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Anti semtism at Polish Congress

delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
30 Mar 2011 /  #1
Anti-Semitic remarks have cast a shadow over the Congress of the Union of Polish Associations and Organizations in Latin America (USOPAL), organized by far-right businessman Jan Kobylanski.

"There isn't even 30 percent of genuine Poles in the Polish government. I hope this will change," Jan Kobylanski told the ultra-conservative Radio Maryja.

"We've a genuine Judeo-Polonia. Poland for Poles. A minority group cannot rule our country," said Tadeusz Wasiak, who Kobylanski wants to be Poland's president.

Five Polish MPs, members of the opposition Law and Justice party, a nuncio in Uruguay and several bishops participated in the congress but no one responded to the anti-Semitic statements, it is being reported.

Funnily enough - people are quick to scream when people say bad things about Poland, but when Poles say bad things about others, everyone's quiet....funny, that. On the other hand - I'm thankful that this kind of behaviour doesn't represent the vast majority of ordinary Poles.

As for all the Polish Americans? Perhaps you shouldn't throw stones when you're standing in glass houses.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
30 Mar 2011 /  #2
Funnily enough - people are quick to scream when people say bad things about Poland, but when Poles say bad things about others, everyone's quiet....funny, that.

yet the news was published on Polish Radio webside..... funny indeed.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Mar 2011 /  #3
The vast majority of Poles are sub-human to you, nicely demonstrated here:

Most of us only come into contact with well educated Poles in good positions in life. We tend not to associate ourselves with "Poland B" type citizens - who can only blame others for their problems. Hence - it's no surprise that we don't hear "WE WANT JUSTICE" screams, because those people are quite frankly beneath us.

Who wants to even talk to a clown like you who considers Poles not in "good positions in life" as ones "beneath you" and not worth listening to. You are a sad case, and I could keep on quoting you:

Yet again - you prove the stereotype to be true - Polacks ARE dumb.

BTW, you have a spelling mistake in the thread title, you "well educated" backpacker.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
30 Mar 2011 /  #4
BTW, you have a spelling mistake in the thread title, you "well educated" backpacker.

I think he has two spelling mistakes in his five-word thread title, to be exact. What's more - he is an English language instructor.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
30 Mar 2011 /  #5
Funnily enough - people are quick to scream when people say bad things about Poland, but when Poles say bad things about others, everyone's quiet....funny, that.

Aren't you quoting the Polish Radio's article... ? You would never hear about It If not the Poles loudly criticizing this kind of stuff. And obviously you had to omit a part about these freaks saying that Kaczyński deserved to die.
Bratwurst Boy  9 | 11629  
30 Mar 2011 /  #6
Well...no Rychlik stating loudly to never to go to Poland to spend his tourist dollars in supporting anti-semitic **** Poles.

Neither lotsa nodding people who vow to fight the anti-semitic ways of the **** Poles....

No MedieWatch to fight anti-semites...only slights against the polish national character!
PennBoy  76 | 2429  
30 Mar 2011 /  #7
Anti semtism at Polish Congress

I've read this yesterday, now how did I know you were gonna post this Delphie? A real Pole would have never done this, you behave like that bald idiot from that Never Again organization in Poland.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936  
30 Mar 2011 /  #8
And obviously you had to omit a part about these freaks saying that Kaczyński deserved to die.

Yes, they said that president Lech Kaczyński died in the Smoleńsk crash as a result of "justice done to someone who signed the Lisbon treaty". On the anti-semitic front, one of the participants has said that the world government has decided that there should be only 15 millions of Poles and that number is sufficient to "serve the Jewish masters" or something in that line.

All TV channels in Poland were reporting extensively on those most shameful incidents yesterday, so Delphiandomine's opinion:

Funnily enough - people are quick to scream when people say bad things about Poland, but when Poles say bad things about others, everyone's quiet....funny, that.

is absurd.
1jola  14 | 1875  
30 Mar 2011 /  #9
When Mikey gets done with digging up anti-Semite "news" he can start a thread "Jews calling for murder of non-Jews." Let me help him a bit:

Rabbis Shapira and Elitzur determine that children may also be harmed because they are "hindrances." The rabbis write as follows: "Hindrances-babies are found many times in this situation. They block the way to rescue by their presence and do so completely by force. Nevertheless, they may be killed because their presence aids murder. There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us, and in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately, and not only during combat with adults."

David_18  65 | 966  
30 Mar 2011 /  #10
Funnily enough - people are quick to scream when people say bad things about Poland, but when Poles say bad things about others, everyone's quiet....funny

Wait wait are you talking about Jews or Poles?
chichimera  1 | 185  
30 Mar 2011 /  #11

I think this should bother you more than Polish anti-semitism
Racism in one form or another was widespread in Britain before the twentieth century, and during the 1900s particularly towards Jewish groups and immigrants from Eastern Europe. The British establishment even considered Irish people a separate and degenerate race until well into the 19th century.

The whole article:

It's really astonishing how quick you Brits are to call someone a racist. It's true that our judgements on others tell more about the judge than about the judged.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
30 Mar 2011 /  #12
As for all the Polish Americans? Perhaps you shouldn't throw stones when you're standing in glass houses.

What about your anti-semitic Russia?

You have skinhead activitiy on the streets of MOSCOW all the time.

Russia is the country which started the anti-semtic "The Elders of the Protocols of Zion" which Hitler used.

Russia started WWII WITH Nazi Germany.

Putin supports racist Nationalist Naschi groups.

This Russian anti-semitism goes on and on, yet you cry about a couple things some Polish people say.

If Jewish Holocaust Industry groups want compensation for WWII they should go after Russia since Russia's actions STARTED WWII with Nazi Germany. Jewish WWII suffering started because of Russian actions.

Also Russia is raking in a whole bunch of cash with the high oil prices now. Russia would be a gold-mine for Holocaust Industry groups.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
31 Mar 2011 /  #13
think this should bother you more than Polish anti-semitism

really,120 year old news should bother someone? Get a grip. While I agree with all the pee'd off Poles here....

It's really astonishing how quick you Brits

Im going to say this poiltely but firmly. Chichimera,you have a nasty habit of complaining about "rascism" by branding an entire four nationalities as rascist and consequently being a rascist yourself....you do see the problem with this dont you?

Oh,should I point out just why Britain was full of Polish Jews at the end of the 19th C? Or will I leave it to your good self to talk about the widespread Pogroms they were fleeing from?

Glass houses babes :)
chichimera  1 | 185  
31 Mar 2011 /  #14
really,120 year old news should bother someone

Read the whole article, there are much fresher news as well.

consequently being a rascist yourself

Can you please quote one racist post of mine? Instead of throwing at me empty accusations
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
31 Mar 2011 /  #15
Can you please quote one racist post of mine? Instead of throwing at me empty accusations

It's really astonishing how quick you Brits

How about putting in,oh,I dont know,maybe, "some of you Brits" rather than just apearing to label us all,an entire nation one thing or another. Ive met a vile Polish anti semite. Do you see me saying all Poles are anti semites?

Read the whole article, there are much fresher news as well.

I dont really need to,I live here,Im British,and Im well aware of my countries shamefull past....what with being part Irish and part Scottish.....

What can it tell me that I dont know? That I know rascit muppets from my own country? Of course I do. I know people far worse than that,and Im sure you know plenty of Polish people just as petty and nasty as delphoneum is being lately.

or the classic from earlier;

Bzibzioh: Anybody but a Brit would be suspended by now
Oh, don't blame them - of all the things they import from France camembert is a bit easier to digest than the motto liberty, equality, fraternity, I guess..

Again with the "them" sorry love,you come across just as pathetically mindlessly bigoted as those you protest about,get over it ,maybe its just who you are? But I dont think so on a deep level, I just think its being wound up by a certain Brit........but hey,what would i know,like I say,Im just a Brit.....:)
Misia  - | 31  
31 Mar 2011 /  #16

Jan Kobylanski is as sane as all the people who listen to Radio Maryja (a radio station he sponsors) who want Jesus Christ for the king of Poland.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
31 Mar 2011 /  #17
You can have Prince Charles if you want......please.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
31 Mar 2011 /  #18
Jan Kobylanski is as sane as all the people who listen to Radio Maryja (a radio station he sponsors) who want Jesus Christ for the king of Poland.

LOL and Homer Simpson for president, well not quite, it's a tie between HS and Harry Potter's youthful charisma oozing of that forbidden grand-child sex...
chichimera  1 | 185  
31 Mar 2011 /  #19
How about putting in,oh,I dont know,maybe, "some of you Brits" rather than just apearing to label us all

Again with the "them"

Well, it's far from being racist. It may be a generalization. And that was really my first and most "racist" comment I've ever made - after reading the whole lot of: Polish scum, Polish antisemitism, you Poles come to Britain to abuse the system etc. Is this not constant racial labelling us all?

Why should I be expected to kindly put up with that? Even though I do most of the time.

Im sure you know plenty of Polish people just as petty and nasty as delphoneum is being lately.

To be honest, I can hardly think of one who can be compared with him. Although it may be due to the fact that there are not too many Poles around me these days

I just think its being wound up by a certain Brit........

Mainly by those on the forum. By the way why don't you tell the same to delphiandomine? I think he's being wound up by a certain Pole. Looks like it.
enkidu  6 | 611  
31 Mar 2011 /  #20
Well - correct me if I am wrong, but if that is truth that 1/3 of the Polish government are Jews (as stated in the first post), the this is a final proof that Polish are definitely not so anti-Semites as we are told.

I mean - would an nation of supposed Jew-haters vote for Jews?
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
31 Mar 2011 /  #21
That's what I've always been saying.

You had Polish president Kwasinewski who was half Jewish who Poles obviouly voted for.

Jews have been allowed to operate in government and businesses in Poland pecentage wise far disproportionately to their population percentage in Poland.

But of course that is always taken for granted by those Jews who are so quick to level charges of "anti-semtism" at Poles. Its almost like that saying, you can do 9 good things for Jews but God forbid you do one not so good thing for them because they will only remember that one thing.
chichimera  1 | 185  
31 Mar 2011 /  #22
You can have Prince Charles if you want......please

lol isthatu, okay, if you swap with us Prince Charles for father Rydzyk, I will retract anything what I've said about the Brits... even the camembert part..
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
31 Mar 2011 /  #23
Well, it's far from being racist. It may be a generalization.

Aye,to you and me sure,Im using the common parlance , playing the "race card" if you like;)

Mainly by those on the forum. By the way why don't you tell the same to delphiandomine? I think he's being wound up by a certain Pole. Looks like it.

Im staying out of that one. I dont like all the "dumb polack " stuff he's been flinging around lately,but on the other hand I do find a lot of his posts interesting and from a different perspective.

I mean - would an nation of supposed Jew-haters vote for Jews?

Its all a cunning plan,dont you see? If you vote for them that means you always know where they are,no need to go jew hunting in the forest if most of them are in the Sejm.......;)

Jews have been allowed

Jawohle! Arbiet macht polen ja?
Jews have been Allowed??? FFS.....sheesh.
Poles are not anti semites. But a sh!t load of Poles are anti semites....:(

if you swap with us Prince Charles for father Rydzyk

Sure,why not,we'd all pay as much attention to him as we do the rest of the whack job bible/koran/talmud/big book of farmyard animals thumpers and related over zelous religious fascists.........................so,is it a deal?

Who do we get for the job lot? I mean,one extended germano greek family for sale or trade, any offers?
chichimera  1 | 185  
31 Mar 2011 /  #24
so,is it a deal?


Sure,why not,we'd all pay as much attention to him as we do the rest of the whack job bible/koran/talmud

It makes me wonder - what we'll do with the prince? I guess, we can always give him a job at TVN :)
Misia  - | 31  
31 Mar 2011 /  #25
Misia: Jan Kobylanski is as sane as all the people who listen to Radio Maryja (a radio station he sponsors) who want Jesus Christ for the king of Poland.
LOL and Homer Simpson for president, well not quite, it's a tie between HS and Harry Potter's youthful charisma oozing of that forbidden grand-child sex...

Hey, I'd totally vote for H.P. for president. At least he does magic tricks! ;-)
enkidu  6 | 611  
31 Mar 2011 /  #26
I mean - would an nation of supposed Jew-haters vote for Jews?

Its all a cunning plan,dont you see? If you vote for them that means you always know where they are,no need to go jew hunting in the forest if most of them are in the Sejm.......;)

How cunning people the Poles are, aren't they? :-)
They vote for the Jews to blame them for their own shortcomings. ;-)

Btw - I wonder (really not trolling this time) why there is such an outrage of Mr Kobylanski announcement that the 1/3rd of Polish government's members are ethnic Jews?

What is says is that a Polish voters don't judge people by their ethnicity, religion or nationality. I was learned that this is a good attitude. So - what the fuss? Can anyone kindly explain it to me?

What's wrong with that? Maybe their ethnicity supposed to be a secret and Mr Kobylanski give it away?
I don't know.

Enlighten me, please.
E Nori  
31 Mar 2011 /  #27
Enlighten me, please.

No matter what he says, but matters very much - who says ?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
31 Mar 2011 /  #28
How cunning people the Poles are, aren't they? :-)

Well,obviously all that time spent being controled by the Jews some of it would rub off for sure....

They vote for the Jews to blame them for their own shortcomings. ;-)

Exactly,the english can blame the Scottish for our last government ,its just the same,those lousy haggis eating skirt wearing baby sacrificers....

Enlighten me, please.

Too late,Im afraid it seems its others that still need that.

:) or maybe :( not sure.....
31 Mar 2011 /  #29
Btw - I wonder (really not trolling this time) why there is such an outrage of Mr Kobylanski announcement that the 1/3rd of Polish government's members are ethnic Jews?

Actually, he said that...

"There isn't even 30 percent of genuine Poles in the Polish government."

...so he thinks that over 2/3rds of Polish government are non-Poles :)
nott  3 | 592  
31 Mar 2011 /  #30
why there is such an outrage of Mr Kobylanski announcement that the 1/3rd of Polish government's members are ethnic Jews?

Because, allegedly, he said it with an Anti-Semitic Intent. 2/3rds, actually, if we are to interpret 'non-genuine Poles' as Jews.

Thing is, this very utterance classifies Mr Kobylanski in a rather moronic class. 20 thousand Jews can not elect 2/3rds of Sejm. Means Poles voted for their Sejm, etc. But this sentence invokes holy outrage instead of justly deserved ridicule. Says something about the general atmosphere.

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