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Posts by Borrka  

Joined: 25 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Mar 2019
Threads: Total: 37 / Live: 8 / Archived: 29
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6 Mar 2019
History / Cursed soldiers controvercy - not all Poles respect them [266]

It's rather hard to ditinguish between hero and criminal during a civil war, like it was in Poland 1945 - 1953. Killing civilians makes some border line but what in the case they were working for secret police?
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Very simple and easy to understand approach - every emigration is like being counted out in the first round.
Or even like throwing in the white towel.
The only exception for that makes political refugee but the "true" one.

So searching for "mental" compensation is emigrant's main drive.
Well know phenomenon be it in the US, be it among European "gast arbeiters".

BTW. already Behavis Singer wrote about "US rains are biggest in the universe" phenomenon.
11 Jun 2011
Po polsku / Tragedia jezykowa, czyli "stay on topic" LOL. [95]

Zbyt zajety jestem budowa klasy sredniej, by czesciej pisac na forum.
Robie wyjatki dla bledow jezykowych.

Ja, k...., nie moge, gdy slysze w telewizorze w "Aachen odbyla sie",
"w Kiel ma miejsce", last but not least "w Bremenie" (oryginalne!).

PS. Taka uwaga do poprzednich postow:
poprawnosc jezykowa jest rowniez kwestia stylu.
Nie tylko i wylacznie gramatyki, a juz zupelnie nie uzywania ojczystych fontow.

Bluzg, to forma wyrazu.
Aby nie byl przecinkiem.
Niekoniecznie musimy mowic, niczym przechodzowana ciota z blaszaka na Krzyzach (no... kto rozumie?)

Zapozyczenia - uwielbiam, ale okazjonalnie, w jakim stylistycznym celu.
Ruski mat jest cudem natury i chetnie z niego korzystam,
A akcent w zwrocie "na Xuj" jest na NA.
14 Mar 2011
History / Polish pirates [58]

"We can hardly exclude Polish pirates in the famous Klaus Störtebeker's Victual Brothers (German: Vitalienbrüder) but no historical proofs as far I know."

BB, no historical proofs for Poles present in Störtebeker's crew, that's what I mean.
Störtebeker was a well known and historically proven Robin Hood (captain Hook ?) of Alemannia :)
No doubt about his existence !
14 Mar 2011
History / Polish pirates [58]

I see nobody having at least a ppm content of elementary knowledge bothers to leave a comment on "Polish pirates" so I have to do it.

First pirates in the Baltic area were Vikings, West-Slavonic to a high degree.
Polish ... hmm...can be disputed.

We can hardly exclude Polish pirates in the famous Klaus Störtebeker's Victual Brothers (German: Vitalienbrüder) but with no historical proofs as far I know.

Jagiellonian and Vasa kings used privateers fighting Teutonic Knights and later Swedes. Same goes for Danzig/Gdansk (the best known one - captain Beneke - the name sounds rather German) as a part of Rzeczpospolita (Polish Commonwealth).
19 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Wielkimi krokami zbliża się... Dzień Przyjaźni Polsko-Węgierskiej [36]

Podejdzmy do sprawy metodycznie i kompleksowo.

Najlepszy polski krol - Wegier

Wspolny bohater narodowy - Bem.

Proby wspolpracy Wegrow z Powstaniem Warszawskim i w konsekwencji, wycofanie ich oddzialow.
Jakaz roznica w porownaniu do Rosjan !

Wegrzy - obok Polski, pierwszy buntownik w baraku socjalistycznym.

Moze pamietacie wiecej ?
19 Feb 2011
Language / Polish regional accents? [141]

to a silly degree to the point I honestly cant tell what im saying wrong

You're simple not in position to understand what's wrong but you believe to "know it better".
Very funny approach of some language students.

As for Russian ... its pronunciation is rather hard for non-Slavic native speakers - I've never heard English or German having even remotely satisfying command of Russian language.

Not to mention their accent.
Like in this old song: You're gonna meet some gentle people there, that's all for their lacking reaction to your mistakes.

Remember two most important rules for languages' students:
1.Never argue with native speakers
2.In case you are in doubts don't look for any books, ask the first native speaker you meet for help.
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

There was much german in what is Poland these days...doesn't make it polish!

Does it refers to millions of Poles, Kashubians, other Western Slavonic people living in what is Germany these days ?
Roughly about 35% o the total Alemania's population got some well proven Slavic roots.
Many scientists, politicians, artists or simple well skilled professionals among them but according to German school books ... they are all Germans (except Adolf Hitler and Teresa Orlovski) LOL.

Does it refer to French Huguenots, Jews and Russian "Whites" living in Germany ?

It's a well known German craze - using all possible definitions of ethnicity in order to prove Europeans are Germans !
At least the most famous of us but all of a sudden it goes even for an average man in the street - I know the "scientific" pamphlet proving Poles are Slavisated Germans...

So let us agree on that:
Adam und Eva , Tȟatȟáŋka Íyotake (Sitzender Bulle) and all Eskimos as well (das Deutsche Mädchen friert nicht) were Germans !
13 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Publiczne "pranie brudow" w Polsce [30]

Czyli Rosjanie kłamali. I to jest coś nowego?

To nic nowego.
Ale podobnie, tylko bardziej wyrafinowanie klamia Niemcy, Francuzi, Szwedzi, Czesi (!!!), Grecy, Burkino-Fasynczycy itd.itp.
13 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Publiczne "pranie brudow" w Polsce [30]

Czy lepszy jest nadmierny samokrytycyzm czy kłamstwo?

Pytanie brzmi:
czy lepsza jest karykaturalna dbalosc o image kraju, czy patologiczny brak dbalosci.
13 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Publiczne "pranie brudow" w Polsce [30]

Moim zdaniem, wpływ tego i innych forów na opinie ludzi jest minimalny

Zapewne, ale idzie mi o szerszy problem.

Przypadek autentyczny - szkola jezykowa w Szwajcarii, lata 90-siate.
Praca grupowa.
Grupy polska i rosyjska maja kolektywnie odpowiedziec, czym rozni sie wies w ich kraju, od wsi szwajcarskiej ?

Odpowiedz grupy polskiej:
nie ma porownania z czysta i porzadna wsia szwajcarska. W Polsce wies, to syf, kila i mogila!

Odpowiedz grupy rosyjskiej:
W zasadzie nie ma zadnych roznic miedzy wsia szwajcarska, a rosyjska.

Pozostawiam bez komentarza.
13 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Publiczne "pranie brudow" w Polsce [30]

Tak, dlatego że nam to pomaga zrozumieć dzisiejszą Polskę.

Znieksztalcony obraz pomaga cokolwiek zrozumiec ?

Nie zyjemy w prozni i izolacji.
Powtarzam - nasi sasiedzi uprawiaja bezlitosna propagande sukcesu.
Bez granic i kordonow.
Jak piesni zew:)
13 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Publiczne "pranie brudow" w Polsce [30]

Popelnilem blad - zaczalem swoj pierwszy post od deklaracji politycznej, a przeciez nie o to mi chodzi.

Historia naszego Kraju, to powtarzajace sie walki dwoch silnych stronnictw politycznych (jak zwrocil uwage Torg, niekoniecznie w sposob jasny rozniacych sie programem).

Familia versus Stronnictwo Hetmanskie.
Sanacja i Endecja.
A dzis PO, kontra PiS.

Co maja te ugrupowania wspolnego - artykulowanie bardzo ostrych oskarzen pod adresem adwersarzy, oskarzen rujnujacych image Kraju i graniczacych ze zdrada stanu !

W koncu Familia sciagnela ruskie wojsko do Rzeczpospolitej, a Endecja zarzucala Pilsudskiemu prace dla osciennego wywiadu.
Kwituje cyrk dzisiejszy minuta ciszy.

Minuta minela.

Te dzialanie maja miesjsce w sytuacji pelnej dyscypliny propagandowej krajow sasiednich.
W wypadku Rosji na poziomie niemalze Iwana Groznego i cwiartowania niepoprawnych, w Niemczech niezwykle "sophistcated" LOL.

Stad wynika moje pytanie.
W sytuacji, gdy inni pilnuja kazdego slowa, my uprawiamy totalna krytyke wlasnego Kraju.
Totalna i jakby eksportowa !
13 Feb 2011
Po polsku / Publiczne "pranie brudow" w Polsce [30]

Na forum sa osoby, zapewne zyjace w Polsce, lub dobrze znajace polskie realia, ktore z dziwnym zaangazowaniem rozpoczynaja watki bardzo krytyczne wobec sytuacji w Kraju.

Cel jednoznaczny - dokopac rzadzacej aktualnie opcji politycznej.

Jestem zdeklarowanym przeciwnikiem PiS.
Wszystko, co reprezentuje soba Jaroslaw Kaczynski budzi moja odraze - poczynajac od brakow w zmurszalym uzebieniu, a konczac na politycznym cynizmie kameleona.

No, ale to sa moje odczucia.
Komus moga sie podobac brazowe relikty zebow i wyborcze umizgi do postkomunistow, uwienczone nagla sympatia do syna Ziemi Slaskiej i Zaglebiowskie, Gierka Edwarda.

Polska, to wolny Kraj.
Pytanie brzmi:
Czy uwazacie za wlasciwe rzucanie bardzo ostrych oskarzen na boardach anglojezycznych, oskarzen, ktore sa mocno dyskusyjne, ale ukazuja Polske w bardzo niekorzystnym (moim zdaniem przesadnie krytycznym) swietle ?

Zwracam uwage - ja pytam, a nie przesadzam sprawy.
7 Feb 2011
Love / Arabs: "Polish women are easy and stupid" [132]

Of course Arabs have no respect at all for polish women.

I saw the movie yesterday and there was not a single word about "Polish women" from those young Arabs.
The referred to "European women" in general.
14 Jan 2011
Po polsku / Polak/Polka stulecia [32]

Rydz-Śmigły nie byl postacia humorystyczna, czy chocby kontrowersyjna.
Przyszlo mu jedynie zyc w takich czasach i pelnic okreslona role.

Prawy czlowiek, odwazny oficer z dorobiona przez komunistyczna propagande "gębą" tchorza.
Kazdy Wanka wie, ze uciekl w 39.
Niestety, nie kazdy Polak wie, iz wrocil do Kraju, by dalej walczyc.
11 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Wouldn't you want to know how Poles are viewed by others. His comments are spot on.

I know it already and Kositk's comments are all but irrelevant to the main topic.
He should have started a new thread "How Poles are viewed by Kostiks?" .
11 Jan 2011
History / My Great Grand father took part in the Battle of Warsaw! [90]

Absolutely off topic Kostik's remarks having one purpose only:
to improve the fading image of the wannabe superpower Matushka !

Russia has taken exactly the Polish path - some hundreds years later only.
I'm pretty sure we are facing partitions of Russia now and it's only problem of time when Russia becomes an important part of Greater China and it's gonna be Beijing's decision to grant some sort of autonomy to the Great Dutchy of Moscow ... or not !

I'm all for independent Russia.
In the long run it's much better for the EU to have Russia as a neighbor than expanding power of China !
But on the other hand can you give me an example of a modern state losing 50% of its population (plus strategic part of its territory) within some months like CCCP did ?
30 Dec 2010
News / Ruski a slur like Pollack? [53]

Ruski is a colloquialism used in informal modern Polish.
At least in big cities.
"Ruski film" means Russian movie only.
"Ma ruska dziewczyne" means that his girlfriend is Russian.

I'm going to visit my friends in Latvia.
Are the Latvians ?
Nieee. Ruscy...

I don't see any negative color of the term "ruski" in modern Polish.

PS. As for "ruskie pierogi" = Ukrainian pierogi in archaic Polish.
26 Dec 2010
History / Lwów, Wilno ... kresy - Poland have lost enormoust part of our heritage... [389]

Frankly, I do hate this kind of discussions !
Just google for Gogol, Koroliov, (Igor) Sikorski, Orlik, Ciolkovski ect.etc. and you will find it pretty hard to determine their ethnicity - Russian, Ukrainian, Belorussian, Polish, even Tatar.

Depending on which Wiki language you prefer:).
Jewish scientists turning overnight to Russians, Poles or .... Americans, Poles becoming all of the sudden French or Lithuanian, Ukrainians ... Russian or vice versa, Tesla well known Croatian scientists ...

I'm fed up.
26 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

Better ?
Same way nonsensical like two British, from Bristol and Glasgow using pidgin English for better understanding.

The idea of some Slavic lingua Franca is not bad but we are still not ready to take any decision.

And generally, there is no need for Slavic Union.
East-European cooperation is what we need.
Despite of being genetically 127.3476 % Slavic I don't feel Slavic at all.
I'm Polish and frankly, Polish Jew from Warsaw is closer to me than Superslav from Great Slavonia !
And our common mentality is what counts.
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

I would be for including Russia in the Union

The most important factor are Russian chicks with Slavonic R1a1a haplogroup .
Blueyed and blond with Slavic high cheeks bones.
Smart and warm.
For me reason enough to accept Ivans, pardon our Slavic brothers from Mongolian steps in all unions of universe...
25 Dec 2010
History / Poland in a Slavic Union/Alliance/Federation? [335]

slavic states with very different levels of social and economic development

Rather quite similar level - you'll find some differences but not very serious, black versus white type.

That's what I doubt very much!

I'm joking from the very beginning.
Slavic cooperation would be okey to me, like the nordic, Scandinavian one.
But no more unions except the European one.
Let Germans have at least their chance to do something good for Yurop.
Once in Millenium LOL.