that goes by they are less important. Economically it makes me happy that some are not doing this because i want us to be in the front and i consider some of these backward views as a massive boost for our future here. Someone has to lose and the usa under trump is heading that way. Yay!
5 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Its obvious to me you know nothing about any of it and you are just putting on here stuff you read online. No way you have any knowledge of even basic electric theory. A quick ckeck of vw and ford and other manufacturers would show you the 60 plus models of these cars that are being released between now and 2020. Why the hell would anyone listen to yet another internet delusion is beyond me when you can just look what those brands are saying on their official sites. All your stats and science is fake. Anyone reading this should go to one of those sites and see for themselves and get the correct information. Fake news is just trump, he is a fad soon to be history, a manchild at best
4 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

I dont want to share anything. Reason is if you have to ask the question its too late to teach you high school science. I can suggest some schools if you like.

Us other people to clarify are everyone who does not get their science from fossil fuel companies and backward elected officials with a money agenda.

There is bugger all electric cars in Australia. Our economy is backward mining which is failing badly. Fortunately business people are ignoring our backward leaders so the hope is we wont disintegrate.
4 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

No johnny electricity is made 20 different ways and fossil fuel less and less soon enough it will be an insignificant amount. The usa is very slow on converting, we are getting quicker by the day. Under trump you will fall significantly behind which is great for us other people. As to fake made up stats i am referring to all your posts ever concerning anything to do with science. Get your science from actual science people not the oil companies. Lastly, jeep is the worse suv you can buy. It truly is runbish.
4 Jul 2017
Life / How are electric cars doing in Poland? [413]

Electric cars are at the beginning of their life. Pretty much like the model t was a real beginning for oil cars. The only difference is that what took 110 years or more for oil cars to get to now will take the next 10 years for electric cars. So they are still in infancy and lacking in many things. The important thing to know about this is that the movement for this as other new energy sources is moving fast. Many places will be left behind but germany and poland won't. Both these countries will be heavy users of electric cars. Lastly, posting fake manufacturing data and procedure for things like batteries posted on the net by oil companies to catch you is bad for your image.
30 Jun 2017
News / New European Council's report: "Poland oasis of racism, xenophobia and homophobia" ... [343]

Poland should sue Brussels for racism. A polish citizen can't walk diwn a street in parts of the eu because of no go areas. This is not what we agreed is it now? We didnt agree to have hate preaching racist primitive trash asking people why they are walking down a certain street when they are clearly not even a eu citizen or native just loitering on a corner after loitering in some other country before that? Those countries should be immiedately penalized for breach of trust. The eu was made for the free movement of it's resisents. Clearly some governments have a hard time distinguishing between eu native and invader?
18 Jun 2017
News / Poland's post-election political scene [4080]

Harry...he isn't goig to show the money as it does not exist. They are just the same extremists as may and trump. Ridiculed and disliked world wide. Most of the people i know just hope they find their place in tbe bin before trashing the whole cointry. May will do anything to anyone in uk and shaft everyone to stay in power and so will trump and so will pis. Brainless extremists. Their fake polling, fake controlled media and gullible followers will not save them at elections. The torys have trashed uk, trump is making usa a 2nd world country and pis will ruin Poland for the next 10 years or more. Uk and usa is big enough and rich enough to withstand these jokers but Poland on the other hand is not. The consequences could be grim. We had one of them here too but he was politicalky knifed by his own very quickly. Thank the fake god!