The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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20 Jul 2012
History / Khazar migrations to Eastern Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine [106]

I suppose all the Ginger Scotsmen are friggin Jewish Khazars,sorry, unlike the others I wont pander with this pseudo inteelkshoeall bollox, you are talking arse mate,simple as.

The last bit,mocking someones engineering Doctorate,lols, who do you think you are,Sheldon friggin Cooper........

Magyars (Hungarians), Bulgars, Tatars

All from central asia.....asiatic,well,they all were untill so many of them shagged the natives.......
No point in reading further as ,if you got that wrong you will get everything wrong. Get the small details wrong why should anyone believe anything you say?
13 Jul 2012
Life / What's wrong with Poland? I don't see anything. [121]

Maybe you met any of these young ladies...?

Cringe,yes, I was disapointed to discover Polish girls like this,thought it was only scousers and geordie lasses ......

Hey,why is everyone being so hard on nomen?
He has spent some time in Krakow,it does have a magic to the place when you dont really know Poland as a whole. I was,and I suspect a lot of us here were too,the same after my first week in Krakow......

The freedoms I suspect he dislikes in the US that are still being fought for in eastern europe will be there soon enough so that will just be another disapointment for him to take in,why add to the coming misery with trolling?
13 Jul 2012
Life / What's wrong with Poland? I don't see anything. [121]

Hahaha the Post First Trip Glow :)
A well known phenomenon,enjoy it while it lasts.
Scratch the surface below a nice holiday and Poland is just as shaby or just as glorious as pretty much every other nation in Europe.

You talk about natural feminine women (i'll leave the sexism aside ..) when what I see are Umpa Lumpa orange coloured gold diggers starving themselves into skinny jeans, wanting to bag a man, proclaiming their catholicness but screwing like bunny rabbits.......

Somewhere between your view and my maybe slightly exagerated view is a happy medium closer to the average reality of Poland :)
6 May 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

What? Christianity? That sh!t was forced on us 15 hundred years ago buddy.
As for fashion statement????? Seriously,in my time Ive worn some stuff Im glad wasnt caught on camera but, having my man bits dangling out in public was never a fashion craze I heard of...........
30 Apr 2012
History / Poland and Britain started WW2 [307]

As invasions go it's a great party!

Of you were there late 90s early 00s,me to,crazy stuff,never has a last name got me so many drinks :)

Next you will be saying that Ireland tried to invade England during the war.

Liam Devlin did, came to kidnapp the PM with some Jerries,theyd have got away with it too if it hadnt been for JR Ewing !
25 Apr 2012
Travel / Need advice where to visit/party in Poland..Krakow? [20]

Podgórze - Austrian District behind the Vistula river has cheaper food than the centre.

Had a really nice meal there.

Bolesława Limanowskiego 11, Kraków, Poland
20 Apr 2012
Language / Polish was chosen the HARDEST LANGUAGE in the world to learn... :D [1558]

The British Army used Welsh

The Parachute regiments Battle Cry during the war was one they had learnt in North Africa. " Whoa Mohhamed". No German could get near to pronouncing Arabic and the phrase was used at Arnhem and Normandy as a sign of friendly forces being around. Not sure they still shout it in Afganistan though :)

If I remember rightly Lord Lovats Commandos had Scots Gaelic speaking radio operators .
20 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

problems is that you present here facts, opinions and then your opinions.

erm,yes I do.
You however just spout out the opinions of others based on what exactly? The linear aproach to education so beloved by nations who have little history of innovation I guess.....

You seem to have this weird idea that there is an ultimate *truth* in History, good luck finding it.
18 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

MILF alert!! lolYou do realise that she's half Polish?

Mate, remember Im a Yorkshire lad, most of the stuff I post is tongue in cheek or plain mickey taking,course I knew,thats why I put her Wikki link up:)

Ive fancied her since the 90s ,and ta for reminding me Im getting old BTW...MILF, she's 2 years younger than me lol
Just spotted about Waterloo Road, will make time to see it on iplayer (oops, have we both admited to watching waterloo road,thats fekkin tragic ;) )

Nicki, she's one of those actors who turn up on shows,not A list but not some Z list wannabe .
You know that guy you like who was in that show back then and turns up now and again as a guest star on some shows you watch? Well she's that for me :)

PS, Daniela, if you do ever come on PF and read this,dont worry,Im not one of those stalker types :)
18 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Oh boy, are you right there ...

Thanks,even though you quoted me as someone else,again ;)
Anyway, who can say Polish Girls are the best with British Hotties like this actress;
18 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]


17th century, Ive already told you *our* Kings were controlled and First among equals for around a thousand years before that.
Prior to that the same was true of the Brithannic Chieftens, men elected to lead not just entitled by birth,even when entitlement by Birth came in *our* Kings were getting deposed left right and centre since the late 11th century.

As the Mod said irons, calm down dear, its only history, its not as though you or I had anything whatsoever to do with it......
17 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

of your stupid patronizing claims about the szlachta makes you look like fools.

And your defence of a bunch of medieval rich boys lording it over the majority of a population kept as slaves into the 18th/19th century makes a mockery of your whole fake liberal pseudo intelkshual personna ...privelage on the basis of fluke of Birth....wierd fekking thing for any self respecting American (or Austrailian) to cheer on IMHO.

Those were freemen without the rights and privileges of the szlachta but you want to claim they are equivocal

Again, your defence of Polands system is ,well, laughable.
So, freemen,who had the right to do what they want,go to war or stay at home and raise sheep who chose to go to war in defence of the realm are lesser men than so called nobles who HAD to go to war when they were told? No, I dont claim them as equals I call them as the lesser men.

Well from the point of view of Polish not-noblemen most of western or eastern nobles were not real nobles or not fully nobles because of them being sheets any monarch could wipe his ass with !

And I have already shown this is utter garbage in a previous post,at least when it comes to the nobility on the British isles. So re posting just shows again your lack of understanding and lumping of all your rather odd preconceptions of europe into either Poland or not poland.....plum. As I said, there was never a period in English history when any *nobles* were so servile. Have you never heard the term Primus inter pares? Any british King who thought he was above the Law soon found out he wasnt.

Poland was not playing "catch up".

Dessi dearest, its your own negative view of Poland that brings you to the conclusion that *playing catch up* was in any way an insult to Poland. Its just a simple statement of fact. Poland was on the edge of Europe,had never been a part of Rome and came to the European/Christianity party very late. If anything the *catch up* played by Poland was amazingly fast and not being a carbon copy of the west was far better adapted to Polands needs.
16 Apr 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

I don't know if your village has access to high speed internet or not, or if you can do a Google search?

Classic :)

that's a poor argument.

its not even that,its a joke.
I suppose Mama Nature got it right with the 6 legged baby in the news today,or Tit cancer or bad teeth............
I love PF,it works as a nice add on to the series " Inside the medieval mind" Im watching on the Beeb at the mo'.
16 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Not hard at all, if she says she's british then that's how she feels just as I say I'm Polish even though I was born in England.

You can think you are a dog and bark at the moon if you want, you still aint a dog. You are British,Im guessing with some Polish heritage,but,you miss the point,being British thats understandable as we are perfectly used to people with all sorts of exotic backgrounds being no more or less British than anyone else.

Its untrue to say Poles from Poland have the same idea about people living there.
Its funny,in a country where the nazi race laws had such nasty outcomes there is still an obsession with the exact national/ethnic make up of everyone,if you have not discovered that yet stick around here for a few more weeks.
16 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

Hungarian Jewish.
Austrian Mother, Hungarian father
Still British though even if that is such a hard concept for some Poles to grasp.
If she had been born in Poland every bugger there would know she was *a Jew not a real Pole*.
13 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

Er, whatever, he was a nice bloke,and definatly not a fake or wannabe :)
TBH, Im going back nearly 30 years here but as far as I remember he himself never called himself a Count, it was more other people would say ," Oh yes,he was a Count or some such back in Poland " .
13 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

I can propose more suitable one - by comparing status of the Polish nobles to that of the Roman citizen.

That seems to sum up my understanding of things. You could be a citizen who owned a tavern or a citizen in the senate,fair point,the majority in rome as in Poland had none of the rights of citizens where as in other feudal sociaties rights were extended further sooner. Again ironsides,this isnt a pissing contest to see who had the best or worst bunch of feudal wan kers lording it over people a few hundred years ago :)

It's an interesting thread though. I remember for instance a girl here in UK called 'Balinska' and she did go on about about how her dad had been a 'Count' in Poland

Lols, a friend of mine was the same,always harking on about her families old land. I eventually saw some old photos, bless. I mean, the place was pretty and quaint,plenty of "rustic charm",but not exactly what Id built up in my mind from her stories :)

As a child my family took holidays in Spain in their place (the days when you could buy a place for a couple of grand,not showing off here lol) and a neighbour was a lovelly old Polish Count called Maximilian, so down to earth but,even as a small child I could tell he was from a different breed to most people. Not snobby,just very elegant in an old fashioned ,manly way .

I hope he lived long enough to see Poland free again.

It must be borne in mind that those who claim to be descended from nobility or whatever don't really have anything to be proud of, just that they had an ancestor who was the King's bumboy.(or something)

Exactly what I said to my mate Bob Gaveston ;)
13 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

If there has been any upheaval it probably has something to do with the shooting of Trayvon Martin.

Crap situation all round.
It would seem Zimmerman is guilty as sin,but, he will never get a fair trial now.
He is,legally,fcuked. What judge is going to risk giving him a proportional sentence now?
Moral of the story here is, *Call the Cops,when they tell you to back the F off,you back the F off*.
13 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

That threw me too lol.
Cant say Ive met many Snobbish Americans.
Though the ones I have met like that are world class at it :)
No, America IMHO has been much influenced by real British values of judging someone on deeds and actions rather than percieved status :)
Tourists seem obbsessed with our "Nobility" but we natives could give a fig. Ive worked with with a direct descendant of the Plantagenet Kings ,nobody cares beyond historical curiosity :)
13 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

The szlachta were all nobles. You think they needed alot of land and gold to be considered members of the nobility because you are afflicted by a disgustingly snobbish British perspective.

Dessi,please dont get yourself suspended again with this irational and ill educated distaste of all things British..
You obviously know far far less on these subjects than you would wish others to think.

Do you seriously think its somehow more *noble* to keep slaves(serfs) in utter poverty,to use them as animals if the *noble* doing this abusing is some semi literate living in a slightly larger wooden shack than his serfs?

For disgusting maybe you should do some research on the percentage of Freemen in the respective countries. Most Polish nobility were no more than Gentlemen Farmers with a documented family history ,Britain had those types too,but they had to pay their workers who had the right to leave whenever they want.

If the word disgusting is being thrown around Id be a bit carefull here Dessi as everyone knows Poland only freed its slaves hundreds of years after most of western Europe.....

Any hoo, OP. Its much like in Britain,where you can get scummy chavs with double barrel names or seriously posh people called Smith. ( Kowalski in Polish ;) )
13 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]

Brzęczyszczykiewicz is a joke. There's no such name in Poland. it appeared in the 1970s comedy 'Jak rozpętałem II weojnę światoweą'

In case you hadnt noticed I gave Franek his full name...I kinda knew that lol
Still looking for a version of the DVD with subtitles as some of it is way too fast for me to follow the Polish, I end up with the same facepalm look of confusion as the gestapo guy :)
12 Apr 2012
Life / Do Polish names generally have a meaning to them or a particular structure?. [88]


Grzegorz? ;)

Female and middle class

End it in SKA. ska is female,ski is male, plus ska/ski can often mean a connection to the landed gentry in the past without being totally upper class.

The British/Polish actress Rula Lenska is of noble stock for instance.
( if you want to know who she is google *rula lenska george galloway cats*)
12 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

so much more civilized don't you think?

Well,to be honest, Ive a Louisville Slugger,old school wooden Baseball bat :)
Used to carry it in my car when I had to drive in some of the less classy parts of the country,a few mates on the force so I always had my mit and a couple of Baseballs in the car too ;)

As for Zombies,Ive still plenty of 33s and a trunk full of 45s for that :)
11 Apr 2012
Law / The right to own guns: would you support such legislation in Poland? [2874]

If you have a gun there is no point to flash it, train to use it and use it.

Dont you ever consider that criminals who break into Homes in the US carry guns BECAUSE the owner probably has guns?
Euro house breakers tend to be armed with a screw driver, a cricket bat trumps that every time :)