The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Joined: 23 Apr 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Apr 2014
Threads: 3
Posts: 659
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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3 Jun 2013
History / Comparing Poland's communist-era slogans and propoganda with modern day concepts [23]

Too late America already rebuilt Germany.

You can also say "Communists" never lost the War either...

The Germans never lost WW2? Perhaps from one side of view you can say so, but then... Why do the Germans not have freedom of speech? Why are tens of thousands of American troops 'occupying' it?

Why are Turks entering despite Germans not wanting it.

WW2 weakened Europe greatly, now Europe is USA lil *****. And one tribe runs the show in US.

EU is Cultural Marxist from top to bottom.
2 Jun 2013
Life / Poland's expats' colonial mentality? [176]

Dont let too many non-ethnic Poles into Poland.
Once the minority gets large/strong enough they will have start imposing their ways onto the country.

Can you imagine if 5 million Brits and 5 million Muslims came to Poland. It would be hell.
29 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Of course Poland is officially secular, but what hes saying is that a large portion of people are Catholic. The religion plays a significant role in many peoples lives.

Look at the number of people attending church on a regular basis here. It may not be a law but if I had to describe the average Pole, I think the words "likely to be Catholic." just might be one of the descriptors I'd use.

Church audience is falling perhaps, but you dont need to go to Church weekly to be identified as a Catholic.
Even so Poland has one of the largest weekly church goers in Europe and still one of the more 'religious' countries in Europe.
29 May 2013
History / Poland is a Catholic country [177]

Agreed and well said. I dont mind Orthodox Christians either. There are small amounts of decent Protestants too, but many of them are brainwashed to be antiCatholic.
27 May 2013
Life / Is multi-culti in Poland bankrupt? [73]

Cons of Multiculturalism?

Destroys nations, family, tradition, race, culture.
Creates less unity and gives the government more power.

Pros of Multiculturalism?

21 May 2013
USA, Canada / This is what I was talking about America [19]

Wrong as usual. The Evangelicals are a bunch of nuts which started from Protestantism. Protestants know how to Protest.
Many leading Protestants are in fact Freemasons (another evil group who hates the RCC much like you).

In fact USA has been WASP dominated for centuries. Many of the Presidents have been Freemasons as well. There sure has been a lot of Catholics Presidents eh?

The WASP establishment goes hand in hand with Freemasonry. Only today is the WASP power falling as influential Jews and other Gentile Zionists gain power. There might be a few "Catholics" but they are a minority.

From what I see the WASP establishment is the one doing most the hating (nothing new as they have a history of butchering innocents).
Its the WASP dominated countries which lead the charge for wars in the Middle East and spread antiRCC progapaganda at every corner.

The John Hagees, Jack Chicks, David Ickes, Dan Browns are mostly brainwashed schiziods. Its easy to see.

Its the Protestant church which has historically bashed the RCC with false lies like accusing Catholics of Mary worship, Idol worship, Pagan worship and claiming that the Pope or "Black Pope" are somehow the antiChristi (we all know those are all false).

AntiCatholic Protestant apologists such as yourself are expert liers.

Its time to get off the koolaid.
Youve see enough Da Vinci Code and listened to many heretic Protestant "Christian" freemasons.

Its time to wake up from the lies, cause you never know those "evil" Jesuits or Opus Dei will come after you.
21 May 2013
USA, Canada / This is what I was talking about America [19]

where I live, no one is even talking about Israel.

The Bible Belt has plenty of these people who love Israel. Its in other places too. On TV every teleevangelicist / mega church pastors praises Israel too.

From what I know Mainline Protestants seem more "chill" when it comes to Israel or Catholics, but the Zionist/Evangelicals are proud to talk about the rapture and Israel and all that, and somewhat more vocally antiCatholic.
20 May 2013
USA, Canada / This is what I was talking about America [19]

I think I have said this before, but most Christians in US are not really Christian.

Their mindset is simple:
Enemy is Muslims, their friends are Jews/Israelis. Despite the fact that there are Christians in Syria and Palestine, Jews in Iran,
these Zionist "Christians" are completely against these more Muslim states. They dont care how many Muslims or nonMuslims die there unless they are american troops.

Since you are in the US im sure youve heard of John Hagee. Typical Evangelical nut.

If someone really wanted to support the troops, then they will vote for non-interventionist government (unfortunetly the party system is atrocious).
17 May 2013
History / Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland [63]

From what I read in those links they were converted. I can't answer to the second part of your question.

Afaik the Khazar-Jewish link is still being debated (there are reports coming out monthly/yearly). Some say it was a mass conversion of Khazars, some say only the elite, etc.
17 May 2013
Life / First communion - it's that time of year again in Poland! [109]

I haven't encountered anyone as deranged as you since that mental case this morning

"great" argument. but typical of lefties such as you who appear to have real low iqs.

the same librals started to bi!ch about the evils of "civilized" man.

thats nothing new. as the above article implied, most libtards are just spoiled angry kids who havent grown up, they demand more and more from the mommy and daddy (i.e the government).
17 May 2013
Life / First communion - it's that time of year again in Poland! [109]

Liberals clinically mad, concludes top psychiatrist
Eminent doctor makes case leftist ideology is a mental disorder

WASHINGTON – Just when liberals thought it was safe to start identifying themselves as such, an acclaimed, veteran psychiatrist is making the case that the ideology motivating them is actually a mental disorder.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," says Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, "The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness." "Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."

While political activists on the other side of the spectrum have made similar observations, Rossiter boasts professional credentials and a life virtually free of activism and links to "the vast right-wing conspiracy."

For more than 35 years he has diagnosed and treated more than 1,500 patients as a board-certified clinical psychiatrist and examined more than 2,700 civil and criminal cases as a board-certified forensic psychiatrist. He received his medical and psychiatric training at the University of Chicago.

Rossiter says the kind of liberalism being displayed by both Barack Obama and his Democratic primary opponent Hillary Clinton can only be understood as a psychological disorder.

"A social scientist who understands human nature will not dismiss the vital roles of free choice, voluntary cooperation and moral integrity – as liberals do," he says. "A political leader who understands human nature will not ignore individual differences in talent, drive, personal appeal and work ethic, and then try to impose economic and social equality on the population – as liberals do. And a legislator who understands human nature will not create an environment of rules which over-regulates and over-taxes the nation's citizens, corrupts their character and reduces them to wards of the state – as liberals do."

Dr. Rossiter says the liberal agenda preys on weakness and feelings of inferiority in the population by:
* creating and reinforcing perceptions of victimization;
* satisfying infantile claims to entitlement, indulgence and compensation;
* augmenting primitive feelings of envy;
* rejecting the sovereignty of the individual, subordinating him to the will of the government.
"The roots of liberalism – and its associated madness – can be clearly identified by understanding how children develop from infancy to adulthood and how distorted development produces the irrational beliefs of the liberal mind," he says. "When the modern liberal mind whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious."
13 May 2013
Life / Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia [46]

Attacking regular people turned around in a group who were just walking and waving their country's flag. By the way, ask yourself why were so many Polaks arsted in their own country vs so few Russians if the Ruskies were the true aggressors as you say?

This event happened in Poland. There are 38,000,000+ ppl there. If some idiot starts mouthing off or fighting things will get bad. Also people will come to aid.

The large population is a big factor of why there were more Poles.

Additionally the way things are in Europe, cops tend to arrest their own easier than foreigners. A group of idiot Russians started waving a retarded flag in that soccer game.

The Polaks are basically the Mexicans of Europe except they wouldnt actually have the balls to pull a trigger or go up against real criminals.

You have got to be kidding?! If anyone is the Mexicans of Europe its Muslims or Gypsies (its just the way it is).
You seem very angry. Do you have any pride in Poland?

The Americans are even making fun of Polaks they said they were fighting among themselves after running out of Ruskies to fight:

Kto kontroluje dużą porcję mediów i gazet? Żydzi. (Szczególnie w USA).

. And simply because Russia is currently only country which could endanger independence of Poland. (but that's is true also for other Russian neighbors)

Poland is Germanys and Americas little experiment.

'Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia', I see only one person obviously obsessed with Russia here, it's you Abert28.

And I think many Poles overexaggerate the "evil aggressive" Russians.

'Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia', I see only one person obviously obsessed with Russia here, it's you Abert28.

I agree.

If you care so much about Poland and hate Americans so badly, why don't you go back to your motherland?

Some people have families (who may disagree of returning), financial problems (god plz I hope harry/delph dont comment about their money offers), and its very tough to move across ocean.

And look at what Polaks did to jews during the wa like at jedwabne and later in the z70s how they kicked them out of the country. You must be so proud to follow in ahitler's footsteps huh?

Please learn about wlad komulka.
12 May 2013
Life / Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia [46]

Only "some" amount of Poles dislike Russians. And from that its mostly dislike for the Russian government.
There are some Ukrainians who dislike Russians too.

Ya i have seen some polls that show the relationship isnt good between the two nations.

The longer I live here in the west, I have grown to dislike America more and more.
I really have no problem with any Slavs, including Russians.

Perhaps some Poles see USA as a "light" to help them against a "Russian invasion". Maybe some think its a land of milk and honey.

But its not. I will bet if **** got real, America wouldnt give a **** about Poland.

I think (hopefully) that this and next generation will try to build relations with the Russians.
Hopefully Russian government will be less aggressive toward Poland too.
8 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [215]

Boy oh boy, so many revisionist chauvinistic Brits spreading lies on the forums.

I mean, you lot constantly trot out that BS about 4th largest allied army

This is a fact. I know it hurts.

Considering how France and England did little to nothing following Germany's attack

Completely agreed. Its not even debatable.
3 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [215]

Poland didn't go through WWI like the French and English.

What a bunch of bs. Please tell me you arent in Poland.

"Poland was annexed by Germany, Austria-Hungary and Russia from 1795-1914. By late 1915 Germany had complete control over modern-day Poland. A 2005 Polish study estimated 3.4 million Poles served in the Armed Forces of the occupying powers during World War I. Total deaths from 1914-18, military and civilian, within the 1919-1939 borders, were estimated at 1,130,000." -Andrzej Gawryszewski

Poland was in the middle of the battlefield.
3 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [215]

Could you give any reliable link where it is stated that Hitler provided Poland any possibility to join him (on favorable conditions)?

I am not sure either when he did it...
It would be interesting to know when (before or after) he said Poland is "lebensraum", when he said Poles will "killed", and when he offered this "peace treaty" or whatever.
3 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [215]

I think that the fights in Eastern Front MIGHT have been more balanced. Tough to say who would win. I mean its almost 1,000,000 more troops and equipment. Thats if axis attack was done by the early war. By the mid of war Poland might still be there and producing new equipment and perhaps added more soldiers to help the Germans in Russia.

Now keep in many German soldiers were in the Eastern Front...
the Germans might have decided to send a smaller amount of armed men and military if helped by Poland.
In that case Germans would have maybe more men in the West.

All speculation and no proof...

It is quite possible that joining Hitler could have produced the bloodier route.

This is also possible. The West might have acted with more force or a Nuke. The Soviets might have been more aggressive if they would win. Hundreds of thousands or millions more could have died too in that case.
2 Apr 2013
News / Homosexual lobby steps up infiltration in Poland [62]

Complete nonsense, from someone who obviously hasn't read the Christian Bible. Being a real Christian means not judging your neighbor's behavior. Roman Catholicism, worship the man ignore the word.

Yes yes lets trust a Protestant Heretic who continues to repeat hundred year old myths.
21 Mar 2013
History / For what the Germans owe Poland one trillion U.S. dollars? [299]

I was just reading on the IraqIran war. Economic loss for that was $500 billion. 500,000-1,500,000 died in that war. Poland lost 2-3 million ethnic Poles plus 3 million Polish Jews in WWII.

Don't play stupid, man. If you don't understand that it is a waste of time to explain the international obligations of Poland to a bunch of PiS faschos, then you are much more ignorant than I thought.

Dont play stupid, man. If you wont understand that is a waste of time to explain the international obligations of Poland to a bunch of Palikot supporters, blah blah blah.
19 Mar 2013
History / Terrible past for the Jews in Poland? [930]

I don't get any negative tones from what yerrik is saying. The only ones who seem to see this is more Jewish people like Nicki and Jason (yerrik I believe said he had some Jewish ancestory btw, if I am wrong delete this post plz). He is being neutral which is a good thing.

You have to admit his tone is FAR from what a real anti-semite would say in such a conservation.
23 Feb 2013
Love / My reaction to a thread against foreigners marrying Polish girls [37]

Pakistan is one of the most backward savage countries in the world.
You have your own terrorists killing you, you have American drones killing you,
you have almost weekly disputes with India between military shooting.

We arent Jealous, we dont want you to cut ppls heads off, take woman and then abuse them.

No blanket statements and abuse.
19 Feb 2013
History / What do nations of the world owe to Poland and Polish people? [58]

I have a question...

Poles, Jews, and many others suffered in WWII greatly.

Today Israel gets 3-6 billion dollars per year from USA (this has been happening for decades). They get plenty of military equipment from USA.
They are even allowed to have nukes.

Why is Poland (a member of NATO) treated in a different way? What makes Israel/Jews so special?
Poland was squished by Germany and Russia. Why cant Poland have some nukes?