The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by Zosia  

Joined: 3 Aug 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 1 Aug 2014
Threads: Total: 1 / Live: 0 / Archived: 1
Posts: Total: 51 / Live: 8 / Archived: 43
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: travel, photography, poland :)

Displayed posts: 8
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1 Aug 2014
Life / Volunteering in Poland [21]

Merged: Volunteering in Poland

Does anyone have any information on volunteering in Poland once you are there? I am specifically looking to volunteer in an orphanage in or around the Olsztyn area, since that is where I am from and where my family lives.

thank you
25 Nov 2010
Life / Olsztyn life; I'm Indian and I like the place [43]

thanks Wroclaw that is why i was asking the question. by the way, i went and had a great time. thanks to trevek for giving me some ideas. and yes, when i got there, my hosts also had good ideas.
7 Aug 2010
Life / Olsztyn life; I'm Indian and I like the place [43]

Thread attached on merging:
things to do in Olsztyn

I'll be visiting family in Olsztyn for the next 3 weeks. can't wait! i've been to Olsztyn many times before but this time i want to play more tourist. does anyone have any suggestions for great places to see and visit?
19 Sep 2009
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

i love poland because i was born there and my family is still there. and i miss them so much...
14 Jun 2009
Life / The Polish Wedding - What is it Like in Poland? [338]

I just attended a Polish wedding in Olsztyn last week, i had a blast! People here like to have fun, eat lots, drink lots. i felt like the wedding had more meaning than any of the weddings that i've been to in north america. first was the wedding ceremony at the church, then the wesele at a local restaurant and it lasted until 5am and then the next day another party and another party.

i'm still recovering but it was so much fun!
16 Feb 2009
Travel / Why do you visit Poland? [222]

I always visit my family over there and I try to go once every 1 1/2 years, any longer and I start to really really miss it.
21 Dec 2008
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1472]

Interesting thread. I can usually tell someone of eastern european or russian descent. I know I look different but whenever I am in Poland I always think of how I don't look like most Polish women. For starters I don't have the long thin legs that everyone here is talking about- short legs for me! I have brown hair, blue almond shaped eyes and almost yellow (?) skin! Also, I didn't get blessed with the Polish thin gene.

oh well, I think I was made to work in the fields plowing and harvesting. lol
30 Nov 2008
Off-Topic / What's your connection with Poland? Penpals. [514]

I'm Polish. I was born in Olsztyn, came to Canada when I was 4 but I go back to Poland quite often. I like to stay connected to my family there and try to keep up with the language.

Maybe I'll move there someday! who knows..
