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Posts by tomek  

Joined: 12 Jun 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Jan 2009
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Posts: Total: 134 / Live: 21 / Archived: 113
From: out of here - due to noimmigration
Speaks Polish?: you bet
Interests: kanbipishag

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26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

farm and house

Freedom to the Lusatian Sorbs. Give them a country to live!

work hard

or let the work be done, by POWs or Turks. Depending of the availabilities.
26 Dec 2008
History / Famous Russian Poles [243]

East Germany

was kept at an higher level for the purpose of showing the west, that communism does work.
My point to the discussion:
The Stasi, the devotion of the people for the system was only surpassed by early soviet one, where sons betrayed their fathers. This shows very clear how Germans work, how easily they are manipalated. While beeing the prussian Germans and models for the nazis a decade earlier, they addapted like a flag does to the wind.

Poles instead allways had their own head, maybe a little stubborn, as we are, but without us, you BwB would live in a polarized NWO-anti-utopia up to now.

You should thank us. For that and for liberating your country from fascism as you call it ;)
25 Nov 2008
Life / Cannabis / Weed in Poland... How much does marijuana cost per gram and how easy is to get it? [355]

I've given up smoking 2 month ago. First, it just took a big part of my freetime to smoke and hang out. Second, sometimes you baught some stuff and it turned out to be the nightmare of a bud. Smelled OK sometimes, but it didn't work at all.

I mean if you got good stuff, it must not be exceptional, you smoke one or two and you do not want to smoke for a period of 1-2 hours, coz you are stoned. But the stuff the turks and blacks sell on the streets in Germany you can smoke an ounce at once and you'll feel just headaches.

The 2nd reason is why I stoped before occasionaly to smoke, when our suppliers had shlt only but 1st reason is the one that made me stop smoking for life, until our kids are out of home, then I'll put up my 400W lamp out again ;)

I still dream from time to time the dream of smoking some good stuff - but otherwise I'm pretty happy I stopped.

Wine and beer must be enough, and a cigar from time to time.
11 Nov 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Quit personal issues or leave Germany.

I'm not the one raising these personal issues.

Because as far as I see Turks going to live there.

If so hopefully some day they will adapt.
11 Nov 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

First of all, global (or should i say common?) human behaviors should not be limited upon only one nation, race or society.
Any woman from any nation could be a slut; or any man from any nation or race could be a pervert. a discussion of genital parts and sexuality doesnt help any one to find a point.

I took a good part in this discussion and I never refered to singular persons, but only to the turks as a mass who is invading our beloved european soil. And to point out, hopefully the last time, every slavic tribe can be sure that, as history showed, may it be victorious like in Vienna or disastrous like in Varna, Poland will be there for them in the time of need!

Turks do not belong here. I have my personal issues with them! I live in Germany and you should see how every turk looks at a blonde man with a turkish-looking girlfriend from the Balkan!
23 Aug 2008
Life / Why there is always around a horrible smell of sweat in Poland [188]

hmmm...tough sh!

It's nothing to lol about - some jobs I've done I arrived home not beeing able to shower coz I was too tired. And the day after you leave for your job stinky not having enough time to shower - the jobs I speak of do not require you to be clean, you get sweaty after an half an hour anyway.
8 Jul 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I will repeat again ''Turkey is secular''

And I will repeat:

@rock: I often mentioned how far ahead the Turks in Turkey are compared to the migtrants who came 30 years ago into european countrys, regarding secular government and general public opinion towards other cultures.

OK? you are a lost cause. and I thaught some turks were worth discussing with them. Go build an alliance with ahmadinejad.
6 Jul 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Mosques in Europe, islamic chauvinism and bossiness undesired.
Pork and alcohol, women rights desired.

@rock: I often mentioned how far ahead the Turks in Turkey are compared to the migtrants who came 30 years ago into european countrys, regarding secular government and general public opinion towards other cultures.

Yet Turkey in EU - that won't fit. We are just too different and it should be of mutual interest not to contaminate our cultures with each other. And regarding turkish approach towards christian missionaries we in Europe are very mild towards muslims you must addmit.

We allow mosques while Turks kill missionaries! And the public voice supports theese killings even. The murderers will get into prison but they will be respected there and have a fine living with ****** and drugs.

Grüss Gott
22 Jun 2008
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Arier Nachweis

Its a certification that you had only aryan ancestors, up to your grandparents for the small ("kleiner Arier Nachweis") or up to 1750 for the big one ("Großer Arier Nachweis") - It was issued during the Third Reich and was needed to get a job in some military relevant areas (big one) or any government job (small one was enough then)
22 Jun 2008
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

my family lived for generations in lower Silesia

The borderregion is very mixed - It's a gradient composition in these areas. Sorbs and generally people around Cottbus have slavic blood in them one can say as well. Descendants of polish migrants in Rhuhr Area or northern France - its all mixed up due to higher industriall workforce demand in the past.

My granddad beeing of German nationality had a name rather connected with Hungarian region, but they apparently moved centuries ago into Silesia as well.
22 Jun 2008
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

Do you have the DNA tests to prove it???

What do you mean? Weather we got R1a1-markers on Y-chromosoms? I don't know, but my relatives live since generations north-east of Kraków.
22 Jun 2008
Genealogy / Are all Poles blue eyed and blonde? [450]

My whole family in Poland are purest slavs. They have rather blonde hair (boys get darkblond with age) and are blueeyed. Needless to mention they are superior football- and chess-players and are very inteligent, arrogant, strong and beautiful. My dad is part German and he has curly black hair. The best way to offend him is to tell him to go back to Turkey ;)
21 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

changing codes

Turkey is a big country and not everybody supports the new reforms. Many desire a more religious-conservative goverment. Pull a line down, east of Izmir, Bursa and Istanbul - in the west you'll have openminded people who are more openminded then the migrants we have experience with, in the east you'll have poorly educated peasants and islamists.
20 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

You know, while Poland was divided for 123 years the Ottoman leader had left a place spare at his diplomatic table for the Polish representative to return. THIS WERE NICE TURKS. They even titled Sobieski as the "invincible lion from the north" after he destroyed their armies. They should not forget it!

Now Turkey stays a potential threat but a honorable enemy. In times of peace it can be a good business partner - but under current circumstances many prefer to stay out of their way as the migrants in Europe destroyed the once noble picture we had of them.

'Fenno-Ugric' languages are in fact related to the Turkic

So Finns and Hungarians languages have been influenced in the past by the old noble ottoman empire - great for you. And even better both tribes have white skin and their women do smell like ours. They are acceptable visitors, wifes and husbands.
18 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

My Vote: NO
One of the problems with Turks is that our opinion of Turks is biased by those Turks who allready live in Germany, Netherlands, England and other european countrys since their birth. Turks I know from Turkey are "better". But how much better all things considered?

I was shocked that after the missionaries were killed one heard the townsfolks of the town it occured in saying, that they to some degree supported the murderers.

There is a strong nationalism in this country and I doubt that the majority agrees to enter the EU - both is good for them, but would be a threat to Europe. And most of the turks that will then leave their country will be Turks from the east and not those from Istanbul or Izmir.
17 Jun 2008
Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines? [382]

Did anybody realize how ceratin type of Poles like to complain about anything that is polish-made, like his car, boiler and other technical stuff. It is a kind of humor - like having a friend whom you like to banter with.
13 Jun 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Why starting such a thread? Isn't it obvious what most Poles think of them?

The migrants have no willing to adjust to our norms - bring their own coulture and habits and contaminate our lands with it. They kill their sisters who date ouside turkish comunities. They gang together and destabilize the parts of towns they inhabitate in larger numbers. They sell crappy drugs which endanger the health of our youth.

New problem is that much money in Turkey has been made by migrants in Europe - the Turks in Turkey are averagelly more educated and less religioulsy radical than those peasants from anatolia who left turkey in the last decades. This new power brought into Turkey led to a weakaning of the secularistic government in Turkey.
13 Jun 2008
Life / Poles are not racist [873]

PolskiZolnierz = tomek
I registered - so you should know I'm the PolskiZolnierz here.