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Posts by Bratwurst Boy  

Joined: 2 Apr 2007 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 16 hrs ago
Threads: Total: 9 / Live: 5 / Archived: 4
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From: Berlin, Germany
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: his helmet

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Bratwurst Boy   
29 Apr 2011
History / Whom do the people in Poland hate more: Germans or Russians? [869]

Poland in 1939 - 35 million population
Poland in 1945 - 23 million population

Do the maths again.

Minus the Germans, the Belorussians, the Ukrainians...all what was counted as polish citizens before the war.
Poland lost many nationals in the East during the border shifting and expelled the Germans in the West...then there are the Jews murdered by the Nazis.

...the agreed upon number of dead ethnic Poles is about 3,5 Mill.

Of all the countries involved in the war, Poland lost the highest percentage of its citizens: over seven million perished,over three million of them Polish Catholics and the remaining three million were Polish Jews.

Bratwurst Boy   
29 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media? [226]

I dare say we get mocked just as much in return.

Oh that you are...who would forget the "mocking wars" at football games between our BILD and british SUN and Daily Mail! :):):)
Bratwurst Boy   
29 Mar 2011
USA, Canada / Why are Polish Americans mocked in the American media? [226]

lets keep an eye on this show so that hopefully nothing negative gets written into the script about the Polish character.

I have problems with that statement of yours MW.

Do you think Poles are perfect? Do you think a real life character has no flaws? Nothing negatives about Poles at all?

And what if you really achieve Pole in TV will ever be shown a tiny bit "negatively".
Do you really think people don't look through that propaganda (because that's what it amounts to)?
Do you really think you are not just then INVITING jokes and contempt because of that behavior?

I don't get you!
Bratwurst Boy   
14 Mar 2011
History / Polish pirates [58]

Ach so...

Bratwurst Boy   
14 Mar 2011
History / Polish pirates [58]

Störtebeker no historical proof??? WTF???

There are memorials and movies about this guy here in Germany!
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

So it is a cultural thing in the end?

At one side wanting to save pigeons from a cruel rice-death on the other side a preferred method to get a nice rice-dog meal without any scruples...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

We might belong to one of the last generations who has to think these heavy thoughts anyhow.

It's becoming acute with fish already which will become a rare luxury in a few years and will spread on to many other food stuff we take for granted.

The industry will sell more and more faked stuff which only looks like the real thing but consists of godknowswhat...

The earth just can't keep up with feeding the many billions of people anymore..

So soon it's all artificial anyhow! No need to discuss the morals of the food anymore...
Bratwurst Boy   
22 Feb 2011
Food / Eat goulash from a cat and a steak from a dog in Poland! [114]

Many would say you can and go on about how intelligent the pig is.

The intelligence quotient is not the same as the cuddleworthy factor but intelligent animals shouldn't be eaten in the first place in my opinion.

The moment one convinces me that my daily meat has self awareness and that they give each other names I will rethink my behavior.

...The evidence suggests dolphins share the human ability to recognise themselves and other members of the same species as individuals with separate identities.
The research, on wild bottlenose dolphins, will lead to a reassessment of their intelligence and social complexity, raising moral questions over how they should be treated.

They shouldn't be kept in zoos and trained to make funny things for the public either once a certain IQ is measured...
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Interesting theory but you’re forgetting one thing, those were the first Poles tp leave Dodge,


What dodge?
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

One can still be ethnically German and consider himself Polish by nationality! Polish nationalism is a bit more open then the German one BB.

Yeah...must'n mix up ethnicity and nationality...not so easy these days!
Germans have problems with that I admit...

Well thank the Nazi's... After ww2 anybody even reminding anythign about Germans were a bad thing! + add nobel roots! The commie party WERE NOT fond of my family AT ALL!

Ach scratch that...I only know the tidbits you tell the forum and you always make sure that everybody knows that your family is not really German at all and does everything to stamp that heritage out...being double proud Poles...extra strong!

Sorry if I misinterpreted that.

I mean you can hate the Nazis but be still german...where is the sense in changing your ethnicity after politics!
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Utter BS! My family is quite a good example of en "pre-German" family that became Polish! Why do you think so many Poles have German surnames?


As Poles who lived in Germany got germanized in time, so were Germans living in Poland better polonizing.
Bratwurst Boy   
17 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

I feel many Polish-Americans on this forum respect productivity and efficiency more than the finer things in life like idleness and aesthetic contemplation and that is why they are Crypto-Germans.

Well...that must be the USians in them then..

Jews being a very proud people, wanted to preserve their Jewish culture, so they generally kept to themselves. That was there choice.

Polish/eastern Jews for sure.

But western/german Jews was a different case. They were integrating many Germans who intermingled with Poles had also their ounce jewish heritage in them..ergo... ;)
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

I remember a joint venture agreement between two companies, one Polish and the other German. The board of the German company all had Polish surnames and the board of the Polish company all had German surnames.


No, sweetie pie, you stay lovely as you are at your place and we will stay as we are at ours.

Nah...we will mingle and mix happily as we did for millennia now! :)

Especially now as close working neighbours without any borders whatsoever...
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

You still have no proof that the majority of Germans living in Poland felt that way, maybe wealthy people or noble how did the majority, the common people feel?

Boy, you really have to observe yourself!

Do you really think someone changes its ethnic heritage just like that???
Nobody else clings to his heritage even afte centuries but only the Poles do???

Poles are a proud people we are proud to be Polish, we're proud to be Slavs your problem is BB that you believe we want to be like you we really don't,

And that's why you trying to tell me all Germans can't wait to shed their german heritage to become part of the great, phantastic Poland????

You sweared allegiance to the US voluntarily I read? No more Pole in you now, isn't there?
Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Because Poland didn't partition Germany and persecute it's people, a German didn''t have a reason to hate Poland if he was born there he could see Poland as his true homeland and feel a Pole.

Ummm....he could by why should he?

I'm sure you know Germans began settling in Poland in large numbers back in the 12th century, a generation or two they intermarried with Poles ans saw themselves as Poles.

Do you know that towns like your beloved Krakow were re-settled and re-build almost exclusively by Germans, don't you?

Why do you think it came to a large scale polonization? Do you really believe all that warm fuzzy I-love-to-be-polish crap?

The year 1311 saw a rebellion against Poland's King Władysław I. It was organised by Wójt Albert and involved mostly German-speaking citizens of Krakow. The rebellion cost Poland the city of Gdańsk, which was taken by the Teutonic Order, but German-speakers lost their political ambitions and began to Polonize...

Bratwurst Boy   
16 Feb 2011
History / Was Daniel Fahrenheit a Pole? [138]

Because until nationalism became popular in Poland in late 19th and early 20th century Poland was much more tolerant than other European nations we had no ethnic persecutions or religious wars.

Sounds great for the Poles but why should a German feel polish?
Did the Poles feel german during the partitions???