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Posts by rybnik  

Joined: 16 Jan 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 2 Aug 2017
Threads: 18
Posts: 1453
From: new jersey
Speaks Polish?: yes

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5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

2. Support Ukraine's entrance to EU and NATO (even if we have to pull them by their ears.)

Brilliant imagery Torq! lol

We should improve and tighten our relations with our Slavic brothers particularly those that are friendly like Ukraine.

Is that even possible?
5 May 2011
News / Poland A and Ukraine B. Compare how far Poland has advanced. [282]

That's bollocks. Ukrainians have been a separate nation as long as a concept of modern nation exists, they surely have their own language, cultures and traditions

My mom's people came from Stanisławów. She spat whenever the name Ukraina was mentioned. I'm open-minded.... So what can Ukrainians lay claim to? How have they contributed to the greater good?
6 May 2011
USA, Canada / Going back to the Old Country of Poland after more than 25 years! (from USA) [249]

Right. I'm thinking about flying into Berlin, maybe elsewhere just outside Poland(Czech) and driving into Poland sometime in early to mid-September. What is the conventional wisdom regarding coming to Poland from North America? Is is better/easier/cheaper to fly into Warsaw, Wroclaw, Krakow? I'm very interested in hearing your ideas.
7 May 2011
News / John Paul II's Beatification [134]

I am just waiting for the canonisation to come along - no doubt a suitable miracle will be found.

What do you mean by suitable? If you mean contrived, I'm sure they're working on it. ;)

i find it ironic the a nun was cured of parkinsons by praying to a pope who died of it.

or maybe the diagnosis was wrong?
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

I find some Polish women so controlling. I guess it is upbringing.

Tell me about it! One of the reasons I divorced her ;)
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

You're propably right... the best chances to get Trauma and Orthopedic surgery I have in poland, Plastic Surgery in Germany i supose... In poland two individuals get their chances to specialize in Plastic Surgery per year :P It's like geting into NASA space program :P

Forget about practicing Medicine in the States without doing a residency(full 3-5 year training program) all over again. Unfortunately, your many years of training in whatever speciality will not be recognized..Przykro mi.
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

years and years of natural selection ;)
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

You can't just "step away" from who you are. To borrow from your bird analogy, a crow knows it's a crow and not a swan ;)
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

I'm Taurus with my feet strongly planted on the ground

I know the sign well. My first wife, Polka, was a Taurus. :)
10 May 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

that's so funny. I'm a Leo. I'm married to a Scorpio.....very nice ;)
10 May 2011
USA, Canada / Going back to the Old Country of Poland after more than 25 years! (from USA) [249]

Prepare yourself to see a new country. It looks like nothing what you remember. It's better and prettier. Kraków got a new fast tram going through the downtown and it is fantastic solution. Old city looks, sadly, more commercialized. You will not recognize the area around main train station. It got plenty of new shopping malls.

All I know is what I see on wiadomości. The Kraków Rynek looked so bright!! The buildings are painted...malls by the train station??
13 May 2011
USA, Canada / Going back to the Old Country of Poland after more than 25 years! (from USA) [249]

Yep, infamous Smok bar and dodgy bus station are gone.

Wow! Another "institution" gone in the name of progress. (probably for the best)

I wonder if I can entice anyone to show me around town( Wrocław and Kraków) for a day(or a-half) when I come in September? I honestly don't want to do it alone. It's been way too long :)
17 May 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

I agree that it's beyond belief (and not in a good way). But one will not decline it at all. One declines nouns (and adjectives) one _conjugates_ verbs (including presumably luknąć).

right- conjugate verbs. it's been a while ;)
19 May 2011
USA, Canada / Going back to the Old Country of Poland after more than 25 years! (from USA) [249]

Of course, my old haunts: the Medical Academy and all its departments; the different dzielnica's (Biskupin, Sępolno and, my home for 6 years, Karłowice); Stare Miasto; AND all the new stuff including the Krasnoludki! :))

There's a water park in Wrocław???
20 May 2011
Language / Is Polish amongst the best-sounding languages in the world? [123]

my first impression was that it sounded like a room full of people arguing via "the shush", as if everyone simultaneously wanted the others to be quiet. very quiet.

Hahaha! Those are my wife's EXACT words. :)
21 May 2011
Life / The Legacy of Polish Poster design [34]

This is a little off-topic but I have to share it with you all. During my last year of residency here in the States I was "shadowing" a successful Dermatologist for 2 months. This man, it turned out, hated Poles and when he found out I came from Polish stock, he hated me too. Anyway, I remember feeling very good about myself and my people when I saw a framed Polish poster occupying a prominent position in this guy's waiting room. The joke was on him! :)
21 May 2011
History / 'Defamation': The Anti-Semism Industry & Poland [188]

A thought-provoking film. I am sad to say, that any hope of a reconciliation between Jews and Gentiles will not happen in my lifetime. Also, it was like a cold slap in the face to see how certain groups are "milking" the tragedy of WW2 for all it's worth :( very sad
21 May 2011
Life / The Legacy of Polish Poster design [34]

Did you reveal that terrible fact to him?

No I didn't. I sure as hell wanted to. This guy was a rabid Pole-hater. He once "called me out" in front of his Ukrainian-Jew patient (and his son). He started shouting: "they beat you! they beat you" Man what a scene!
21 May 2011
Life / The Legacy of Polish Poster design [34]

The Dermatologist was saying to his patient, in front of me, "The polaks beat you, they beat you didn't they?" meaing Poles beat the Jews in the Ukraine. .....this occured in the States.