The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by osiol  

Joined: 25 Jul 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Oct 2009
Threads: Total: 55 / Live: 2 / Archived: 53
Posts: Total: 3921 / Live: 342 / Archived: 3579

Interests: Not being on this website when I'm asleep

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20 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

Britain sat around during WWII with their thumbs up their arses


Russia and the United STates did most of the work

The first one didn't do very nice things to Poland, especially afterwards; and the second one turned up late, although they did quite a lot when they arrived.

I'm not asking anyone to be grateful to me - I wasn't there, and neither were most of today's population of Poland.

Any more videos, Mr. Southern?
20 Nov 2007
History / POLAND: EASTERN or CENTRAL European country? [1080]

I think it depends whether you agree that Central Europe exists between Eastern and Western Europe.
As far as the almost non-existant Northern / Southern debate goes, I'd place it in Northern Europe (but maybe Central).
As far as the Southern debate goes, there are lots of lovely women there.
15 Nov 2007
Life / Polish Nursery Rhymes [253]

I like nursery rhymes...the truth

Nursery rhymes somehow never disappear from memory, even if they become vague.
There might be something to be said for learning a language, in part, from a child's perspective.
Mother tongue speakers start learning from the moment they are born, in a totally different way to anyone who comes to the language later.

Not a good nursery rhyme for children. Sledz's are much better.

Nursery rhymes are notorious for being scary to children.
How can a little kid sleep with the threat of falling out of a tree, let alone being trampled to death.
Parents, especially mothers, have always needed some kind of release I suppose.

Jedzie osioł, jedzie osioł, jedzie osioł.
Uciekaj dziewczynko, bo cię osioł...

... I don't know how to say 'post on an internet forum'.

That would make a bad nursery rhyme.
14 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Are 'Cześć.' and 'Od pierdol się, debilu jebany.' pronounced the same?
13 Nov 2007
Life / Superstitions in Poland [60]

Hello Mr Magpie
Okay, so it won't work for everyone, so for those non-members reading, I am just underlining DTaylor's and PD's point.
10 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]


See the last post before yours...

... and about a quarter of the posts on this thread.
7 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Psia krew

Dog's blood. This has been on this thread many times.
I don't think it's very popular these days.


About the level of the word 'Damn'.
5 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

W**k is not as dirty a word as the word job, to paraphrase General Melchitt.
5 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I thought I was wearing my serious face avatar.
I was about to say something about botox and faces, but (strangely for this thread) decided to censor myself.
5 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

I've never used that one as a swear word.
5 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

How come when someone learns a new language the swear are
always the first ones you learn?...

For some people, they're the words you hear most of.

Give the wankers and tossers some shite, tell them bloody bastards to
Sod off:)

5 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Kurwa chuju jebany - excuse me sir, you seem to have annoyed me somewhat and I wish to make this known to you.
5 Nov 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

Cicho! might suffice, or perhaps
zamknij sie prosze. Although it's shut up, at least there's a please.
You could add (Ja) mowie po polsku.
1 Nov 2007
History / 'Battle of Britain' won thanks to Polish aces !! [158]

riding tricycles

Maybe this is something that can be brought back into RAF training.
How about all the armed forces on tricycles. They can work their way up to unicycles before taking to the air/sea/tanks.
Bring back national service.
31 Oct 2007
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

to obchodzi

Correct spelling or not, is that what I should(n't) be saying?
At work, one chap (Mr. A.) kept telling me to say it to another colleague (Mr.B) whenever he started talking about the girl at work who he fancied.

Mr. B would say something like 'Have you seen where Miss X is?'
Mr. A would then start nudging me with his elbow as a prompt to say this line I never quite mastered.
It helps to learn a language from someone who isn't whispering under their breath so as not to be heard by anyone else.
31 Oct 2007
Life / Polish films... where to find them? [51]

I'd recommend starting with Three Colours White aka Trzy Kolory Bialy by Krzystof Kieslowski.
That's partly because it's a great film, but mostly because I don't know many other Polish films.
31 Oct 2007
Language / Polish slang phrases - most popular. [606]

Co ciebie op chodzi?

I couldn't be bothered to start a new thread to ask if this is right and what it actually means.
31 Oct 2007
Life / Why Do You Love Poland? [907]

The food, the architecture (not just the big stuff, but the everyday stuff too), the food, the people, the food, the films of Krzystof Kieslowski, the food, Polish jazz, the food, the drink, the drink, the drink.
29 Oct 2007
Language / Polish Swear Words [1242]

ser z kozła

Did I hear a Lithuanian use the word today, or was that my imagination.
28 Oct 2007
Food / Polish Sour Milk / Maślanka [44]

They are "ordered" to stand for days.

Be firm with them. Otherwise, they might run away.
27 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Supplementary question:
Do Polish donkeys have big noses?

This particular English donkey's nose is about average, I think.
27 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

I inaccurately measured my nose.
Now, attempting the Bolo technique,
I am finding it difficult reading the numbers on the ruler, despite being short-sighted.
27 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

Deadly serious.

I measured my nose with my woodwork tape measure.

51mm high
21mm horizontally from above the top lip to the tip

I didn't measure the width.
27 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

its beak, not mouth

The beak is only a part of its mouth.
You heard it straight from the donkey's rabbit lips.
27 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Do Polish people have big noses? [450]

I was hoping Michal would come up with some interesting similie to describe Polish noses. These puppets are incomplete without them. I've already got them some strange plastic coats.