The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by POLENGGGs  

Joined: 26 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 26 Nov 2011
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 0 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 150 / Live: 58 / Archived: 92
From: gG
Speaks Polish?: yes I do
Interests: Energydrink, stimulants, msuic, shamrock

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26 Nov 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

they hate themselves the most. Thats why I refuse to live in Poland.... Stalin gave them Silesia, Pomerania, East Prussia.... and they are very proud of Wrocław but hate the commie scum at the same time - what is it that they achieved ? Monte Cassino , lol that was the Allies and the Allies did not care that the volunteers came from Poland.
27 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

That is weird. Why?
Don't tell me they were scared that Ireland might become a Spanish Vassal state and some Inquisitions shall start ?

I am sure there is more than say.... Scotland. Because Ireland was the last of europe before the ship went to America, so... should be like other port cities, where quite a nice fraction decided not to continue on to America... but stay in Rotterdam, Liverpool, Manchester, Hull, etc etc
27 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Mongolian the Golden Horde - do Poles have Mongolian ancestry? [256]

I wouldn't say that some Poles might have Mongolian ancestry but I would say that some Poles might have Mongolian physical characteristics due to the invasions led by Genghis Khan and his sons into Eastern Europe and Poland - and no one would ever know if the soldiers married some of the original Poles and have children.

Exactly, spot-on champ !
I do not know why are all these people, supposedly anti-nazi, using nazi methods of thinking when it comes to a group of people.
Poles do not worship blood purity, they do not measure noses, nor do they euthanise subjects who would not fit 'mould'.

When will people get this thru to their clouded minds - even Polish nationalists will go as far as accepting Jewish Poles as POLES full-stop.
27 Nov 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]

You wrong, this map 'Project Poland' is Stalins doing, it only creates friction with the Fritzes.
Wilno, Lwów, Grodno, Pińsk, Dyneburg would make up for these poxy Breslau, Stettin, Posen.
26 Nov 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

You know, you should really, really, really study English more intensively, because you really can't fool me.


Polengggs of course.

You what? whith what am I meant to be fooling you? I am Polish, born in America, raised in Scandinavia... the rest gets more complicated. And of what extraction you be, might I ask

As to me pointing out the very negative aspects - I just responded to the above post, the person asked "Why Not?" - I provided my feelings why I and perhaps other folk dislike Poland.

Maybe due to my bad english I get myself confused, I LIKE Poland, but those where the Negative things which sometimes make me dislike it !
26 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [251]

And he forged what we recognise now as Poland.

You be mistaking this person with General Zukov and the Ukrainian General - you know, them two Soviet armies racing to Berlin, having a race who will get the Reichstag building first.

This and subsequent gov't is what forged Poland as we recognize it today.
26 Nov 2010
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

Why not?

Because it represents Sadness, Nazi crimes, Mass deportations of ethnic minorities, to top it all off.... the majority of people have Bad Bad ancestors, the ones who'd deal with Nazis, then run and deal with Soviets, they Do not Trust their mothers - so how can you befriend any such person ? ?

The chamstwo breeds more, while the population with 'Good genes' dies out because Poland be like a jungle, animal laws apply.

As for Poles' liking the British - it is like a plan for them, to be shifty as a British craked
sly, snakey and what-not. Because they realised that you can-not just go down the mall , punch someone in the teeth after he withdrew money from a cashpoint to take it.

They envy/hate Germans, yet at home they will be proud to own a German brand refrigerator, they seem to respect the German - but no effort at all to learn some Good German virtues like self-discipline, industrioussnes even general hygiene !

[of course, this is What I do Not Like, and sadly must say the negative outweighs the positives]
26 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [251]

Pilsudski died because "on pil(bycze)sutki"

He wanted to make a multicultural land a POLISH one by force. And generally from stories I have heard from people who were actually around when he was - Byla Bida i Nyndza ,,,,please do not tell me it was so because he was putting too much money into Nuclear weapons research.
26 Nov 2010
History / Poles in the Crusades to the Holy Land [75]

This describes why a Polish is usually an aggressive, untrustworthy, crook - they have some outlaw genes in them from these 'Jesus Knight's'
26 Nov 2010
History / Poland is great Mother of all Slavs from Baltic to Balkan [177]

Last word for Otto Von Bismarck on his deathbed was `Serbia`. Still, German propaganda call him `father of German nation`.

Heinrich Himmler said something like... "I love New York"

Vlad the Impaler said "That I ne telle of laxatyves no stoor"

Putin said "Bye bye polish pidoros aeroplan" (as he pushed the button of the China rocket who blew the Presidential Plane out of the Russian air-space )

Every Kosovar says "Umbrella umbrella, eh eh"

Poland is much more the cradle of pan-Slavism than Russia. Russians are hybrid with much Mongol blood mixed in there. They are not as pure as Poles.

Russians in Russia are much more pure Slavic and Proud and Aware of it then the average Polish (even if he lives in Canada, and reads funny publications all winter)
26 Nov 2010
History / Prophesy - Poland from sea to sea. [57]


Hey, I like this country, fave spot for me to buy a house would be sout south east. And I would be Holidaying in Krym every couple of months.

Why did not they make this country come true ?

oh yeah, I know... the Poles said "Jews to Madagascar !"
26 Nov 2010
History / Roman Dmowski-Patriot, Nationalist, Anti-Semite? [251]

Harry Potter of Twentieth Century Politics.

Makes good reading for children, and adults who enjoy child-like behavior.

I guess, this one got popular - because all the other characters like him (and there were lots) weere just to Kkkkrazy

Zionism in Palestine.

Warszawa, Krakow, Lwow dla Polakow.

a Madagaskar dla Zydow.

This how a typical 'Polish Patriot' would be in pre-war Poland.

Sorry, Sad But True
15 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

you look Jewish, are you Amy Winehouses' sister or cousin?
14 Nov 2010
History / Are Poles happy with the current Polish borders? [134]

No, No No
1st much too large
2nd Krakow should be center of all things as it is more or less the most Polish out of cities 1million in population
3rd Poland should be the old borders of GALICIA (botheast and west)
14 Nov 2010
Life / I saw Polish nationalism today [249]

I have an idea, why don't you all tell these damned Nazis that Hitler is Bad - instead of turning PF into some revisionist crap discussion... anyway, thy shall find the skinhead here.
9 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

yes 2nd RP was so tolerant, look... (And No, This is Not a Translated Nazi Poster.... its 110percent Polish)

  • Polish anti-semitic propaganda
3 Nov 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

I am NOT a neonazi - hitler was not a dumb man, but he was an evil man and wanted to kill my people, so therefore it natural that I hate the man and anyone who praises his ideas. I think that you are mistaking the terms, and I would probably fit what you would call an Anti-Polonist ?

the Jews who look to prewar poland with nostalgia - must be suffering from dementia , you know the type "moja kolezanka, moja kolezanka"

there is even a POLISH saying describing Polish attitude to Jews
"Jak bida to do Żyda, jak po bidzie to pocałuj w dupe Żydzie"
26 Oct 2010
Love / Why do so many Polish girls dye their hair BLACK? [124]

Are you thick, can't you see that just like words on a forum... same goes for a face, contrast....
pale face and dark hair - you can see the facial feauteres , they more pronounced .... it screams of sex.
26 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

Polish High Schools in a long belt on along the border which is full of Polish speaking lithuanians, and them litvaks just want to Lithuanize the Polish speakers.

why cant they be like Latvians, even in Daugavpils/Dyneburg there is a Jewish high school, Polish high schools and Russian ones of course. and heaps of other towns not to mention Riga.

Estonians I can understand... they just too nazi. THey hate slavs and baltic people the same.
26 Oct 2010
News / Polish Lithuanian Diplomatic War? At last. [533]

I have never heard such Antisemitic comments as I did in Lithuania, it blew my mind, especially given the history.

So I guess you were a Lithuanian living in Vilnius before the war right?
.... and those Litvak Jews, they are so liked... they the ones that formed a ANTI-ZIONIST organisation called Naturei karta , and kept on popping up with nazi like rabbis who were against other Jews -

its liked they learned the arrogance from the Lithuanians....
23 Oct 2010
History / Lusatian-Sarmatic obsession of Poles [153]

You are quite right there Noreen. As to your views on the mentality of the majority of Polish, a must say that you either picked a bad sample of Poles or are not that bright.

It is like saying.... The majority of British represent mentality of dopefiend opiate-adickts. And yes, given a crap sample one could prove that, even in Leafy Surrey towns(or should I say, especially in leafy Surrey, HaHa)

you british are nearly as bad as the Dutch, you put anykind of powder chemikals in yyourself.

With Polish nobility, the only 110 per cent trully holy true fact is that Jews copied their fashion, and today with some Orthodox Jew-people one can experience a taste of Polish nobility (minus the Judaism ofcourse)
23 Oct 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Just I do not wish for more criminals in Gothenburg.
I don't have problem that you ruined your country, do not mean that you also has to ruin mine.
I had so much faith in so called 'modern' Poles.

in the end it just wishful thinking. If any has doubts ask any old Jewish person who lived in Poland before the war, how 'tolerant' the Polak was even to such a thing as a Jew mispronouncing a word of the Best language there is (you know which one)
31 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Jewish Roots of Poland [638]

Germany and Germans were preferred over the barbaric hordes of the Polish nation, in fact Hitler was probably a slav ,he despised the slavs - only the slavs themselves despise their own and know how to hate to such a degree.

there is still alot of jealusy over this with th4e Polish, such as Israel trusting German authorities to protect their people , whereas in Poland they must be escorted by heavy armed personal security. read this article for bitterness over this issue:
29 Aug 2010
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

eeeman, great idea.
I guess, you could make the t-shirt with some funny phrase... ORRRRrr put a typical hiphop slang phrase on it and then people might actually think it some new record label or smth and buy the whole batch off ya... id pay for one.

it could say, HAJS HAJS HAJS (at the end of the 90's there was a hip hop group called Trzyha/3H (which meant 3xHajs = 3 x Geld ) ja man, dat is de poolse werd voorr geld . i means money. It woulkd be Real funny because TeDe who was in Trzyha became a successvoel rapper and he has his own clothing label called PLNY (as in PLN's = The polish Zloty code .... as in $$$'s ) sooooooooo HAJS HAJS HAJS would be a PARODY to it...

and u bet bro, if u print that sh~t on some goede t-shirts , all the hiphop kids will buy it off u. Because TRzyha is like a Oldskool legend of Polish hip hop, and it also makes fun of Tede by making fun off his PLNY crap.

Gogogogogog nederhop.

yo, peace. print that!! (if not, PM me and I can give u a thousand ideas, im a expert on slang and dirty words in polish!)
3 Aug 2010
Life / POLISH MYTHS - let's debunk or prove them! [140]

huh ? what does it mean ?

you get shat on by the british when you're in need, then you go help them like idiotic indians fighting for the liberation of india from the british on hitlers side , you get flattened by the might of the Blitzkrieg with your inferior 'army' , you then roll along with the Russians, after which you betray them

all the while complaining that its ALL THEIR fault, never a Pole to blame.....

no wonder there's such a thing as Polack jokes