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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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6 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

Hardly. Without the Poles saving England during the BoB, there would be no RAF to bomb anything. You would do well to remember that.

Utter bollox mate and you know it, there was ONE squadron of Polish who fought in the last few weeks of the Battle of Britain.

What you would do well to remember you arrogent little man is that I had 2 uncles in the Battle of Britain neither of whom was remotly Polish.

*Your * pilots were an undisaplined liability more than anything else untill well into 1941.
But, I suppose it is rather pointless trying to convince histories perpetual losers of anything once they get on their self pitying/self congratulating hobby horse is it,so, in that spirit

Of course it was only some Pole responsible for the entire Bletchley Park and sub station set up and only people called somethingski ever fought in the battle of britain not to mention the tens of thousands of british and american and commonwealth soldiers who fought and died reducing cassino to rubble and its defenders to starving jibbering wrecks did sweet fk all,it was a regiment of Poles who won the war in italy...

If Poles and Poland were so god dammed tough and invicable why the FK didnt you go and invade the soviet union yourself and liberate your own fking country? I mean, you lot constantly trot out that BS about 4th largest allied army.why didnt you use it then for more than 2 ,or 3 at a push,battles?
3 May 2013
History / How different would WW2 turned out if Poland accepted Hitler's offer [219]

If Poland had joined with the nazis then the RAF would have flattened Warsaw for the invading Russians instead of Dresden.
The end result would have been the same except the hundreds of thousands of Poles who lived in the west after the war in the UK and Canada etc would also have been stuck under Stalin too.

That would be the *good* option,the more plausable alternate history would have been Soviet Russia steam rolling all the way to the English channel coast as the german nazis and their allies would fall back and no doubt the petty western nations who in reality supplied 10s of thousands of men to the nazis would have been targets for the soviets too if the US and UK were not on the ground in western europe to put them off.

The likelihood is that ALL of mainland Europe would still be under Soviet occupation( and if Britain hadnt needed to exhaust and bankrupt itself fighting the nazis then we would still have a huge Empire,which Im sure would p*ss off some Poles more than having to live under the communists ;)
28 Mar 2013
Genealogy / Claiming WW2 medals for Polish father [38]

No such thing as an origional one,they didnt make them all , name them up and then leave them in a big box for 70 years.

I know its not the same but, you can buy the medals from militaria dealers, there is no *shame* in this or any sense of it being *wrong*,plenty of Ex and serving soldiers buy replacement or miniture medals this way.

Oh, and Harry, I have personally met the Polish military attache,a full Colonal if you must know,so there is very definatly a Polish military presence in London :)

Tessa, I've pm'd you the contact details of a friend of mine who offers a medal mounting and display service for a very good price, he also deals in medals and has many contacts so may be able to find the *missing* ones you require :)
10 Feb 2013
History / Polish military uniforms [49]

They are definitely founding fathers of the English Political and social system which evolved on the ground plow and sow by the revolutionary changes and institutions introduced by the Normans to the Anglo-Saxon subsoil.

Not a single part of that is true.
The Normans were considered at the time the poor relations of the English in Europe. The only reason the Normans were able to seize control of the crown and country was the pre existing social structures. The Norman Lords just took over English earldoms (earldormen,thegns) and the lands that went with them. It was more of a Coup than a conquest in many ways.

One thing they did introduce was Primo geniture,but you would probably like that stuff and not see it as a problem, I mean, why should the Anglo Saxon women continue to have equal rights eh? ;) This was no *cunning plan* by the Normans but what it did do was slightly cut down the number of mini wars between brothers that allowed for England to become a far more stable sociaty than the rest of Europe at the time,but not completly as our Kings had a habit of fighting against their own brothers,wives or dads :)

Unfortunatly that leads to the problem of all those nasty things like Serfdom etc *we* like to blame on the Normans were actually English home grown laws.

Id agree with everything citizen just said apart from the fact that London was not the capital of England back then,it never had even been a capital of the earlier Anglo Saxon Kingdoms,just a fairly *open city* in Mercia.
12 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Both Poles, Americans, Brits, Aussies, Irish and a few others start learning English in the first grade primary/elementary school!!!

Erm,not to rain on your parade,but,I started to learn my native language a few years before primary school :)
(not that teh hed start did me much goode ;) )
11 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Did you know that most British don't even comprehend that English is a Germanic language?

Erm,simply not true.

Why not "Danish Britain"?

I live in the old Danelaw, no one is ashamed of calling this part *danish britain* except it just wouldnt be factually correct.

So why not talk about "French Britain"?

For the same reason the French never talk about the huge parts of their country that were for centuries ruled by English Kings and Queens I suppose. Britain was never actually ruled by a *french * person where as france was ruled by English Kings. the Normans were Normans,the French were french,its as simple as that Im afraid,not some elaborate conspiricy :)

( of course we are talking the middle ages definition of france,that was a small part around Paris and not the present borders.)

Perhaps none of this matters anyway.

I think you maybe need to move in slightly more educated circles if these are the people you meet in britain, my own collegues and friends would beg to differ,but considering i work in heritage and am re training in Archaeology to work on local community projects thats not really a surprise :)

BTW, I thought you lived in Canada,where is this *expertise* in the modern british relationship to our history and culture obtained,am v curious :)
11 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

I don't judge either, but sometimes it helps to ask questions.

If i ask an innocent question I get labled an imperialist brit who is insulting Glorious Poland......hard to keep explaining that Im such a mongrol i find blind patriotism baffling and slightly schizoid inducing :)

It took us until 1986 to get rid of the British meddling in our internal affairs... :)

Now thats got me scratching my head lol
"We" sort of got around a bit,its hard to keep track just are things in the colonies anyway old chap ;)
11 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Poland still isn't able to deal with its past?

Poland was still occupied when I was 15 years old,my country was last occupied in 1066........ Ive got no judgements on why some Poles may or may not be happy to speak of the *glories* of old Russia or Prussia TBH .
11 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Still, old Blighty always talks about "Roman Britain",

I live a couple of miles from a Roman Canal oddly enough :)
AFAIK there were Poles with Nelsons Fleet at Trafalgar. Not many as most Poles fought on Napoleons side but still, they were there :)

Odd concord though, wikki London sewers and Warsaw sewers ;)
Ok, both cities systems were designed by British engineers, one basicaly copied the other and both cities now run tours of their historic sewer networks :)

Still, old Blighty always talks about "Roman Britain", "Viking Britian", etc. and sees constructions and developments from those disparate eras as a series of strands woven in the tapestry of their nation today.

*We* dont really think of them as invaders though as they more or less assimilated with the existing cultures. I can see why many Poles shy away from speaking of a Russian or Saxon period etc. Though I have to say friends in Krakow still speak of the Austro Hungarian period fondly.
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Yes yes and yes. By George I think he has got it!!! :)
We have been saying this all along. Its not *just* a look its also about where and when we see these people isnt it.
ps, Lech is not always a giveaway,Im not a beer drinker but many of my British mates now drink Lech or Tyskie :)
pps, but,the LM ciggies are still a bit of a giveaway. I could only buy them (under the counter) in shops run by Kurds who thought I was also Polish like the other 99% of their customers.......once Id revealed I was English they suddenly didn't do dodgy ciggies anymore lol :)
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Do you think Poles and Germans look the same or do you think there are distinguishing features? Would you say it's impossible to distinguish a Polish person from a German person (similar age and gender) based on appearance?-->

The origional point that people seem to be arguing about though isnt just looking at random photos of people is it?
It was about can British or other *natives* spot a Pole or Poles in their communities
The simple answer is yes, a lot of the time *we* can.
What makes me chuckle is that the same people who are saying this is immpossible are all also saying things like *the greeks can always spot tourists* or That Poles can spot non Poles in,eh,explain please why you cannot believe that Poles dont just magically blend in with the natives straight away like some uber spies?

Its context,never just one thing,even ignoring ifor bach (or is it one of Harry's IDs,certainly as bl**dy anoying..) fixation on a simple point I made that diet effects body odour (which he somehow etrapolaits into me seemingly claiming to be some sort of Child Catcher able to sniff out anyone who's name ends in ski......) so, someone with a shaved head,wearing a pair of cammo trousers that you can see is ex Warsaw pact, smoking LM blues and drinking Lech while stood outside a Polski Sklep is probably going to be a Pole... stick him in a suit and walk him across Victoria Bridge in rush hour and I defy anyone to point out his Polishness............
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

You missed out how we "are all lazy and nobody works hard in England"...always wonder how we managed to have an econamy able to absorb almost 2 million foriegners with no ties to the country within two or three years if our nation was so fekless, how come our lazy arses were able to create so many jobs for you Polish people when good old polska couldnt ?

Dont worry,its a rhetorical question, Id never expect an honest answer :)
10 Jan 2013
Life / Poland's concord of cultures [86]

Dont worry, we Brits will not be offended.
After all,where he lives the Police need Shotguns and Glocks for riot control while our *brutal Police* use a plastic stick and some rather coarse language :)
10 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

There are a lot of vegetarians in the UK. Do they smell different to the meat eaters?

Yes, of course they do,anyone who has lived with a veggie can tell you god, you are hard work..... do you really have the brains of a cuttlefish or are you just a boring troll?
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

How many English people do you think eat Bigos?
Its frankly vile to our tastebuds .
I can see though that you have caught the *I am never wrong* bug while in oland,either that or you really are thick as two short planks.

Lets spell it out in easy clear terms....
Person A from Gdansk eats Weetabix for breakfast
Person B from Grimsby eats SugerPuffs for breakfast
Person Bs **** is going to smell of Sugerpuffs for 24 hours while Person As wont......
if you are only being argumentative its really rather tiresome,if however you are just thick..... its the food that people consume that defines a part of their body odour so a Pole eating bangers and mash only will smell Atypical just as a Brit eating Cabbage based stuff all the time will be Atypical....
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

There is a whole thread based on Polish head shape. Some non-Poles notice the difference, All Poles deny it.

Of course I meant Foreceps not *calopers* or whatever the heck I wrote,but,thank you.....yes.
What makes me chuckle though is everything is taken as an insult no matter how neutral the statement, thats more proof of that huge chip on the shoulder so many Poles still carry :) (of course,that trait is always denied too... :) ) No one but the people complaining read into a statement about head shapes any supperiority or inferiority in shapes.....

Of course, anyone who's been eating curry smells 'different'. It doesn't matter whether you are British, Asian or Polish.

You aint the brightest penny in the pile are you? Mind you.....stuck in Poland, no sexy ewes,you must be going bonkers.....
The Polish diet is very different to the average English diet hence the different smells...its really very simple,even for a hobbit from the valleys with some weird arse 1970s pc blindness to any differences in human know what, I can spot the difference between black and white people too...I bet you are one of those types who describes the only Black man in the room as *the one in the green shirt,red trousers,dark hair,largish lips,quite wide nose....* but never once dare say Black....
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Is that in the film? I never did get round to watching that.......
In the TV shows he did over here he only spoke English with a *comic* accent with a couple of Polish phrases thrown in :)

Polish people have 'pointy heads' and smell 'different'. Double face-palm.

Did I say ALL Polish people have pointy heads? Nope.
Calopers for birth are far more or were far more commonly used in the former communist countries,hence some Poles having the distinct pointy head look that this can leave after a soft babies skull has been gripped by metel clamps during birth......

So, taff, will you say that British Asians dont smell differently from White Brits? If so you are lying, their diet of far more curry than us gives them a different smell.

Eat more cabbage and pierogi than bangers and mash and you are going to smell differently.
Sorry my Welsh friend but you just show your own daftness/PC correctness with that claim.
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Then you'll be all aware that no one says "meerkat" instead of "market" ;)))

Oh,dont lol....I love the meerkat but I do get boring on the topic :)
Did you know he is named after (accidently I hope) the NKVD boss sent by Stalin to republican Spain to destabilise their fight against the fascists ?

PS,some of us even know that Borat doesnt speak Khazak but actually Polish ;)
9 Jan 2013
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Maybe,dare I say it,we in Britain are just far more used to foreigners than you guys in Poland?
Honestly,no one is saying ALL Poles in the UK are the Chavy shell suit wearing,Lech swilling types they are just the most obvious ones as its a different style of chavness to our native one :)

But,apart from that,yes,in general there is a Slavic look and a more Germanic look. *Slavic* women tend to have weaker features (more *feminine* if you like ;) ) and *Slavic* men often have slightly pointy idea what that is about but line up 10 shaven headed blokes and I bet WB and me could pick out the English from the Polish lol

Of course its not a universal rule as people in Poland always think Im a native or at least of Polish heritage,but I get that everywhere in Europe,I guess Ive just one of those faces lol.....

But,will you take it from those of us who have commented,we speak (some) Polish,can certainly tell the difference between the Polish language and the Russian or Hungarian or Baltic languages . There are a hell of a lot more of you here than the official statistics would claim.

BTW,no, I dont live in a Big City either, I live in a small town,almost a village and even we have a Polski Sklep and Polski product shelves in most of our shops :)

PS,OP, yes,you do often smell differently, the Polish diet is very different to the average british diet....your cigarettes smell differently too....
25 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

BTW: Some of the Welsh castles really do look badass.

Too right, the Welsh were a Badass enemy for the English invaders :)

You mean like Caerphilly Castle which dwarfs Malborks 144000m² with its impressive 21000m²?

Nah, Caernarfon mate :) Thing is though, it included an entire town within its outer walls, do we include that or only the actuall castle,bearing in mind this is not like the european idea of a seperate citadel at the time but a fully enclosed town within the defences. ? If we dont Ill probably give you Malbork having the edge :)

Seeing as we are using Wiki
Anyway,enough thread hijacking from me,back to castles in Poland :)

25 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

You are of course free to continue to believe that the cute Windsor Castle is the largest, doesnt make it right though

If you think the Welsh built Windsor castle there is not much hope in a rational debate....was talking about the Welsh castles,they are huge and taking in the outer walls would dwarf Malbork, but like I say,why so chippy,its not even a Polish castle,its a German castle that happens to be in Poland at the minute. :)

Well, you think wrong and i even linked to the explanation.

No, you linked to wiki.....
23 Dec 2012
Travel / Castles and Palaces in Poland (with pictures) [155]

It is not only the largest castle in the world

I think its largest brick Castle.....dont get all patriotic though it was ze Germans who built it wasnt it ? :)

Think you need to get ur facts right

If your thinking of the one Im thinking of,carefull now, you guys might have built it but only coz the english made you and then they didnt even invite you to the house warming lol
23 Dec 2012
News / Black Haitians considering themselves as Poles [31]

Oh shut up gregorys girl,you and your type *blame* the English for pretty much everything, Britain had naffp all to do with Haiti thats why the Hatians speak FRENCH you numptie.....We owned Jamaica,and guess what,they speak ENGLISH....its really very simple even for a retard such as yourself to figure out gregory old lamb.

Thats the problem though, no one else but Poles speak Polish so,yeah,maybe its a concept that flies above your head,shame ww2 started or you guys might have had some Africans of your own.......
23 Dec 2012
News / Black Haitians considering themselves as Poles [31]

Haiti is the first free Negro state for fought and earned their freedom from The French and The British

WTF are you talking about? The British? We had nothing to do with Haiti except for a couple of years ,as,oddly enough we were kinda fighting a war against the French,had been on and off for about a hundred years and had another 10 years of full on war left.....You lot speak French for a reason after all.....

Loving the idea that the Polish merceneries fighting for old Boney gave a sh!t about the Blacks on Haiti....they had helped France enslave most of Europe just to get a bit of quisling *freedom* in The Duchy of Warsaw, the only reason things went wrong on Haiti was disease,without that you guys would have stayed slaves for another 60 odd years atleast.

But,got to agree with you about your thoughts on certain posters ,dumbassery has no borders.
11 Nov 2012
Life / The "I am never wrong" phenom - is it the Polish thing? [63]

Its not *everyone* but it sure is a lot of people.
Its especially wierd when you come from England, here we blame ourselves for other peoples mistakes,the classic, some fool walks into you with their head down at their iphone and YOU say sorry to them....... :)