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Posts by IanM  

Joined: 26 Oct 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2011
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Posts: 11
From: Wrocław
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: History, sight seeing, bird watching, football

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9 Dec 2011
Po polsku / Szczęśliwy piątek [6]

Chętnie chciałbym mieć sniegu tu, ale nie ma :(

Bo niedziela jest "Gaudete" będę pić alkohol :)
9 Dec 2011
News / Polish Independence Day-Beware? [59]

"Antifa and police provocation" You mean by being there? Fascists (for lo, they were) attacked the anti-fascists and the police, as well as a left-wing shop and vegan cafe.

A collection of a load of videos and articles about what happened in Wrocław and Warsaw can be seen:

Note the words of Professor Andrzej Richard:

What the media said afterwards was a "falsification" of what happened. The "march of the patriots" was unjust from the start, in that it was organised by violent extremists. He also said that "Polish civil society were not developed enough to test just who was the organiser of the parade in Warsaw" and thus went with it, and was then surprised by the violence, which was "always going to happen, when one considers who organised the march".

Oh, and (see the "on fascist violence and media" link above) anarchists in Wrocław and Warsaw were very much supportive of the independence day. It's purely lies to speak otherwise.
9 Dec 2011
History / Was the holocaust by Germans in Poland the worse genocide in history? [210]

Genocide isn't a competition, you know. There is no 'worst' genocide. Each person who dies to any genocide has their own tragedy.

You can keep your anti-semitic claims about money as well. (I don't mean the starter of the thread here).

Jewish people do not get the most sympathy. Anti-semitism (and Holocaust denial) is massive anywhere. Oh, and no-one thinks that non-Jewish Poles are the most responsible people for the Shoah.
22 Nov 2010
UK, Ireland / Experiences of Working in the UK through an Employment Agency? [9]

While being Welsh (i.e. not Polish or Saes) I can still answer your question.

I did temping once. Found it useful for earning a bit of money when I needed it. Was very boring work but it did for the moment.

With one place did four days of work and got paid well. In another place got paid the minimum wage (which we thankfully have in GB). I was finally offered a job there, but as I turned it down (was about to start another job a month later) I turned up at work the next day to be told that I shouldn't be there anymore.

I doubt your nationality will make any difference. Employment agencies want people to do **** jobs and they'll be happy with anyone prepared to be 'flexible', by which I don't mean work for less than the minimum wage.

For me the easiest to find and most rewarding of such work was with the Post Office, working as a sorter. The pay was relatively good and we were treated well. Knackering hours though.

Good luck!
22 Nov 2010
Love / 'Battered husbands' - still a taboo subject in Poland [387]

Dear me, some very strange views here. Seems that its the least developed of the English speaking world that have ended up in Poland.

Let's go through this slowly:

Some domestic violence is done by men against women.

There is more of this than reported because some women are afraid to go to the police, or stand up for themselves.

Some domestic violence is done by women against men.

There is also more of this than reported, because some men are afraid to go to the police, or stand up for themselves. To add to this, they are ashamed as they are affected by less developed people who say that not standing up for themselves is not 'manly'. That these men may have been abused by their mothers or other females in their youth and therefore find themselves in such abusive situations is beyond them.

Now, feminists like Erin Pizzey know this to be true. For saying such views out loud, she had death threats from feminists, her dog was killed and she has to leave GB.

The situation in Poland is different, as feminism is a lot weaker. While less of the bad sort of feminism would be good for countries like GB, maybe more would be useful here in enabling men to also be empowered.