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Posts by Avalon  

Joined: 11 Sep 2007 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 6 Dec 2015
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20 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

I have a question Jabwaw. Perhaps you could explain to me why "British born" Pakistanis would want to blow up trains and buses in London and why, yesterday, 12 Pakistanis and two Indians were arrested in Barcelona for posessing bombmaking equiptment and with planning terrorist acts.

I am not political or interested in religious arguments, just curious as to why these people should want to harm others who have welcomed them into their country. As to whether Pakistanis are liked or disliked is surely going to depend on their behaviour in the countries they decide to live/ integrate in?
20 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

Thank you for taking the time to explain. As you point out, the Indian sub-ccontinent was a part of the British Empire, thus I see the link for some discontent for past actions. I still fail to see what the people of Catalunya have done to deserve this attention?
20 Jan 2008
Life / Polish mentality towards Pakistan [108]

Ahh!!! I see!!!.......So it's the fault of the Spanish and the British for allowing these militant Pakistanis into their country!!!

This now makes sense. Thank God I live in Poland, a country that has not allowed this.

Oooops!!!!..Jabwaw!!!...Where did you say you lived?
23 May 2008
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Every day when I take my dog for a walk around the lakes and the forest, I look at the trees, smell the fresh air, gaze at the birds flying and swimming on the lake and I think to myself, I wonder what the Turks are doing at this moment in time........duh
23 Jul 2008
Real Estate / Can foreigners buy land, house, or apartment in Poland? [60]

Your partner has no problems. If you wish to have your name on the deeds, make sure that the land has been signed off from the agrigcultural agency (small cost and takes approx. 30 days) even if it has permission for a residential dwelling.
16 Dec 2008
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

I find it strange that nothing has been said about the actual cost of construction?....I am sure that many on here would love to pay 2000 PLN per m2 for a new apartment and are waiting for it to drop down to this level. It will not happen. The cost of the land, the cost of the build and the developers profit will never go down to below what is reasonable. Otherwise, developing would be a waste of time. The one thing I am suprised at in the current financial situation is that the Polish government which was partly elected on the promise of providing 3 million new apartments over the next 4 years, has done sod all to help the construction industry. At the very least, I would have thought that the abolition of VAT on new builds would have helped replace the defective housing stock, helped the envoirment by making new properties more energy efficient and created additional employment for the people who want to return from the UK and Ireland.

Or, do we really want to drive along hundreds of kilometers of new roads in 2012, looking at 40 year old houses that are still unfinished.
17 Apr 2009
Genealogy / What are common Polish character traits? [425]

Hey bimber94,
I had a construction company in the UK from 1973 - 2005, have worked on every type of project going,(large and small), building luxury apartments, house building, refurbishment of listed buildings, chemical factories, clean rooms etc, etc...even reinforcing river banks to prevent erosian and was a member of the Federation of Master builders for 30 years. Decided to do something in Poland. Took my references, certificates, complete photo records of all the projects I had carried out over the years and was turned down for a development loan by a Polish Bank as they said I "did not have enough experience"? Ah well!!!!, perhaps in another 10-15 years they may change their, probably around the same time as they start to build the new motorways here.
14 Feb 2010
Real Estate / Apartments too expensive for Poles living in Poland [54]

The biggest handout of all are government owned apartments.

Then get ready for a lot more government handouts!!!!
The is going to be a new EU law/regulation that will force EU countries with substandard housing to build more social housing, especially in rural areas that have been ignored in the past.

Follow the link below. I personally think that this is a good idea. D/2009/0105

I hate the EU with a vengance, but this is one of the better policies and it should be implemented as quickly as possible.
As SeanBM states, there is plenty of land within a 30 min drive from the centre of the cities and with the new infastructure being built, it should be possible to buy a new apartment or house from around 2,500-3,000 PLN m2


living with mom and dad....

Nothing wrong with this if you have enough space, or, perhaps as the parents get older, they should put them in a nursing home for £3,000.00. a month, just like the UK, and if they have no money or assets that the government can make them sell, they would still end up in a home at the taxpayers expense.

What is so wrong about looking after the people who gave you life and kept you until you reached adulthood. Thats one of the reasons I love the Polish people so much, the respect that they give to their elders. The family is everything, not a burden to bear.


Most older Poles still have their apartments from communist times

Exactly as I have said in previous posts. Built during communist times to a very poor standard.
What happens when these "concrete blocks" have to be replaced?
I do not have the answer to these problems, but, I know that "wishing" does not solve them.
29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]


That is, rock solid compared to the new places that are having problems with walls and foundations cracking.

There are builders and then there are builders. The foundations I put in for my two story apartments are much better than the standard used in the UK. There, they use a "trench fill" with a 600mm wide by 225mm depth of concrete. I am happy to give a 10 year guarantee on the structure, no problem.

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27 Apr 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]


The prices are as much as 50 % below the asking prices and the bubble property holders are in denial and waiting for a miracle return of growth, so they are holding back in a big game of bluff.

Warsaw Business Journal

Rebuilding demand

26th April 2010
Banks are increasingly active in home lending, but continuing restrictions on project loans mean that developers are having trouble keeping up with demand

Max 100 words + URL

If you read the above artical and recall my posts, warning that the banks witholding funds from developers would cause a shortage, which, will push prices back up. It is not in the Banks interest to have mortgages with negative equity, thus they and the developers will control the prices.

I fully expect to hear replies that developers will still be building and selling properties for 50% of the cost of building them, this has not happened yet. Perhaps Milky can explain to you all why property prices in the UK have risen by 10% over the past year compared to 2007 prices. (1.2% in the past month) Perhaps this means the the British property sellers have the same attitude as the Polish sellers?
28 Apr 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]


Who is going to buy these properties, I don't think the local population, are you suggesting that the Brits will come on mass and start buying Polish properties.

Where did I imply that the British would be coming to buy properties in Poland?. I only posted a report from the Warsaw Business Journal and stated that prices in the UK were on the way up. Whether this will continue or there is going to be another correction in prices, I would not care to guess. I personally don't give a s**t who buys the properties. Just stating the facts as they are reported.
29 Apr 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

Exactly the same has happened in the UK, water, electricity, gas and even waste collection is all owned by foreign companies. Prices for the above utilities have increased by some 50% over the past 4 years and the government has no control over what is charged, is is not just Poland that is suffering. You have to question any government that would sell off a nations assets that are needed for the basic survival of its people.
29 Apr 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

milkyThreads: -
Posts: 30
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Gender: Male
Mar 14, 10, 21:03 / #6

I think once you have A Polish woman its hard to keep them away from the homeland for too long..Family is king over there. I dont live in Poland but i Have a Homesick Polish girlfriend so i may have to jump into the dark someday soon..

Well, you have waited a year now, has the price of property dropped 50%?. Have you bought a property in Poland?. Nobody is being dilusional, its just that we have not seen the crash that you have. Perhaps you can provide some facts to back up your statements.


Those companies only take action when they've passed the tipping point and begin losing money.

How can these companies lose money?, they have a monopoly and a captive consumer market.
If you do not pay their asking price, where else can you go?
29 Apr 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

Milky, who are you calling a "straw man" you dumb mick. What do you know about Poland?, do you live here? Again, I ask you to provide links/facts that prices will crash 50% in Poland. You asked a "complex question", but, you did not get the answer you wanted to hear. You are the one who believes what the doom mongers like polsky predicted. You were on these threads last year, are you angry because it still has not happened?

Below is information provided by the Nationwide Building society, who, to the best of my knowledge do not print newspapers.

"The average cost of a UK home rose by 10.5 per cent during the 12 months to the end of April, the first time annual house price inflation has reached double figures since June 2007, according to Nationwide".

The prices are not what people are asking. They are taken from the records of HMCR stamp duty and land registry information on property sold (not being sold).
30 Apr 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]


why is real estate more expensive than in my country.

Did you really understand what majatek had posted? He is not talking about "normal housing" to live in, he is referring to what would be regarded as palaces and mansions with a lot of land, not, the type of properties that you and milky seem to think are overpriced, you are talking about a home for yourselves to bring up a family, he is talking about pure investment. Any price will be "too much" for him as he wants to maximise his profits when he sells on. Are you and milky looking to buy a house or apartment with sitting tenants?


"Every pile of rubble is now described as having the potential to become a hotel, sauna, health spa etc - and what appears to be a favourite, that you could breed race horses there! And, of course, these 'wonderful business opportunities' (piles of rubble) have prices to match - anything up to eight million zloty!!!!"

"And then there are the sitting tenants!"

"The fact that you are the new OWNER of the 'big house' will class you as the latest in a long line of capitalist oppressors!"

"The historic buildings konservator will also see you as a rich uncle."
4 May 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]


You listen to your friend "Polsky", don't buy anything. Live in a tent, a cave, a forest or on the beach. Nobody cares. Better still, you can surely afford 500 PLN a m2, build you fekin own and get that idiot Polsky (M.Biernat) to move in with you.

I will pass your advice on to the couple that bought one of my flats over the weekend, we sign the contract on the 11th May. I advised them that they ought to wait for the prices to drop 50% but for some strange reason, they insist on buying now, still, it takes all sorts.
4 May 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

Thank you WB. At least you you know something about property. Have you noticed that Mark Biernat is back again, he has dropped his building cost down to 500 PLN m2 now, what a pratt.
5 May 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

Apr 30, 10, 12:15 / #201
A mate of mine who is a journalist for a local newspaper in the lovely land of saints and scholars told me that sponsors for the paper would pull out if they printed the facts about the property bubble bursting. So they all went along with the scam and only printed lies to maintain the illusion. Now that it is burst and splattered all over the land they are all printing story's about how fcuked up everything is and how nobody saw it coming. The bubble in Poland is a lot worse than anything here but there are some who wouldn't notice a bubble even if their dumb ass was submerged in a bubble-bath.

Krakow Post Forum: posted by polsky on May.04.2010

A mate of mine who is a journalist for a local newspaper in the lovely land of saints and scholars told me that sponsors for the paper would pull out if they printed the facts about the property bubble bursting. So they all went along with the scam and only printed lies to maintain the illusion. Now that it is burst and splattered all over the land they are all printing story's about how fcuked up everything is and how nobody saw it coming. The bubble in Poland is a lot worse than anything

here but there are some who wouldn't notice a bubble even if their dumb ass was submerged in a bubble-bath.

How about the dirty tricks Mark?.........and the only twat is you. You need a good memory if you are going to tell lies, Mr

Sorry admin but I am allowed to answer when people like this attack my integrity and reputation.
6 May 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]


Oh and liven up buddy your a developer what would you know about integrity.

"buddy"?.........I can assure you that I choose my friends carefully and you would never be in that catagory. Friends respect each other. The only thing you respect Mark are your own, self opinionated views which you never back up with facts. As WB says (which was also deleted by admin) "he finds your rantings amusing". Personally, I never find lies and misleading information "amusing", we get enough of that from our governments and banks. People who write in with questions deserve a straight answer and useful advice. They do not need you impersonating 50 different people, slagging down everything to do with property.

You call me a developer. OK, as such, I have a good knowlege of the Real Estate market, also as a builder, I know the costs of land, materials and labour. Apart from the fact that you cannot afford property in Krakow, what qualifies you to advise on any of these topics?. You have been caught out too many times, spamming different forums and now you say its a "cut and paste" job carried out by one of your alias's. Do you think the people on this forum are as stupid as you?

Get a life Mark, or, at least study the subject that you wish to denigrate.
6 May 2010
Real Estate / House prices in Poland to drop more or rise again? [228]

Mark, you are a basket case. You lie, every time you are caught out. I have made 327 posts over a period of two and a half years, so where are the "thousands" of posts that you accuse me of writing?. Just look at the way you have tried to change "Milky's" (yourself) writing style and "accent", do you really think that Irish people say "Yee", perhaps you are thinking of Quakers in the old American films. Why has "Milky" never talked like that before?

If you have the bottle Mark, PM me your address and I will come and have a word in your eye.
Your just a gutless spammer with Schizophrenic tendencies.
20 Aug 2010
Life / What is Nowy Sacz like? [26]

I was there yesterday at the specialist hospital. I would not call it a "pretty" town. It seems to be spread over a large area and has a terric amount of light industrial premises and car showrooms. It seems to be a popular place to move too as lots of people advertise for property there.
15 Jun 2011
Work / The level of English of Polish teachers of English. What do you think of it? [101]

They value CPD and self improvement and I applaud them for that.

I have been with my partner for 6 years, she is an English teacher with a masters degree and I would not even let her teach our 5 year old daughter. Most evenings she sits there, marking her students papers and " forever" asking me the meanings, pronounciation, correct usage of the language she is teaching. When I tell her the answers that she requests, she argues with me. She has never lived in the UK. At the moment, she is in Spain for 10 days with 35 students who had a choice of learning English iin Spain or England, they chose Spain?

I love my partner too bits, but, she drives me "Fckin mad" because I have to repeat everything 20 times and she still does not understand or listen.

I have no problem with helping out with answers, my only problem is having to repeat myself all the time.
Polish/English teachers seem to think that because they have passed their exams, they have finished learning.
Even for "us", native speakers, the language is changing all the time, especially as we grow older.
On Thursday, I am going to my daughter's kindergarten to watch her having an "English" lesson. This should be fun, we pay an extra 20 PLN per month for her to have these lessons and I do not think that the teacher knows that her father is English. I am prepared for the usual embarassing situation while I attend.

Obviously. My partner takes about 12 students for private lessons to supliment her income. I take 4 of the best, at no cost, to help them out. They have all obtained top marks, which, pleases the parents and my partner. Its not about money, its about giving something back in the area where I live.

I earn my money in different ways, so a few hours a week is a small price to pay for the friendship I have been shown.

My partners students seem to worship her, but, as an English teacher, I think she is crap.
30 Jul 2011
UK, Ireland / Why Poles will never belong in England [283]

Before you pick on the Polish, I think you need to question your Labour government that was giving out over 500,000 British Passports each year. The UK had major problems long before 2004. Why were you not out on the streets marching then?. Always the same with the English, moan and then do nothing about it.I remember the 70's when the communists used to sell the "Morning Star" in the shopping centres, they gave up after a few years when they realised that the English were to lazy to have a revolution.

I also remember the National Front marching, nobody listened to them either. Now you want to make an issue of it. Joke.