The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by ukinpoland  

Joined: 16 Jan 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jun 2007
Threads: Total: 5 / Live: 0 / Archived: 5
Posts: Total: 338 / Live: 7 / Archived: 331
From: Torun/Bydgoszcz
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: Learning more about Poland/FOOTBALL

Displayed posts: 7
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19 Jun 2007
Language / Terms of endearment in Polish [222]

Kochanie - Darling, Sweetheart

Piekna- Beautifull

I know more Iwill post when I remember
14 Jun 2007
Food / Polish Potatoes [42]


Oh bubba belongs to you. I wondered who he belonged too. lol
17 Apr 2007
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

Well usually there is a live band that has been hired by the family. I have been to one and i seem to remember a couple of ladies wearing black So this should be OK. Expect to dance close together mostly and depending on the size of the venue (the one i went to was huge) there will be various dances where everyone links arms and goes round in a circle. Most of my other memories are a little hazy due to the amount of Vodka i consumed. Yes they were very genorous with the Vodka , especially when they realised that Im English. You will have a great time there will be so much food and drink, and a party untill very early in the morning.
31 Jan 2007
Polonia / Is it possible to meet a Polish female in Dubai? I'm looking for fun. [45]

Looking for fun? Why is it all guys seem to think Polish women are easy? Believe me they are not ( no women is easy but you know what i mean) They are way above your average English women and not the chav's you see hanging around street corners in UK