Law /
Laws on walking a dog in Polska [67]
the reason I ask is I am the only person who seems to have black bag in hand these days?
I always clean after my dog . There is law regarding this subject , but not respected , because of too small fines and not too many units fighting against this problem . There should be more sestrictve measures taken . I see it as a big problem in major cities . Poles are known for not abiding rules which I regard as a sign of immature society .
I know the woman was correct saying that a ranger could should your dog if it was off leash in a state forest.
You y don`t know the law either .
Recently the court punished such hunter by 1000 zł fine who shot a dog and levied him the withdrawal of right to keep a weapon.
It is ashame , because those vicuios people think that they can enforce law , the law that don`t exist . This dullard did not know about Law about the protection of animals provisions 11 .1 and 33.4, 33a 3 that states :
the manager of the hunting circuit may take measures to prevent wandering dogs in the circuit by:
1) advising the owner of the dog of the obligation to exercise control over the animal;
2) capture the dog and provide it to the owner, or a shelter for animals; capture the dog and provide the dog to the shelter at the expense of the owner.
Only feral dogs or cats who constitute extraordinary threat left without supervision and care in the hunting circuits at a distance greater than 200 meters from the buildings (if the conditions are cumulative) can be fought! It says clearly fought not killed.
Those cumulative conditions must be met at the same time .
I am very happy that such law has been revised ( the newest revision took place 30.07.2013 ) and a lot of crule peole can be prosecuted now in Poland together with vicious hunters , primitive villagers , farmers , ritual killers etc .
Provisions 10 a of above Law says - It is prohibited to let run dogs without the possibility of controling and without marking the identification of the owner or guardian.
So , in the Polish law there are no restrictions about muzzle and leash , however there are internal regulations in means public transportation , owners of public facilities , parks . But it is unlawful to issue a mandate or fine by anyone ( police or municipal guards ) for not abiding such regulations .
Summing - you can keep your dog without a muzzle and leash anywhere you want , but you have to keep control over him . Even in public places , you can only be aware when there is a sign " No dogs allowed " , you can expect that they could sue you and they could win the case . But in the regulation there should be information about their internal fee for not abiding their regulations . .