The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by AdamKadmon  

Joined: 23 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 14 Aug 2014
Threads: 2
Posts: 499
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: History

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18 Oct 2010
News / Polish in vitro treatment fully refundable - bonkers! [62]

Polish archbishops slam plans for liberal in vitro law

Poland's Roman Catholic church appealed Monday to the country's politicians to oppose in vitro fertilization, calling the procedure akin to eugenics.

Poland has one of the lowest birthrates in the European Union and the state has been struggling to find ways to encourage families to have more children. It's an issue that takes on added urgency with a population expected to age in coming decades and a ballooning deficit that will make it harder to support the aged.

Archbishop Hoser, who heads a church council on bioethics, threatened excommunication to lawmakers who support in vitro fertilization.
18 Oct 2010
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

Germanizmy jak germanizmy, gorsza sprawa z rusycyzmami. Tak pisał o nich Sztaudynger:

Z lęku przed rusycyzmem wielu naszych braci
nie mówi „kot się czai”, lecz „kot się herbaci”.

18 Oct 2010
History / Recent Lech Walesa interview made by VBS [30]

why do Kaczynski supporters point to him being better educated than Komorowski?

I do not understand your logic. Probably you think that I am a kind of Kaczyński's supporter, but I am not. I am just shocked by Wałęsa's stupidity. Even if you were right about everything you claim, it would be still utter stupidity to say things Wałęsa said, if it is true that he said them, and especially to chancellor Merkel herself. Maybe he is that kind of politician who is not treated serioiusly, but if so, people should be aware of this.
17 Oct 2010
History / Recent Lech Walesa interview made by VBS [30]

It's about what can be expected from someone with primary school education.

Lech graduated from primary school and vocational school and did his obligatory stint of military service, attaining the rank of corporal, before beginning work at the Lenin Shipyard in Gdańsk.

Inteligence has nothing to do with education. Shakespeare ended his formal education at 15 and he was exceptionally well educated for his time and age.
17 Oct 2010
History / Recent Lech Walesa interview made by VBS [30]

Walesa is an imbecile

I wish the world seriously talked about the Berlin Wall - calls for former President Lech Walesa, a few days before the 20th anniversary of the fall of the wall dividing the German capital . It is estimated that from a strategic point of view, it was the most dangerous moment on the way to freedom. - The Berlin Wall has hampered our freedom - he said. Why ? - As turned out to be unnecessary - says Walesa . - Germany defected from Germany and the Soviets let the entire GDR. If Gorbachev was smarter in politics, it could make a very dangerous thing - analyzes Walesa in an interview with the French station France24 . If I was spot on Gorbachev , I would have used it - betrays Walesa . - I would say this: do not run away loved by the Czech Republic and Hungary , all of you I 'll drive straight . Only I ask all of you : sign it , that we go out of this land . I have buyers for it to living in your apartments in the GDR. Because I will not destroy the Warsaw Pact - speculates Walesa . - And the Germans always lose half of the country - the former president added .

Wałęsa: Had Gorbachev been more clever, he wouldn't have had to give back the GDR

He repeated this in the Polish Radio Program I, Monday, April 5, 2010 at 12:00. Asked by a journalist whom he presented his ideas, he answered: I presented them chancellor Merkel.

Now, what do you think about Mr Wałęsa's intelligence?
16 Oct 2010
News / Black Haitians considering themselves as Poles [31]

From Popioły (Ashes) by Stefan Żeromski:

Oh, wyspo zdałaś się rajem gdyśmy cię z dala ujrzeli, ale szybko przyszło ocknienie, przysłali nas bunty murzyńskie tłumić. Pierwszy konsul Bonaparte nakazał niewolnictwo na powrót na San Domingo zaprowadzić. Nowa to była dla nas wojna. Raz było tak. Służyło u nas cztery setki murzynów którychśmy podejrzewali o zdradę. Co z nimi robić? Jeden jedyny batalion pana Bolesty nie utrzyma w karbach tylu murzynów i to z bronią. Puścić na wolność, to pójdą do wroga, trzymać, zdradzą. Generał Fressinet, nasz nowy dowódca, francuz rodowity, rozkazał czarnym wystąpić do apelu jak co dnia. Zwyczaj wojskowy każe do apelu stawać bez broni. Murzyni nie spodziewali się nawet. Nie upłynęło pół godziny, ani jeden nie zipał...

Watch the film below, beginning from 6:50.

Please provide a translation in English. You risk your post otherwise. Thank you.
16 Oct 2010
History / Recent Lech Walesa interview made by VBS [30]

Walesa is an imbecile

Tis dangerous when the baser nature comes
Between the pass and fell incensed points
Of mighty opposites.

If I'm not out of town I will attend this luncheon and ask Walesa a question or two.

Some of the points of the 21 Solidarność Demands stay valid. I have bolded them. Can you ask if workers in current 'Stocznia Gdańska' can say that their dreams have been fulfilled, and if the dreams didn't come true up to now, can be realized in the future?
14 Oct 2010
Life / Poland's population predictions [59]

Population growth rate

The CIA World Factbook: some countries experience negative population growth, especially in Eastern Europe

14 Oct 2010
Life / Poland's population predictions [59]

Population Projections by Country:

Population by Country


1950 ...357,561___________554,760__________157,813__________24,824
2000 1,008,937__________1,275,133__________283,230__________38,605
2015 1,230,484__________1,410,217__________321,225__________38,035
2025 1,351,801__________1,470,787__________346,822__________37,254
2050 1,572,055__________1,462,058__________397,063__________33,370
12 Oct 2010

What do amateur political dabblers really know about nukes, Poland and its needs? Are you gonna take part in decision making as nukes for Poland are concerned?
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs? [114]

No. But here is a problem of much more serious magnitude than putting 61 mln people in jail. Here logic itself is at stake!
10 Oct 2010
UK, Ireland / Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs? [114]

Do all Brits take (illegal) drugs?

If they do they all should then end up in prison, so as well you could ask: Do all Brits should end up in prison. I hope nobody will challenge my logic.
10 Oct 2010
Po polsku / Polskie dziennikarstwo: misja czy info-szum? [6]

W bardzo dużym stopniu jeśli chodzi o telewizję, której z tego powodu nie da się oglądać, i to zarówno programów stacji publicznych jak i prywatnych; jeśli chodzi o nasycenie reklamami to nie ma żadnej między nimi różnicy. Patrząc na sam przekaz, nadawane programy, poza samymi reklamami, służą jedynie temu, żeby przyciągnąć widza, zniewolić go i otumanić tak, aby wysłuchał wszechobecnych reklam. Myślę, że telewizję można nazwać maszynką do robienia pieniędzy w ręku jej właścicieli, im większych tym lepsza (dla nich), widzowie są obecni jedynie poprzez statystyki oglądalności.

Dlaczego więc telewizja ma widzów? Wydaje się, że telewizja działa tak jak narkotyk, szkodzi ale trudno z nią zerwać, ludzie muszą ostatecznie coś robić z wolnym czasem. Dla jednych Internet jest lekarstwem dla tego nałogu, dla innych czytanie książek albo czasopism.

Poza tym trafiają się, choć rzadko, dobre programy. Z polskich stacji wyróżnił bym telewizję Kultura i kanał historyczny, niektórzy lubią też kanały sportowe. Z zagranicznych najbardziej przypada mi do gustu BBC.

Jeśli chodzi o czasopisma, za które na ogół płacą czytelnicy, reklama jest niezauważalna, tak więc trudno mówić o wpływaniu przez reklamodawców i wydawców na treść przekazu.Tutaj treść dostosowuje się w największym stopniu do potrzeb czytelników.
9 Oct 2010
Po polsku / Polskie dziennikarstwo: misja czy info-szum? [6]

Mam wrażenie, że jest niewielu niezależnych dziennikarzy telewizyjnych, mogących pozwolić sobie na własne opinie. Dominuje raczej dziennikarstwo "stadne". Najlepszym tego przykładem są tzw. dopalacze. Jeśli oglądasz serwisy wiadomości różnych stacji telewizyjnych, to nie ma dla nich od tygodnia innego tematu, tak jakby wszystko inne przestało być nagle ważne, a przecież tak nie jest. Postronny obserwator może odnieść wrażenie, że jest jakiś "dyrygent", który wyznacza kierunek, a kolonia dziennikarskich lemingów zaczyna ścigać się, kto pierwszy dotrze do celu.

Trochę inaczej jest z czasopismami, które mają znacznie mniejszą liczbę odbiorców niż telewizja czy radio. Moim zdaniem bardzo dobre artykuły można znaleźć w Polityce, Gazecie Wyborczej, Newsweeku. Wprost nie przypadło mi do gustu, ale czytałem to czasopismo ledwie parę razy i dawno temu. Tygodnik Nie jest na granicy tego co uchodzi za opinię głównego nurtu, ale jeśli chodzi o pomysłowość, przewrotność i czasem złośliwość krytyki, to nie ma sobie równych (Urban wbrew temu co się sądzi jest rasowym dziennikarzem praktykującym w zawodzie z górą 50 lat). Ze znaczących czasopism nie wymieniłeś jeszcze Tygodnika Powszechnego, który czytany jest przez ludzi uchodzących za tradycyjną inteligencję, jak również związanego z nim miesięcznika Znak. Dawno temu czytałem też Respublikę Nową, teraz o ile się nie mylę finansowaną przez Palikota. Bardzo znaczące opinie dla środowisk lewicowych i centrowych pojawiają się też w Krytyce Politycznej. Tak więc jak widać wybór jest duży a są to tylko czasopisma przeznaczone dla szerokiego odbiorcy.
9 Oct 2010
Language / Jestes moim najlepszym kumlpem... [18]

I wonder if the 3 is a mistype!

Not a mistype. In English you can also write 4you. 3maj means trzymaj, that is trzymaj się, which can be translated as take care.

So the whole translation of Jestes moim najlepszym kumlpem I ciesze sie ze cie mam..!!3maj sie caluski would be:

You are my best friend and I am so glad that you are mine..!! Take care. Kisses.
8 Oct 2010
Life / Is parity the answer for Polish women? [262]

when talking about politics is just forcing people to do things which they don't want to do

As less and less people are interested in party politics, it should become a preserve of women, just as the teaching profession and to a lesser extent babysitting.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

The BBC's greatest philosopher vote.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

For Russia just as for the other European countries, Marxism expected and urged the great Russian bourgeois revolution which would follow the path of the English and French revolutions, just as the one in 1848 which inflamed and shook all of Central Europe. Marx ardently expected, awaited and advocated the upheaval of the feudal mode of production in Russia, all the more so because in his eyes the land of the Tsar played the role of the bulwark of anti-liberal and anti-capitalist reaction in Europe. In the period of wars aiming at the constitution of bourgeois national states in Europe, a period which ended in 1871, each war was appraised by Marxism according to its ability to bring about a defeat and disaster to St.Petersburg. And for this position Marx was even accused of being an agent of anti-Russian pan-Germanism! For him, as long as Tsarism stood it would constitute a barrier not only to the bourgeois revolutionary wave, but also to that which would follow, the wave of the European proletarian revolution; and the First International gave its total support to the liberation movements of the nationalities oppressed by the Tsar, as is shown by the classical example of Poland.

Soviet leaders had to erase the memory of Marx's violent criticism of Russia as a nation deeply affected by many centuries of subjugation and deprivation, and as the only European country having the nonprogressive "Asiatic modes of production.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

it was kind of a funny thing a english man or a frenchmen said along time ago about poland being a buffer to asiatic barbarism.(referring to russia.) dont care what you say i like it. and yes it was russians not mongols or huns.

I know your Englishman and Frenchman. They are known as Marx and Engels.

Marx's and Englels's attitudes towards Russia:

In 1848 Engels described Russia as a "partiarchal-feudal barbarism, and Germany as a "civilized" nation at an early stage of bourgeois prominance. Both countries according to Engels were dominated by a "partrialchal-feudal absolutism. At the close of 1848 Marx viewed the "West" as representing "civilisation" and the "East" (mainly Russia) as representing "barbarism". It was probably Engels who, in an article in the New York Daily Tribune first called Russia "semi-Asiatic". In 1855 Engels referred to Moscow's Russian-Mongol barbarism.

Marx's attitudes towards Poland:

The national claims of Poles were not only understood by Karl Marx but he himself also supported the Polish cause in 1848 and 1863. One of his unfinished works titled, Polen, Preussen Und Russland begins: "The rebuilding of Poland means the desctruction of Russia, the removal of Russian candidature to the domination over the world."

During the Janurary uprising, Karl Marx, one of the greaterst sympathizers of the Polish cause,
was helping to organize a German Legion that would be sent to Poland under the Republican flag, but due to lack of financial support the project fail.
4 Oct 2010
History / What happened from 1650-1795? [68]

What happened from 1650-1795?

1) Triumph of the Counter- Reformation
2) Cultural decline due to a medievialism of Polish Catholicism
3) The nobles came to embrace a Catholic identity, identifying their state and nation with the Catholic Church

In such a diverse country like the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, and with protestant, ortodox and muslim powers surrounding it, subdueing the country to the control of the Catholic interests only, and to the control of the Jesuit Order can be seen as one of the causes of the fall of the Commonwealth.
26 Sep 2010
News / No de-Communisation in Poland? [41]

Why divide and disturb the society even more with going after him and his crimes, right?

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. That's his everlasting legacy.
26 Sep 2010
News / No de-Communisation in Poland? [41]

I dare to say that de-communization is now not an important question for an average Pole. For politicians, de-communization seems also more and more an issue of the past, for it no longer stirs the emotions as it used to do. For the time being, it matters only for the ruling cast of Solidarity-origin (rodowód Solidarności) in the case when they feel threatened by challengers from the left (if there is such a thing).

Also democracy serves well the current political elites, it allows them to stay in power by periodical reshuffling of the pull of people considered fit to rule. The question remains, if de-communization could be used by an outside group against the ruling class, which is so much immersed in the past? The future will show, but I think de-communization also as an instrument of political struggle will walk away together with the current ruling class.