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Do Poles in Poland really feel betrayed because there won't be any US Shield? [288]
The military power with the best tanks, aircraft and ships doesn't always win a battle. Wars may be decided by many factors, including non-military factors.
The United States has been a great and stable power for many decades. One should never, on that account, assume the invincibility of the U.S. The American superpower has been strategically mismanaged for half a century. During the Cold War the U.S. suffered outright defeats in Cuba, Laos, Vietnam, and Cambodia. With the end of the Cold War came major Communist advances in South Africa (1994), Congo (1997), Angola (2002), Venezuela (1999), Brazil (2002), Bolivia (2006), and Nicaragua (2006).
Very simply, when one side in a global contest appears to give up, the psychological impact is enormous. Organize the collapse of Communism from the Kremlin itself and nobody in the West will question it. If the Communists are giving up power, it is all good. But look at Russia and Eastern Europe today. By giving up untenable positions in Germany and the Baltic States, the remainder is yet dominated by agent networks and mafias aligned with Moscow. In Ukraine, for example, there is a pro-NATO president whose power has been undermined by a prime minister who works for Moscow. In Georgia, the Russian troops press in while operations continue to unseat the pro-American president. In Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania old Communist structures dominate business and government. Despite their entry into NATO, some of these countries may be described as nests of spies and infiltrators whose mission has been to sabotage NATO from within. This is not simply conjecture, but the conclusion drawn by the best-informed political activists and researchers in Eastern Europe.
so the fact is poland needs defense system,
the question is whether poland will be allow to have one or any.
on its own will not have chance in case of confrontation with russia, but united with ukraine , lithuania and anther easter European states!!
yes, i think they can stand and keep big ugly bear in control.
US Shield is important, but not the only option of weapons on US disposal, but fastest to deploy and cheapest(in relative point)
only 5 countries have advance weapons(tesla weapans,or electro magnetic weapons)
it would of being nice for poland to became 6.
most likely not passable??
bears do not like electromagnetic pollution:-))))))