The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Steveramsfan  

Joined: 22 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 18 Dec 2015
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 1 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 305 / Live: 56 / Archived: 249
From: Poland, Germany, UK, Lodz, Paderborn, Derby
Speaks Polish?: I am learning and understand writen Polish
Interests: Sport, Travel, Reading, Cinema, Music

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18 Dec 2015
Law / UK driving license mess in Poland [72]

@ dolnoslask

I wrote the paper part of the photo licence.

I was meaning for Dougpol to check if the paper licence is now obsolete too as most of DVLA stuff is done online now.
18 Dec 2015
Law / UK driving license mess in Poland [72]

@ Dougpol

Have you checked about your paper licence recently?

The paper part of the photo licence is now obsolete, from July 2015.
13 Aug 2015
Life / Polish people are the most ignorant people in the world! [331]

I love the generalisations in this thread.

5 times in Poland and you have seen the whole country, that is impressive.

Like Jon357 says - Ignorance is an individual trait not an ethnic trait.
I would say about 50% of Americans have never left their shores and know nothing about the rest of the world from my experiences of meeting Americans.


I have not experienced the French as being ignorant, they choose not to speak to the English and pretend they don't understand :D

The world has lots of stupid and ignorant people and they are equally shared out amongst all the countries.
13 Aug 2015
Life / Top 5 things I like about Poland [55]


Where in UK do you live to find that sort of food? I have not seen many fresh fish markets unless near the coast.
You can go to a farm and pick your own but that is not practical for people living in a city.
If you live in a city in UK you will have to search hard to find decent fresh produce, the supermarkets don't sell it.

I use the markets and small shops to buy my food in Poland and it tastes better than in UK.
The food is in my top 5 because it is better than in UK and Germany.
12 Aug 2015
Life / Top 5 things I like about Poland [55]

I hope I can avoid them interfering too much in my life.

I have not really lived in Derby but my family are from there so I support them.
I go to games as often as I can but I have a few red friends so I am not anti forest.
I dislike Leicester City though :)

I have noticed a lot more dogs than cats over here but I like all animals.
I want a kitten and a puppy so they get on from an early age.

I am really happy living here even if the language is causing me a few problems trying to master it.
I can get by but the word endings keep tripping me up.
They understand me but I must sound like a 5 year old :)
12 Aug 2015
Life / Top 5 things I like about Poland [55]

There are many different dishes and I have had lots of different dishes made for me by Polish people.
The majority are meat dishes where you can eat any vegetable you want with them.
I do not agree with anything you wrote here as I eat lots of salad, vegetables and fruit and buy it all from the market where it tastes a lot better than the food in UK.

Polish markets remind me of what UK was like when I was growing up, I think UK needs to go back to them rather than the big supermarkets.

Polish food is not processed like in UK and America, I have never seen a microwavable meal anywhere in Poland.

My top 5:

1. The weather and real seasons.
2. The markets and the food I can buy there.
3. The large empty areas (Fields and forests) that you can walk for hours in without meeting another person.
4. The crazy parties that I have with my Polish friends, always something random and funny happens.
5. There is no nanny state, you can live your life without and government intervention.
12 Aug 2015
Polonia / Let's talk about Sweden and other Scandinavian countries [236]


Sweden have remained neutral in every major conflict since the 1800s and helped the Allies out during the war.
They did more for the war effort by being neutral rather than being over run by the Nazis.
European History is not as simple as people think.

I think every country in the world has a grievance with the USA, especially the 70 independent countries that have been invaded by them in the last 70 years.
11 Aug 2015
USA, Canada / Poland has no real historical grievance against USA [27]

I don't think so.
Most Polish I know understand that Britain tried to help Poland in 1939.
The Polish Army, Navy and Air Force fought within the British Armed forces structure in their own formations.

No other nation was allowed that.
11 Aug 2015
USA, Canada / Poland has no real historical grievance against USA [27]

I think the Poles would love to thank Roosevelt and Eisenhower for allowing the Soviet Union to install a puppet regime from 1944 to 1989.
America stood by and watched for 2 years after the Nazis (and then the Soviet Union) invaded Poland in 1939.

Britain lost it's empire trying to defend Poland and Europe against the Nazis. What has the USA given up to help Poland?
Oh that's right, nothing! You won't even let them have tourist visas in case they decide they want to stay.

I think that USA has taken in people from every country in the world that is older than the USA to allow it to become so powerful.

USA only does something if it will benefit their power hungry politicians, they have never been interested in anyone but themselves.
30 Jun 2015
Travel / Poland or Philippines? Which is better for a vacation? (sex tourism) [39]

As a US citizen your first language is not English either. American English (easier) is your first language.
As a born and bred Englishman your original post described Sex Tourism which is very sad, I don't believe you actually know anything about Poland either.

In my experience only 20% of Polish girls are impressed by money, the rest prefer guys with a personality.
Poland would be much better off without any US dollars and also better off without you visiting.
You think you can buy the world, i would get a better job and earn more before I brag about $4000 income every week.

Poland (and Europe) would be much better off if USA left Europe alone and quit NATO altogether!
24 Oct 2013
Travel / Why do you visit Poland? [222]

I now live in Lodz :D

I like Poland more than England.

People are nicer, family loyalties are stronger and I love the wide open spaces.

Polish Food and beer.

I just feel happier in Poland than in the UK.
22 Oct 2013
Real Estate / Can foreigner buy apartment in Warsaw, Poland? [39]

I just bought a flat in Lodz but I paid cash. This was the only way as no financial establishment would lend me the money.

Now I have a flat and a residency card I can now take out a mortgage. I just don't need it anymore.
5 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland [35]

I have bought 15 new cars and 1 second hand car. I have never lost 35% or more on the value of any of them.

This car I want to keep until it falls apart so selling on is no worry.
I have driven in Poland for over 4 years, most of that with a LHD car because I know a RHD car is no good off the motorways in Poland.

I have 3 sworn translators who are my friends so that is not a problem either.

When the office reply with the exact process I will let you all know what was said.
Until I am told exactly how much it will all cost I will not know if I will save money or not.
5 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland [35]

I am trying to find out the process for registering a car in Poland and paying Tax.

I have emailed the Road Transport Office to see if anyone can answer my query.

The Warranty terms and conditions are for UK only as Vauxhall and Opel are not technically the same company.
(I read the terms and conditions as I have a RHD version at the moment)

I have bought a car in Germany before and most places I went didn't speak English and it was not an easy process.
I have enough time to sit waiting for Polish Paperwork, that is no issue either.

so 33% of 22000euro is 7260Euro making 29260euro or 125580pln plus you have the added hassle of waiting around all day in the town hall doing the paperwork

If that is how it works, this would still save me money on buying the same car in Poland so it would work in theory.

I cannot give my RHD car in part exchange in Poland but I can in UK.

All I wanted was how the process of importing and registering a car works in Poland.
Then I can make an informed decision on what would be cheapest in MY EXACT SITUATION which is different to everybody else.
5 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland [35]

because I can get a brand new vehicle with a 160,000 km warranty without the hastle of trying to buy a second hand car in Germany when I don't speak any German.

In the long run, my approach is cheaper than going to Germany to get what you say.

Stop second guessing my circumstances and saying what is better.
Just accept it makes more sense to do things this way for ME in MY exact circumstances!!
5 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland [35]

but how much will the import tax and VAT be for a car in Poland.
I can waste a day if it saves me 5000pln.

The car brand new in Poland is 124,000pln. The car in UK would be 94,000pln.

Would import tax and VAT to register the car cost 30,000pln?

I would like to know how they calculate what tax I must pay to bring a car to Poland?
I don't need advice on a better way to do this, I would like an answer to my question.
5 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland [35]

To buy tax free I must export the car to Poland. Also I want to live in Poland and sever all ties in the UK except my family.

I am trying to work out the costs involved in exporting the car to Poland to see if buying in Poland is cheaper.
I need to make a decision in the next week to get the delivery.

I want a LHD car, registered and insured in Poland. How much will importing a brand new €22,000 car with no tax paid on it within the EU before registering the car in Poland?
5 Sep 2013
UK, Ireland / Buying an export car from UK (VAT-free) and importing it into Poland [35]

I have just quit my job and I have bought a flat in Lodz. I own the flat, no mortgage and I have applied to register my stay in Poland.

I hope to the register my address for a 5 year stay.
Then I will start looking for a new job.

I am looking to buy an export Car from UK (VAT Free) and import it into Poland.
I am struggling to find information on how much Import Tax / VAT would be due on this car to register it in Poland.

Does anybody know where I can look to work out these costs?
11 Dec 2011
Travel / Photos from Poland [258]

I have been there, that Church is still used. I was there for Christmas 2009.

Kocham Zakopane

You are all upsetting me though ;( I love Poland in winter.

I am stuck in Afghanistan with no snow, only sun ;(
7 Dec 2011
Language / "Hilarious" Mistakes? (Esp. Across Polish and other Slavic Languages) [70]

i know my use of the polish language is terrible. now i feel really disheartened. think i will give up now. everyone else on this site has at least basic command of it. my polish is crap and now i feel i am embarrassing myself.

Don't feel like that at all, I have been trying to learn Polish for 4 years now and I am still not able to hold a conversation unless its a certain environment. Shop, hotel or restaurant.

In my experience the Poles are amazed that you even try to learn Polish, they laugh at the mistakes not at you.
I found what you said was funny because it was funny, i didn't think you were rubbish because you made the mistake. I just pictured a spider carrying people to Krakow.

At least you tried to speak their language, I know lots of English who just speak English in Poland, they don't even try.
7 Dec 2011
History / What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis? [125]

Jihahdists preach death to ALL infidels!

Islam does not preach death to all infidels, the religious fanatics preach that.

Jihad from the Quran means "an internal battle within yourself to be a better person and trust in God"
Also an Infidel is a non believer in God not a non muslim.

The true teachings have been twisted by religious fanatics.

The Jewish religious fanatics are just as bad as the Christian fanatics and Muslim fanatics.

Is the truth too painful, like the truth about what we in the US did to our Native American population??!

Collaborating to save your own life or stealing land of the Natives for a countries gain cannot be counted together.

First of all Slavic or Slavonic people are not a race but linguistic group.Lets not forget that Germans were very inconsistent with their racial theories and their policies regarding Slavs were changing depending on German army victories or defeats.

I was refering to the post about Jews being killed by the Nazis, they tried to kill lots of races and people they didn't like. I was not refering to Slavs as a race.

My theory is that AH hated Poles because they did not want to ally with Germany when offered a deal(what was a Poland's grave mistake in my opinion).

Before WW1 "Poland" was part of Germany and Russia. At the End of WW1 in the Versailes Treaty territory was taken off the defeated Germany and from the New Soviets, this was then reformed as Poland and also Chechoslovakia was formed from territory taken from Germany.

The Versailes Treaty also humiliated the German nation, IMHO the treaty went too far and had a causal effect on the Nazis starting WW2.

Hitler took back Czechoslovakia first, then moved onto Poland. It should have been obvious to the old WW1 allies this was going to happen.

The Jews were a way of inciting the country to elect the Nazis which resulted in Genocide about 10 years later.
6 Dec 2011
History / What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis? [125]

Biased load of rubbish!!

It is well documented that Poles did not hate Jews before WW2. The Nazis target all Poles who were educated and wanted to kill all of them, the Poles were to be destroyed but used as slaves before this.

The "Final Solution" gives the game away. They didn't know what to do with all the Jews in the camps so came up with the idea of using gas to kill them in large numbers.

1943 this started. The Nazis tested using gas on the other prisoners before mass killings started.

6 million Poles of which 3 million were Polish Jews, 6 million jews of which 3 million were Polish Jews. Makes 9 million killed.

Out of the estimated 29 million civilians killed by the Nazis that is only a third!!

It was not just one race of people the Nazis wanted rid of for ever, remember that in all your arguments.
6 Dec 2011
History / What proportion of the Polish population collaborated with the Nazis? [125]

He wanted Poland as a graveyard for Poles, the underclass and Jews. Why would true Poles want to help with this?

The Systematic Genocide commited by the Nazis would have happened without any help from any occupied country.
The Poles, Belorusians, Germans who opposed the Nazis, Romany, POW's, Handicapped and Homosexuals were all being killed by the Nazis before the final solution began.