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Posts by wozzy  

Joined: 12 Jul 2006 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Oct 2010
Threads: Total: 8 / Live: 1 / Archived: 7
Posts: Total: 206 / Live: 41 / Archived: 165
From: manchster uk
Interests: guitar & travel

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17 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Claiming WW2 medals for Polish father [38]

We are searching for a form CS20 to apply for these Medals.

Hi Pan Tadek...form c.s.20 is a brown postcard size card.

If you can't find it I suggest you ring or write to,

APC Polish Enquiries
RAF Northolt
building 60
West End Road
middlesex ha4 6ng.
tele. 020 8833 8603

Personly I'd telephone first because you may need to supply documents and a letter of authority from your father in order to make a claim.

But hey they're realy nice people there.

Good Luck.....
24 Sep 2010
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

Hi msoroski. I'll certainly will look into those names for you, Ive a lady cousin who lives in Ropica Gorna (formaly Ruska), she may remember your Mother. Antonima was the name of her sister which makes a good memory link, and the time scale is in living memory.

The names Micheal , Stefan, Jan and Antomina are all featuered in my family and used repeatedly over generations, this makes life a little confusing, not knowing exactly which "Jan" they are speaking of at any given time. Also there are several Zelem lines in this area not directly linked. Another female cousin married a Zelem didn't even have to change her name after getting wed.

I could look for your grandads grave providing the inscription is not in Ukrainian, a lot of pre war markers are.
You don't say where you Mum is buried ?.

BTW. country weddings are superb............ .......:0)))
17 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

ok. lcbohio will do what i can .

setting off in the motorhome next wekend will be missing for a month or so. I'm not in any rush but I will be back.
4 Aug 2009
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

Hi All.......Not been around for a while, but I'm still alive......

To all who are interested I'll be going to a Żelem family wedding in September.
I'll be around Bodaki, Ropica, sękowa area's with Męcina Mała and Męcina Wielka just over the hill......So if anyone want's I could ask some questions or kick up some dust while I'm there.. :0)
7 Aug 2008
Genealogy / Displaced Persons Camp / Work camp and concentration camp difference [86]

What is left of the Deplacement Camp that used to be RAF Longtown

Hi Polishdaz, ...When were those pictures taken ? if they are recent I'll go and take a lookfor myself soon.

I've got a good one of the nissan huts with the tin roof which was my first home..I'll have to dig it out.
19 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

About the possible Hebrew origin of "Zelem". The word means "image" in Hebrew

Thats realy interesting, thanks a lot Kaliszer great post.

I had a thread on the subject but it seems to have been wiped out.(those damn americans will shoot at anything when there bored).

Admin...... What did hapen to that thread ?
5 Dec 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

genekpolak, there is also a zelem family around oldham district in manchester. Do you have any family links with them?
16 Nov 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

genekpolak Hi.

Good to hear of you, but you just missed a hell of a opertunity, I just got back from Poland and Bodaki. I was told that there was another family of Zelems who were from Bodaki or Bartne but not related could have been your dads family.

My surname is not Zelem that was my mothers maiden name. Grandad and Grandma Zelem are both buried in the same grave in a cemetry near Wroclaw, visited the site also two weeks ago. There are other aunts and uncles buried in the wroclaw area.Lots of cusins and extended family around there too.

Strange how the names reacur within a family, Had a cusin Stefan he died in america some five years ago. Had two uncles in Canada Michael and Paulo they are now dead also. There is some family in America also but don't know much about them as yet.

There is lots more to find out, and will return to Poland again in the spring.

Hello again Genekpolak.............just a quick update ifyou'r still around. I had a word with my mother last week and I mentioned your family to her, and behold it is very possible that your family, although not related have been visitors at our home near Manchester.

Apparently after your family had visited Bodaki you came to visit bringing my mother a jar of honey from her brother Piotr's bees.
If you have a sister called Soscia then you'r the one.
13 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

Well folks I shall be going to Poland in 10 days for a 2 week vist to various places and will be staying for a few days in Pstrazne, Chata Zelem to me.

Mecyna Wielka is just a short walk through the forrest, if you give me some more info I'd kick up some dust for you.

btw family first names are,

Tadeusz and Paraskiewla.......Grandad and grandma (maiden name Lysak)
Piotr, Paulo , Theodore, Jan, Micheal ........Uncles
Theodora .....Aunty and Mother.

Of all those only my uncle Piotr remained in the region the rest were diplaced by the war and Operation Vistula in 47....
9 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Displaced Persons Camp / Work camp and concentration camp difference [86]

will do that today for you Polishdaz......meantime take a look at this site, you may find something of interest there. I found my mothers name on the ship passenger list that brought her to britian in '46.
8 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Displaced Persons Camp / Work camp and concentration camp difference [86]

going to try again to post a pic. got it!

Right on this picture according to my mother is on the very left holding a glass Mr Pacyna.
possibly your grandad....The lady withe the child on the right is Mrs pacyna , possibly your grandma . what her son was called she do's not remember.

the other two children in the center is my sister and myself, my father is extreme right next to the boy.

  • Party_time.jpg
4 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Displaced Persons Camp / Work camp and concentration camp difference [86]

Hi Polishdaz.....It's good to here from someone who has walked the same path.

I personaly do not remember your family but I shall ask mother if she remembers the names. You say you grew up in Bradford we still have contact with some families in Bradford who also lived in Hollburn,I'll get a list together and see if you know any of them.

I'll try and post a picyure of my first home .....don't know if it will work I'm quite hopeless.

I'll try again ... Nope still not working file too big I, ll try again when more time.

Well Polishdaz........I've just had a word with my mother and she says she remember's the name of pacyna quite well, but tell me did your family have red hair ?

Still working on resizeing the pics.
15 Jul 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

Latest search on this name makes it likely to have Hebrew conections.

Zelem Elonim - " In the image of god" Gen.1. 26...
26 Jun 2007
Genealogy / Displaced Persons Camp / Work camp and concentration camp difference [86]

i hadn't heard of Hallburn, so will have a look into that

I've tried to google in the past and didn't get much at all.
However the camp was just outside Longtown in Cumberland, it was wartime service hostpital. Our family lived there fo about seven years.
In effect it was made up of nissan huts with round corrigated steel roofs and pot bellied stoves for heating, there was also pre fabricated huts in another section of the camp, later in the period of my being there one came available and we moved into it for a couple of years.

Gradualy as time went on the people moved on, most went to the industrial areas of the northwest and some stayed on but not many. I'd been to Scotland for the new year and out of interest stopped had lunch in the hotel at Longtown. Got talking to one person who had stayed in the area, he was a nieghbour living two doors down although I don't remember him personaly I certainly remembered the family name.

Not much left of the place now just a couple of the concrete buildings once used as a community hall, the rest have been demolished years ago and the land returned to farm land.

Will take my Mother up for a visit next month she and her old friend will enjoy the chat.
23 May 2007
Food / Smalec - how to make it? [53]

Add finely chopped mushroom and a clove of garlic and you're realy rocking............
15 Apr 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

I didnt think there was that many Zelem's in the world...

Yes we've been around for centuries and probably came from the Lemko regeons of the Carpathian Mountains, Lots emigrated to the America's in the 1890's, more were displaced during the two world wars and the depopulization of the Lemko's in 1946-1948.

here are some links........

There is such a lot of US sites , but little or no UK based info. if anyone knows more please let us know............:)
11 Apr 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

Wow ! ..........that sounds interesting, how much more do you know about your Grandads Polish you know what regeon he came from / town or village ???
11 Mar 2007
Genealogy / Zelem family - Southeast poland [73]

Hi Viddanuy....................Stephen I'm more than interested in what you have said, even though we cirtainly don't share the same grandad Zelem.
My Granfather was called Tadeusz born C1895 and Grandma was called Paraskiewia, both now lie in a Wroclaw cemetry. My mother is the last remaining of four sons and two daughters. Two of my uncles landed in Canada after WW11, one uncle and my aunt along with my Grandparents were relocated in Wroclaw district during Operation Vistula in 1947. My mother who was taken for forced labour to Hungary at the age of 17, eventualy resetled here in England.

The eldest sibling managed somehow to remain in Bodaki and the homestead still remains. I was there in late October last year and managed to find my cousin who runs the farm along with his wife and daughter, his two sons now work as haulage drivers in Germany, one is about to build a new house on the farm, so it seems that Chata Zelem has a future in the Gorlice district. There is another daughter who I didn't meet that has lived in the US for about fifteen years.

My Mother did mention in the past that Grandad Zelem did travel to the US on two occations but cannnot remember what the purpouse of these visits were. Also she said that she has a cousin who has lived in America for as long as she can remember, but sadly she do's not have contact with her. I shall go to see Mother this afternoon as usual and see if she can remember more details, She's 84 now and gets annoyed with too many questions.

On the Lemko issue I have recieved mixed opinions, Mother and Father spoke Polish and I was brought up as Polish. My uncles in Canada fell out with each other over the issue, one being Polish and married a Polish girl, the other was Lemko and proud of it and married a Ukrainian girl aparently some bitterness involved between the two ladies fueling the issue even more. My cousin in Bodaki when I asked say he's Lemko but speakes Polish and goes to a Roman Catholic church, as did his Father before him.(this is the old wooden built one in Ropica. )

The family in Wroclaw I haven't met as yet, but I shall make a visit this year and meet the rest of the Zelem Family and perhaps piece together more family history......

So Stephen any information you are willing to share I shall be glad of, and will gladly run it over with my Mother to see if she reconises any of the facts........... Genek.....
21 Feb 2007
Life / Polish Nursery Rhymes [253]

thought this was quite good..................

Slimak slimak pokaz rogi ........... Snail snail show me your horns
Dam ci sera na pierogi .............. I'll give you cheese for pierogi
Jak nie sera to kapusty ............ If not cheese then cabage
Od kapusty bedziesz tlusty ...... Off cabage you'll be plump
21 Feb 2007
Food / Smalec - how to make it? [53]

[[b][/b]quote=ale39] pork fat called 'słonina' [/quote]

Now there's somthing I haven't tasted for a l o n g time.....thin slices on bread...

1500 cal of pure pleasure......:)
18 Dec 2006
Food / Pierogi recipe and filling from my grandmother [179]

I once attended an event and they deep fried the Pierogies

Had fried pierogi many times, usualy make too many to eat in one sitting, fry to warm up.
I think they taste better this way.
Good way to do them for events.
21 Nov 2006
Language / Polish sayings [237]

never grow on your face, that grows wild on your arse.............................
refred to a beard or moustache..........