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Posts by Kashub1410  

Joined: 24 Jun 2022 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 8 Jul 2023
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14 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

Poor people think like that, and believe it. I just find that mentality disgusting.

How would you react if I based on my perception of somebody on how much water one has? Sounds redundant, stupid and weird right? But, when in the Sahara desert, a small oasis and only a few armed men are allowed access. It suddenly doesn't look wrong anymore now does it?

No matter if everyone there had gold bars after gold bars in their posessions or briefcases filled with dollars.

So many people are blinded by greed, I almost feel like giving up on you all.
11 Nov 2022
Love / Does he really love me ? [34]

Well my sister allways complain to me that I recieved the best genes in the family, while she got the worst.

Besides I know I would be a "donor of good genes", most women think I bullshit since I state it. (They see it as me trying to convince them, thinking that I have a reason for thinking that they might not know it or doubt it. While I am just fairly blunt about most things, confident and open)

Thanks for the compliment anyways.
11 Nov 2022
Love / Does he really love me ? [34]

Well I do try, first women I met that talked to me about wanting kids had very weird behaviour. Probably asberger, asked questions in a cold weird manner without context, extremaly shy and looked everywhere with her eyesight except to me.

Yet wants to meet again, but have become sick.

One side she doesn't look bad + wants kids

But, the weird part is very off putting so. I don't know
11 Nov 2022
Love / Does he really love me ? [34]

I love kids, but in my general experience women don't like to hear it or know of talks about marriage or kids in general. So I try to talk as little as possible about it.

My general experience has been that women are not interested in having kids, or having kids with me.

Which makes me deeply sad, so no. No need for manipulation

Many women quite wrongly get the impression of me being a ladies man, only for bed ish. But, not for family

@Cargo_pants can share his impressions of me and tell his tale if he wants regarding first impressions
11 Nov 2022
News / 11th November Independence Day in Poland [64]

Parades in general performed by Germany easily gains a lot of negative feedback. Even when torches were used by soldiers at a commutation due to it being at dark if I remember correctly. The decision makes was definitively not a ww2 history major.

Many states in the west think:
Military parade = Nazis

Pawian would the one closest to that mentality on this forum due to most non-Poles come here to take a break from it or laugh at the western nonsense, which again easily gets pawian with his: nonsense

So yeah, poor situation for Germans with regard to flags and parades. Would have invited a large contingent of Polish, Israeli, British, American and French troops to parade in Berlin annually (also Russian ones when this war ends)
11 Nov 2022
Love / Does he really love me ? [34]

Out of curiosity, what's your general view on kids. What are they according to you
9 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

Indeed, anyone can work as anyone formally speaking. Full on chaos, then people wonder that nothing gets done or that it's uorganised. Like talking to a wall
9 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

I am an elitist, for a person to grasp as much as possible about society at large. A person needs time and experience to learn. One cannot read books to the fullest while carrying stones, which is why societies have elites and specific groups oriented towards such purposes.

Thinking that a simple worker can rule as good as a person who has been trained and prepared his entire life for it is fantasy and wishful thinking.

Which socialists and left leaning people try to lie about and give false promises to people about it, who after experiencing leadership positions either succumb to corruption or fall short of thinks they knew nothing about. Then we hear complaints about I'll suited politicians, well what can I tell you. People chose to dig their own grave
9 Nov 2022
News / Polish PM Tusk- dictator or not? What Poles think? [413]


Maybe in his eyes, he would make a personal sacrefice of his own ego to win as a team. But, as a person he admitted defeat before even running. His influence could maybe do something thanks to personal relationships. But, everybody knows that if anything would be done to cross him, he wouldn't have the backing of any state employee.
9 Nov 2022
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

I am not advocating for anything, trying to teach you what border guards job is.

Soldiers shoot to warn, kill or wound.

Sicho's and political extremists murder people by tying them up and killing them even after gaining control and power over them (when they have surrendered or tied up/captured).

If you are unable to grasp the differences then you are basically calling every soldier in the world a extremist, which is not the case and you should know better. Pushing soldiers into the arms of political extremists isn't a brilliant idea either
9 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

It was with regard to relativism, things happen for a reason. The kind of attitude like: "what ever it all floats anyways" doesn't hold true when talking about rocks, cause they don't float!

Thinking that every group is the same cause of few bad apples, many regular apples and a few good apples is simply wrong!

Some groups are not only different but, better for society and the world as a whole! End goals and lifestyles too!

Are to be treated equally in contact with the state, the state is not supposed to favour one group over another based on social class. Which still holds true to this very day, as we all know it has more to say about loyalties with political group governing the country to a larger degree then one's social class.

Why is it hard to understand that the state isn't everything and that individuals still have a go at someone based on their social class outside of the state?
8 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

I was talking about attitude towards traditions in general. No need to twist my words.

Jesus Christ is the king of Poland.
8 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

You got some nerve, please provide proof that family abused anyone. There are witnesses stating how they miss my family and clean things were when they were asked for historical reasons to retrieve more information about the location we were forced to abandon.

I am fairly convinced of my capabilities due to my ancestors achievements, and as such. That confidence is tracked by blood, your arguments does not change that.

Nor hereditary rules, you keep living in your bouble of imagination yourself.
8 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

Then you don't seem to value traditions, inherited customs or knowledge.

Poland does have a king, PiS made a law about it even.

@johnny reb
I disagree, very often relationship between son-father can be problematic and relationship between grandfather and grandson develop better.

So it can even skip a generation or two, with regard to behaviour. Such skips are often attributed to "black sheep" in the family.

Yes, which is why I found it strange that titles were mentioned.

Can't find which and where the "we" you mean was used in which context.

We could been used as in "we here on PF", "we the szlachta" "we Poles" "we humans"
Please be more specific,

With regard to my background, all that is left for me now is my surname and traditions and coat of arms. I highly dislike anyone mocking or pointing out what I have lost due to external reasons which were out of my control.

It only fuels my desire to build it up tho, I will show em all!!!
8 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

Titles gets inherited depending on the country, as far as I know many titles are returned to the royalty in the U.K and are temperary. While other countries knighted a person in to the status group of nobility and all his future offspring.

So yeah, the group identity and membership/status is hereditary.

Titles were useally more linked to location which one administrated in the name of the king or governed his own controlled land.

In Poland ski at the end was far more common then formal titles, and anyone having former titles except that of Princes/king could easily be spotted as a sellout to foreign rulers.


Just because American southern aristocrats had slaves, doesn't mean every aristocrat everywhere had slaves. More commonly were surfs, servants or indentured servants.
8 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

That's relativism, Szlachta was quite unique. Even compared to other noble groups as you put it in europe.

There are certain groups who are able to achieve more then other groups despite having same roles/influences. Trying to make a group deserving of respect less significant, especially one who is on your own side does little good.

Compare it to firefighters for instance, some are more renowned then others.

French firefighters compared to French police during ww2, or firefighters in Russia who potentially rob the apartaments they put the fires out of.

Some are noteable, some are horrible. Yet an achievement to be set as an example should be complemented.

Not all soldiers wear medals, who to many seem to only be a piece of metal with a piece of cloth sticked together. Such people try to downplay performed actions in general.

I hope and wish for a better society by and large, so I do complement and view good behaviour as something positive, and those groups forwarding such behaviour.

There are groups who are critical of said groups when they fall short however, due to naivity or lack of patience. In this modern world, there is a larger need for instsnt gratification which combats it at every turn.

My point is, if bravery, noble character, honestly, fighting crime and loving your country is to be the norm. Then every person should strive for it, regardless if a persons family members achieved a reward in the past for it or not.

Trying to downplay said achievement is downplaying the reward and trying to minimilaze good behaviour. To which all decent folk should think about
8 Nov 2022
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

And you seem to use words you don't understand the meaning of either, I am surprised you haven't killed all animal predators in the world cause they are "murderers" within your logical thinking.

Or killed ants for building ant nests, and not sharing their resources with other insects.

I hope you realise that what you write makes no sense whatsoever
8 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

Pure BS, still nobility in Poland today. We just don't have privileges enforced by the law anymore, and Poland does have a king!
7 Nov 2022
Life / Class system in Poland - does it exist? [90]

What a load of BS in this thread honestly, plenty of groups and regions in Poland favor one thing over the other, having regions favoring the opposite of each other creates tensions/rivalry.

Quiet and peaceful countryside vs loud and obnoxious city dwellers for starters.

If Szlachta origins means nothing to a person, it only proves they are not one themselves. Of course they don't care for something that is most likely unattainable for them and distanced from morals, ethics or anything one could call a noble character.

Probably guys who drink low quality beer infront of TV screaming how their football team is losing anyways.
7 Nov 2022
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

And you seem to not be aware of the most likely consequences of having said peaceful (if they are peaceful, not just unarmed) person settling down in new host country, bringing up children that aren't prepared for said country and most likely becomes extremist and then does become a threat!

One cannot only think about next ten minutes with such decisions, but next 10,20 or even 50 years!
7 Nov 2022
History / Recommended Poland's history books [186]

@marion kanawha
Caused by the continued way of thinking that reigning king = state
State resources = king's resources

Among nobility, a king (and his family) was just another competing faction in an competing group of people.

It's after the French Revolution and ideas of a brotherhood across social groups (later on across faith/culture/language too for that matter) begins to emerge.

The whole point of the system was to have the head of state as powerless as possible so that other members of society were more free.

Compared to the monarchies at the time and an growing merchant style republic growing in the U.S who were far more in control of their own countries.

If you are a politician planning wars of conquest then Poland-Lithuania was not for you, and that was the biggest concern and worry for most people except of the opportunistic and warmongerers.
6 Nov 2022
Polonia / Darker side of Scandinavia - Poles treated as being worse [31]

It's due to ignoring the fears of many native Swedes. Similar to Trump effect in U.S.A, by sidelining certain elements of society and not combating the issue at hand (by stating it's not an issue) a radical turn happends.

Similar to ignoring plight of the workers by capitalist factions tend to push low wage workers or unemployed to the left extremes
6 Nov 2022
Polonia / Darker side of Scandinavia - Poles treated as being worse [31]

I generally agree, just that this book points it out that it's not the case. There is a far more collectivistic view of people in Norway, negative side of stereotypes dominate the good ones. So even a person with higher education is treated as a possible criminal just cause of surname on a mailbox etc
6 Nov 2022
Polonia / Darker side of Scandinavia - Poles treated as being worse [31]

Here is a link to a book you guys might find interesting:,07640b54

Posted from an Iphone
5 Nov 2022
Genealogy / Possibility and proof of being Tatar [15]

What a load of bull, only sons of Tuhay Bei were supposed to wear it, it's like saying that all Poles should wear a way of marking themselves with Poniatowskis coat of arms or something...

I grant you that national symbol of Poland is Piasts family coat of arms, due to them being the founding family of Poland.

But, it does not apply as a general rule. Rather an exception. Another exception is flag of U.S.A which is Washington's coat of arms (oddly enough I've heard rumours it was inspired by Sandomierz coat of arms or something similar. But, I cannot be 100% as it's not verified nor generally known by Americans either)
5 Nov 2022
News / What should Poland do with the problem of Belarus? [1800]

So, you do advocate killing immigrants at the border. Why are you trying to cheat on us you don`t???

I am not a fan of killing in general, but self preservation kicks in when lethal assailants appear. Gloves off then, thankfully against mostly unarmed assailants it makes the easier by not having to use lethal weaponry which also can be cheaper.

Generally speaking, most border guards are tasked with firing back with lethal weapons. It's a general rule, states don't look kindly to uncontrolled invasions. No matter the motivation due to foreign intelligence services.

People are vetted for a reason, even German football tourists were surprised over the harsh security policies put in place in Warsaw. Not knowing the football culture in Poland (even tho Germany is a neighbouring country with easier access of information to Poland/Poles then let's say a resident of Iraq or Afghanistan) still leads to culture clashes.

Ignoring this? Not especially bright I must say, tolerance and political policy of toleration is decrease outbursts of conflict and to have a set of rules for conflicts not to become volatile.

When it first erupts or likelihood of it happening anyways, it's a quite foolish approach.
2 Nov 2022
News / Years of Poland in the EU - assessment of pros and cons [1158]

Poland was severely limited on it's own and history has shown that in Poland's situation it's not a matter of if, but when.

But, I guess you don't get that. Cause your acting as if Poland is supposed to be a tiny midget state without a voice. Think again!