The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Posts by wildrover  

Joined: 7 Jun 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2014
Threads: Total: 98 / Live: 48 / Archived: 50
Posts: Total: 4431 / Live: 2753 / Archived: 1678
From: plocie ..Zachodniopomorskie Poland
Speaks Polish?: very little
Interests: riding harleys..driving off beer..

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18 Apr 2009

This area of Leeds is known to have a drug problem , street muggings are a bit popular , and there has been a bit of gun crime among dealers , somebody got shot a short while back in this area...A few years back they put up camera,s all over the place , so maybe they can get some evidence from i said its not a place i would want to live....
18 Apr 2009

Sorry , i don,t know how to post links , but the story is in the Yorkshire post... 25 year old Stawomir lackowski was taken to hospital suffering from serious head injuries where he later died...

This attack occured in the same area where the young Polish girl was murdered by a neighbour , not the nicest area of Leeds i have to say...

There is no suggestion that this man was attacked because he was Polish , likely as not it was just because he was living in an area of high crime , the motive for the attack is not known....Police have apointed a Polish speaking officer to deal with the case , and have asked for information from the Polish community in Leeds...

I was not born in Leeds , but i lived there for 22 years , and this area is not one i would choose to live in , but i guess for Polish people arriving in Leeds looking for work its a cheap place to live...

Once again i an sadened that somebody has come to my country to make a better life , and died long before their time...

I have no doubts the Police will catch those responsible , but of course it won,t bring back this poor guy... R.I.P
18 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

As a Scot, I really don't hate anything in particular about the English

Do your Scottish friends know about this...? My ex girlfriend , who i am still best friends with is a Scot , and we had many a teasing argument about Scots and the Brits...Whenever she was going back home she would always assure me she would throw all her rubbish out of the coach window before crossing the border into Jockland....She regarded even fellow Scots as southerners tho ,as she was from Cape wrath , a real Heelander....
18 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

No hard feelings?

Ok , i did overeact somewhat....As anyone who has followed any of my threads will know , i do not hate Poland , far from it , i love Poland , and its people , but as most Polish people will agree there are a few things that are not so good about Poland , actually i could do a far bigger list of things i hate about England , but its not English forums...In my case the three things i have listed are the things that have caused me the most problems during my years in Poland....To be fair , my comments should have been on the ..things you hate ABOUT poland , not on the reasons you hate Poland thread , but i just decided to have a go about some organisations that seem intent on getting lots of money from people for doing a really bad job...I can see your point about Wroclaw boy complaining all the time , but sometimes people make mistakes , and find themselves in a situation they are stuck with and do not like....I think i have had a far tougher time than he has , but i expected it to be tough , and i am a survivor i intend to stick it out in Poland till i make it , or die trying.....Anyways , as you say , no hard feelings , ( shake hands ) I apolagise to you..
17 Apr 2009
UK, Ireland / What do you hate about England and English people? [142]

What do you hate about England

Its full of dam Polish i moved to Poland , not so many here..! For those that don,t know me...ITS A JOKE... I had eight Polish people living in my house with me in UK , they were all great...
17 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

I hope that you aware what most of your countrymen would have said

If any Pole in the UK said they hated something , and had a reason for doing so i don,t think any reasonable Brit would have a problem with that...Do you think that just because a person is not born in Poland , but lives and works there they must accept everything in Poland as perfect and wonderfull...?

And as for it being YOUR country , ha , if it really was your country i promise you i would not have moved here , would not have visited the place , and would spend every waking moment discouraging others from coming here...But its not your country , and thankfully most of the people i have met here are not biggoted prize tossers like you...
17 Apr 2009
Food / Recipe for Polish Zapiekanka [25]

food around my mouth

Yeah , that sounds like me.....I have trouble with the Polish hamburgers too...They cram tons of vegatables and stuff in them , then put 2000 litres of sauce and stuff in there , and give you a tiny plastic fork to eat it with....i wind up with it in my hair all over my hands , in my boots , and its an envoirenmental disaster on the scale of the Torre canyon...
17 Apr 2009
Food / Recipe for Polish Zapiekanka [25]

Not always , and they aint big enough to cope with the result of me cramming one in my face....
17 Apr 2009
Food / Recipe for Polish Zapiekanka [25]

polish pizza bread -- zapiekanka??

Love them , but seem to manage to get them all over my face while eating them...
16 Apr 2009
Life / 3 reasons why you hate Poland. [1049]

Example.... i have a friend who goint to receive money from the parents, instead he be happy, he told, yes a going to receive money, but i have to go to the bank, and maybe is close, o maybe they dont want to give the money, and the end he become angry......

Sounds like a fair assesment of Polish life there....
14 Apr 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Whilst in Tallin be sure to visit the race track and have a look at the memorial to the man Joey dunlop , a great man , and a personal friend of mine..It was he that inspired me to get involved in taking aid to Eastern Europe , something Joey did many times , and so i guess he is somewhat responsible for the fact i now live in Poland...

I think you will find better biking roads in the centre and north of Poland , round Krakow they are a bit more potholed and rutted

Best of luck in Riga and Vilnius , last time i was there the lack of road signs was a real pain , they were in the process of changing many town names from the ones the Russians imposed on them , so many places just had the town sign painted over , with no clue as to what the town was called ,or the new name , hopefully thats been sorted out now...

If you find yourself in Torun , and are headed for Berlin you will be passing close to my place , so you are welcome to have a rest here , and if you get any problems in my area i can maybe help out...

I am located on the 173 route between Drawsko pomorskie and Polczyn zdroj , so if its on your route you are welcome... I am not so far from the German border Szczecin is about 100 kms from me....

If you need any further help or information just pm me and i will give you my email address and phone number....I reckon its going to be a fun trip , but you are gonna know you have done it , its a lot of kms you have there....
12 Apr 2009

Will you believe it....

Err no is the short answer to that.....
9 Apr 2009
Travel / How long to drive from Brussels to Gdansk? [3]

It all depends on your ability to drive long distances , some people could do it easily , but for others it would be a struggle...The routes through Germany are very good , with plenty of rest stops if you need them , and the roads from Szczecin to Gdansk are pretty good too.....Speaking for myself i would say it is possible to do it in a day without exhausting your self , but nothing is worth killing yourself for , if you feel tired just pull off the road , take a walk , have some coffee and take a nap....i reckon you can do it ok.....
19 Feb 2009
UK, Ireland / The mystery of Ireland's worst driver "Prawo Jazdy" [37]

arkadiusz a name?

Indeed it is......Did you hear about the Polish driver asked to take an eye test....? Can you read the bottom line of the chart says the doctor ? Read it , says the Pole... . I know the guy....!
18 Feb 2009
Life / What can citizens do to make Poland a better place to live? [125]

Citizens could learn to respect the rights of pavement/sidewalk users and not drive on up like a moron.

I believe in Poland its perfectly legal to park a vehicle that weighs less than 7.5 tons half on the pavement...i am sure i read that somewhere in a book on Polish road rules....
15 Feb 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

I am in contact with a few Harley clubs over here , so i can find out if you can hire a Harley here , there are certainly a few Harley dealers not too far away from me in Gdansk and Poznan...

Oh , sharing my beans , now that would be tricky , don,t mind giving people all my money , but my beans , they would have to be very good friends to get my beans.....
15 Feb 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

In march it may well be a bit cold , might even be some snow still around which can be a problem on a bike as the roads are not often gritted and you can wind up with the snow compressed into a layer of ice , quite good fun in a car , but not too much fun on a bike...

However , i am hoping that march will be snow free , and warm enough to drag my Harley out into the daylight for a ride or two..

Some roads in Poland do have one or two holes , especially after the winter , and these can be a problem untill the roads crews get around to repairing them , the main motorways are in very good condition , as are major roads , but in towns they can be heavily rutted , that and the tram lines can be a bit tricky...

I can,t deny that the Poles have a high accident rate , and drinking and driving seems much more popular here than in the UK...

Strangely enough i find that that people pulling out on me , which was common in the UK , just hasn,t happened here at all , ok , i live out in the sticks , but i travel all over the place on the bike , and i have had much less tricky moments than i have in the car...My car is not looking too good after a drunk Polish driver hit it a glancing blow at 80 mph and trashed the side of it , well i think he was drunk , he didn,t stop...

If you have a fair bit of experiance i don,t see why you can,t survive the cold , Polish roads , the nutty drivers , the odd wild animal jumping out of the forest , and the loose sand at junctions , its all part of the fun...

I have been riding here for five years , and apart from a minor bump with a Polish drunk i have survived intact....

If you want any further advice on riding here , or want to call for a hot coffee on route send me a pm , or post on here and i will send you one with my email riding mate.....
10 Feb 2009
Language / Interesting Polish tongue twister. [69]

There is some phrase about a beetle making a noise in the grass....highly tricky to say in Polish....

you mastered Polish if you are able to pronounce most of this...

mastered Polish?


slowly for me its doable.
try it 3 times. then its a tongue twister O.O

I like this little poem:
Chrzęst szczęk pstrych krów wprządł w słuch
Szept: "Trwasz wśród warstw łgarstw? Tchórz!
Stwórz wpierw z przerw werw, w chwil skruch
Strzęp chwalb - nerw ścierw czymś strwóż!"
- Stanisław Barańczak

my favourite one: rotmistrz z Tczewa, poczmistrz z Czchowa. Oh hell, I have trouble just trying to pronounce Basia Trzetrzelewska's surname.
9 Feb 2009
Travel / Motorcycle tour of Poland [137]

Hello, I am also interested in touring in Poland

Well if you are passing my part of Poland , drop in for a beer , free camping for bikers....