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Posts by strzyga  

Joined: 30 Apr 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 6 Nov 2012
Threads: Total: 2 / Live: 0 / Archived: 2
Posts: Total: 990 / Live: 216 / Archived: 774
From: Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes.

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6 Nov 2012
News / Let's protest censorship in Poland's mainstream media! [90]

Mr. Gmyz and three of his colleagues were fired by the owner and management board of Presspublica, the editor of Rzeczpospolita, for ruining the newspaper's credibility by publishing unconfirmed material. The sole owner of Presspublica is Grzegorz Hajdarowicz and here you can read his statement:

As a publisher, I always segregate newspaper office from business, but I did not know how looks like backstage of the formation of the text, does not relieve me from the responsibility for the articles that appear in the newspaper. Reckless actions of a few people again provoked Polish-Polish war. But all readers sorry.

For wrong decisions you have to bear the consequences, hence the dismissals and disciplinary dismissal in the editorial. From today, it will be forever. I assure you that I will do everything possible to ensure that such a situation is never repeated, so that what we publish in the "Republic", has always been reliable, accurate, thoughtful and reliable. Credibility must be our highest value. Again all sorry .

and the board's statement:

Mr. Gmyz did his job

No he didn't, therefore he was fired. End of. I wish him success writing for Fakt.
16 Oct 2012
Language / Polish Accusative / Genitive case [20]

sok sok soku

szynka szynke szynki

makaron makaron makaronu

corrections in bold, the rest is fine

Is there a rule for endings for masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns (there probably is!)

there probably is :D
16 Oct 2012
Language / Busha and JaJa [140]

a) Yet again a voice from North America claims to know better than a Pole with 85 years' experience of living in Poland.

Yet another Anglophone claims to know more about Polish than a native, educated Pole. Just give it a break. It's not even funny.
13 Oct 2012
Genealogy / Common surnames in Poland NOT of Polish origin ? [87]

Been wondering for the longest time where my surname 'Pajdo' is from. Haven't ever gotten a conclusive answer on that, even from a Polish geneologistLOL

Seems that your family comes from southern Poland. As you probably know already, "pajda" means a thick slice of bread.
13 Oct 2012
Genealogy / Common surnames in Poland NOT of Polish origin ? [87]

Sapis, Sapiska, Sapiszczak, Sapiszczuk, Sapiszko ==> from Belarusian Sapega, this from Eastern Slavic sopet', sapać

isn't Sapieha from the same family of names?
9 Oct 2012
Life / Polish cartoons for kids [42]

Dixie, my favourite. Script by Agnieszka Osiecka. I love episode 5 with Smok Belfegor's song.
1 Oct 2012
News / The Political Circus of Poland [306]

What was that error

Having a minority government (in coalition with Giertych's party and Lepper's Samoobrona) he pushed towards earlier elections, thinking that PiS would be able to get the parliamentary majority, and lost.
28 Sep 2012
Language / kiedy i tam [15]

Widziałem w przyszłości różne cuda, ale cóż, kiedy i tam, gdzie mieszkają tylko czarownicy, nie można żyć wiecznie.

ale cóż = ale cóż z tego, ale co z tego
kiedy i tam = skoro nawet tam - if/since even there where the wizards live...
Zibi explained it very well, I'm just giving you alternative versions as they may help you to get a better feel of the phrase.
28 Sep 2012
Language / Burak or redneck? [36]

Polish TV film-dialogue translators regularly translate redneck as burak.

If you don't like burak, try czereśniak.śniak
24 Sep 2012
Language / Foreigners speaking Polish - examples. [61]

also speaking good polish may make him seem even more mentally deranged

It's no more deranged than my "duplo kavi" (I don't even know how to write it properly) when ordering coffee in Hungary :)

I think you worry too much. If the customer seems nice, a longer conversation is likely to issue, in whatever language. But if he looks like a nutcase, no amount of Polish is going to help him :)
19 Sep 2012
Travel / Monuments, statues, memorials of Poland [25]

I remember reading it as a child and always starting from the last page

So was I.
Now, where's the bottom of the page you posted? I couldn't finish reading the piece on a spring egg!

And I'm not a wet blanket, sir. I'm a completely dry blanket. Here's the proof. Toruń again, in front of a multiplex cinema:

19 Sep 2012
Travel / Monuments, statues, memorials of Poland [25]

I like this one, in Toruń.
It was placed in the Old Market there in memory of Zbigniew Lengren, a cartoonist and illustrator. I'm too lazy to explain the story in my own words so I'll use a quote from Wiki: " His most famous creation is Professor Filutek, who appeared once a week on the last page of Przekrój magazine, together with his dog Filus, for over 50 years, a record run in Polish comics."

19 Sep 2012
Travel / Monuments, statues, memorials of Poland [25]

Wąchock - a monument of a legendary village mayor, subject of numerous jokes (Wąchock in these jokes is an epitome of backwoods; actually, it's just a town like any other, with a beautiful 13th Cistercian monastery).

18 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

Goodbye, till tomorrow:

Yes! A lovely film. But why in German?

Another with with Cybulski:

Need to think a bit... my memory isn't anymore what it used to be.

In the meantime... This time there's NO Cybulski in it:

17 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

Yes. I'm that nasty. This photo is no good though, I can't see the tears.

Anyway, here's a chance for you to rehabilitate:

17 Sep 2012
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

Oh,yes,that ugly bu**er is me BTW :)

Isthatu, if you don't mind me asking, where does your fascination with the Polish militaria come from? You seem to know quite a lot about that and as far as I remember you've no Polish roots whatsoever.
16 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]


Eroica by Andrzej Munk. (wiki helped just a little bit...)

Can you see me crying?

No. Please, post a photo.
16 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]


No. We've got a few others too, some better than Wajda IMO :)

This young Janczar and Modrzyńska suggest Pokolenie by Wajda.

It's not Modrzyńska, sorry.

This one still remains unsolved.

But another one has been solved:

That must be "Rękopis znaleziony w Saragossie", "The Saragossa Manuscript" directed by Wojciech Has, 1965

This film is worth a few screenshots!


13 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

At last, my turn! :):):) if you allow.............:):):):)

I do. However, this one's too easy...
it's Marysia, naturally.

Ok - my favourite director once again:

12 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

Now I am still too youthful. :):):)

I know. We're all getting younger and younger and then we die.

Wojna Domowa from 1960s. Yes?


One more, in a different climate (hey, wasn't it supposed to be your thread?)

11 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

I thought I didn`t need to watch it. :):):):)

It's not even a mistake... to nie jest błąd, to jest WIELB£AD!
Forget the superstitions of erroneous youth and just watch it. Please.
It's nothing like Chłopi.

And now something else:

11 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

Come on, you won't make me believe you haven't watched Konopielka :P

The other tree will remain a mystery for now.
11 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

Nope. I never watched that burning tree. I give up. You won! :):):)

I'm sure you did.

11 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

They must have spent a lot of time on sarcasm when you went to school.....

You never know with those Anglophones, y'know...
11 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

It's Hanka Mostowiak's death by cardboard boxes, M jak Miłość :)
Obscure? - you must be kidding, this was reported by most news sites - that's why I know, as I don't watch the show :)

Two trees - both should be easy enough:

9 Sep 2012
Life / Polish film and serial riddles [137]

It is his first film from 1982 - Wielka majówka. Nice rock music soundtrack by Maanam - Zamachowski was enthralled with Kora!

2 x yes. The best times of Maanam. I think I'm getting nostalgic.

How about this? Makes nice pictures.