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Posts by Novichok  

Joined: 17 Nov 2020 / Female ♀
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8 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Where would you prefer to live: USA or China????

And what does that have to do with who is on the upswing and who is going down????????????????
Hey, teach, google "upswing" or "trend".
8 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

You can't even provide a metric on how to measure this

He will not admit the most obvious: you don't replace one discrimination with another discrimination. You stop it.
Hey, pawian, if I kill your dog, it doesn't mean you are allowed to kill mine.
8 Jan 2021
News / Why Poland has no problem with terrorism [64]

circling the wagons to cover their own entitled asses while blaming everyone but themselves.

That is why teachers never, ever want parents to be able to watch them in classrooms on CCTV.
8 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

that people regardless of their sex do f up stuff?

No. It proves that our collective image of women as loving, caring, and not capable of the worst evil is all screwed up.

In many respects, they are worse than men. Men just kill - typically with a gun. Women often torture and watch their victims die slow and agonizing death. This is how these bi**tches find out what anti-freeze is for. If they are nurses, it's arsenic.

And then there is this women-only Munchausen by proxy, Menegel-grade torture that gets them their fifteen minutes of attention while the kid is near death.
8 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Another bullsh1t.

Bulls**t back to you. My post was about the extreme bi**tches poisoning THEIR OWN HUSBANDS of many years and purely for his life insurance. It's so massive that they created a special TV program - SNAPPED - just about women killing men who loved these bi***tches.

Their methods are slow-acting poison to fake a heart attack or a gun plus a story of how she was abused for years - but somehow couldn't scrape fifty bucks to get the hell away from the "abuser" whom she had to kill while he was asleep. Luckily, juries don't buy that s**t anymore.
8 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I never lost an argument and it will not happen now, either. Quoting from

Maternal filicide is defined as child murder by the mother. Infanticide is child murder in the first year of life. The term neonaticide was coined by Resnick (9) to describe murder of an infant within the first 24 hours of life. Almost all neonaticides are committed by mothers.

Highlighting is mine.

Now, it's time for excuses. I know, it's that mean sob husband...Or society...Or bad childhood twenty years ago...

Did I miss anything? Oh, yeah, them hormones.

BTW, that was just a warmup for even better cases that illustrate how lovely women are...Like that Munchausen thingy...
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

But what's the point? Do you really want to go there?

Simple. To make you, women, happy by recognizing how equally evil women are.

Statistically, most murderers are males, not females. 7 to 1.

The dumbest thing to say. Put some weight on killing your one kid vs a stranger and you will see how that 7 to 1 ratio shrinks.

Yes, you did: postpartum psychosis:

I don't give a crap why. Tell this to the jury and pray I am not on it. A dead kid is a dead kid and she should be going down.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

who not only did that but they also trying to encourage other women to do so.

...but call it "progress" and a cherished constitutional right.
Women have two weapons: he abused me, he molested our daughter, and he raped me - repeatedly. Somehow, they seldom mention any of them until it's a divorce or a custody hearing. When they leave the courtroom to take a leak, they smile because they know the poor sob can't prove the negative.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I finally saw the light and I am sorry it took me so long. Of course, women are equal and should welcome the opportunity to compete with men in sports that till now were reserved only for women. So, let's make the next Olympics gender-neutral. No more of this X and Y nonsense!

Am I a genius or what!
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

as much freedom as their men are willing and capable of guaranteeing them

It's the "honey, go check who is at the door" problem. So far, "honey" is always the guy. When it gets to be the woman, I will believe in that "equality" crap.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Hell back then most women didn't need a job outside the house.

But now they are so fulfilled with their burger and large fries, please jobs that at the end of the day, all they want is rose petals and passionate sex - while desperate not to fall asleep in the process.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

and a lot of other women choose earning money and getting out of the house at least for few hours

You are conflating two things - earning and getting out - which is a logical fallacy as if those were welded together.

If the guy makes 100 gees rather than 30, she can get out of the house, get into her own car, and order that bugger with fries instead of making them for a woman who is more fortunate. The reason why he makes 30 is - as I already explained - that the ruling mafia sent his well paying job to China while professing their love of civil rights, freedom of speech, and fair worker wages.

Yes, those were glorious times, weren`t they?

In 1969, 10% of women were below the poverty line. In 2012 - 15%. Yes, these glorious times of ours, aren't they?
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

so I prefer to go out AND earn money,

That would be a good option to have.
As the poverty data shows, fewer, not more - as the leftist bulls**ters here would have it - women have that option today. That is not progress.

Here is another statistic for the "liberated' women to consider: unmarried women in poverty - 15%, married women in poverty - 5%. Add a child to it and the ratio shoots up from 3:1 to 5:1 or 25% for unmarried women with children. Yeah, those evil men. All these bastards wanna do is work and hate doing dishes and vacuuming.

You, the leftist ass-kissing male feminazis trying to score cheap talking points with the stupid women who are too lazy to get the stats should be ashamed of yourself and do the research or shut up.

On the other hand, that's time-consuming and takes more effort than dropping your pants and pulling some good-sounding PC woke crap out of your leftist ass.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

No, that is the option most women have as most of them can find work.

We are not speaking the same language, it seems. "Can" is ability. "Have to" is a necessity. When poverty is 15% vs 10% in the past, the "havetos" went up and in the wrong direction.

How many women in Monte Carlo work? How many work because they find it challenging? How many of them work because they have to?

The answer: 0, 0, and 0.

And your statistic proves what?

Let me try again.

In 1969, 10% of women were below the poverty line. In 2012 - 15%.

These figures are self-explanatory and show the "progress" women made in 43 years. But I can't force you to drink.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

by one adult why not advocate

In a free-market economy, there is no such thing as "advocating" - a term without meaning.

I just think all women should go to work if they wish and have their partner do their share.

Wishing solves nothing. The crude facts are that both men and women are victims of underemployment doing macjobs - the service "industry" that creates no wealth.

Arguing who does what at home when both parents are dead tired at the end of the day is pointless and a distraction from the core question: with every scum on top getting richer by the hour, how come the lower 80% is as poor today as they were 50 years ago. Everything else, including the alleged inequality of pay feminazis claim, is bulls**t.

On top of all that, women are notorious for letting their teens get away with doing nothing and the pussified husbands just go along and abdicate their roles. That is why when a family reaches a crisis point, it's the women who show up on Dr. Phil and complain, but immediately defend the family bum when a solution is offered.

Women are attention-seeking enablers and love to be the martyrs of the family.
9 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Good post except that I would like to give the 51% majority the ability to decide things when their decision has no victims.
Like: a person who has a penis and a prostate gland is not a woman and is not allowed to function anywhere as a woman.
10 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Another result of German "refugee" willkommen politic

A quote from the linked article:

There must be a "Ministry of Immigration, Remigration, and De-Islamization," and people with dual nationality should no longer have the right to vote, argues the election program. Temporary asylum permits for Syrian refugees should be withdrawn.

I should sue them for stealing my copyright material.

My guess: They will get 1% of the votes. Then the pussification process of WE will be complete and irreversible.
10 Jan 2021
Po polsku / Elity wygrywają. Z narzędziami, które posiadamy nie ma nadziei dla ludzkości. [14]

Dziś istnieje realne, a w pewnym momencie zaistniało niebezpieczeństwo, że jeśli się odezwiesz, możesz stracić pracę.

Z osobistego punktu widzenia, jedyna rozsadna reakja jest zeby zabezpieczyc swoje i dac innym cierpiec pod tytulem: Pierdole albo zwarjuje. Latwy wybor.
Jak zawsze, geniusz.

Kiedy byłem w Polsce przed wyjazdem w 1966 roku, byli tam inteligentni myśliciele i niewykształceni badylarze. Moje nieszczęście polegało na tym, że należałem do pierwszej grupy.
10 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

The most amazing change is that the KGB enforcers with guns and gulags were replaced with private enforcers of leftist insanities and "you are not nice. You are fired".

No guns, no gulags, no torture but the effect is just the same. You are a silent slave.
10 Jan 2021
News / Poles say a big YES to our European Union [957]

Muslim "refugees" didn't read the memo that shopping is done with credit cards or cash, not knives. Or the guns, the American way.
10 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

I asked whether you recognize that women are as good as men morally.

No, I don't. 1. Women refuse to see the details of how abortions are done and their consequences. 2. Men create wealth, women spend it. 3. Women want to control but not be held responsible.

Don't catch me with that "not all". I am always speaking statistically.
10 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Logic doesn't seem to be your forte.

After pawian, I am a walking brilliance in logic and everything else.
Spending wealth has nothing to do with staying home. You made a jump you are not entitled to. All service jobs - primary female - spend wealth. Wealth is created only by manufacturing, mining, and agriculture - predominantly male jobs. Please, don't not-all me.

Control what and be held responsible for what?

Control everything and be responsible for nothing. Marry one and you will not ask such questions.
10 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Men have eyes too.

It is the ultimate in disgusting behavior by both men and women to be for what they do not want to see. I was for a stent shoved up my ass when I was having a heart attack and saw the whole thing on the screen next to me. And smiled when they unblocked. No woman ever smiled during an abortion. Would you?

Pregnancy is typically a blessing and that is why women want the pics of their "babies" - not "fetuses". No woman ever asked for a picture of the "fetus" she is about to abort. Like: OK, doc, before you remove that blob, let me take the last look at it. Never happened and never will because everybody knows - pros included - that the procedure is hideous.

The reason why I judge women lower on the morality scale is that abortion is anti-motherhood - the most basic of instincts a woman may be driven by. Men are basically sperm donors and often ready to just walk after wiping their injector off clean. The darker the skin, the higher the probability and frequency.


This is not a court of law and I don't have to prove anything. Don't like it? Don't read it.
I went through this "prove it" bulls**t before. When I did, NOTHING was good enough. F**k that. Never again...
11 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

you're a misogynistic LIAR and you're talking out of your ass.

No dear feminazi, lying can be only about facts. Those were my opinions. Don't like them? Tough sh*t.
11 Jan 2021
Love / How do Polish men feel about gender equality? [780]

Speaking of women and morality... Just as they are capable of murdering their husbands slowly and with that special cold-blooded premeditation that involves poisons, they are just as fine with inflicting near-death experience upon their unsuspecting and trusting children. Not for money, fame, career, or anything we can relate to. Just for 15 minutes of attention.

Only women assault their kids and later play stupid with the medical staff. Predictably, the definitions of Munchausen by proxy use gender-neutral terms like parent or caregiver, while ignoring the statistics that the syndrome is entirely a female mental disorder. Some of the sick bi*****es are nurses. Unbelievable.