The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by NorthMancPolak  

Joined: 13 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 29 Nov 2012
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14 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

I never had any problems with Polish Jews.

What he said, except to add that I've never had any problems with any Jews (unlike certain other people I could mention) and I've always been treated well by them. I certainly wouldn't be moving to an area which is 40% Jewish if I had problems with them!

Poland would benefit significantly by allowing a few hundred thousand Jews back into Poland. Everyone knows that Poles are useless at business, and Jews are clearly the opposite. Instead of enabling Jewish business and finance skills to turn Poland into an economic force to be reckoned with, Poland seems to prefer to accept the same number of Africans instead; who also have "business skills", but not the kind anyone wants!

And if anyone wants to flame me... well, I have a big nose and very dark hair, so flame away, I'm entitled to my opinion :p lol

I think that both Poles and Jews are waiting for a revival of Jewish life in Poland and re-establishing stronger Polish-Jewish ties.

I'll second that.
14 Jun 2010
History / The Two Saddest Nations on Earth... Poles and Jews [243]

I dont know where all you people got experiences with Jews

Leeds, Manchester and London, mainly - there's lots of them over here.

I'm not sure Jews want to come to Poland. If they did, they would do it. It's not like they're being kept out. They just don't want to be here..

Not surprising, really. But I am convinced they would be good for Poland if they did go back.
17 Jun 2010
Genealogy / Polish equivalent of "Jessie"? [48]

Im quite happy to say Shelley is pure English and there's definately no foreign version

Polish: Szelli

Czech: Šellý

sorry, couldn't resist ;)
22 Jun 2010
Life / Languages understandable by Poles? [38]

The Czechs understand Polish better than the other way around. Sometimes you only think you understand.

I believe this is true. But I'm also going to ramble a bit now (internaldialog may approve, haha ;) ). I was buying tickets in Praha-Ruzyně airport once, and the ticket seller understood everything I asked for. But I decided to apologise for my poor Czech, so he started speaking to me in Polish, after I had explained that I was Polish. To be honest I understood his Czech perfectly well, and much better than his Polish, and decided that I was no longer going to apologise for my "poor" Czech when everyone seemed to understand me lol!

Yes, we can.

Not quite as well as we think we can. ;) I'd say it's easier for Poles to read Czech than it is for them to understand spoken Czech. I realised this when I actually got around to learning it. I would also add that Czech may be a little too familiar to Poles, and therefore may make it a little confusing to learn, because you will keep comparing it to Polish. This means we think we know how the grammar should be, but actually get it wrong because it's not the same in Czech ;)

That said, it's probably the closest Slavic language to Polish, but I bet you still keep pronouncing Czech words in a Polish way, like I unfortunately do... Bolí mě hłava, lol :D

I can't understand a word of Russian, even though it sounds "Slavic" when I hear it spoken.

Do you know nozky? but i dont remember if it was Czech

nůžky ;)
22 Jun 2010
Life / Languages understandable by Poles? [38]

Hm, be careful with words uroda and błąd when talking to Russian girl as well. ;)

Or Czech dívka when talking to a Polish girl lol :)

(what do those two mean in Russian btw?)

Well, yes but i have Czech friend and we communicate using Czech and Polish with some English words when the word doesnt exist in one of languages or has different meaning (like eg czerwiec or szukac).

That's code-switching, but I see your point ;)

hledam divku v cervnu hehe :)
22 Jun 2010
Life / Languages understandable by Poles? [38]

divka is just a vulgar form of address to a woman :)

It's not vulgar in Czech though, it just means girl/dziewczyna - vulgar would be coura or špindíra ;)
22 Jun 2010
Life / Babcia klozetowa alive & well? [35]

He reminds me of the guy who used to do nearly all the adverts for UK Garage events on pirate radio - talk about having a virtual monopoly! lol
24 Jun 2010
History / England's relations with Poland [20]

And has anyone been at the Poland Street in London? Is it nice?

it's nothing special, just a typical central London sidestreet really - full of offices and crazy motorcycle couriers trying to kill everyone, lol.

Berwick & Wardour Streets are nearby, which are far better.

I used to go to the Yo! Sushi along there, though. And Black Market Records nearby, of course :)
24 Jun 2010
History / England's relations with Poland [20]

Greek Street is just off Old Compton Street - I'm sure a few people on here would say that's the perfect place for Southern, haha ;)
10 Jul 2010
Law / Poland's going forward while Britain is still trying to wake up [86]

Poles can build their own houses

For a Western price, maybe. Even my richest Polish relatives live in a wielka płyta - it's probably worth over a million PLN, but it's still hardly a "house".

So Poles with houses live much better than their British counterparts

In that case, please tell them to stay in Poland and stop telling us that they move to the UK for a better life ;)

British counterparts with their poxy rotten teeny-weeny wooden windows

What's wrong with wooden windows?? Mine are uPVC but they still work!

stinking carpeted floors

I don't have any carpets, I have laminate and rugs - much more fashionable and cleaner, too.

creaking floorboards

No creaks here! What kind of British property have you visited? A squat??

Considering that most Poles (including all my family) live in medium or high-rise concrete blocks, whereas I and all my British relatives live in properly-built brick or stone houses or flats, your post is hilarious! :D

Most people have laminate or oak these days.

You tell 'im, our kid! :D
10 Jul 2010
Law / Poland's going forward while Britain is still trying to wake up [86]

How many people in the UK do you know in poor circumstances that own their own house while having 2-3 kids?

People who bought their property 15-20 years ago, for starters.

My (now ex) wife and I bought a 2-bedroom flat in a good part of London in 1994 for... £44 000. :0 At the time, this cost just over three times my salary.

I've just done a search - the same flat would cost just under £250 000 now, or 6.25 times what I would earn in London these days. THIS is why property is no longer affordable, and only the rich and the underclass can afford to have more than a couple of kids!

In the North, it was possible to find plenty of 3-bedroom houses for around £25000 at the time - easily affordable for people even in comparatively low-paid jobs.

And don't forget "right to buy" council tenants, who were able to buy at well below market value ;)
18 Jul 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish coffee? [73]

Every Polish household I've ever visited almost exclusively drinks Gold Blend lol :D

However, my uncle also has a cooker-top espresso pot, as well as the aforementioned jar of Poland's favourite; but he lives in Bielany, so he's quite well-off ;)
18 Jul 2010
Food / What's your favorite Polish coffee? [73]

Sometimes one tolerates poor coffee because of other attractions.

I used to prefer the Coffee Heaven in Warsaw's Nowy Świat when it was still the "Nescafe Cafe". Back then, I went in dozens of times, simply because the atmosphere was better, even though the coffee was awful.
22 Jul 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish and East European prostitutes in the UK [240]

Sandy Seidel. (100% German.)

wow, she looks like my most recent ex. :0

Well, a much younger version, that is </meow> :D

In USA european women appear better than local because they are slimmer and show more skin(Americans are puritans especially in work place etc there is strict dress code).

Liking women who aren't skinny, and who prefer not to walk around in swimsuit-like clothing all the time, doesn't make you a "puritan"; it's just that when it comes to female clothing, some of us find "less is more" to be more attractive.

And don't bother posting-up a photo of some fat burkha-clad Muslim, because you know exactly what I mean :p ;)
22 Jul 2010
Food / Siemieniotka [14]

This reply sounds almost identical to the Wikipedia entry :D
23 Jul 2010
Food / Siemieniotka [14]

no way!!!!

Yes, way! :)
23 Jul 2010
Food / Siemieniotka [14]

I've got a recipe if that's any help lol
27 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

What do I look?

It's not a good idea to post your photo on a forum full of weirdos like this one :D

Though I'll admit that I wouldn't mind being "assessed" myself, but I value my privacy far too much. So I'll leave it to those who know me off-PF. Not that I really care whether I look "100% Polish" or not (I don't, anyway... lol).

75% slavic,25% mediteranean.

It's not often I agree with you, but I was thinking something like that as well.
28 Jul 2010
Real Estate / Poland: the building boom goes on [28]

This economy is going down pretty soon...

And here is the problem:

where welfare covers most of your outgoings.
Polish friends of mine were given council housing in Glasgow (admittedly in the Govan) after being in Scotland for only three months.

The solution is obvious.
28 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

Are you talking about yourself???

If she hangs around long enough, she will learn what "Balkan power" is :D
28 Jul 2010
Genealogy / Polish looks? [1410]

lol and all this time i thought you were a Polish patriot. My first thought when i looked at he pic was Jewish girl, but i didn't wanna hurt her feelings, knowing she might take it the wrong way.

Nothing wrong with Jewish girls :D

tbh I think she looks a bit like Katarzyna Herman, especially in the photo on the right.
28 Jul 2010
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

I totally agree with this. that's why many Polish men like England

Let's continue the Polish women backlash and start a thread in praise of English women or something :D lol

I also got myself an English hottie

Lucky you :)
30 Jul 2010
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

women dress to look nice that doez not mean boobies showing everywhere polish girls do not dress like tarts

Some do, some don't.

some british women do

and some don't!

polish girls do not dress like tarts some british women do and it looks awful and cheap and they are fat which makes it worse fat tarts

And the generalisations go on, and on, and on. ffs.

So, Mr Adonis... are you going to show the ladies a photo of yourself, to let them decide whether you're more Pierce Brosnan than Johnny Vegas?

No, I didn't think so - but that's because you're too busy admiring the ready-to-eat cocktail sausages in Tesco and thinking "wow, I wish mine was that big". :p
30 Jul 2010
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

tesco is for the people who have no money

Everyone goes in my local Tesco.

And if you have no money, what are you doing in a supermarket?

Probably been rejected by some British girl...

Most likely :)

fat tarts no other explanation

He even got turned down by the fat ones lol!
30 Jul 2010
Love / Polish women are the most beautiful in the world! [1718]

You recently got turned down by a Polish girl, you are Jarnowa's English cousin, and I claim my £5 :p

If you don't want English women, then fine - I'll be happy to keep them away from you :)
30 Jul 2010
Off-Topic / Introducing: The Hug-A-Pole-Day! [53]

For all men with dirty plans: there will be NO groping and kissing your friendly and gorgeous female neighbourhood Pole!

Suits me, I'd rather hug an English woman with a decent figure instead of a skinny Polish woman anyway, if that's OK with you :)

For occasions like this there is the kick-a-Pole day on the 13th of August.

It's "Kick-a-Pole Day" every day on PF lol :D