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Posts by Nickidewbear  

Joined: 17 Sep 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Sep 2023
Threads: Total: 23 / Live: 2 / Archived: 21
Posts: Total: 609 / Live: 282 / Archived: 327
From: United States, Baltimore
Speaks Polish?: I do not speak Polish; but I understand some basics about Polish pronounciation and transliteration.
Interests: Genealogy (My dad's paternal granddad was a Jewish-Polish Russian who immigrated to Pennsylvania.), history, and other interests

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3 Jul 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

You say all that, but it was relatively few Jews (mainly kapos and understandably-frustrated Jews), if any; and the Jews were the main victims of the Holocaust.
3 Jul 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

I didn't say that. But Jews in general aren't what that guy claimed.
3 Jul 2012
History / What do Poles owe to Jews? [586]

Anyone who is on Facebook can have a read at this

That guy's an Anti Semite.
3 Jul 2012
History / Khazar migrations to Eastern Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine [106]

1. All posts must be in English (unless they are related to translations or explanations of the Polish language; or are posted in the Off-Topic forum).

Ja'akow is the Polonized Ya'akov; Jisra'elim is the Polonized Yisra'elim. Hopefully, this helps.
1 Jul 2012
History / Khazar migrations to Eastern Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine [106]

Just because Jews who do not have any Khazar blood "don't think" anyone else does... doesn't make it true! And their view is extremely biased (for obvious reasons).

Hang on, though: I never said that you didn't have Khazar blood. I just said that that's not your primary identity (and it least it shouldn't be!).
1 Jul 2012
History / Khazar migrations to Eastern Poland, Belarus, and Ukraine [106]

He did have a Q1b marker, so he's a Jew of Khazar descent--which I don't mind as long as he's not shilling for Arthur Koestler or Shlomo Sand. Also, 52% of Ashkenazim Lewj'im have R1a1.
28 Jun 2012
Genealogy / Americans of Polish descent. How many of us are on Polish forums? [216]

how many of us are really here?

how many still talk with family in poland and have direct contact?

- I'm a Jew of Jewish-Polish and Slovakian-Polish descent.
- I have Jewish (Polish, Ukrainian, Russian, Slovakian, Austrian, Hungarian), Slovakian-Polish, and Irish, French, Belgian, German, Scottish, English, and Spanish blood. The French-Belgian-German and Spanish bloods could well be Ashkenazi and Sefardi Jewish, though.

- I'm estranged from my dad's family for the most part, but I keep many of the Jewish (not the assimilationist) traditions.
- What else would you like to know?

My grandfather came here in 1905.

Who was your granddad? We might be related. A whole group of my family--the Chernetskis, Andrulewiczes, Daniłowiczes, and Morgiewiczes--came to PA (mostly Luzerne County), NJ (mostly Hudson County), and (I guess) NY to flee the pogroms and live as Anusim in America.
27 Jun 2012
Life / Why is circumcision not practiced in Poland? [701]

A loving parent would not do this to their child and watch how it's suffering.

I disagree. Many Jews do b'rit milah and there are health benefits to circumcision.
26 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

Richard Kuklinsky?

Thank G-d that he isn't Jewish as far as we know. Incidentally, I'm a Polish-Ukrainian-Russian, Slovakian-Austrian-Hungarian Jew with Irish blood. If he and Sandusky were Jewish--oj, what a mark on my people!
26 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

The point is that they're inquiring to see whether or not he's Jewish. By the way, in some cases:

It is also an Ashkenazic Jewish ornamental name adopted in reference to God's promise to the Jewish people that they would be as many as the grains of sand upon the shore of the sea. Other spellings of the name include SANDGREN (sand branch), SANDMARK (sand territory), ZANDBERG (sand hill), SANDHAUS (sand house), SAND, SANDE, SANDSTEIN and ZANDSZTAJN (Polish). The Swedes have in recent times combined two words together to manufacture family names to take the place of their common patronymics, terminating in BERG (mountain), STROM (stream), ALM (elm), BLAD (leaf), HED (meadow), LUND (grove), SKOG (forest) and WAHL (field), to name but a few.
25 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

You should see my blog stats. Plenty of people have searched whether the Sanduskys are Jewish.
25 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

But the surname does sound suspect to many, and the Talmud is chock full of pedophila. For example, Jewamot (Yevamot) 55b and Ketubot 39a--specifically one that applies to Sandusky:
25 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

And when some of them do, they want to choke us for revealing it or for finding out and telling them. Case in point, my granddad murdered my great grandma for revealing family secrets (and her dad was born in Kacwin as a gentile Catholic, and her mom was £apsze Niżne-born Anna Monkowá Trudniak)--can you imagine when what he'd've done if she knew and/or revealed that we were Jews on her side as well?
25 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

I'm a Jew and I don't practice Judaism. We Jews are and will always be an 'am, an ethnos, a people first.
25 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]


PWEI accused you of being a bigot. And anyway, why else would you have brought it up? Either you're Jewish like me, you noted the Talmud angle, or you're an Anti Semite. As a Jew, I looked up if Sandusky was Jewish (I'm not going to lie.). Meanwhile, if he is Jewish and followed the Talmud in secret would not surprise me--and anyway, Sandusky's near non cooperation with the police and manner in the NBC interview, and Joe Paterno's dropping the ball set Sandusky's fate.

Here's my hope, meanwhile: that Sandusky is Jewish is actually the case, Judaism, the Talmud, and Crypto Judaism are looked long and hard at; and the prophecy is fulfilled: "And I will cause the captives of Judah and the captives of Israel to return, and will rebuild those places as at the first. I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me, and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned and by which they have transgressed against Me." (Jeremiah 33:7-8, NKJV)
25 Jun 2012
USA, Canada / Polish-American criminals [70]

Polish. If he is Jewish, though, I would not be surprised--maybe shocked, but not surprised. Many P'rushim Anusim follow the Talmud in secret; and P'rushi Judaism is part of why more and more Jews have become secular or even outright Atheist, Buddhist or Hindu (i.e., "BuJews" and "HindJews"), or even Messianic over the years (though some Messianics still rely heavily on the Talmud).
21 Jun 2012
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]


Ken means yes?

Ken (Yes)!

Nickidewbear: Sabra'im Israeli Jews.
Nickidewbear: olim A Jew that immigrates to Israel.
Nickidewbear: Galutim Diasporic Jews.
jasondmzk: maideleh, Girl.
jasondmzk: meshugoyim Crazies.
Nickidewbear: Yehudim Jews!

- Yes.
- That's the plural.
- Yes. The singular is "ol". It could well come from that making alijah (aliyah) is a micwah (mitzvah) per Jeremiah 8:1-6, a kind of (if you will)

- Yes.
- Oy! That could be a pun, too.
- Yes.

My dad and his parents, back to at least their great-great-grandparents on some sides were more interested in their Diasporan tongues.
28 Feb 2012
Life / Why are Poles always so miserable? Why do they never smile? [512]

One factor has an overwhelming negative influence on my experience here. No one ever smiles. Everyone has a long face and seems to be constantly miserable. You see it everywhere, on the buses and trams, even on the streets of this wonderful, bustling city of Warsaw.

If the theory that at least 75% of Poles is Jewish or has Jewish ancestry is true, here's why:

New King James Version (NKJV)

As a Jew with Diaspora connections to Suwałki, Białystok, Sejny, Lipsk nad Biebrzą, etc.; I know of what I speak.
28 Feb 2012
Genealogy / Seeking Czarniecki family members and ancestors from Lublin, also Margiewicz, Danilowicz and Andrulewicz [77]

Point taken, but we sure don't mumble in my family.

Regardless whether it is Foćko or Focko, Polish is a variant-rich language and the old first name Fortunat has generated a variety of forms including Foc, Foca, Focan, Fociuk, Focz and probably many more. With names often a 'unique-case scenario' comes into play -- a name thought up and used by only one family or even one branch of a given family.

Well, in our case, what happened was that the Fockos (Foczkos) on our side converted to Slovakian-Hungarian Catholicism. The Polish Fockos (Foczkos) remained religiously Jewish.

What about Andrulewicz or Andrulevich? In other words, could it be broken into "Andru" (From the Lithuanian for "Andrew") and "Lewicz" ("Levitch", "ben-Levi"; in other words, "Levite")?
27 Feb 2012

Well, "Focko" has a non-accented "c" and I knew that "Monka" is the Ashkenazic Jewish, Slavic equivalent of "Miller". But thanks. Meanwhile, I'm wondering if there are any Fockos, etc. on the forum here.
27 Feb 2012

Merged: More Queries, Trudnak or Trudniak,,,

Trudnak or Trudniak, or Trudnyak (possibly Friedniak)-- in £apsze Niżne and in Kosice, Slovakia (no Jewish origin known of)

Monka-- £apsze Niżne (Jewish)

Focko-- Radom and Kielce, Warszawa, Lódz, Iwieniec, etc. (Jewish). Connected to Zlata Idka and Kosice Fockos (Foczkos)