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From: Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Srbija.
Interests: New Commonwealth (Sarmatia), Slavic Union, Poland, books, sport, traveling

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18 Jan 2018
History / Historic Polish-Japanese intelligence cooperation [21]

Seams that Poland always wait for western Europe or USA to approve everything. Good thing is that Poland at least used opportunity, while we Serbians hold western Europeans, to little bit escape from pure obedience.

Also, now when Japan gave middle finger to NATO and Britain, one can only hope that Poland government won`t hurry to ruin its relations with Japan and that way bring more isolation to Poland. I hope that Japan`s policy may stimulate Poland to new disobedience to EU.

Don't be silly. Nobody cares about Serbia.

Hungary care for Serbia. They learned to respect us and we respect them and we love each others. We have separate regional alliance, to secure ourselves from cretinism of greedy western Europeans.

guests of japan

British prisoners?

But what Brits ever wanted in Asia? Greed, greed

Its only pity that Japan mistaken and sided with Germany when by every logic Japan have natural allies in Slavs. On the other side, in our time Britain sided with Germany. Made same mistake as Japan in the past.

To all who seek to understand Poland`s place in European and global politics, next news would be interesting. After all, we speak of activities of global players in countries of Central European Initiative.


Japanese PM Shinso Abe and Serbian president Aleksandar Vucic, few days ago in Belgrade


We now learned why Japanese PM visited Serbia. So, thanks to its policy of military neutrality on global military alliances, promotion of Multi-Polar world and values of non-Aligned movement, and insistence to give equal chances to every business that coming to Serbia, after China and Russia, after recent interest from Israel, Brazil, India and Turkey, Japan as one more global player wants strategic relations with Serbia. Particularly, Japan seek for Serbian mediation in Japanese-Chinese relations.
18 Jan 2018
History / Historic Polish-Japanese intelligence cooperation [21]

Serbia is an irrelevance? Why then Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian last breath came out because of Serbia?

No, no man. You mistaking. Xi said it right. Chinese president Xi nicely said that Britain represent insignificant country.

The two countries enjoy warm relations and have done for a long time.

Finally some good news from you, jone357.
18 Jan 2018
History / Historic Polish-Japanese intelligence cooperation [21]

I don`t understand Poland`s policy. Hope that Polish politicians understand and, Poles, too. Who knows who rule Poland and dictate things there, I mean, beside Christ The King.
18 Jan 2018
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

Be realistic, please. I clearly see that Scots needs Russia. I can imagine situation in which England becoming Russian gubernia. Kind of historical purgatory of England would be good for all Europeans and world, even for you English, I assure you. Man, I assure you.

I also see positive effects for Poles on islands but that as, to say that way, `collateral positive thing`.
18 Jan 2018
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

So, to answer the original question, in the event of Russia 'liberating' Scotland, Polish workers would likely find themselves in deep trouble.

Or, in the event of Russia 'liberating' Scotland, process of assimilation of ethnic Poles there, not just workers, may be ended by rising nationalistic feelings among Poles. Sure, primarily motivated by anti-Russian sentiment but still, result would be same- assimilation of Poles on British islands would end and even reversed (all who have at least drop of Polish blood in themselves would rather be Poles and get desire to return to Poland).

See, Poland may even profit if Russia `liberate` Scotland. Especially, if in the process, England become Russian gubernia. Such a development would definitely suit Poland. Let English try a little bit. Gubernia is good for soul.
17 Jan 2018
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

Some strangers learned. Anglos will learn, too.

tweet of former Barcelona basketball player Tyrese Rice (tweet after player of Orlando Aron Aflal attacked Serbian Minesota player Nemanja Bjelica) >

video >

That was Aflalo first fight huh? Be careful messing with them Serbians. They are not afraid. Believe that.

On the same link you can see > MayTheSerbsBeWithYou, referring to MayTheForceBeWithYou
16 Jan 2018
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

Indeedy doody.

Man, it didn`t even started. Your media gave you false info. Before this finishes your queen and princesses would all have Serbian lovers, I assure you. Will beg for more.

And Poles do viscerally loathe Russia, and their donkey Serbia.

Play on that Russian-Polish thing, don`t you? You can`t resist to it? Scheme-man, evil to the core. Manipulation is in your veins. Degenerics. But, morbid as you are, you don`t realize that Poles despise you English. Hate Russian and despise English. That`s a general public feeling. Serbians? In general? Loved by Poles. Go, ask them. Plus loved by Russians and feared by English.
16 Jan 2018
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]


Mazurek Dabrowskiego sounds cool on bagpipes. Sound so ancient. Thanks for sheering that video and sound

Until the free world whupped your asses.

I will deal with all you nonsense in above posts but, just now to say one on this.

Wait? If I understand you correctly. So Serbian asses are whupped by free world (ie omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient Anglo-Franco-Germanics) and now, turn has come for Polish asses to be whupped? Now whupping Poles? Is that it.
15 Jan 2018
News / If Russia liberate Scotland, what would happen with Polish workers in Britain? [59]

Yes. Voted. Democracy in UK is famous.

And, it has to be said that hey don't suffer as much as the women in the Serbian rape camps.

Fabricated ugly tales of your BBC won`t bring you anything. For lies on Serbs, you English would pay by losing profit in entire Slavic world, Poland included. Actually, in most of the world, not just in Slavic world. You would be isolated as anomaly. You shall see. England would be kicked so hard that would beg for mercy. Chinese president Xi is right, Britain is insignificant country. Dark cancer on the face of Earth.

Greedy England should better return the Malvinas to rightful owner. And you dare to patronize others.
15 Jan 2018
News / Abortion still under control in Poland [2986]

Ever present abortion is just for beginning. If we Slavs stays in EU, we would be forced to introduce castration. They will cut our penises if we are stupid to let them. Mark my words.
15 Jan 2018
History / Historic Polish-Japanese intelligence cooperation [21]

Poles, my venerable sisters and brothers. We Slavs from Baltic to Balkan, in Central Europe, Poles and Serbians, as key representatives of Slavic West and South needs to care to have good relations with proud Japanese civilization.

This is how we Serbians welcome friends form Japan > Japanese PM Shinzo Abe today arrived in Serbia`s Belgrade Airport Nikola Tesla > We welcomed Japanese PM with `Blue Guard of Slavia` > from 5 days visit to Europe, two days goes on Serbia >


NOTE: One historical curiosity > In Japanese military encyclopedias, Serbians are praised and described as only people in Europe capable to give examples of patriotic military fanaticism that could be compared to Japanese.

Do Poles follow direction of Japan policy? Are Poles aware whats going on, what doing Poland`s western European partners? Let me show you

Did Japanese PM Shinso Abe received strange message from certain interest circles, during his visit to Europe?

Nothing in diplomacy on top level goes accidentally. Especially if strange event happen twice in 24 hours. So, I think that Shiso Abe received message to be careful. I would even dare to speculate that those were Anglos, Germanics and French who warned him.

Let me explain. First, during his visit to Serbia Japanese PM underlined that Japan wants to help in healing of all what was in Serbia damaged in NATO bombardment, back in 1999. So Japan donated one entire recycling plant to Serbia due to damages that NATO inflicted on nature here with depleted uranium. Then, Japan donated 80.000 eur to the maternal ward in Belgrade that was target of NATO bombs. Finally, NATO supports government of Serbia by donating 150 vehicles for use of governmental officials (Toyata and Mazda being sponsors).

Worth to be mentioned is that Japanese PM and Serbian PM during news conference mentioned issue from 1912 year, when after Balkan Wars, emissary of Japan Tzar gave support to Serbia (in embassy in London) after Britain and France betrayed alliance with Serbia and issued pressure on its Serbian allies to give up from its old ethnic territories liberated from Ottoman Empire, in great struggle where Serbian army was main factor for collapse of entire Turkish European army. Back then Britain and France threatened Serbia even with war if just Serbia don`t leave territory of what is now northern Albania. It was pre-text for Brito-Franco-Germanic formation of Albania (never before Albania existed as state).

Anyway, at a time when Japanese PM was leaving Serbia, prominent Serb politician on Kosovo was assassinated. Then, after arriving in Romania, Japan PM founded itself in situation that nobody wants to receive him for audience.

In diplomacy nothings is accidental. Shinso abe revived message. That message is- possibility of assassination and isolation of Japan.
15 Jan 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Chinese do act in their own self-interests, as anybody else, after all. But, these self-interests sometimes means that you have interest to support somebody. Sometimes interests just overlap and goes hand in hand. In that sense, what we see here in the region is how China coordinates with Russia. Then, once it achieved general agreement with Russia (ie- not to act against Russian interests), China focusing on her own interests.

Speaking of Europe, this resulted in situation that Hungary and Serbia got privileged status. So, when I see that Chinese bank stays behind Turkish investment (like in this project worth 4,2 mlrd eur in Serb Republic that I mentioned), I don`t worry.

Also, as I said, Serbia created equal conditions for investments of all who are interested to be here in this obviously important Geo-strategic region of Europe and world. See, today coming Japanese PM with executives of 16 great Japanese companies, in two day visit to Serbia. Few days ago French consortium Vinci signed investment worth 1,1 mlrd eur in Belgrade`s airport. Before that was Turkish president. Before that Hungary and Serbia signed project of high-speed rail link between Belgrade and Budapest worth 3,2 mlrd eur. Not to mention Italian, Russian, Israeli, USA, Czech, UAE, German, Indian, Nepal, etc, etc investors that coming in ever larger and larger numbers.

They all have their own interests. In that money and wealth that flow thru the region Serbia wants to take its share, to insert her interests. It would be reward for good mediation and given example that interests from all Earth`s meridians successfully coexist here in this Geo-strategic point of the world, in Serbia. And those who tries to disturb balance won`t be just problem of Serbia but of the joint interests of many.

Turkey's New Maps Are Reclaiming the Ottoman Empire - Erdogan's aggressive nationalism is now spilling over Turkey's borders

Oh, no matter how is Erdogan sincere or insincere, I consider Turkey as unstable country. Erdogan or somebody after Erdogan, Turkey or anybody else, they will try. Its on us to profit and be vigilant. To profit, one must be in the game and here in the region, more then in some other places, this game is lethal.
14 Jan 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

I looked more into the project. Its Turkish-Chinese consortium behind it. It definitely telling about deeper strategams behind this. Turks are monitored here by Chinese and Russians. Money is first motivation and then also, Turks wants to reconcile, to show respect- by many signs they giving up from their zone of influence here to Serbia and in turn they wish to position their valuable projects in country that is deep in Europe, on the verge of becoming EU member, while having privileged access to markets of Russia, former Soviet Union, China and worldwide non-Aligned countries.

Serbia is by many means no.1 destination for foreign investments in the region, continent and wider. Serbia made good job positioning itself as new-Switzerland. So, anybody who invest in Serbia can`t expect to establish its control here, monopoly or political influence. Here must be balance. So, Turks too, invest and wants to be in the game.

'You Are the Future of Europe,' Erdogan Tells Turks

Don`t worry. Erdogan means `future of western Europe`. He knows that attempt to change balance within Serbia, on the East of Europe in general, means bad luck and mission impossible.
14 Jan 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

Essentially, I value Bulgarians more then Romanians.

I just told how I have more respect for Bulgarians and, Romanians again proved themselves unworthy of my respect. They humiliated Japanese PM Abe. How much one government can be moronic for something like this >>>

So now they cry

Romanians apologize to Japan's prime minister over visit

Hundreds of Romanians have apologized to Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe whose visit to Romania at the end of a European tour fell short on protocol and diplomacy.

For the next 100 years at least, I think, one Japanese PM won`t mistake to come to Romania, presumably that Romania itself endure 100 years more.

On the other side, Romans have potentials, too.

This is from one movie, on the base of real story, event that really happened during NATO bombing of Serbia back in 1999 >
14 Jan 2018
History / What do Poles think about Turks? [761]

Ha, Poles listen, I must share this with you. Its mind blowing news.

Turkey is gonna to invest 4,2 mlrd eur in tourist project in Serb Republic within Bosnia. Can you imagine? You know what this means? Well, there were signs but now is obvious. Turkey strategically changed its stance on Slavs in the region. End of hostilities.

When you add to it that Turkey (during Erdogan`s visit to Serbia) sent message to Islamized Serbs in Southern parts of Serbia (Bosniaks- one of newly invented nations here; thanks to Turks and western Europeans) how is there place in Serbia and in peace with Serbs. That message silenced Muslim extremists and separatists there. That also sent message to Bosnian Muslims to start to look at Belgrade. In short to speak, Turkey started to be healing factor for relations between Christian and Islamized Serbs. What is on the contrary to centuries long Turkish policy that went in direction of weakening Serbs and negating any Serbian origin of Islamized Serbs.

Things change.

source: b92/biz/vesti/region.php?yyyy=2018&mm=01&dd=14&nav_id=1346833
13 Jan 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

In deep past both were crucial part of the very Sarmatian core. Then, they were exposed to Hellenes and Persian Empire. Then, to Romans and to the Eastern Romans. To Turks then. Then both were fascinated with Nazi Germany and then with communist ways of Soviet Union. Today, subjects of EU.
13 Jan 2018
Polonia / How do Poles feel about Romanians and Bulgarians? [27]

You must see this > Serbian blonde coming to Bulgaria. Like when somebody from the town coming to the village. And what village. To all who seek for deeper understanding of Serbian strategic role, this is utterly important. Its bringing of light to the darkness. Literally.

Lepa Brena - Koncert na stadionu Vasil Levski - ( Sofia, Bugarska 1990.)
13 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

As one Serbian old peasant said these days, asked about racial reformation of western Europe and accusations how Slavs aren`t tolerant.

Old man said... `Well, there were always Blacks and Whites. From time immemorial. We Slavs always knew who we are and at a same time were famous by our hospitlity, while some other Whites pretended to be better then we Slavs and were not that hospitable, were more racists. Now, those Whites who were racists becoming Blacks, while we Slavs stays what we are, Slavic and White. See, there were Whites and Blacks and always shall be. We can only wish luck to western Europeans on their new path.`
13 Jan 2018
History / Let's talk about the POLISH ARMY [79]

To talk about Polish army?

Things are simple here. Very. International order was/is violated. Its clear. No order. Now again things stays like before WWI, as always, after all. This isn`t era for the weak. Weak shall perish. Strong shall survive. Winner will write history.

So, my Polish sisters and brothers, arm yourself. Make Poland strong. And do it fast. You have it in yourself, that war-craft. You are from a lineage of Sarmatian finest.
13 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

I am on topic. I nicely told them that its not Russia that killing Poland but western Europeans. So, I talk about Polexit, as fast as possible.

I don`t see any opinion that opposing to mine on this. Fine. We understand each others.
13 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

Interesting that you people talk about Russia, while we all see that, its not Russia who pressuring, humiliate and wants to populate Poland with non-Poles. Truly, interesting thinking. You better thank to all who opposed to Uni-Polar world promoted by Anglo-Franko-Germanics. In Multi-Polar world, Poland, at least, have chance.

keep to the topic everyone, please
13 Jan 2018
News / Poland in the European Union. Polexit? [559]

It becoming increasing necessity for Poland to save itself from EU. As soon as possible.


Yes. Ivica Dacic likes to sing songs to foreign diplomats in their languages. Plus, he is totally immune to alcohol. His bottom line still isn`t determined. But, as diplomat, he is more then successful. Phenomenon.


Croatia? Croatia can only create problems to Poland. I assure you.
So, forget Croatia. Croatia is yet to get its real borders. Within what is now Croatia, neither Catholic, neither Orthodox Serbs are satisfied and wants to separate from Croats. It is very similar to situation in Ukraine. Just wait to happen.

Serbia is a tiny, poor and - outside of the Balkans - irrelevant country. You have 7m people, ranking 30th in Europe per GDP.

As for `tiny` - that is because EU and NATO leading countries united with Islamic league and sponsored local Nazis and Muslim extremists, in order to destroy Yugoslavia and shorten Serbia. So, you have 7 mil Serbs in Serbia. But, when add to it number of Serbs in some artificially created states of former Yugoslavia, you easily coming to number of more then 10 million. Even much more. Quite enough in conditions of modern-warfare, I assure you.

It is more and more obvious that Polish prince Czartorisky was right when suggested formation of Great Serbia (not Greater- but Great; in its real ethnic borders), instead of Yugoslavia.
13 Jan 2018
Life / Polish and Czechs [191]

he is exactly what she said he is

Zeman have quite correct stance on events in Ukraine. On Yugoslavia, Kosovo, too. Zeman exposed Anglo-Franko-Germanic double standards. Czech Republic here have truly admirable stance.

My dear, same as it was with internal borders in Yugoslavia, borders of Ukraine are in great deal formed by communists. For the first time in history Ukrainian nation forming its own fully independent state. You Ukrainians should negotiate with Russians about borders. Its clear to any sane and honest Slavic man in the world. If Ukrainian Nazis didn`t exterminate a lot of Poles during WWII in what is now Ukraine, today`s Ukrainians would by all means have to negotiate with Poles too about defining borders between Poland and Ukraine. Frankly, if its on me, I would strongly suggest that Poland needs to gets territorial compensation for that genocide that happened on Poles. Otherwise, Nazi ways would be rewarded.

So, instead having negotiations with Russia and Poland about newly emerging Ukrainian state, we have situation that Ukrainian representatives speak about `international borders of Ukraine`. But no, its not about that. On territory of what is now Ukraine, Russians too, have right to their own states. Situation is complex and should be solved with negotiations about borders.

As for your mention of Serbians in Ukraine, how I see things they are there to underline fact that conflict in Ukraine represent situation of internal Slavic interest and dialogue, rather then non-Slavic meddling. It is we Serbians who were involved in history of what is now Ukraine. Much of people there having Serbian origin. You don`t suggest that Brussels have more right to be present then Serbian volunteers in Ukraine?

BDW, what you talking about Serbian Nazi collaborators??? My people never collaborated with Nazis. Serbian Chetniks were even involved in saving Poles around Lwow from onslaught by Ukrainian banderist Nazis. It is completely another issue that, tragically, thanks to British and USA schemes (all well documented; USA even officially apologized for this, Britain never apologized), during WWII, we had situation that our patriots who fought against Nazis, also waged Civil War among themselves (communists vs. royalists). So, in that situation, some of Chetniks and some of Partisans dared to collaborate with Nazis in order to harm other side involved in Civil War. But those were sporadic and isolated cases and all perpetrators of it were hanged in time for treason. It belong to that old story that we all have our traitors. Problem is, my dear, when traitors wants to rule country, to form policy, as it is case with `Nazi banderists` in Ukraine, thing that already happened in Croatia- where rule `Nazi ustashe`.

please back on the topic of this thread