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Lech Walesa urged to "reduce Russia" to 50 million people [366]
I haven't observed or experienced this "fact" during my education.
I do understand where they are coming from but they are misguided in my opinion. Don't take into account many factors, the fact that not every kid thrives in highly competitive environment etc.
Lenka is intelligent and logical, so I personally doubt that she was a bad student.
Thank you. I wasn't a bad student but I could never be ar*ed to apply myself properly. I started to be better in high school and uni thanks to implementing strategies better suited to my needs (e.g. a big game changer for me was writing on loose pages in uni that I could sort into subjects later. I was always notorious for forgetting my specific notepad in school and then I couldn't carry on taking notes until I rewrote the missing notes etc. One year my friends rewritten few notebooks for me just because the teachers were so obsessed with them :) ) Not to mention at that stage I had greater impact as to what I'm learning
Everybody knew what were the best schools in my city and all the smart kids wanted to get in.
It's quite funny really. When I was in primary school we had a school that was always in competition with us. Both schools wanted to be on top. The other schools had a bit better area (only slightly as they were like 2 streets apart) and the approach of making 'better classes' with smarter kids. Mine didn't. Yet for all the years me and my siblings went there we kicked their asse* in sports and a learning competitions.
So there's "selection" taking place later on.
Of course there is.
And I do believe it was better if it was done at 16. Kids rarely know themselves yet, can have a clash with certain teachers etc. How many times did we see kids downmarked by teachers?