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Posts by ReservoirDog  

Joined: 22 Nov 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 May 2012
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Posts: Total: 132 / Live: 33 / Archived: 99
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: I do
Interests: windsurfing

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25 Apr 2012
Life / Scars of Communism on Polish culture. [55]

"[...]quite often [...] why doesn't he move forward, there's plenty of room."

you hear voices in your head???

I always leave space between and never heard anything like that.
13 Mar 2012
UK, Ireland / There's not a lot wrong with Poles in the UK. There's just too many of them. [72]

The original meaning has changed in modern English what you are referring to is white supremacist. All we have here is someone scapegoating the Polish. But don't let him put you off England/Britain. The world is Y(ours).

:) erghhh, I wasn't referring to it, rather ironically to modern trends :). I don't belive that whites are "Übermenschen".
12 Mar 2012
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

how about the portrayal of Jews in Polish literature

Very good proposal :) Jankiel - jew from Pan Tadeusz by Adam Mickiewicz. He was described as a patriot, probably played the character of Rabbi Jakub Natan.
12 Mar 2012
Genealogy / SKI...SKY...ZKI...Polish surname endings [38]

If you speak polish then try to find : "Polskie nazwiska" on wikipedia. You can read there about polish surnames a lot more (
30 Jan 2012
History / Polish inventors - what have they ever given to the world? [101]

o.k this is a nice page in english for those more or less interested in polish inventors:

Actually, Ms Anderson beat him to it, as did several others

It doesn't matter J. Invention is invention. It's not subject about who beat who.
30 Jan 2012
History / Polish inventors - what have they ever given to the world? [101]

Józef Hofmann - patented over 70 inventions. For example :paper clips, windshield wipers, automobile springs.
Jan Szczepanik - 1897; telektroskop (tv prototype)
Kazimierz Prószyński - 1985 ; paleographer, which is a kind of camera and projector in one. Kinofon, solved the problem of synchronization of audio and video. Obturator - aperture, which eliminated the problem of flicker and vibration picture in projection, speaking machine, and also developed a manual film camera for news photography.

Józef Kosacki - (IIWW) manual mine detector
Jacek Karpiński - 1970-1973 first minicomputer - K-202. K-202 was working at a rate of one million operations per second (faster than personal computers 10 years later).

Mieczysław Bekker - technical solutions of LRV (lunar vehicle)
Stefan Bryła - the world's first welded road bridge - in Poland. Made world's first rules of welding steel structures for buildings (and then cooperated in the construction of skyscrapers in the U.S., including Woolworth Building in New York).

Jan Czochralski - method of obtaining single crystals of silicon, called the Czochralski method, recently used on a mass scale for the production of microprocessors.

Jerzy Drzewiecki - aeroplane constructor
Stefan Drzewiecki - instrument for measuring kilometers for horse vehicles(1867), compass to the conical sections, regulator steam engines and hydraulic engines, automatic coupler for railway cars, speed recorder for trains, dromograf - device setting the path of the ship, the first submarine( human powered),The first use of the periscope of a submarine,The first electric submarine , armored submarine of water,general theory of propeller drives,propeller with adjustable blades, plane with automatic stabilizing device.

Adolf Froelich- invented in 1932 double propeller
Julius Fromm- inventor of the technology of production of condoms with latex
Władysław Gargul - tool to automatically perform bulk copies of prints (Estman Kodak bought his patent)

dobra, już mi się nie chce pisać więcej ;) for more surnames use this link :
27 Dec 2011
Life / Fat People in Poland? [161]

All the doctors will advise eating 'healthy' foods, plenty of vegetables and fruit.

agree only with plenty of vegetables. Plenty of friuts will make you fat, just one during the day is fine. Doctors are not dieticians ;).
23 Dec 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

That's a consequence of being a major transit route, both north-south and west-east.

realy?? ;) but do I have any alternative?? :/ from Warsow to Płonsk is o.k, at least at night or in the middle of the day. Mojor transit rout with one road lane for each direction and to share with trucks...that's something.
23 Dec 2011
Life / Are Polish roads really this bad? [237]

Polish roads are still bad. Bad is the quality of materials: low aggregate / stone and a lot of tar - it shows the color of the road. By the poor quality of road materials (new roads looks great) after two or three years has folds, is patched. Construction and maintenance of roads in Poland is also more expensive than in some countries (Spain, Greece) where climate is stable. In Poland, the temperature range from - 20 in winter to about 30 in summer. In winter, the holes in the road are created by freezing water in cracks, folds are formed in the summer by the weight of cars. It's as if in winter and summer we drive a car on summer tires and vice versa.

What else? there are so many trucks on the road, where speed is usually lower for them than the permitted speed for passenger cars. I live in the area of national road No. 7, although if it had two lanes ... Damn, in the south hey have the road called Gierkówka. Two-lane road here where I live is only from Warsaw to Plonsk, and then only in Elblag's surroundings. If somebody is a little goes then passing 11 hours is nothing extraordinary, but when someone wants to go on a weekend or more often then it is a problem : ). Passing that way to me from point A to point B, 240 km away, takes 4 hours so average speed is 60 km /h.
9 Dec 2011
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

suki syn - son of a bit.h
i don't know... :)
jesteś kochana dziewczyna - you are sweatheart or you are lovely girl??
8 Dec 2011
Language / Use of swoj [23]

You can say "Spotkał się ze swoją żoną" (he met his own wife ;)) or "Spotkał się z zoną" - but you don't know whether it's his own or somebody else wife :)

You can change words "swój, swoja, swojego etc" on " mój/mojego, twój/twojego, wasz/waszego, nasz/naszego". But try to use as often as possible first form (swój, swojego) sound more natural in polish.

Dam Ci swój długopis - I will give you my own - always :) but in this sentence it doesn't matter to whom the pencil belong. If you want to put strong accent on it, to whom it belong say mój or twój.

I + swój = my own,
Ty + swój = your own (or verb in proper form: mam swój - my own, masz swój - your own.)
7 Dec 2011
Language / Use of swoj [23]

but I can't see the difference between twoj so tend to use this all the time.

because you can use them interchangeably in most cases.
Daj mi swój/twój długopis,
Piszę moim/swoim długopisem;
Dam Ci mój/swój długopis

Sometimes not : „Każdy jest kowalem swojego losu”.
3 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

I am sorry but if you believe the number of hits in google is an accurate statistic for corruption figures in Poland more fool you my friend, I would be more inclined to believe the quantitative analysis.

Jadis, a.k. boletus, grow up to Polish reality and stop clinging at straws...

Are you kamikaze??
2 Dec 2011
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

They are all yelling at their husbands very often, I am quite suprised.

because they (their husbands or "pantoflarze") let them?? everything can be worked out ;)..
2 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

There is still a very huge influence of the communist way of thinking in polish society. I hope this will change soon, but I am afraid it can take at lest 20 years to totally disappear.

Intresting. My opinion is that if you let people to do this they will do this. It's not polish thing, just policy. Even those who participate in corruption hate it.
1 Dec 2011
Life / Poles - the Nation of Liars? [478]

it will take a good generation to change.

Do you really think it's the case of evolution?? ;)
1 Dec 2011
Language / IS "MURZYN" word RACIST? [686]

Julian Tuwim - Bambo

Murzynek Bambo w Afryce mieszka,
Czarną ma skórę ten nasz koleżka.

Uczy się pilnie przez całe ranki
Ze swej murzyńskiej Pierwszej czytanki.

A gdy do domu ze szkoły wraca,
Psoci, figluje - to jego praca.

Aż mama krzyczy: "Bambo, łobuzie!"
A Bambo czarną nadyma buzię.

Mama powiada: "Napij się mleka",
A on na drzewo mamie ucieka.

Mama powiada: "Chodź do kąpieli",
A on się boi, że się wybieli.

Lecz mama kocha swojego synka,
Bo dobry chłopak z tego Murzynka.

Szkoda, że Bambo czarny, wesoły,
Nie chodzi razem z nami do szkoły.

How Murzyn can be offensive, we have even poem about Murzynek, wrote by famous writer Tuwim. Murzyn is not nigger - it comes from word Maur, we use it from XIV century.. We can not say about black people who live in Poland Afropolaki ?? Lol, but it's ridiculous.
29 Nov 2011
Language / Is the term 'Polak' derogatory?? [254]

Yet another "Pole" who can't speak Polish, and therefore doesn't know the difference between "Polak" and "Polack" - lol!

If you speak polish then it's o.k. to say Polak/Polka. But if you speak other language you shoud stick to it. It would look ridiculous If I started call english people - anglicy/ angielki. Anglicy are nice people, Angielki also :)
29 Nov 2011
Language / Polish sayings [236]

przeżywać jak mrówka okres - to be excited/ to worry as an ant her period
28 Nov 2011
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

Hahahaha, man they don't flirt, they are just briliant ;) ...I don't know what's your problem...maybe try to smile sometimes bore. Instead of backbite your employees better do something for yourself. Employer who does not know what to do with employees with hangovers, hehehe.

I though flirting is o.k. and funny, well I guess I was wrong :D
28 Nov 2011
Love / Polish Women Versus Your Local Women ? [289]

I think polish women are the best in every case, because. hehehe...this topic is awsome , lol :D. Brits women have nice sense of humour, I mean those who likes Monty. Dutch women live in nice modern houses, I like their architecture. Germans always know better :) Russian women have funny men, like dancing Miedwiediew. Thats all about women, lol.