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Posts by Bobko  

Joined: 13 Mar 2017 / Male ♂
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From: New York
Speaks Polish?: Y
Interests: reading, camping

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13 Mar 2017
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]

The Warner brothers were Jewish, though they do seem to have come from the Masovian Voivodeship. By this criteria Russia is the greatest contributor to science in the world. However, I think that Russian Jews excelled in academia despite the efforts of the Russian state, not because of it. It's surely a troll post, but I think he meant Poles.
13 Mar 2017
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]

Wikipedia lists the boomerang as a Polish invention.


Add that to the list.
13 Mar 2017
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]

I can see it now... The Proto-Pole, or as Crow would surely tell us - a Sarmatian - sitting under the shade of a birch in the Białowieża Forest, crafting the first boomerang. What is more Polish than a weapon that is equally dangerous to you as it is to the enemy?
13 Mar 2017
News / Kaczyński debunks opposition lies alleging PiS plans for Polexit [37]

A multi-speed Europe is the only way the project has any hope of staying relevant deeper into the 21st century. It is also an entirely democratic approach to the issues the Union is confronted with (to all those who whine about the Brussels diktat). Polish/Eastern European insistence on the status quo is what will lead to the EU breaking up within just the next decade.
13 Mar 2017
News / Kaczyński debunks opposition lies alleging PiS plans for Polexit [37]

If Germany and France see Poland turning into a non-cooperative actor (as Waszczykowski threatened to do today), it won't matter what the PiSlamists official position on exiting the EU is - for or against - because then those two countries will definitely proceed with deeper integration among themselves without waiting for others to make up their mind. It's grotesque, really, how PiS's doom-mongering about the EU and their parallel actions have this self-fulfilling effect to them.

link to article with Waszczykowski's statements:
13 Mar 2017
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]

WTF people - what about Copernicus?

His father was a merchant from Krakow.

edit: after a little research I see it's not so clear when it comes to Copernicus. Looks like Germans have as much a claim on him as Poles. In any case, modern notions of nationality would have been totally alien in Copernicus' time...
13 Mar 2017
History / Why Poland achieved nothing at all? [69]


Lol! I'm as much a fan of Lewy as the next guy, but do you really believe this qualifies as a Polish contribution to the world? :)
13 Mar 2017
News / Kaczyński debunks opposition lies alleging PiS plans for Polexit [37]

In it's own, schizophrenic kind of way, it does makes sense... I guess. I refuse to accept the logic of it though.

Remember this is JK we are talking about. The guy who said he could stomach a couple percentage point hit on Polish GDP growth if it meant the country was set "on the right idealogical course". In his grand vision of Poland, where it is an equal partner of the big boys, is the country that speaks for all of Eastern Europe at the negotiating table in Brussels, is an Eastern European economic tiger (and not a bloated welfare child) and so on and so on - a two-track Europe does mean a reduced influence over events, and a Poland that is once again on the periphery. This would open the door to all sorts of terrors, like for example, France, Germany and Italy working energy deals with Russia without asking Poland's opinion. Now the fact that he fully has the option of avoiding that, but refuses to take it, and does everything instead to hasten it, is what can be chalked up to that aforementioned schizophrenia. You either take the good with the bad, or you shut up and sit down. JK is trying to have his cake, and eat it too.

Sorry if I'm not being very articulate here. It's been a long day, and I'm on my third beer now.
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

In recent months, there have been several hard "bumps" in the usually friendly relations between post-Communist Poland and Ukraine.

A quick search brings up a mass of recent events, like:

An RPG attack on the Polish Consulate in Lutsk

Ukraine banning entry into the country to the mayor of Przemysl, after comments he made in Lviv re: the Volhynian massacre

The Sejm voting to qualify the Volyn massacre as a genocide (to great irritation in official Kiev)

I can continue the list with more local incidents involving private citizens, but in general it seems that not all is well under the surface.

Ukraine views Poland as its greatest ally inside the EU, and as a valuable counterweight to Russian domination. It would be curious to hear a Polish perspective on where they think these relations are going, and whether or not Ukraine's perspective is objective or delusional. Is Ukraine just a pawn that Poland needs for poking Russia in the ribs, or is there more substance to the relationship?

small edit: Ukraine is chalking up the attack on the consulate, and other incidents to Russian provocations. It doesn't seem far-fetched that Russians could be trying to destabilize the friendship between Ukraine and Poland. Thoughts?
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

leaving western caliphate kolchoz and forging commonwealth with Belarus and Ukraine.

Russia has been building a "Union State" with Belarus since 1996:

This is above and beyond the framework of the CIS or Eurasian Union. Of course, when Lukashenko inevitably leaves all bets are off, but I would think that the Union State project will survive both Lukashenko and Putin.

Armenia is perhaps Russia's most loyal satrap, depending as they do, on the Russian military to defend them from the Azerbaijanis (Russia, incidentally, supplies weapons systems to both, and AZ is the one that can actually pay hard cash - go figure...).

Literally half of Moldova's working age male population works in Russia. In addition to that, Russia is the largest market for Moldovan exports, which nobody wants in Europe (Moldovan wine anyone?).

Good luck getting Serbia and Croatia together into anything! When they meet each other abroad they are friendly enough with each other, but on a state level there is so much bad blood between the two that it will be decades before one can talk of any union.

So it seems that out of the old Warsaw Pact only Ukraine is a good candidate for alliance building.

edit: Warsaw Pact countries not already in the EU or Nato
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

lolyou see them images of kaczynski standing next to bandera flag.

Lol, I thought you were joking about this....

But here it is:

Kaczynski - Bandera

On the left is the leader of Ukraine's Svoboda party, Oleh Tyahnybok, who is basically a modern-day Nazi.

EDIT: ehhh, looking more closely at this photo it looks very much photoshopped....
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

considerable overlay of Slavic in their respective languages, particularly Romanian:-)

That's very interesting! I wasn't aware.

Do you think you could provide some examples?
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Thanks Lyzko.

Wikipedia, as always, to the rescue:

Seems extensive. But also, it seems that Romanian influenced many Slavic languages in the vicinity as well.

Edit: I thought these were interesting:

slavă - "glory"
bogat - "rich"
boier - "nobleman", cf. BG bolyarin
topor - "axe"
dragoste - "love", cf. SC "draga" ("beloved")
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]


A very large part continued to live under Ottoman rule for a few more centuries after Mr. Sobieski.

Its after the Crimean War in the 1850s when the final parts began to break free. So yes, Turkish influence lasted for almost 400 years in some places.
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

You know what - I didn't know that! It blows my mind that a Germanic dialect was spoken in Crimea so recently. Wow!

I imagined some Latin/Medieval Italian might have survived because of the very long Genoese control of the peninsula in the heyday of the trading republics, but Gothic... that's interesting.
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

It shouldn't have blown your mind that much


In my defense, look at what the Wikipedia article about the Crimean Goths says: "They were the least-powerful, least-known, and almost paradoxically, the longest-lasting of the Gothic communities."

Least-powerful, least-known - can I be forgiven for missing this in history class? :)
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Seems they were a sleepy bunch. wikiquote - "Theodoric the Great failed to rouse Crimean Goths to support his war in Italy." Guys missed the road-trip of a lifetime)

Correction: not lifetime, but millenium
29 Mar 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Are you referring to history? In that case you are wrong.

Among other things he is excellent at, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin is also one of the world's greatest archaeologists.

Evidence this picture:

  • Putin retrieved these two Ancient Greek amphorae from the bottom of the Black Sea, just after his first dive!
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Poles who initiated it, Serbians who were military elite to it and Ukrainians who rightfully, same as rest of us, belong in it.

Ho-ho-ho... You have supplied a good laugh here Crow!

I regret to inform you, that the days of Winged Hussars, Janisseries, and Sich Cossacks has long since passed.

During the most recent Strong Europe Tank Challenge, Poland and Ukraine came last and second-to-last respectively (1st place Austria, Germany 2nd, US 3rd, and France 4th). Serbia did not participate unfortunately, but something makes me think they would join their Slavic brothers at the bottom of the list. Interestingly, Poland was bested by Ukraine despite Poland using the very non-Kosher Leopard 2s (albeit old ones), while the Ukrainians were using T-64 Bulats.

If only the competition was in rakia, horilka, or wodka consumption - there, truly, this Slavic trio would be ahead of the entire planet...

Today these armies are only good as soil fertilizer in the cauldrons of Donbass (Ilovaisk), or as NATO bombing practice.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

don`t worry. There are veterans among Serbians. Experienced

What will these Serbian vets fight with? The venerable M-84, which performed so well in Kuwait and Bosnia? Are you able to procure spare parts, seeing as the 100+ primary contractors, and more than 1000 subcontractors are now spread over multiple countries, most of which are not exactly fans of Serbia?
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

BEST Serbian Tenk M-84AS

Such a good tank that not a single serial production unit has been made. I have only heard of a single "concept model" being carted around defense trade shows, without a single export customer in more than ten years.

No one wants a tank for which a real production supply chain does not exist.

Serbia should stick to manufacturing small arms, where there is at least some competency preserved. Only one request, please stop selling them to insurgents throughout North Africa and the Middle East, and find yourself some real customers.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Im reference to above post regarding Serbian weapons in terrorist hands (to be fair, many other Balkan countries are in on the fun).
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

descendents of the Chetniks who collaborated with the Nazis, are part of the army that has invaded and occupied parts of Ukraine.

Ehh? Are you saying that there are Chetniks fighting within the Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics armies? That would be highly unusual, since these two statelets are the result of a weird mix of neo-Bolshevik and Great Russian ideas. Russians have always been big fans of Yugo partisans, but not so much of Chetniks or their spiritual kin the Ustase.

Though if a credible link were provided I am willing to accept this fact. War can breed strange bedfellows.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Chetniks were allies to USA.

Of course the USA would support the irredentist, monarchist, and anti-communist Chetniks and not Tito's partisans. Simple geopolitics my friend.

You lost Yugoslavia because you sold your soul.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

That's a well known fact

I would have expected them to fight within Ukraine's Azov battalion (pet battalion of Arsen Avakov, current Minister of the Interior), who, amongst other things, fight for a Ukraine free of communists and Jews, but oh well... Like I said - strange bedfellows. Also, Russians and Serbs have a thing (the great distance allows them to admire each other without noticing the flaws which close neighbors can't ignore), which goes some way towards explaining why they are fighting for DPR and LPR and not Azov.
4 Jun 2017
News / Future of Polish-Ukrainian relations [669]

Actually, till the end of war, USA and UK supported communist Tito.

Actually, at the beginning of the war they supported the monarchy, but as soon as they saw that Tito was the only actual effective fighter in the territory they kinda sat back and didn't lift a finger.

Don't take my word for it, here's a good link:

Already by the Spring of 1943 it was clear the Nazis would lose, and the Big Three were busy carving up the future oundaries of Europe. Churchill and Roosevelt had no interest in helping Stalin acquire yet another satellite.