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Posts by trener zolwia  

Joined: 8 Jun 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Dec 2010
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From: USA
Speaks Polish?: Me no speako Polandish
Interests: Llamallamallamallamallamallama...

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trener zolwia   
5 Jul 2010
Language / Polish sayings [237]

what has gingerbread to do with windmills

Well, if the windmill was grinding wheat into flour…
trener zolwia   
18 Aug 2010
Life / Are Poles typically nasty people? [42]

PF seems to bring out the nasties. The Poles I've met in person were nice. Well, except for one... But I think she was just mad that I was trying to get with her friend...
trener zolwia   
18 Aug 2010
History / Polish history is 100% glorious [302]

We shouldn't downplay their achievements and should always see the broader context in which they were won.

Aren't Poland-bashers, like Harry, worse than someone who may favorably color Polish history a little?
Most folks who take pride in their homeland tend to view and promote it with rose-tinted glasses. Is that so wrong, really? What's the harm?

I say bashing is worse. Because there seems to be some sinister agenda afoot motivated by hatred...
trener zolwia   
18 Aug 2010
History / Polish history is 100% glorious [302]

history is not meant for propaganda, history is the science of what happened.

Sure. But when one attempts to make history seem worse than it was, for whatever reason, this propaganda is worse than someone who may present it more favorably. And motive matters.

My first statement stands; bashing is worse.

And the Left today sure resembles the Nazis more than does the Right. ;)
trener zolwia   
18 Aug 2010
History / Polish history is 100% glorious [302]

why would you want to admit that what those "Poland-bashers" say might actually be true? No, it's easier to make things blahblahblah

I am no Poland apologist. I admit to having a limited knowledge though healthy respect for what all She's been through. But when the bashers with their questionable motives get to twisting Her history, that does no one any good -except the haters.

We go through the very same thing here in the states, perpetrated by haters bent on blaming America for everything bad in the past, present and future.

Again, sinister twisting is worse than a little patriotic coloring (Although played straight and honest right up the middle would be best, that's not likely to ever happen, anywhere.)
trener zolwia   
21 Aug 2010
Love / WILDROVERS FIVE YEARS IN POLAND....come to an end...! [132]

I am only now seeing this thread. You tell a touching story, WR.

For the first year i felt very alone on my quiet farm in the the second year i got used to the third year i began to like it...during the fourth year it became normal...and i loved it....

Indeed solitude has a way of becoming your friend, while often your enemy at the same time. I could tell a very similar life tale.

love chooses its own path , and its not always the shortest or easiest one....

So true.

A true modern adventurist you are. Truth be known, many here envy your bravery. Best of luck on this next adventure.

Good man. ;)
trener zolwia   
26 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Poles in America: How do you pronounce your Polish surname? [128]

This is courteous of you. Everyone should abide by the norms of the land where they are rather than trying to inflict their manners/ traditions etc on their hosts or insisting to be accommodated.

How would Vojtal be pronounced in Poland?
trener zolwia   
26 Aug 2010
USA, Canada / Poles in America: How do you pronounce your Polish surname? [128]


since v is not a polish letter

The V and W are transposed as normal. It was written phonetically

Wait, are you telling me that the Polish alphabet contains no V but yet still has a V sound??
Crazy darn Polish language...
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Its up to you really.


Chill out man.

Right.I find the overriding tone of this thread offensive. It seems the OP expectsracism from whites. Never mind that the overwhelming response here is that he should not have any problem in P-Land.

Going in with such an expectation, such a chip on one's shoulder, and the associated hypersensitivity, it can be virtually guaranteed that he will find a problem, no matter how trivial, that can then be used as further "evidence" of white racism.

Further, some possible scenarios mentioned here are in fact not "racism" at all but merely PC hypersensitivity on display. Again, if one goes in looking for something they're bound to find it.

All of this only serves to play into the dishonest narrative of the black and black-apologist Libs who forever see white racists behind every tree. While forgetting that white teachers face even more racial problems, real threats and very realviolence in the classroom and streets of any black area of every major US city from racist blacks, without having to go looking for it. But this doesn't fit the black/ Lib one-sided scolding narrative about race...
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I' would've also been cautious if I wanted to move to a country where I would be the first white person most people there have met. it's natural to ask about these matters.

Sure. But he wasn't asking about racial attitudes in general. Clearly he had gotten some warning about Poland being racist against blacks and even after receiving reassurance here that is not the case he still seemed to hold those unfounded concerns.

Again, judging by the responses he has received, this reputation is unearned and unwarranted.
It doesn't matter that this time it concerns Poland. This is the dishonest, one-sided racial narrative that has been permitted to spread. It's the same in the US where the truth is that black racism is far more widespread and apparent than the remaining morsels of white racism. As a white here in any black urban area you'd have true cause for concern. But this truth gets lost in the repeating of the 'blacks are always the racial victims' lie.

I confront it whenever I see it.
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

everyone agrees that he should carry a peper spray. And it's not like we never hear of black people being harrassed in Poland, so his concerns are not all that unfounded.

I've seen the same advice given to non-black travelers in Poland. Any potential problem seems to be more about how one carries themselves and into what areas they go more than it is about their race.

Truth us, blacks in Poland are rare and as such he will be seen more as exotic than anything else, as some here have already stated. And as such he's likely to be greeted more as a celebrity. As a well-spoken, well-dressed professional it is more than likely he won't have any problem at all.

To continue talking about it beyond this is to needlessly stir further racial fear and baseless voodoo and only serves to further the ugly Lib/black racial agenda.

He also got an insult from Sokrates

One posted rant from one internet troll hardly counters all this reality and the 30 people who said he won't have any problem.
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

That may very well be, but how long has white racism towards blacks been around? And how long are black ppl emancipated in the US?

When do we start living in reality, in the present, rather than the long ago past?

If the black ppl have to catch up with the whiteys in getting even on racism, we can expect some 250 years of black racism.

That'scertainly a twisted interpretation of MLK's dream of equality and ending racism in all forms. But nonetheless it seems to be just what some folks have in mind as they cling to their historical bitterness, using it as an excuse for their own prejudices today. Ugly stuff.

Lovely thinking. I assume that, being Jewish, I can go around killing Germans for as long as live then, since I also have "a lot of catching up to do"?

I didn't own any slaves; I'm tired of hearing about it.

I would definitively advise him or her to watch "Mississippi Burning" by Allan Parker. Great film about what happens when racism gets out of hand.

More stirring racial ghosts and fears...

How about we also show movies of what will happen to any white who has the misfortune of venturing into any black urban area today?...
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Do you deny they actually happened?

Did I say that? No.

I despise racism in any form or any shape by whatever group commits it.

racism should not be tolerated by anybody, not now, not ever. And it doesn't matter who commits it.

I wish I believed you. Many folks today seem to see one color's racism as somehow worse than another's. Ever witch hunting for any trace of the one while granting even blatant examples of the other a pass. We see this despicable double standard displayed all the time over here.

I actually did so, twice. ... Nothing happened.

Two instances. Hardly a study.


Little black kids prefering white dolls is hardly proof of white societal racism. If anything, it proves that white kids who also prefer white dolls are not racist.
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I think it was one of the political sarcastic cartoons and you did not get the joke. This cartoon was probably anti racism

I suspect this was likely the case.
trener zolwia   
1 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I suspect sadly that many Poles laughed whole heartedly at the intended racism.

don't understand polish sarcasm

All I know is that over here often political cartoonists will use a sarcastic twist of irony in an attempt to get their point across. At first glance what appears to be offensive is really mocking the offender.

I thought this likely was the case in the cartoon WB saw as I find it difficult to believe a mainstream newspaper would permit such blatant racism on its pages. I could be wrong...
trener zolwia   
2 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

There are quite a few (relatively) Poles that are racist and will treat you negatively based solely on the color of your skin.

It is political and my comparing it to the US is legitimate because it pertains to how this dishonest, one-sided racial narrative has spread across borders and across the world. Racial PC run amok vs. reality.

I'm sure what you say is true, as there are racists and bad areas of every single nation on earth. But the majority who answered the guy's question here seem to think it very unlikely that he'll encounter any problems in Poland. That is the reality as it applies here, not the stoked racial fears that seem more and more to be baseless.

Sure, better to be safe than sorry but it also doesn't make sense to stir mostly baseless fears either. That serves no one. He is not going to land at the airport and immediately be assaulted because he is black.
trener zolwia   
2 Sep 2010
Law / I'm from Nigeria, but want to be a Poland Citizen [44]

should be just up your alley

A funny, hot and rich Polish chick?! You're right, that's my kinda thing! :D

On a similar note: Someone was just asking about your NAMBLA membership in another thread. :s
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

I saw 5 black ppl today on my way to the bus stop :)

Why does this make you happy?

its interesting noting the reactions of the fathers and brothers of the girls at the airport knowing that Poland is quite a racist country.

Maybe the girls do it for shock value or to punish their fathers? Happens over here...

Racism is ignorance extreme.

This is a catchy phrase but not necessarily based in truth.

His message - You'll be all right as long as you don't date a Polish girl - racism pure and simple.

No it's not. It is a warning of racism.
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

thats one weird thing to say

I've heard this secondhand from college girls explaining why some of their fellow coeds elect to get with minorities. Additionally, their is psych research to support this view...

I'm not saying it is but a great start i think, its also something i made up on the spot, perhaps you could rephrase something a little better.

It mirrors a common refrain over here that "all racism stems from ignorance". The implication being that only folks who don't know minorities hate them. This simply is not true. I have personally known open-minded people who did their best to be accepting of blacks... only to change their view once being exposed to what takes place regularly in black urban areas after they moved there. So it would seem that some racism does not stem from ignorance but from exposure, from education, from experience...

your'e quite an easy person to beat verbally, a victim if you will, prey maybe.

Hardly. You mean how I just schooled you here? ;)
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

meaning there is racism in Poland, kind of the gist of my previous post...

Right. But it doesn't make the other poster in question a racist for merely pointing this out...
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

Don't yell at me. You're the one who wrote your post in a way that made it seems as though you were calling the other guy a racist when he was merely pointing out... Oh, never mind...
trener zolwia   
3 Sep 2010
Work / Black English Teacher going to Wroclaw [247]

negroe diskjockey who stabbed a few drunk Polish guys because they said some things he didn't like.

Yeah, calling someone a nasty name hardly justifies murder.

There may be hundreds or thousands of white ppl that kill black ppl, but if one black individual kills a bunch of whiteys, you will remember only that one single event and not the other events.

You'd have to switch the races for what takes place over here regularly...