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28 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

Ukraińcy, którzy mordowali Polaków na Wołyniu

Nie tylko na Wołyniu. Moi dziadkowie są z Zamojszczyzny. Przed wojną sąsiadowali z ukraińską rodziną, i dobrze z nimi żyli, po sąsiedzku. Jak UPA się rozpanoszyła, to stosunki ochłodły znacznie, bo chodziły ploty, że sąsiad miał kontakty. I pewnego dnia wieczorem sąsiad zapukał do drzwi, i powiedział, że UPA planuje akcję na wieś. Czyli kontakty miał. A wieś ocalała. Po wojnie 'wyjechał gdzieś, chyba na Pomorze'. Mało spontanicznie, jak wynikało z opowieści.

Nienawiść była, mocno nasączona strachem. Do czasu, gdy otwarto granicę i 'ruscy' zaczęli hadlować barachłem na targach, a potem jeszcze rozwinęli handel. Kilkadziesiąt kilometrów od granicy wisiały dwujęzyczne szyldy, a robotnika można było dostać za 200zł dniówka (plus żarcie i spanie w stodole), a nie za 1000. I nastroje się zmieniły.

A z Żydami jakoś nie całkiem wychodzi, choć nie mieli UPA.

Musimy po prostu zrozumieć, że w psychice niektórych "zwyczajnych Żydów" tkwi pewne uprzedzenie w stosunku do Polaków,

Ale nie musimy temu uprzedzeniu ulegać.

ale to nas do niczego nie doprowadzi; no bo co to za różnica, czy 40% to byli zwykli bandyci a 60% to byli antysemici, czy na odwrót

To nas doprowadzie do zrozumienia zjawiska. Takie pytanie, czy ci z Dąbrowy Tarnowskiej nagle nabawili się antysemityzmu w czasie wojny, czy byli antysemitami już przedtem, i dlaczego czekali z prześladowaniem na okupację niemiecką?

we wrześniu 1939 roku z 1,1 miliona żołnierzy zmobilizowanych do Wojska Polskiego, 150 tysięcy było pochodzenia żydowskiego (około 18%, czyli zdecydowanie więcej niż odsetek Żydów
w społeczeństwie polskim);

ACK, i chwała. Jaki procent Żydów bierze udział w dojeniu krowy o dziwacznym imieniu Holocaust?

Jeżeli kogoś polski etos razi

Można go kultywować rozsądnie. Dlatego, powtarzam, wolę książkę o wszystkich podłych sprawkach obywateli RP od wybiórczego wyliczenia zbrodni Polaków względem Żydów. Obywateli RP, niezależnie od od przynależności etnicznej zbrodnierzy, i jakiejkolwiek przynależności ofiar.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

Jak to? Przecież na pewno wielu ludzi myśli podobnie jak Pan. Na pewno zainteresowanych tematem nie brakowało i nie brakuje, więc ktoś powinien wreszcie takimi badaniami sie zająć. Jeżeli tego się
nie robi, to musi być jakiś powód. Jaki?

Taki, że to się nazywa rewizjonizm i podlega karze śmierci akademickiej, a być może ma teź konsewencje prawne. Nie żyjemy w idealnym świecie romantycznych pooszukiwaczy zaginionej prawdy, tylko w konkretnych warunkach, dosyć parszywych w temacie obiektywności.
31 Mar 2011

so I think there won't be any change in the world wide polish image anytime soon!

Might change in Germany, though, after Poles there will get the opportunity to work legally. Like, in the UK were some attempts on denigrating Poles, and most of ordinary people reacted with outrage. For now, Germans in Germany know Poles as car-thieves and cheap farm labour, half-criminals as well.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

W przypadku historyków zaprzeczających Holokaustowi, jest to prawda. Nie sądzę żeby dotyczyło to tych, którzy zechcieliby badać, na przykład, zbrodnie żydów na ludności polskiej (a o tym właśnie mówiliśmy).

Wygląda na to, że historycy myślą podobnie, jak ja. Taka książka sprzedawałaby się jak ciepłe bułeczki. Dopóki by była w sprzedaży.
31 Mar 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

why there is such an outrage of Mr Kobylanski announcement that the 1/3rd of Polish government's members are ethnic Jews?

Because, allegedly, he said it with an Anti-Semitic Intent. 2/3rds, actually, if we are to interpret 'non-genuine Poles' as Jews.

Thing is, this very utterance classifies Mr Kobylanski in a rather moronic class. 20 thousand Jews can not elect 2/3rds of Sejm. Means Poles voted for their Sejm, etc. But this sentence invokes holy outrage instead of justly deserved ridicule. Says something about the general atmosphere.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

Panowie pozwolą: Torq - ENori. ENori - Torq. Przejdźcie na ty i przestańcie się kurwa kłocić. Temat jest ciekawy, a przez te wasze polskie honory zdechnie w kolebce. Natan z Saszą chwilami sensowniej rozmiawiają.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

My po prostu prowadzimy spór ;)

Poje**** cię? Spór to jest jak się obrzucacie krwami wplecionymi w konkretną argumentację. Jak sie zaczyna 'Pan pozwoli, że uprzejmnie zapytam o przyczyny Pańskich irracjonalnych uprzedzeń' to to jest chamska inteligencka pyskówa!


Torq, z mojego punktu widzenia ENori ma sporo racji, to już się zdążyłeś zorientować. Znaczy, jeśli chodzi o mój punkt widzenia. Rozumiem, jakoś, twoje stanowisko. Te oskarżenia o polską tendencyjność nie są całkowicie pozbawione podstaw, choć wyolbrzymione, moim subiektywnym zdaniem. I uważam, że stanowisko ENori jest wystarczająco wyważone, żeby można było z nim dyskutować również z twojego punktu widzenia. Może zróbcie sobie przerwę, tak do jutra, i dajcie mi przyjemność śledzenia interesującej dyskusji. W miarę ochoty, oczywiście.

Fkn hell, must've got some bug or what. Nott negotiator.
31 Mar 2011
Po polsku / Sprawiedliwy z Gniewczyny [94]

na stronie BBC

No proszę, BBC też czasem coś mądrego zapoda. Tak to właśnie odebrałem, to panowanie. Może za długo jestem w UK.

Może Torq i ENori też nie chcą być kolegami...

A kto ich zmusza. Ale porozmawiać by mogli, ku oświeceniu umysłow.

Uuuch, naszych. Naszych umysłów. No offence meant.

Geez, mojego.

Ach, no tak, kto ja jestem...
1 Apr 2011
History / Kingdom of Poland Map [14]

Poland owned Russia between 1610-12 with future Władysław IV as elected (but not crowned) Czar by the Seven Boyars?

This is the only explanation I can imagine for somebody drawing a map like that, Polish presence in Moscow for a year or two. Only it's a huge little bit of a stretch to say that these lands were Polish.
1 Apr 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Why is this question so offensive?

Because we are still unable to come to terms with the simple fact that foreigners are so ignorant about Poland. It just sounds like a provocation. 'Is it safe for me to come to Poland and walk the streets? I am a black gay.'

There is 'something' like Polish culture, although I would not aspire to give a comprehensive definition. Centuries ago it was easier. I mean, it is easier to give now a definition of the past Polish culture. As for national identity, the answer is simple: yes. In this aspect we are just like any other nation, we do have a national identity.
1 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

I think the fact that Kwasniewski was elected twice in a democratic vote for President by the Polish people is enough for me.

First time he got elected due to twisting the rules on the go, second time because there was no real opponent.

We've had plenty of elections since 1945. That taught us to how to tell patriots from renegades..
1 Apr 2011
Life / Is there something like a "Polish culture" or Polish national identity? [49]

Polish culture is like Russian with more vodka.

Russian culture is like vodka and a pinch of Polish.

Polish culture is just like British,

The question is rather vague, come to think of it. Polish 'arts and sciences' culture'? Culture of everyday life, means level of civility? Unique way of doing things, like not crouching on the toilet seat? Mentality, attitude to life, people and everything?
1 Apr 2011
Life / "Whiskification" of Poland? [32]

Aye, bi ye cannae beet a bo'le ae MD 20/20 tae tap the nicht aff wae :)

Gee, I almost understand more than half of it. Just like Wee Free Men... Just like I were i lil' tiny bit drunk, and I knew that were I sober it would be as clear as a clear sky on Sunday afternoon...
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Difficult. I tried to put together some typical 'Slavic' features, and for each and every one I could find a Slavic nation that didn't fit, and often a non-Slavic one that fitted. And all that within my limited range of Slavs that I am more or less familiar with. Shame, but I do not know much about Yugoslavians, and I remember being surprised to learn that Macedonians are a Slavic people.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

I agree that Slavs are humans too, but what makes them unique, likeable and dispisable, funny and serious, talented or not that much capable?

A test question: what do Czechs and Russians have in common?
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Good effort :)

Edit: Still, there is that feeling that we Slavs are, well, we. Where does it come from, though. Just don't say that it's a result of the panslavic Russian propaganda.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Sounds good. Now I met a few Romanians in the UK, and I was amazed how Polish they were. I was catching myself on stray thoughts like 'why are we speaking English and not... aha'.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

personally don't consider Russians Slavic, but it is a different topic. "We", probably, comes from having related mental construct, (...)

Ah well. So 'Slavic' is just a term we use for something rather popular in the area, although not necessarily defining the Slavic peoples in full nor with any real attempt on precision. I can live with it. Still, none of the features mentioned until now are, for me, neither specific to Slavs nor characterising all Slavs.

Ok, seems I can't live with it, actually. We do have that feeling of belonging, but it seems to me it's based on some kind of delusion.
1 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Dacians. Dacians were Sarmatians.

Sorry, Crow, I don't really believe that a specific, hypothetical common ancestry from before Slavs realised they were Slavs has any noticeable impact on modern nations. Must be some much more recent thing.

How thick is a British pencil?

Quarter inch, now international standard. Except that the Ukrainian inch must be way bigger... :)
2 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

What exactly we take into account when we correctly predict the origin.

Don't count Poles in, then. Mongrel nation, and it shows. I am being told 'And I thought you were British', and my friend is considered either French or 'maybe Greek'. I do recognize Poles in London, by looks, but it's more because of clothes and behaviour, than physical features. Polish girls, famously beautiful, are just more classy, or preoccupied, than the English.

Common genes, I am not convinced. Slavs are considered a quite mysterious group as comes to origins. There might have been several waves of migration, from different areas, and so on. Nobody knows, actually.

We also usually die when we have above 44 degrees body temperature, British are more resilient and go over 100 and it is still considered OK

Now that is solid evidence, and experimentally testable :)

Hm, now we could heat people up, see who perishes, and then find their other common features, by way of strict mathematical analysis... brilliant, Nathan :)
2 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Poles are not true patriots then, sorted. Authority cult is rather underdeveloped in Poland, traditionally, and famously. Possibly your self-deprecating friends do not represent the nation, supposition is.
2 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Pilsudski's dictatorship was rather well liked.

He was a person, not an institution. Exactly contrary to 'whoever the authority is.'

And Poles do not need Americans to hate Russians, delph. It's a national sport. Traditional. One of top ten standard features.
2 Apr 2011
News / Anti semtism at Polish Congress [57]

Poland would have slid further into dictatorship - probably with the cult of Pilsudski used to put a stop to any dissent.

I don't think so. There was a significant opposition, and even common folk was getting more and more fed up with sanacja. Poles are an unruly nation.
2 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

There was strong sexual selection in Polish females, that's why they are so beautiful. Polish men are damn ugly bastards. This contrast proves that they evolved as a nation.

I don;t fully follow your reasoning here... anyway, Polish women, and men, are of all shapes and colours, in reasonable limits. Ukrainians are more uniformed, as are Germans, the English, Italians, etc.

No such thing as a full Pole. Everybody could dig out some foreign ancestor, and let's not forget that the nation wasn't really formed until somewhere near Renaissance.

We have to carefully extract Slavic genes into alcohol,

Aah, now you talkin... Alcoholic extract, pure essence of the Slavic spirit! Rright! :)

Come to think of it, I vaguely recollect such experiments being done... on numerous occasions even... so you've hit the nail in the head, yes. The common Slavic thing is that deep conviction, based on a long and extensive research, that we truly know what being Slavic means, since we must've seen it so many times with our own eyes! :)


They love their ethanol.

That's a very mystic thing, man. A quest to the roots, like. Don't take it lightly
4 Apr 2011
Off-Topic / Being a Slav: a blessing or a curse? [199]

Slavs the only ones who created an Empire worth mentioning.

Not a Slavic thing, empire.

Not that it can insult me or the Russians in general

Now why would you suggest that this could be an insult, calling somebody a non-Slav?

how can anyone in his right mind can take the thread seriously after this statement. :)

It's about a specific group of nations, so discussion about a strict definition of this group is a prudent thing to do, I'd say. Might help us find those elusive Slavic features.

Hm... I am not trying to be provoking this time, but if you could take this accusation seriously and took some effort to prove us that Russians are Slavs like any other Slavic nation, this would help us immensely in this discussion.

nott: Ukrainians are more uniformed, as are Germans, the English, Italians, etc

Interesting. But I think it is not far from what Poland has.

I see it is a myth shared by some/many Poles. But if you just go out in any Polish city, preferably not Kraków or Warszawa, where foreigners could taint your samples, and try to picture an average Pole, you still fail miserably. All colours and shapes, as I said. Especially in summer.
4 Apr 2011
Love / Connecting with GAY MEN IN POLAND [52]

forums where I can be in touch with other gay men in Poland. I love making new friends and acquaintances

Provided they are gay...?